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The Running Dream (An open Horse RP)

(( So I do realize that the love for horses is much less....universal than cats and dogs. However these majestic creatures are my best friend and I absolutely adore them. In this Roleplay you are one of a horse herd. The ages range for colt/filly to Alpha mare. To make this story somewhat believable you will probably have more than one character.

For example I am using the horses at the barn I ride at as some of the herd so there isn't only 4-6 horses in the herd. Lily (who is my horse IRL) is my main character but I'll also control Sassy (Who lives up to her name), JR, Chloe, and River as my secondary characters that I control if needed.

The dangers of hunters and poachers are out there and wolves roam the land you claim as your territory.

If you feel like being head mare/Gelding then all you would need to do is challenge the existing one for the spot. Then you would have a competition to see who could knock the other over fastest.

Human years are the same for horses and the average lifespan the wild horses is about 35 years. A foal is no longer a foal when they reach the age of 4.
Vocabulary time:
Gelding-a male horse
Mare-a female horse
Colt-a male foal
Filly-a female foal

If you need help with terms used let me know. I'm not sure how this will fly, but let's see.))

Lily practically flew across the grassy plains. The large stretch of land was so much better than the rugged mountainous area that they took to get here. Sassy's snort of discontent could be heard by the Chestnut Hanoverian's ears. Quickly Lily broke into a foreward trot heading back to the herd. Sassy was an escape horse from a farm that was mistreating her. JR came along because he was tired of the unfair treatment of the others, yet he was never the victim. "I cannot hear my own thoughts with the echoing sound of you stomping hooves mare!" Sassy, a dark bay Morgen, was a good 26 years old and was just about done with the young Lily at age 11. "Sassy! Don't snap at Lily! She's just having fun!" Scolded River as he cantered over. He was a short Conomara with a very long tail that brushed the ground. Lily was pretty sure that the poor horse would trip on it someday. "Well is she wernt so loud it would be easier for me to eat!" Was the response from the cranky elder. JR was watching them with his lazy blue and brown eyes while talking to Chloe. The brown and white paint horse mad no move to intervene with the bickering horses. Chole eyed them with discontent but the black gaited warm blood too did not make any move. Lilly's ears perked as the sounds of other creatures approaching. "Horses? Or hunters?" Lily asked as she bunched up her muscles in preparation to flee.
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[I'll join, if it doesn't bother. I love horses, as you know!]

Blackberry, a black Missouri Fox Trotting Horse with calm blue eyes, approached the heard in a gentle trot, the mare followed by two Geldings. Jumper, a Dun coated Mustang, was the leader of the three and was slightly over-protective and easy jealous at anything, and wanted Blaclberry as his mate. The other was a Bay Standardbred, always calm and collective. Blackberry greeted the herd they were approaching with a kind neigh.
Chloe gave her own greeting with kindness, not as much, but still warmth could be heard. "Greetings. I am Chloe." The black Lead Mare stated formally. "This is the territory we claimed as our own, why do you come?" The Gaited Warmblood flicked her tail in a sense of apology. She was forced into the lead of Lead Mare and this was what she heard the other herds she tried to join say. Chloe was not sure if she should even let the strangers come onto her land.

Lily stood next to River, who felt short next to Lily (of course he is always short). The Hanoverian read Chloe's body language and relaxed a bit. She couldn't completely trust them yet because they haven't done anything but Chloe seemed to be ok with them. River pawed at the ground nervously and Lily gave him a whack with her tail meaning for him to be polite.
Blackberry dipped her head slightly in respect. "I'm Blackberry, and this is Jumper and Oak. We have been looking for a herd for so long, but many have turned us down. Sorry to trespass, but may we join your herd?" She asked. [sorry I forgot to mention Oak's name. -facepalm-]
"Oh no! Not more noisy mares!" Sassy exclaimed unhappily. "No no no no no! Chloe, you can't be thinking seriously....." She snorted in disapproval.

"Yes! Of course you can join us!"

Sassy whacked Chloe with her tail. "Young Mares these days! Always making rash decisions! Did you not hear my words?" She whinnied angrily. "Chloe spun around and pinned her ears back in anger. "Who made you lead mare Sassy? Right now I am in charge and these horses are joining us!" She snapped back. The older mare backed off, knowing if this conversation went on any more it would be a fight for the lead mare position. The Black Warmblood turned to the newer horses and flicked her tail in apology. Lily trotted up and nodded her head. "Don't mind Sassy, she's just old." She apologized in words. "I'm Lily!" The chestnut Hanoverian introduced.
Blackberry neighed, "Really? Thank you!" Oak snorted, trotting over to the mares, happy to be part of a herd. "I'm Oak, nice to meet you all!" Blackberry walked over, Jumper behind her. The Mustang looked a bit grumpy, but was as happy as the others.
JR and River eyed Oak and Jumper cautiously. The two geldings knew that they meant no harm to the herd- or more importantly their Mares- but they still watched as the group interacted and welcomed each other.

Lily marched right up to Blackberry and pawed at the ground excitedly. "You look fast! I want to race you! Feel up to it?" She asked playfully.

((Lily is a Hanoverian and Thoroghbred mix and it shows when I'm riding.....XD))
[XP I remember the horse I road [is that the past tense?] in AZ.... Me an him were like best buds!]

Blackberry nodded. "Sure! I'd love to!" She whinnied happily. Jumper nipped at Oak, who was looking at Blackberry. Oak pinned his ears back and snorted angrily. Jumper nipped again, but Oak flinched back to dodge and walked away to talk to the mares
"You there! You geldings need to calm your withers and settle down so a horse can eat in peace!" Snapped Sassy as she marched over to Jumper and Oak.

Lily shook out her coat excitedly. "Ok, so let's go all the way over there to the tree line. First one to cross the hedge over there, wins." She neighed. "Ready, Go!" Lily took off at a fast canter and then brought it up to a gallop. She strategically planned her speed pattern so she didn't run into a tree because she couldn't slow down.

((Sassy literally is like that! She lives up to her name! XD))
Blackberry bolted after her, in a fast canter, which turned into a full gallop. The blood roared in her ears, and she was full of excitement. She hadn't raced a fellow mare since she raced her mother as a filly. She remembered her training with grandfather and slowed down a bit.

Jumper trotted after Oak, stopping by his side. "He's been eyeing my mare!" He snorted. Oak pinned his ears back. "That's not true! She's my half-sister, why would I?" He exclaimed, but Jumper snorted angrily and pinned his ears back farther anyways
Lily's rush of exhilaration ended with screeching halt. "Blackberry! Stop! Turn back around!" She called fearfully. Pairs of hungry eyes watched from the hedges. Lily turned and dashed back to the herd of horses. "Everyone! Wolves!" JR lifted his head suddenly and River jumped out of fear. Chloe's ears flicked nervously around and even Sassy quieted for a moment. Chloe reared up to get everyone's attention and announced, "We need to go over to the soft-dirt over there. Lets go, come on!" The soft-dirt (sand) was the place where they had come from. The mountains surrounded the fields that the horses were just playing in and the mountains slowly turn to dunes as they turn into a desert. Lily lagged behind to make sure Blackberry heard Chloe, but River attempted to nip her side. "We cant wait unless you want to be food!" he cried nervously.
Blackberry reared up in fear, never having known any canines besides the Border Collie at the farm she grew up on. She raced to the soft-dirt, nipping at Oak and Jumper to get them to go faster. Jumper galloped ahead fearfully, Oak at his heels. Blackberry was pushing ahead of the two, oddly still having energy.
The fact that Sassy was old was catching up to the morgen horse. The greyed horse started to slow and was struggling for breath. Lily noticed this first and eyed the wolves catching up to her and Sassy. Swiftly Lily spun around and lashed out at the wolves, sending one flying with her back hooves. She snorted and bit one of the wolves as it took a bite of her side. "My goodness! This is not what I expected!" She grunted as she kicked another one.

JR noticed Lily starting a fight with the wolves and spun around to help. Being a farm horse he never experienced fighting but the instincts took over. He reared and brought his hooves down on the ground stepping on paws and bit the wolves if they got too close. What both of them didnt see was the lone wolf attacking Sassy.
(Eh, I don't know any 'types'[?] of horses o-o heh...)
A black mare with a scar over her side and across her face appeared. She reared up at the wolf attacking Sassy and soon charged at it, crashijng into it's side and forcing it away. She reared up and hit it's paws with her hooves as hard as she could. She hit the wolf hard with her back hooves, sending it away.
(Breeds. Thats ok! You dont need to know the breeds. I just put mine in for those who need a clearer picture. Also it would be helpful if you had more than one horse, I'm not sure if you were planning on introducing more later, but yeah. More than one horse would be helpful.)

Sassy flicked her tail in thanks and ran off grumbling "Young mares these days.....so bold and rash....".

JR and Lily chased off the rest of the wolves and let out a whinny of triumph. Chloe, River and Sassy jumped around and pawed excitedly at the victory. The Chestnut Hanoverian looked to JR and flicked her tail. Then she turned to the black horse who had helped them. "So thank you! I appreciate it!" Lily praised, nickering softly. Sassy trotted up and stood next to the black horse with her eyes full of pride. Lily was surprised that Sassy was proud of anyone!

((Please do note that character deaths are allowed, and so since some of my characters are secondary if the time comes I might take a bite out of my population of five.))
(okay cx heh )
Another Mare appeared; she was pure white with blue eyes (if that is even possible xD ) that were the same color as the black horse's eyes. "Oblivion? You okay?" The white mare asked. Oblivion, the black horse, nodded and trotted off silently. The white horse, named Frost, followed nervously.
Blackberry slowed down to a trot and followed Oblivion and Frost slightly. "That was amazing! I couldn't find it in myself to do that, not in a million years!" She whinnied. Jumper was nipping at Oak once again, who was complaining once again that Blackberry was his half-sister.
Oblivion glanced back at Blackberry and a little snort of happiness came from her. "I'm sure one day you will. Sometimes, you gotta let the instinct kick in, but add more power and you'll send your enemies flying!" She whinnied.
Blackberry flicked he tail. "That's what my grand-Sire told me. But he was just a race horse, so I didn't believe him. The humans always fussed about him! Barley knew him, he was out so much!" She snorted. Oak sighed unhappily, "You know why your grand-Sire was famous, Blackberry."
Blackberry pinned her ears back a bit in sadness. "I'm sorry to hear that. I honestly would have approached those wolves, since I grew up around a kind canine," she said gently. Jumper turned to Oak and asked, "Who was your grand-Sire?" Oak snorted, "NOW your not attacking me?"
"Geldings! Geldings these days JR! They are always rash and overprotective!" Sassy snorted, back to her grumpy self. River gave JR a confused look, but the paint made no indication that he cared what Sassy said about Geldings. Sassy stomped over grumpily and flicked them with her tail. "You young colts! You are acting like a foal! Keep it up and one of these horses will trample you, most likely me!" She tried to scold the two horses again. However that was difficult to say, as Sassy is quite short.

Chloe was listening in on the conversation between the two new horses and Blackberry. Lily seemed to be excited for no reason, but Chloe accepted it. She was once part of a farm herd that stole from ranches. The lead Stallion was mean and always snapped at the other horses for no reason. After she left that herd she decided that if she were to ever be the head mare of a herd she would accept any behavior unless it's anger towards another of the herd.

((I didn't put Stallion in the top vocabulary part because I didn't want there to be any confusion. A Stallion is a male horse who is a father. A Gelding is a male horse who is not a father. I didn't want people having horses with 'crushes' on each other and call the male a Stallion. XD))
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[lol it's ok]

Jumper snorted, nipping at Oak once more before trotting away to graze. Oak sighed, annoyed by Jumper's constant overprotection of Blackberry, though she never showed interest in him, nor any other Gelding for that matter. He also noted Sassy's threats, hoping Jumper would simmer down. Blackberry laid down and began rolling in the grass, happy to be a wild horse. She and Oak had spent many years of their lives on a farm, pestered by humans.
Oblivion's ears flicked and she glanced at Frost who seemed nervous. Frost, for some reason, wanted to leave. Oblivion had guessed it was because she was shy.
Oak looked at Chloe with big eyes, as if asking something of her. Blackberry was doing it too, but Jumper was grazing a little ways away. The two half-siblings were asking silently if Oblivian and Frost could stay.
Chloe flicked her tail in a positive response. She really wanted her herd to grow as much as it could. The more members the more protection.

Lily kept looking back at her stomach where the wolf had bitten her. "That won't feel good.... That doesn't feel good right now either....." She commented. River trotted up next to her and gave her a sympathetic look. "You are a hero! You saved Sassy along with the newer horses." He praised, hoping to make her feel better.
Oak was looking at the bite on Lily's side. "They bit you good, eh?" He asked her, trotting over and sniffing the wound. Blackberry neighed happily, glad she was part of a herd, and that it was growing.
Oblivion was slightly uncertain about joining the herd. She thought that it'd be best for her to stay alone, but she might be wrong about what she thinks. Frost thought she was wrong due to slightly obvious reasons. Oblivion looked around and soon looked at Frost.
Blackberry sighed, thinking of her mother, her Sire, her grand-Sire. She missed them dearly, but her Sire was put down after a race. [that actually happened back in the time of Secretariat. Some horses would run so fast they'd develop heart problems, or drop dead, so they'd put them down so they didn't suffer. 0_0] She remembered he had a bad heart but raced anyways, his pride being the end of him.
Oblivion glanced at Blackberry and soon began grazing again, Frost nervously glancing around. "Frost, don't be shy. I'm sure joining, if we can, would be a good choice." Oblivion whinied. Frost doubted everything Oblivion had said.
Blackberry perked at the the word join. "Chloe said you could, if you'd like," she neighed. She pinned her ears back, realizing she must sound annoying. They must think I was evsdropping.
Oblivion nodded, Frost seeming very, very uncertain. "B-but..." She began, being hushed by a glance from Oblivion. "It might be for the best. They need all the defense they can get, and so do we. If not, we could be killed. We'd all be more vulnerable." Oblivion sighed. Frost, this time, didn't doubt her words.
Blackberry perked, standing up and scraping the ground with her hoof gently in happiness. She galloped over to Oak, and the two began playfully nipping at each other and chasing each other.
Oblivion grazed on the grass again, Frost stayed near Oblivion due to nervousness. "But...what if they attack us..?" Frost whispered to Oblivion. Oblivion sighed. "They wont attack us." She whinnied silently to Frost.
Frost looked around and broke into a trot, roaming the area for a few feet and returning. Oblivion just stayed still, looking around as if expecting something to attack at any moment.
Chloe stopped her grazing and walked up next to Oblivion. "Ha! The worst danger here is Sassy's mouth! We wont attack you, dont worry." She whinnied softly, so Sassy wouldnt hear. The Old mare's hearing was regressing, but it wasnt gone. "Hey! Chloe! You disrespectful mare! You better believe that my hooves are more dangerous than my words!" Sassy snorted as she made an attempt to nip at the lead mare. Chloe snickered in laughter before running off like a filly.

Lily dashed next to Jumper, going at a nice fast paced canter to keep up with him. "So you like to run? Wanna race?" She asked him as she focused on her lead. Lily changed her lead with a small bounce and started to circle around the herd the opposite direction, to warm up her stiff legs and sore muscles.

((If you have ever seen a horse canter, on of the front hooves always go first. The 'correct' lead depends on how the horse is bent or the direction they are heading in an arena. When Lily changed her lead, she did a small maneuver that allowed her to switch the hoof that goes first while cantering.))
Jumper have a happy snort and cantered after her. "You bet id like to race!" He neighed happily. Oak and Blackberry never raced him, both thinking the Mustang was faster than them. The gelding snorted happily, racing ahead of Lily.
Lily gave a happy kick with her hind legs and started to pick up speed, gaining on Jumper. 'Last time this happened, there were wolves! Better not be any this time.' Lily thought as she momentarily took her mind off of what she was doing; Racing. With a small shake of her head Lily snapped out of the thoughts of danger and got into the moment. "You're good!" She called to the Mustang as she found herself starting to breathe heavier. With a push of effort, she managed to keep pace with the Mustang for a stride or two.