And I did this one for Linkachu, because well; I couldn't help it. Link + Poke'mon = Awesome.
T____T oh, fudjums!! ]=Regi, I'ma gonna have to shoot down your request. It's something I can't do well; the Regi's. Every time it looksa lika poo.
I use MS paint too!Okay, I thought I was considered, MAYBE, if even, KIND OF good. Bu now I think I'm just a lowlife. Do you mind if I copy your... uh... Pokemon Cosplay stuff? Pwease? =3 I won't copy your SPRITES or anything, just, like, the same idea. Cuz I've had sprites stolen from me, but obviously the person was VERY lowly talented, since I suck. I only use MSPaint to lol, never really considered getting anything else...
thank you sooo much * o *Ohtay; well, I'm not doing a backpose because those were in the experiment phase, and I personally hate spriting hair.
There ya' go.
And for the record this "lucky talented guy" is a girl.
((I'm half asleep right now and rather grumpy, if you couldn't tell.))
I have a request, too. Can you do Ancient Pokemopolian Pokemon? You remember those, right? The giant Pokemon with the weird markings. I think the markings are similar to the ones on Groudon and Kyogre, actually...
OMG!!! Sorry for the caps, but these deserve it! On the mark, 100%, perfect sprites of my two characters!!! Thanks tons Spriteon! Your sprites are, just, wow. No words can describe it. And not just these. All of them! Thanks again! If I even tried that kind of work, it would take me over a week, and it took you a couple of days. Again, on Paint! I can't wait for your next sprite!Thankies, I'm quite flattered. -^^-
Sure sure, I wouldn't mind at all taking a stab at Evelyn and Samantha. If I remember correctly Evelyn is the one with the hat and Samantha the one with the long, brown hair?
EDIT: Thankies for the description PM, Eevee Lover and here are my results based off what you gave me!
Hope you like 'em!
You're going to have to be more specific. 0_0;
No, a pre-evolution that can evolve to either depending on Day/Night. And one like that for Miltank and Tauros(Only Gender evolution, not time. Those would be awesome.I've been thinking about evolutions for Volbeat and Illumise, but the only ideas I can think of for them is for Illumise's evo would be Bug/Fire and Volbeat's evo being Bug/Electric.
What I'm saying is that I'm requesting you to make sprites of you think Volbeat and Illumise would look like if they were able to evolve based only on the type combos I've mentioned.