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Private/Closed The rise of Neo Rocket

Up until ten years ago, the powerful and nefarious organization known as Team Rocket had settled in Kanto. They were known as illegal Pokémon smugglers, poachers and vendors. To them, the only thing that mattered was money. But all that changed when a young boy named Red managed to defeat Team Rocket's former leader, Giovanni, no less than three times. Giovanni disappeared, and Team Rocket was disgracefully disbanded.

Then, three years later, Team Rocket rose again, this time in Johto. They were now led by four Admins. Their names were Archer, Ariana, Petrel and Proton. This Team Rocket sought the return of their former leader Giovanni, so that they could return to their previous business. But yet again, their plans were thwarted when a girl from Johto, Lyra, defeated all of their Admins. Archer, the head Admin, disbanded Team Rocket, like his leader Giovanni did before him.

For seven years, no one heard anything about Team Rocket. The society thought, and hoped, that they were forever gone. There were whisperings, however. Whisperings that Team Rocket was still around somewhere, waiting for their chance to rise from the ashes and resume their illegal activities...

Hello and welcome to 'The rise of Neo Rocket'! This RP will be about the newly resurrected Team Rocket under the name of 'Neo Rocket'. They have been brought back by an unknown leader, and have resumed their activities for four years new, albeit undergrounds. Their members no longer wear Team Rocket uniforms, but are now ordered to walk around in regular clothing and blend in with the crowd.

And you have recently been recruited by Neo Rocket. Whatever the reason was for you to join them (blackmail, greed...), you are currently on a helicopter with about 20-30 other new recruits, which is transporting you to the Rocket base on Five Island. Countless assignments from Neo Rocket await you, recruit. What will you do? Become a loyal Neo Rocket member, possibly even rising to the rank of Rocket Admin? Or will you use your newfound strength to rebel against Neo Rocket?

The first few chapters of this RP will all be based in Kanto or the Sevii Islands, but later on there will also be assignments in Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova or Kalos. Later in the story, when you have grown more powerful as a trainer, the choice to leave Neo Rocket behind will be given to you. But for now, you will be a rookie Rocket, doing their best to complete the assignments given to you. Good luck, recruit!

Sign-up sheet

First name and last name, possible nickname.

Gender: Male, female, non-binary...

Age: Between 16 and 22.

Appearance: You may use a picture for this.


Backstory: Important! Include how you were recruited by Neo Rocket!

Region/hometown: The region you are from, and your hometown. Only locations that are present in the games are allowed. The allowed regions are Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova and Kalos.

Partner Pokémon species: One level 5 Pokémon that is native to the region you are from. Some Pokémon are not allowed to be used at this point, a banlist is below.

Partner Pokémon nickname:

Partner Pokémon's gender:
Male, female or genderless

Partner Pokémon's moves: The moves that the Pokémon is able to learn at level 5, plus possible egg moves. Tutor and TM moves are banned for now. Chainbred egg moves are also not allowed.

Partner Pokémon's ability: Hidden abilities are allowed!

Preferred battle style of your OC: Offensive, defensive or balanced.

Three favorite types of your OC:

Three least favorite types of your OC:

Type of attacks preferred by OC:
Physical or special.


1. Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Azurill, Wynaut and Happiny are banned due to being considered too weak. However, you are allowed to pick Pikachu, Clefairy, Jigglypuff or Marill. Wobbuffet and Chansey are still banned.

2. Caterpie, Weedle, Onix, Lickitung, Chansey, Kangaskhan, Scyther, Pinsir, Tauros, Magikarp, Lapras, Ditto, Omanyte, Kabuto, Aerodactyl, Dratini, Unown, Wobbuffet, Girafarig, Shuckle, Heracross, Skarmory, Stantler, Smeargle, Miltank, Larvitar, Wurmple, Sableye, Mawile, Torkoal, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Lileep, Anorith, Feebas, Castform, Kecleon, Tropius, Absol, Relicanth, Bagon, Beldum, Cranidos, Shieldon, Spiritomb, Gible, Carnivine, Rotom, Phione, Throh, Sawk, Maractus, Sigilyph, Tirtouga, Archen, Zorua, Alomomola, Cryogonal, Stunfisk, Druddigon, Bouffalant, Heatmor, Durant, Deino, Larvesta, Furfrou, Tyrunt, Amaura, Hawlucha, Goomy and Klefki. These Pokémon are banned due to being either too powerful or too weak, or just too hard to RP with overall.

3. All legendary Pokémon are banned.

Currently accepted OCs

Name: Zane Winter

Gender: Male

Age: 21


This image is not owned by me, but created by joy-ling's trainer creator.
Personality: A cool cat. It's quite hard to get him to be upset, mainly because he doesn't care about whatever you throw at him. He sometimes thinks of himself as a 'superior creature', due to him not showing a lot of emotion. This is mainly still due to his devotion to his former leader Cyrus. It sometimes looks like he doesn't care for other people due to his past as a thief, but even to Zane's own frustration, he finds himself caring quite a lot for the people (and Pokémon) he actually gets close to. Back when he lived on the streets, he tried to keep low profile, but since he was recruited by Neo Rocket, he has shown that he can be outgoing as well. Zane is also a very skilled liar due to four years of practise.

Backstory: Zane used to be a child living in Eterna City. At the age of 16, he listened to a speech in Eterna City from a man named Cyrus, the former leader of Team Galactic. Cyrus was known for being a smooth speaker, and he completely won over the young Zane with his speech about how the world would be better without spirit. Zane left the city with five other people from Eterna without telling his parents, following Cyrus to Veilstone City. The boy helped out with various tasks in the Veilstone HQ here and there.

All that changed one year later when Cyrus left for Spear Pillar with two of his Admins, Mars and Jupiter. The three suddenly vanished from Team Galactic. Team Galactic split into two groups, the one that followed Cyrus's viewpoint, led by Charon, against the one that wanted to make Team Galactic a fair organization, led by Saturn. Sadly for Zane, he chose to side himself with Charon, and was subsequently banishes from the headquarters, along with the other Galactic members that supported Charon.

Too proud to return to his hometown, Zane started living on the streets of Veilstone City. He knew that the people that frequented the Game Corner were quite rich, and so he started stealing from these people to make a living. The police was able to apprehend him a few times, but he managed to lie his way out of it.

Years later, Zane picked the wrong target to steal from. He took the wallet of a man that had just exited the Game Corner. This man managed to track Zane down quite quickly. He held a Poké Ball in front of the face of the young man, giving him a choice. Either join Neo Rocket and put his thieving skills to good use for them, and receive a Pokémon on top of that, or experience the pain that the people who targeted Neo Rocket felt. Seeing a way out of his poverty, Zane quickly made up his mind and joined the man.

Region/hometown: Sinnoh, Veilstone City.

Partner Pokémon species: Croagunk

Partner Pokémon nickname: Gus

Partner Pokémon's gender: Male

Partner Pokémon's moves:
- Astonish
- Mud-Slap
- Smelling Salt
- Wake-Up Slap

Partner Pokémon's ability: Dry Skin

Preferred battle style of your OC: Offensive

Three favorite types of your OC: Fighting, Dragon, Fire

Three least favorite types of your OC: Water, Bug, Steel

Type of attacks preferred by OC: Physical attacks

Other: /

Name: Emily 'Sunshine' Dimeru

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearance: Strawberry blonde hair often kept in pigtails, hazel eyes. She has a band of freckles across her nose. Her skin is pale. She's of average height, and is lightly muscled. She wears a sky blue tank top with a sunshine design on it, loose yellow shorts, and white flip-flops.

Personality: Sunshine is a coward. She's quiet, socially awkward, and a book nerd. She's always looking for a way out of any situation that involves anything but herself, her Tyrouge, and her imagination.

Backstory: Emily was a young girl with a good family and a few close friends. But one day, as she was going shopping with her friends in Goldenrod, she was abducted by a member of Neo Team Rocket. Her mouth was quickly covered up before she could scream. She was knocked out and is being taken to the Neo Team Rocket HQ.

Region/hometown: Johto, Violet City

Partner Pokémon species: Tyrogue

Partner Pokémon nickname: Jack

Partner Pokémon's gender: Male

Partner Pokémon's moves:
-Fake Out
-Bullet Punch
-Vacuum Wave

Partner Pokémon's ability: Steadfast

Preferred battle style of your OC: Offensive

Three favorite types of your OC: Bug, Fighting, and Fairy

Three least favorite types of your OC: Psychic, Dark, and Poison

Type of attacks preferred by OC: Physical

Name: Glory Ginseng

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Appearance: (See original post)

Personality: She's a coward, but she hides it by being strict as a snake. She's quick to judge, but she can change that opinion as quickly as she judged.

Backstory: She comes from a poor family and she decided that joining Team Rocket was the best idea to support her family.

Region/hometown: Johto, Goldenrod City

Partner Pokémon: Hoothoot

Partner Pokémon nickname: Horus

Partner Pokémon's gender: Male

Partner Pokémon's moves:
- Tackle
- Growl
- Foresight
- Hypnosis

Partner Pokémon's ability: Keen Eye

Preferred battle style of your OC: Defensive

Three favorite types of your OC: Flying, Grass, Fire

Three least favorite types of your OC: Ground, Electric, Bug

Type of attacks preferred by OC: Special

Name: David Don

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Appearance: (I don't have a drawing of my character so i'll just describe it) Blond hair, blue eyes, has a average trainer hat that its black, a black hoodie, green shirt, black pants, and black shoes

Personality: Hes thinks the world is a joke, and he plays it like that, saying things that are "jokes" but are a little rude. But he can be dead serious sometimes if something bad happens or something bad happens to him. And can be a little scary, having a death stare at people, "The dead eye" people call it.

Backstory: David was always a nice person, but he kept getting blackmailed over and over again, First he forgot about it and just deleted them, but it did not stop, it just keep happening, to the point of the team saying that they were gonna... do some bad stuff to him and his family, so he of course joined at the end, and is now thinking of a plan to get out of here and stop these people.

Region/hometown: Kalos, Lumiose City

Partner Pokémon: Froakie

Partner Pokémon nickname: Frogstmer

Partner Pokémon's gender: Male

Partner Pokémon's moves:
- Growl
- Pound
- Bubble
- Camouflage

Partner Pokémon's ability: Protean

Preferred battle style of your OC: Balanced

Three favorite types of your OC: Fire, Fighting, Dark

Three least favorite types of your OC: Fairy, Normal, Poison

Type of attacks preferred by OC: Physical

Name: Reena Gousavi

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Appearance: Reena has straight black hair up to her waist with side bangs that go over her left eye. Her eyes are brown. She wears a navy jacket, white tight pants, and navy ankle boots.

Personality: Reena isn't really known for being nice. She likes to keep quiet, but pushes people around if she has to.

Backstory: Reena left her parents when she was fourteen because they didn't let her go on a journey. She tried to catch a pokemon herself, but failed over and over. A few years later, she started stealing pokeballs from people to use them for catching a pokemon. When she would run out of food, she would go to a pokemon center and take some. Once when Reena came into the pokemon center to take food, she saw two other men in there. She heard him talking about 'Neo Rocket,' an evil organization. Reena became very interested, and took a few steps closer to the men. She tripped on a can that was on the floor, and the two men saw her. They gave her a choice: To go with them and be part of Neo Rocket, or get seriously hurt. Reena chose easily to join Neo Rocket, and left the pokemon center with those two mysterious men.

Region/hometown: Unova, Nuvema Town

Partner Pokémon species: Litwick

Partner Pokémon nickname: Light

Partner Pokémon's gender: Female

Partner Pokémon's moves:
- Astonish
- Ember
- Smog

Partner Pokémon's ability: Flash Fire

Preferred battle style of your OC: Offensive

Three favorite types of your OC: Ghost, Fire , Dark

Three least favorite types of your OC: Fairy, Bug, Grass

Type of attacks preferred by OC: Special attacks

Name: Rosella "Rosie" Cahoya

Gender: female

Age: 21

Appearance: (See original post)

Personality: Calm. Very very calm. She has this "from another time period" air about her, as she quotes many people. She treats everyone has her equal, even if they treat her badly, she will continue to treat them equally. She bases her actions off of one of Newton's laws of motion: every action has an equal and opposite reaction. She really thinks before she speaks, but sometimes that makes her come off as shy, and a some thought she was mute because of this.
She loves hairstyling and clothes making, something that no one understands as she can't even see what she is doing, or how she even succeeds at it. She says she "just has a feel for fashion."

Backstory: She grew up listening to he sounds of city life, and cheers in contest halls. As a child, her family favored her brother, the boy who won many battles and could be trusted on his own. Her fancy ass brother who could see, and battle like a pro, and wasn't quiet.
And it wasn't that Rosie can't battle, she's actually pretty damn good. But, she wasn't allowed to go on her Pokemon journey, because "how are you able to follow a map if you can't see?"
This only made Rosie hurt and angry, which lead to her joining Neo Rocket. They saw her determination when she was doing running drills with cones, teaching herself how to feel the change in air currents so she wouldn't be as damn helpless. When they approached her, they saw her intellect, and her skill when it came to thinking out battle strategies. This made them over look her blindness, especially once they realized she wasn't bumping into walls, or was going to lose battles because she couldn't see the opponents Pokemon.

Region/hometown: Hearthome City, Sinnoh

Partner Pokémon species: Shinx

Partner Pokémon nickname: X-Ray

Partner Pokémon's gender: Male

Partner Pokémon's moves:
- Tackle
- Leer
- Thunder Fang
- Ice Fang

Partner Pokémon's ability: Guts

Preferred battle style of your OC: balanced.

Three favorite types of your OC: Normal, Electric, Dark

Three least favorite types of your OC: Water, Grass, Fighting

Type of attacks preferred by OC: Physical

Other: If you didn't see it before, she is blind. She loves the night because others are put to her level.

Neo Rocket Admins

Name: Lydia Ryder

Gender: Female

Age: 18


Image not owned by me, but created with joy-ling's trainer creator.

Personality: Often a brash and rude girl, Lydia may come over as a cold, heartless creature...which isn't even too far from the truth. She doesn't care a lot for the rookies she should be looking out for, and neither does she care for her Pokémon bar a select few. She's an avid user of Fire-types, though she sometimes uses Pokémon of other types as well. Despite how Lydia comes over sometimes, she is everything but arrogant, and knows when to not underestimate an opponent. She has shown exceptional skill and strategy in battle, even compared to the older and more experienced Neo Rocket Admins.

Backstory: Just like with the other Admins, not much is known about Lydia. Whisperings in the Rocket HQ say that she was once an exceptional Kalosian trainer, but joined Neo Rocket for unknown reasons. Whatever her reason was, due to her incredible talents in battling, she has risen very quickly through the ranks of Neo Rocket. Neo Rocket's leader has put her in charge of the recruitment and training of rookies, a task she greatly despises.

Region/hometown: Kalos, ???

Pokémon: Lydia prefers to use Fire-type Pokémon, though she has access to other types as well. Her two most trusted Pokémon are a Delphox and a Talonflame.

Name: Christopher 'Chris' Daley

Gender: Male

Age: 35


Image not owned by me, but created with joy-ling's trainer creator.

Chris is objectively the most friendly and forgiving of the Neo Rocket Admins. His reasons for joining Neo Rocket are unknown up until the day of today, since he does care for Pokémon and people alike. He has expressed extreme distaste for the brutal and rogue tactics of some Neo Rocket members. He has become famous with the grunts as 'the Admin that never loses his temper'. People often mistake his age, as he looks a lot younger than he actually is.

Backstory: Nothing was strange about Chris as a young man, but interestingly enough he was one of the first people to join Neo Rocket, which earned him the trust of Neo Rocket's boss quite quickly. Proving to be a capable battler, Chris became one of the three original Neo Rocket Admins.

Region/hometown: Hoenn, Mossdeep City

Pokémon: Just like with the other Admins, not much is known about Chris's Pokémon. However, it is known that he uses almost exclusively Water- and Steel-type Pokémon, and that his two most trusted Pokémon are a Crawdaunt and a Skarmory.

About moves

By leveling up, Pokémon can learn the moves they normally learn at those levels. Each Pokémon is restricted to four moves each. Later in the RP, your Pokémon will be allowed to re-learn moves that they have forgotten or have never been taught that are in their learnset. Tutor and TM/HM moves will also become obtainable later in the RP.

In this RP, damaging moves will be classified in five tiers. The lowest tier is the weakest, the highest is the most powerful. So the higher-tiered a move is, the more powerful it is, but also the more exhausting it is for a Pokémon to use it. For example, while a tier 3 move is pretty exhausting for a young and inexperienced Pokémon, high leveled Pokémon have no trouble executing one without drawbacks.

Please note, these tiers only affect damaging moves. Status moves can be utilized regardless of your level.

The moves with the lowest power are present in tier 1. Even the youngest Pokémon have hardly to no drawbacks from using them.

Moves in this tier: Absorb, Astonish, Bind, Bubble, Constrict, Cut, Disarming Voice, False Swipe, Feint, Hold Back, Leech Life, Lick, Mud-Slap, Nuzzle, Pay Day, Peck, Poison Sting, Pound, Quick Attack, Rage, Rapid Spin, Scratch, Smog, Tackle, Vine Whip, Wrap

Low powered moves that may cause minor exhaustion with younger Pokémon. As soon as a Pokémon hits level 14, it can utilize these moves without drawbacks.

Moves in this tier: Acid, Acid Spray, Air Cutter, Aqua Jet, Arm Thrust, Assurance, Aurora Beam, Barrage, Beat Up, Bite, Bone Club, Bone Rush, Bug Bite, Bulldoze, Bullet Punch, Bullet Seed, Charge Beam, Clamp, Clear Smog, Comet Punch, Confusion, Covet, Double Hit, Double Kick, Double Slap, Draining Kiss, Echoed Voice, Electroweb, Ember, Fairy Wind, Fake Out, Feint Attack, Fell Stinger, Fire Fang, Fire Pledge, Fire Spin, Flame Burst, Flame Wheel, Fury Attack, Fury Cutter, Fury Swipes, Grass Pledge, Gust, Headbutt, Heart Stamp, Horn Attack, Ice Ball, Ice Fang, Ice Shard, Icy Wind, Infestation, Karate Chop, Leaf Tornado, Low Kick, Mach Punch, Mega Drain, Metal Claw, Mirror Shot, Mud Shot, Pin Missile, Pluck, Poison Tail, Powder Snow, Power-Up Punch, Pursuit, Razor Leaf, Rock Blast, Rock Smash, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Rollout, Round, Sand Tomb, Shadow Sneak, Snarl, Snore, Sonic Boom, Spark, Spike Cannon, Struggle Bug, Tail Slap, Thief, Thunder Fang, Thunder Shock, Twineedle, Twister, Vacuum Wave, Venoshock, Vice Grip, Water Gun, Water Pledge, Whirlpool, Wing Attack

More advanced moves. They aren't the most powerful around, but they still deplete the energy of young Pokémon really quickly. Pokémon of level 28 or higher can utilize these moves without a problem.

Moves in this tier: Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Ancient Power, Attack Order, Avalanche, Body Slam, Bonemerang, Bounce, Brick Break, Brine, Bubble Beam, Chip Away, Circle Throw, Cross Poison, Crush Claw, Crush Grip, Dig, Dive, Dizzy Punch, Dragon Breath, Dragon Rage, Dragon Tail, Drill Peck, Drill Run, Dual Chop, Egg Bomb, Electro Ball, Facade, Fire Punch, Flail, Flame Charge, Fly, Flying Press, Force Palm, Freeze-Dry, Frost Breath, Gear Grind, Grass Knot, Heat Crash, Heavy Slam, Hex, Hyper Fang, Hyper Voice, Ice Punch, Icicle Spear, Knock Off, Low Sweep, Magical Leaf, Magnet Bomb, Mega Punch, Mud Bomb, Mystical Fire, Needle Arm, Night Shade, Octazooka, Ominous Wind, Parabolic Charge, Payback, Petal Blizzard, Poison Fang, Power Gem, Psybeam, Psywave, Punishment, Razor Shell, Revenge, Reversal, Rock Climb, Rolling Kick, Secret Power, Seismic Toss, Shadow Claw, Shadow Punch, Shock Wave, Signal Beam, Silver Wind, Sky Drop, Slam, Sludge, Smack Down, Smelling Salts, Spit Up, Steamroller, Steel Wing, Stomp, Stored Power, Storm Throw, Strength, Swift, Take Down, Thunder Punch, Triple Kick, Uproar, Vital Throw, Wake-Up Slap, Water Pulse, Water Shuriken, Weather Ball, Wring Out

The so-called 'expert moves'. These include some really powerful techniques that are exhausting to even Pokémon that have been battling for a long time. For these moves to be executed without drawbacks, your Pokémon must be at least level 42 or higher.

Moves in this tier: Air Slash, Aqua Tail, Aura Sphere, Blaze Kick, Blizzard, Boomburst, Brave Bird, Bug Buzz, Chatter, Close Combat, Crabhammer, Cross Chop, Crunch, Dark Pulse, Dazzling Gleam, Discharge, Double-Edge, Dragon Claw, Dragon Pulse, Dragon Rush, Drain Punch, Dream Eater, Earth Power, Earthquake, Energy Ball, Extrasensory, Extreme Speed, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Flare Blitz, Flash Cannon, Focus Blast, Foul Play, Future Sight, Giga Drain, Glaciate, Gunk Shot, Gyro Ball, Hammer Arm, Head Charge, Heat Wave, Horn Leech, Hurricane, Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Icicle Crash, Iron Head, Iron Tail, Jump Kick, Lava Plume, Leaf Blade, Mega Kick, Megahorn, Meteor Mash, Muddy Water, Night Daze, Night Slash, Outrage, Petal Dance, Phantom Force, Play Rough, Poison Jab, Power Whip, Psychic, Psycho Cut, Psyshock, Razor Wind, Retaliate, Rock Slide, Scald, Seed Bomb, Shadow Ball, Skull Bash, Sky Attack, Sky Uppercut, Slash, Sludge Bomb, Sludge Wave, Solar Beam, Stone Edge, Submission, Sucker Punch, Superpower, Surf, Synchronoise, Thrash, Thunder, Thunderbolt, Tri Attack, U-turn, Volt Switch, Volt Tackle, Waterfall, Wild Charge, Wood Hammer, X-Scissor, Zen Headbutt

The tier with moves that are beyond powerful. Hardly any Pokémon can execute these moves, no matter how long they have been battling. It's said that only legendary Pokémon possess the power to use these moves without exhausting themselves. However, there are certain regular Pokémon that are able to execute these moves without too much of a drawback, but for this to happen they would need to be at least level 70.

Moves in this tier: Aeroblast, Blast Burn, Blue Flare, Bolt Strike, Diamond Storm, Doom Desire, Draco Meteor, Dragon Ascent, Dynamic Punch, Eruption, Fiery Dance, Focus Punch, Freeze Shock, Frenzy Plant, Fusion Bolt, Fusion Flare, Giga Impact, Head Smash, High Jump Kick, Hydro Cannon, Hyper Beam, Hyperspace Fury, Hyperspace Hole, Ice Burn, Inferno, Judgment, Land's Wrath, Last Resort, Leaf Storm, Light of Ruin, Luster Purge, Magma Storm, Mist Ball, Oblivion Wing, Origin Pulse, Overheat, Precipice Blades, Psycho Boost, Psystrike, Relic Song, Roar of Time, Rock Wrecker, Sacred Fire, Sacred Sword, Searing Shot, Secret Sword, Seed Flare, Shadow Force, Spacial Rend, Steam Eruption, Techno Blast, Thousand Arrows, Thousand Waves, V-create, Water Spout, Zap Cannon

Pokémon that can execute these moves without too much drawback at a high level:
- Blast Burn: Charizard, Typhlosion, Blaziken, Infernape, Emboar, Delphox
- Draco Meteor: Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp, Hydreigon, Goodra
- Dynamic Punch: Poliwrath, Machamp, Breloom, Conkeldurr
- Eruption: Camerupt
- Focus Punch: Hitmonchan, Slaking, Scrafty, Golurk
- Frenzy Plant: Venusaur, Meganium, Sceptile, Torterra, Serperior, Chesnaught
- Giga Impact: Tauros, Snorlax, Donphan, Tyranitar, Electivire, Stoutland, Escavalier, Haxorus, Bouffalant
- Head Smash: Relicanth, Rampardos, Tyrantrum
- High Jump Kick: Hitmonlee, Medicham, Lopunny, Mienshao, Hawlucha
- Hydro Cannon: Blastoise, Feraligatr, Swampert, Empoleon, Samurott, Greninja
- Hyper Beam: Gyarados, Aerodactyl, Octillery, Exploud, Flygon, Claydol, Metagross, Magmortar, Porygon-Z, Aurorus
- Inferno: Ninetales, Rapidash, Houndoom, Torkoal, Chandelure, Heatmor
- Last Resort: Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon, Espeon, Umbreon, Plusle, Chimecho, Pachirisu, Ambipom, Leafeon, Glaceon, Audino, Cinccino, Sylveon
- Leaf Storm: Victreebel, Exeggutor, Bellossom, Sunflora, Shiftry, Tropius, Wormadam (Plant Cloak), Rotom-Mow, Leavanny, Lilligant
- Overheat: Darmanitan, Rotom-Heat, Pyroar
- Rock Wrecker: Rhyperior, Crustle
- Sacred Sword: Aegislash
- Water Spout: Wailord, Jellicent
- Zap Cannon: Ampharos, Forretress, Magnezone, Probopass, Klinklang, Eelektross

There's also a small list of banned moves just listed below.

1. All entry hazards are banned from this RP. These moves include Stealth Rock, Toxic Spikes, Spikes and Sticky Web.

2. The following healing moves are banned due to being too broken to RP with: Heal Order, Milk Drink, Moonlight, Morning Sun, Recover, Rest, Roost, Slack Off, Soft-Boiled, Swallow, Synthesis, Wish.

3. Return and Frustration are overall banned for having a mechanic that is too complex to RP with.

4. Moves that make the user faint (Self-Destruct, Explosion, Memento, Healing Wish, Lunar Dance and Final Gambit) are all banned.

5. Counter, Mirror Coat and Metal Burst are also banned due to being too powerful.

6. Other banned moves for a variety of reasons: Assist, Belch, Fling, Metronome, Natural Gift, Nature Power, Nightmare, Pain Split, Perish Song, Present, Substitute, Trump Card.

About experience and leveling

Leveling mechanics are hard to put into an RP, so I just decided to log all of the battles your Pokémon are in and decide from there on whether they have had enough experience to level up. I realize that this is not the optimal way, but it's quite hard for me to think of anything else right now. If anyone else got any ideas, please do tell me.
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This looks AWESOME!

Name: Emily 'Sunshine' Dimeru

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearence: Strawberry blonde hair often kept in pigtails, hazel eyes. She has a band of freckles across her nose. Her skin is pale. She's of average height, and is lightly muscled. She wears a sky blue tank top with a sunshine design on it, loose yellow shorts, and white flip-flops.

Personality: Sunshine is a coward. She's quiet, socially awkward, and a book nerd. She's always looking for a way out of any situation that involves anything but herself, her Tyrouge, and her imagination.

Backstory: Emily was a young girl with a good family and a few close friends. But one day, as she was going shopping with her friends in Goldenrod, she was abducted by a member of Neo Team Rocket. Her mouth was quickly covered up before she could scream. She was knocked out and is being taken to the Neo Team Rocket HQ.

Region/Hometown: Johto, Violet City

Partner Pokemon species: Tyrogue

Partner Pokemon nickname: Jack

Partner Pokemon's gender: Male

Partner Pokemon's moves:
-Fake Out
-Bullet Punch
-Vacuum Wave

Partner Pokemon's ability: Steadfast

Preferred battle style: Offensive

Three favorite types: Bug, Fighting, and Fairy

Three least favorite types: Psychic, Dark, and Poison

Types of attacks preferred: Physical

Hope this is good!
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This looks AWESOME!

Name: Emily 'Sunshine' Dimeru

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Appearence: Strawberry blonde hair often kept in pigtails, hazel eyes. She has a band of freckles across her nose. Her skin is pale. She's of average height, and is lightly muscled. She wears a sky blue tank top with a sunshine design on it, loose yellow shorts, and white flip-flops.

Personality: Sunshine is a coward. She's quiet, socially awkward, and a book nerd. She's always looking for a way out of any situation that involves anything but herself, her Tyrouge, and her imagination.

Backstory: Emily was a young girl with a good family and a few close friends. But one day, as she was going shopping with her friends in Goldenrod, she was abducted by a member of Neo Team Rocket. Her mouth was quickly covered up before she could scream. She was knocked out and taken to the Neo Team Rocket HQ.

Region/Hometown: Johto, Violet City

Partner Pokemon species: Tyrouge

Partner Pokemon nickname: Jack

Partner Pokemon's gender: Male

Partner Pokemon's moves:
-Fake Out
-Bullet Punch
-Vacuum Wave

Partner Pokemon's ability: Steadfast

Preferred battle style: Offensive

Three favorite types: Bug, Fighting, and Fairy

Three least favorite types: Psychic, Dark, and Poison

Types of attacks preferred: Physical

Hope this is good!

Very close to being perfect! The only thing that is impossible is that she was instantly taken to the HQ. All of the new recruits are currently being transported to the HQ in a helicopter. Thus she wouldn't be able to be there already.

Well done in the other fields, though! And thanks for your words of praise!
Your character is accepted! I'll soon edit the first post in order to include all the accepted characters so far. In the meantime, meet the first of the five Neo Rocket Admins!

Lydia Ryder

Gender: Female

Age: 18


Image not owned by me, but created with joy-ling's trainer creator.

Personality: Often a brash and rude girl, Lydia may come over as a cold, heartless creature...which isn't even too far from the truth. She doesn't care a lot for the rookies she should be looking out for, and neither does she care for her Pokémon bar a select few. She's an avid user of Fire-types, though she sometimes uses Pokémon of other types as well. Despite how Lydia comes over sometimes, she is everything but arrogant, and knows when to not underestimate an opponent. She has shown exceptional skill and strategy in battle, even compared to the older and more experienced Neo Rocket Admins.

Backstory: Just like with the other Admins, not much is known about Lydia. Whisperings in the Rocket HQ say that she was once an exceptional Kalosian trainer, but joined Neo Rocket for unknown reasons. Whatever her reason was, due to her incredible talents in battling, she has risen very quickly through the ranks of Neo Rocket. Neo Rocket's leader has put her in charge of the recruitment and training of rookies, a task she greatly despises.

Region/hometown: Kalos, ???

Pokémon: Lydia prefers to use Fire-type Pokémon, though she has access to other types as well. Her two most trusted Pokémon are a Delphox and a Talonflame.
Name: Glory Ginseng
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: (quick drawing of her)
Personality: She's a coward, but she hides it by being strict as a snake. She's quick to judge, but she can change that opinion as quickly as she judged.

Backstory: She comes from a poor family and she decided that joining Team Rocket was the best idea to support her family.

Hometown\Region: Goldenrod city, Johto

Partner Pokemon: Hoothoot

Partner pokemon nickname: Horus

Partner pokemon gender: Male

Pokemon's moves:

Partner pokemon ability: Keen Eye

Preferred Battle style: Defensive

Favorite three types: Flying, Grass , Fire

Least Favorite 3 types: Ground, Electric, Bug

Preferred move type: Special


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Name: Glory Ginseng
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: (quick drawing of her)
Personality: She's a coward, but she hides it by being strict as a snake.

Backstory: She comes from a poor family and she decided that joining Team Rocket was the best idea to support her family.

Hometown\Region: Goldenrod city, Johto

Partner Pokemon: Hoothoot

Partner pokemon nickname: Horus

Partner pokemon gender: Male

Pokemon's moves:

Partner pokemon ability: Keen Eye

Preferred Battle style: Defensive

Favorite three types: Flying, Grass , Fire

Least Favorite 3 types: Ground, Electric, Bug

Preferred move type: Special
Looking good, but could you be a little more detailed in your personality? Just add one or two more characteristics and you're fine!
Name: David Don
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: (I don't have a drawing of my character so i'll just describe it) Blond hair, blue eyes, has a average trainer hat that its black, a black hoodie, green shirt, black pants, and black shoes

Personality: Hes thinks the world is a joke, and he plays it like that, saying things that are "jokes" but are a little rude. But he can be dead serious sometimes if something bad happens or something bad happens to him. And can be a little scary, having a death stare at people, "The dead eye" people call it.

Backstory: David was always a nice person, but he kept getting blackmailed over and over again, First he forgot about it and just deleted them, but it did not stop, it just keep happening, to the point of the team saying that they were gonna... do some bad stuff to him and his family, so he of course joined at the end, and is now thinking of a plan to get out of here and stop these people.

Hometown/Region: Kalos, Lumiose City

Partner Pokemon: Froakie

Partner pokemon nickname: Frogstmer

Partner pokemon gender: Male

Pokemon moves:

Pokemon ability: Protean

Preferred battle style: Balanced

Favorite three types: Fire, Fighting, Dark

Least favorite three types: Fairy, Normal, Poison

Types of attacks preferred: Physical
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Name: David Don
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: (I don't have a drawing of my character so i'll just describe it) Blond hair, blue eyes, has a average trainer hat that its black, a black hoodie, green shirt, black pants, and black shoes

Personality: Hes thinks the world is a joke, and he plays it like that, saying things that are "jokes" but are a little rude. But he can be dead serious sometimes if something bad happens or something bad happens to him. And can be a little scary, having a death stare at people, "The dead eye" people call it.

Backstory: David was always a nice person, but he kept getting blackmailed over and over again, First he forgot about it and just deleted them, but it did not stop, it just keep happening, to the point of the team saying that they were gonna... do some bad stuff to him and his family, so he of course joined at the end, and is now thinking of a plan to get out of here and stop these people.

Hometown/Region: Kalos, ???

Partner Pokemon: Froakie

Partner pokemon nickname: Frogstmer

Partner pokemon gender: Male

Pokemon moves:

Pokemon ability: Protean

Preferred battle style: Balanced

Favorite three types: Fire, Fighting, Dark

Least favorite three types: Fairy, Normal, Poison

Types of attacks preferred: Physical
Almost okay! I realize that I didn't put up a hometown for Lydia, but that's only because she's an Admin. I'm afraid that noting the hometown is obligatory for a recruit.
Working on a sketch for my character, she's a brand new OC just for this RP, so is it okay if I reserve a spot while I work on creating her? Also, I had an idea to help me practice writing as well as make her a more interesting trainer personality wise. Can she be blind? I have a backstory on why she'd be in Neo even with her disability.
Interesting idea. Though, to be completely honest, Neo Rocket wouldn't recruit anyone blind themselves...without good reason. So either she must have approached them herself, or you must still have a good reason why she'd be in their ranks.

Looking forward to your character!
Wow, this sounds really good!

Name: Reena Gousavi
Gender: Female
Age: 18
Appearance: Reena has straight black hair up to her waist with side bangs that go over her left eye. Her eyes are brown. She wears a navy jacket, white tight pants, and navy ankle boots.
Personality: Reena isn't really known for being nice. She likes to keep quiet, but pushes people around if she has to.
Backstory: Reena left her parents when she was fourteen because they didn't let her go on a journey. She tried to catch a pokemon herself, but failed over and over. A few years later, she started stealing pokeballs from people to use them for catching a pokemon. When she would run out of food, she would go to a pokemon center and take some. Once when Reena came into the pokemon center to take food, she saw two other men in there. She heard him talking about 'Neo Rocket,' an evil organization. Reena became very interested, and took a few steps closer to the men. She tripped on a can that was on the floor, and the two men saw her. They gave her a choice: To go with them and be part of Neo Rocket, or get seriously hurt. Reena chose easily to join Neo Rocket, and left the pokemon center with those two mysterious men.
Region/hometown: Unova, Nuvema Town
Partner Pokémon species: Litwick
Partner Pokémon nickname: Light
Partner Pokémon's gender: Female
Partner Pokémon's moves:
Partner Pokémon's ability: Flash Fire
Preferred battle style of your OC: Offensive
Three favorite types of your OC: Ghost, Fire , Dark
Three least favorite types of your OC: Fairy, Bug, Grass
Type of attacks preferred by OC: Special Attacks
Interesting idea. Though, to be completely honest, Neo Rocket wouldn't recruit anyone blind themselves...without good reason. So either she must have approached them herself, or you must still have a good reason why she'd be in their ranks.

Looking forward to your character!
I got that covered. Good to know I can use this character because I finished making her and I'd be a bit salty if I couldn't use her lol.

Rosella "Rosie" Cahoya

Gender: female

Age: 21

Appearance: ((I accidentally fucked up my drawing so I had to make a it a second time and then screwed up again, but not as bad. Also, all my food supplies are at home, so I had to use my baby bro's colored pencils...))

Calm. Very very calm. She has this "from another time period" air about her, as she quotes many people. She treats everyone has her equal, even if they treat her badly, she will continue to treat them equally. She bases her actions off of one of Newton's laws of motion: every action has an equal and opposite reaction. She really thinks before she speaks, but sometimes that makes her come off as shy, and a some thought she was mute because of this.
She loves hairstyling and clothes making, something that no one understands as she can't even see what she is doing, or how she even succeeds at it. She says she "just has a feel for fashion."

Backstory: She grew up listening to he sounds of city life, and cheers in contest halls. As a child, her family favored her brother, the boy who won many battles and could be trusted on his own. Her fancy ass brother who could see, and battle like a pro, and wasn't quiet.
And it wasn't that Rosie can't battle, she's actually pretty damn good. But, she wasn't allowed to go on her Pokemon journey, because "how are you able to follow a map if you can't see?"
This only made Rosie hurt and angry, which lead to her joining Neo Rocket. They saw her determination when she was doing running drills with cones, teaching herself how to feel the change in air currents so she wouldn't be as damn helpless. When they approached her, they saw her intellect, and her skill when it came to thinking out battle strategies. This made them over look her blindness, especially once they realized she wasn't bumping into walls, or was going to lose battles because she couldn't see the opponents Pokemon.

Region/hometown: Hearthorn City, Shinoh

Partner Pokémon species: Shinx

Partner Pokémon nickname: X-Ray

Partner Pokémon's gender: Male

Partner Pokémon's moves: Tackle, Thunder Fang, Leer, Ice Fang

Partner Pokémon's ability: Guts

Preferred battle style of your OC:balanced.

Three favorite types of your OC: Normal, Electric, Dark

Three least favorite types of your OC: Water, Grass, Fighting

Type of attacks preferred by OC:Physical

Other: If you didn't see it before, she is blind. She loves the night because others are put to her level.


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Very soon now. I'd like to give it a little more time. As soon as it starts, signups will be closed. They will be reopened eventually, but not anytime soon.
First post updated with all the new accepted characters, plus the way moves work in this RP! Give it a small read, and if you want to change the moveset of your first Pokémon because of this (or your first Pokémon overall) be free to do so!

While on topic of this, there's something else up. LadyLucs, I reviewed your profile sheet again today. Most of it was still good, except for the moveset of your Shinx. A Shinx can only have Thunder Fang, Ice Fang and Quick Attack all at the same time through chain breeding. For example, with a Glaceon parent, your Shinx could have Ice Fang and Quick Attack, with a Stoutland parent, it could have Thunder Fang and Ice Fang, and with a Manectric parent, it could have Quick Attack and Thunder Fang. But there's not a single Pokémon that can pass all these moves at the same time to Shinx, I'm afraid. So I'm going to have to ask you to tweak Shinx's moveset a little.

Apologies for not noticing earlier!
Small reminder to LadyLucs and nicko14525 that your Pokémon can have four moves at this point. Just putting this out here because I will soon edit the OP to explain how leveling works. And shortly after that, the sign-ups will be locked in because the RP will start then.
Small reminder to LadyLucs and nicko14525 that your Pokémon can have four moves at this point. Just putting this out here because I will soon edit the OP to explain how leveling works. And shortly after that, the sign-ups will be locked in because the RP will start then.
Note to everyone: if you want to make any last-minute chances to your OCs, you are allowed to do so, but be quick about it. The RP will soon start, and then your OCs will be locked in. Just let me know if you still made any changes!
I have a question about the move sets. So the reminder about the four moves made me look st Shinx's move set again, and then back to your post. I think I misunderstood the first time. What you were saying is that the Shinx couldn't have quick attack with thunder fang and ice fang, right? So the Shinx's move set could have Tackle, Leer, Thunderfang and IceFang?
That's correct! The problem was that there wasn't a single Pokémon that could pass down Thunder Fang, Ice Fang and Quick Attack at the same time. However, Thunder Fang and Ice Fang can both be passed down by the same Pokémon, such as Stoutland. These Pokémon were unable to pass down Quick Attack as well, and that was the problem. So a Shinx with Tackle, Leer, Thunder Fang and Ice Fang would be allowed.
That's correct! The problem was that there wasn't a single Pokémon that could pass down Thunder Fang, Ice Fang and Quick Attack at the same time. However, Thunder Fang and Ice Fang can both be passed down by the same Pokémon. So a Shinx with Tackle, Leer, Thunder Fang and Ice Fang would be allowed.
Okay I'll go add in IceFang ^-^
For the people who have missed it before, the rules on leveling are up! They may be tweaked a little in the future, though. Oh well. I'll make sure to let you know if that happens!

This post is mainly for the final announcement before the RP actually starts, in the form of a second Admin of Neo Rocket. Please welcome Chris Daley!

Name: Christopher 'Chris' Daley

Gender: Male

Age: 35


Image not owned by me, but created with joy-ling's trainer creator.

Chris is objectively the most friendly and forgiving of the Neo Rocket Admins. His reasons for joining Neo Rocket are unknown up until the day of today, since he does care for Pokémon and people alike. He has expressed extreme distaste for the brutal and rogue tactics of some Neo Rocket members. He has become famous with the grunts as 'the Admin that never loses his temper'. People often mistake his age, as he looks a lot younger than he actually is.

Backstory: Nothing was strange about Chris as a young man, but interestingly enough he was one of the first people to join Neo Rocket, which earned him the trust of Neo Rocket's boss quite quickly. Proving to be a capable battler, Chris became one of the three original Neo Rocket Admins.

Region/hometown: Hoenn, Mossdeep City

Pokémon: Just like with the other Admins, not much is known about Chris's Pokémon. However, it is known that he uses almost exclusively Water- and Steel-type Pokémon, and that his two most trusted Pokémon are a Crawdaunt and a Skarmory.