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Open The Region of Fortis

There is no warm welcome to you who comes to challenge Fortis. This is a region valuing the strength of Pokemon, and trainers above all else. Only trainers who put all their effort and passion into training their Pokemon, and battling are rewarded. Those who cannot achieve glory through means of their determination, are quickly left in the slums and gutters of Fortis' many cities.
This is a renowned region infamous for it's soul crushing gym battles, and harsh wilderness. Veteran trainers, gym leaders from other regions, and even league champions have flocked to this region in search of the ultimate challenge to their skills. Tourism, and a naturally strong, and diverse population of Pokemon have made this region what it is today. Pokemon Gyms brag leaders battle sense equal, or greater to Elite Four from other regions, while simple trainers on the routes have more than just six measly Rattata on their team. Many people flock to this Pokemon utopia every year to observe, and challenge the best of the best. Many even call Fortis the strongest region in the world!
However, Fortis is a gilded region; gold, and ivory on the surface, with rotting wood beneath. Many trainers who challenge this region are then trapped forever, and are never able to break from the region's caste system, leaving their children to suffer as well. Areas that are not tourist attractions, or near a gym are dark, and dirty places. People fight over the scraps left behind by the strong. Crime syndicates run rampant, stealing people's Pokemon, and items. The destruction of a foreign trainer's hopes and dreams is common. The despair of residents of Fortis' lower class is certain.
Crime syndicates are unseen by the outside world, working in the background of Fortis' government. Syndicates possess a massive amount of power, so it's no surprise that they are formidable antagonists. They cannot be beaten by any rookie trainer with a level 5 starter, and a few potions. While every order has its dregs, the gangs of this region are able to afford much higher quality Pokemon than those of the lower castes. Admins, and leaders even boast full teams of Pokemon capable of winning Pokemon Leagues. These people should be avoided at all costs, lest you too wish to know the bottom of the Gyara River.
Every environment is available, but every new challenger is dropped off in Dolus town. A town which seems to embody the entirety of the region; a bright shiny lure to a gaping abyss. It is a city holding the sharp contrast of the super rich, and impoverished. Many new trainers roam this city, filled with hopes of becoming the strongest in the world! The route just outside the city is harsh, and unforgiving. Powerful, rare, and dangerous Pokemon lurk in the cover of its tall grass.
-All challengers are stripped of the Pokemon of their region, and access to any other previous Pokemon.
-A maximum of 6 Pokemon in your character's party at a time(Duh)
-Challengers may bring one Pokemon of level 5 or below.
-All Pokemon(Aside from legendaries, fakemons, underlevelled final evos, and shinies) are allowed.
-No one may start with more than the standard 3,000Poke. (No, "I'm a previous champion and have this large amount of money to buy anything I want" Everyone starts the same. )
-Your character may be a resident of the region, but please PM me to discuss this before posting.
-Pokemon moves must match up with game mechanics.( ex: Cubone can't have Bonemerang unless it is at least lvl 21.)
-All Pokemarts in this region sell items for double their original value(lots of high class trainers, so why not pay more for the same thing?)
-This RP will follow a style similar to Pokemon Adventures. Meaning that levels, and game mechanics are considered, but turn based combat, and other non realistic elements are not present. Pokemon battles do not always rely on type advantages, and stats. The creativity of the trainer can determine the outcome of the battle. ex. Charmander used Smokescreen to hide itself, and come in for a sneak attack.
-Pokemon are able to die (Don't worry, this is more of a character development tool than anything. They will only die if you decide it to be that way.)

Here is my character sheet, please fill out your own in the same format before posting.
Itigus Ordal
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: Red eyes, black matted down hair, pale skin, somewhat malnourished yet athletic body. He wears a tattered red, and black hoodie with torn up black cargo pants that are a few sizes too big. http://goo.gl/UdLSzC (Reference picture is optional please use a URL shortener)
Personality: Analytical, loves to write down observations, and possible strategies. A quick thinker, but can also overthink. He is a person who never gives up, and will push himself to take on an unhealthy workload. He talks to himself, thinking out loud most of the time, and is rather difficult to get along with. He does not see other people as potential friends, and as either assets, or hindrances to his goals. Itigus admires Pokemon to a fault even putting himself in dangerous situations to study them. His love for Pokemon is what drives him towards his goal of becoming the champion of the Fortis league. While he is blunt, and rather sarcastic, and cold to people, his kindness towards Pokemon shows he has the traits of a true friend.
Current Pokemon(Only One): Poochyena Lvl5
Planned Pokemon(Up to 12): Mightyena, Charizard, Sylveon, Luxray, Lopunny, Lucario, Greninja, Arcanine, Florges, Chansey, Galvantula, Gengar. (This is a list of Pokemon you plan to have in your party/box at the end stage of development. While the Pokemon your character can capture could be more than twelve, please bare in mind each Pokemon must have its own traits, and personality. Pokemon are characters just as much as the trainer, so having too many could complicate things.)
Region of birth: Fortis
Likes(3 things):
Pokemon, writing, challenges.
Dislikes(3 things): Society, The upper class, crime syndicates.

Now with the massive wall of setting out of the way, let us begin!

Itigus Ordal looked down at a pile full of Poké nestled in the palm of his hand. He'd managed to pickpocket it off one of the unsuspecting newbies to this region. A whole 3,000 Poké, more money than he'd ever held in his life. The boy gripped his hand, crushing the paper currency. He knew he could've done it sooner, but his pride had kept him from it for so long. They were so much easier to steal from, and so innocent. Surely, he had destroyed a hopeful trainer's life with this act. He was ashamed for sure, but he knew there was no other way. He needed to start his Pokemon journey, and stealing was the only option he had left. He looked down to his belt, seeing a Pokeball with a chain attached. It was a mechanism he'd made himself to prevent a pickpocket from taking his only friend from him. The chain could only be undone if removed in a certain way, and not by force. He took the Pokeball off his belt, the chain rattling beneath. Itigus stared into the now transparent top of the orb, seeing his Poochyena; a Pokemon he'd managed to capture a year ago. It had already been weakened, and abandoned when he'd gotten to it, making the Pokeball easily lock down on it. Though, with the Pokemon Centers charging fees for their care, at least to those without badges, he could never afford to heal the Pokemon in an instant. It had taken a few months before His Poochyena, Ajax, was fighting fit, and even more time to train it without re-injuring its body. Ajax looked back at him, the Pokemon's red and yellow eyes filled with determination. Itigus chuckled, a smirk marking his face, "That's right buddy, today is the day we dig ourselves out of this hole."
Name: Blaze Armin
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Appearance: He wears a blue tuxedo, and wears a golden band, fitted with his pokeball. He carries a cyan bag on a sash around his shoulder. Brown hair, blue eyes, pale white skin. Skinny, non-athletic body.
Personality: Somewhat uppish, and hates any physical activity. However, he is a pure genius in battle, able to make up plans at rates beyond perception. He may be rude, but he loves his pokemon. After all, he comes from a wealthy family, so he has a right to flaunt it, right?
Current Pokemon: Turtwig, Lvl 5
Planned Pokemon: Torterra, Furfrou, Kingler, Honchcrow, Gardevoir, Chandelure
Region of Birth: Sinnoh
Likes: Filet Mignon, Wisdom, Money
Dislikes: Poor People, Physical Work, Any people who have a shred of respect for physical strength
Blaze had just arrived at Fortis, and already disliked the people there. Some twenty-year old tried to steal his 3,000 pokedollar limit, and he had to fight off that man's machop with his turtwig. Of course, that man was an idiot, for thinking he could fight blaze. Blaze made sure the man could never walk again with some help from his turtwig, and kept walking. He knew he would find a nearby trainer, and he knew they would go for him. Their funeral.
Itigus walked the streets with his hands in his pockets, and his hood up. His red eyes tracked on to Blaze for a moment before casually walking by. That guy is trouble He thought to himself Getting involved with some rich dude with a strong, and rare Pokemon like that wouldn't be wise. His hand clenched around an object in his pocket; a knife. It was a fairly high quality one as well, something he'd managed to shoplift a while ago. He needed it for protection in the days when he didn't have Pokemon. However, now, it was more useful as a survival tool out in the wild more than anything. Pulling a knife on a person with Pokemon was a bad idea too, but it was something that at least gave him the illusion of security. Ajax was not nearly strong enough to go up against these trainers. As he walked the male came up to the exit of the city. A road leading directly into the heart of the Fortis Region's route 1. He'd heard some pretty bad horror stories when he grew up, and even experienced some of his own. This was no normal Route 1. While there were some low leveled Pokemon in the area it certainly wasn't the entire population. In fact, there were many incredibly powerful, and dangerous Pokemon that had caused the unsuspecting trainer to quickly lose everything. Itigus had the upper hand over the foreign challengers; he knew about this route's dangers, and even how to navigate it. The boy took one last look at his 'home' sneering at it. "Let's hope we don't see this place again for a while eh?" He said to the Poochyena in its Pokeball. With this, the Pokemon trainer to be started his adventure.
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Blaze was getting pretty used to the town, but knew he needed to find some weaklings to steal money from. He glanced around, and eventually decided to try his luck on Route 1. He had researched the region before entering, so he knew to beware. The sites didn't post anything too helpful, but they did remind people to beware everything, even wild encounters. Blaze stared at the road for a while, and then started slowly pacing towards it.
As he entered, he spotted a youngster and his machop getting crushed by another trainer in a battle, who wielded a kadabra. If that wasn't enough of a warning, he also saw a wild houndour pouncing on a trainer it defeated the pokemon of. He knew he was in risky territory, and might need some help.
Just at that minute, a rookie ran out of the pokecenter, sobbing. He was whining about how his 3000 pokedollars had been stolen, and he would give half of them to whoever found it for him. Blaze snickered; clearly someone was doomed. He decided to make something out of this.
Blaze walked up to the trainer, proposing an offer, "You can have mine if you beat me in a battle. However, if you lose, you need to give me information on any upcoming trainers you know of. Deal?" The trainer agreed.
They both sent out their pokemon, and the trainer immediately commanded his poliwag to use tackle. Blaze had his turtwig avoid it, and then pounded the poliwag with tackle. The tackle war went on, with Blaze occasionally ordering his turtwig to use withdraw and take the hit, in order to maintain stamina. It was a clear victory for Blaze, who then received crucial information on a trainer on the next route named Charlie, who had a wigglytuff. He wore a red tracksuit, and Blaze knew to avoid him until later.
Itigus jogged across Route 1, his crimson eyes scanning the area for movement. The male needed to find a weaker Pokemon to encounter, so that he could get some battle experience for his Pokemon. Out of his peripheral vision, Itigus detected movement. He stopped, his feet sliding in the dirt as he grabbed the Pokeball from his belt, and sent it out. "You're mine!" he growled out, now seeing the Pokemon clearly. It was a Pidgey that was now attempting to fly away. "Alright Ajax, Ice Fang!" The Poochyena leaped high into the air clamping its jaws down on the wing of the flying type. "Alright! Keep yourself latched on, and bring it down to the ground!" The Poochyena's jaws clamped harder, causing the Pidgey to quickly fall from the sky. Itigus ran towards the two, seeing the fainted Pidgey, and a rather happy Poochyena. Ajax barked, its tail wagging happily. "You've been itching to fight for a while huh?" He chuckled before looking at the fainted Pidgey. His face darkened a bit, "Sorry we had to use you for practice, but it had to be done." He looked over the Pidgey's body, not seeing any serious wounds. "Alright, looks like we don't have anything to worry about." He said to himself, relieved. As the male was about to leave, he heard a rustling from all around him. Before he knew it a horde of Pidgey had popped out from the bushes, and tall grass. "Crap." he cursed, getting into a low stance, "Looks like the Pidgey had some friends." The male looked down at his Poochyena, his eyes meeting with the Pokemon's "You're excited too right?" He tugged his hood over his head, "Alright! Let's go!"
Blaze had just pounded on a few trainers, and his turtwig was gaining levels fairly fast. He was walking towards the next town when he noticed a trainer walking towards him. This girl wore khakis and a blue shirt. Her spearow was itching for a fight, so Blaze asked to battle. She complied, and they began.
Twiggy(Turtwig) was ready to go, and followed Blaze's orders immediately. After a tackle, the spearow fell to the ground. Blaze had won, and continued walking.
He saw a nearby trainer with a hood covering his head. His poochyena was going at it with pidgeys. Blaze saw the kid was somewhat poor, and he decided not to ask for a battle. Plus, that poochyena had ice fang. He would train some more, and go to the town.
Panting and exhausted, Itigus and Ajax stood above the fainted bodies of the pidgey horde. If Ajax didn't have Ice Fang there's no doubt in my mind we would've had our journey end here... Itigus thought to himself, returning Ajax to his Pokeball. "Take a good rest buddy." He said as he clipped the Pokeball to its chain, and hooked it up to his belt. "Wish I had one of those Pokedexes to check his level, but..." He shrugged, "Oh well I guess." However there's no doubt that Ajax has at least jumped one or two levels in that fight alone...
Itigus was about to walk down the path once more, but just as he moved to do so he heard some familiar voices. The male quickly hid in a nearby bush, peaking out. Crap! Why are they here?! Itigus thought angrily as he spied on the group of trainers walking down the path. He recognized them; The Trainer Hunters. Whether it was just a local gang, or part of one of the bigger syndicates, trainer hunters plagued Fortis. No trainer, no matter how skilled, would be able to take them on with their starter Pokemon. Itigus had grown up knowing these delinquents. They were a few years older than him, but they were always patrolling this route. It was only natural they had full teams of rare Pokemon they'd taken from newbie trainers in the past. Even though Ajax had gotten a lot stronger in just this past hour, Itigus knew full well he was outmatched here. He held his breath, and waited for them to pass out of sight. After that, he waited a few moments longer just to be sure. He could not take any risks when it came to those people.
Blaze had just reached the next town, and was already looking for a pokecenter. He had to stay out of sight, as he was still weak, and this town was in a whole different league than the first. He saw some nasty looking trainers patrolling the city, and avoided them. He was looking for the professor's lab, which he knew should be in this town. Maybe they would have a good pokemon for him?
Itigus breathed a sigh of relief, having finally gotten to the next town over. It contrasted Dolus City's large urban landscape with a more rural sense. Houses were far apart, leaving grass and trees to grow freely. Dirt paths were the only indication of a road system it seemed. Itigus even wondered if this was a town at all, having hardly ever seen so much greenery around houses. "I guess I can understand why the Professor would live here... it feels a lot safer than Dolus for sure." He thought aloud. As he was walking, the male passed by a rather large building; the Pokemon lab. As he passed, the male looked through the darkened window, seeing no one inside. "The Professor must be out in the field or something." He concluded. Itigus had heard rumors about other regions giving a small group of people starter Pokemon along with a regional Pokedex for their journey. Those very same Pokedex holders always seemed to become world renowned in one aspect of Pokemon or another. A Pokedex huh? I wonder what it's like to have one of those... He chuckled in a cynical manner You'd have to be some rich dude no doubt, and even then they're considered rare. They probably cost a fortune, and are only given out to people the professor trusts. Itigus took a small notebook from his back pocket. "The old fashioned way will have to do." He thought aloud, scribbling some notes down as he walked. "Pidgey...travel in packs? fairly common... route 1... Ajax seemed to grow faster after defeating some, but that could be due to level growth... more research needed there..." He mumbled more, and more as he wrote, making sure to put down every bit of detail, and hypothesis he could in the small handbook he had.

(OOC. As alluded to in my post, Pokedexes are incredibly rare, and powerful tools. This is not the anime, the professor is not going to hand out Pokemon to every trainer he sees, and give them a Pokedex. )