Huh? I could've sworn I posted in here. Oh well, I'll just re-post.
Well anyway, Spriteon, your work is
crazy. As far as I'm concerned, you're the best spritest here at 'Charms. You're like, the Sprite-Goddess or something.
But enough brown-nosing. If you wouldn't mind taking my request, then I'll go right ahead, then. ^_^
Alright, he's a boy, with dark blue hair (Mid Length). Blue eyes. A black headband (with Pokeball emblem) on his head. He also wears a black short sleeve shirt with a dark red jacket worn over (no sleeves, simular to Ashes Hoenn Jaket). Wears one grip (Or fingerless glove, I'm not sure what to call it. ^_^

glove and the hand is wripped in wrist bandages. Dark blue Zip-off jeans.
Either use this pose (Preferrably this one):
Or this pose:
Oh, and can you slap this trainer onto my current trainer card (In meh siggeh)? That'd be greats.
Thanks in advance.