Daniel glanced at Lopunny, who chirruped disapprovingly at the notion of having her master stay up late... And he completely ignored her, turning back to Kayla with a wide smile. "That'd be great! Night-time's the best time to find them, after all," he chirruped, "I was planning on staying out late anyway, since I also want to go clothes shopping for the contest, and maybe walk, well, not walk, wheel, around town for a bit."
Lopunny continued to chatter disapprovingly at Daniel, crossing her arms.
"I'll be fine, Lopunny," he assured the big rabbit, "I know that you're my service pokemon, and that it's your job to look after my health, but you don't need to worry about every little thing that I do. One late night isn't going to kill me. If I don't feel well, I'll let you know, alright?"
"Lopunny," she cried warily, finishing what remained of her pokepuff.