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Ask to Join The Specials

"Same, I'll be in the beginner rank too. Cleverness is after cuteness so I'll be able to watch you two!" Miles said as he ran off to the contest hall," See you around Domino!"
"Let the contest begin! First, we have BlahBlahBlah with Swablu!" The announcer called. A swablu floated out of the pokeball, making the crowd cheer a bit. "Now, we have YadahYadahYadah with skitty!" A skitty made a meowing noise, making the crowd cheer a bit louder. "Now, we have InsertNameHere with hoppip!" The crowd cheered even louder, especially a guy wearing a shirt with the logo TheJWittz on it. "And finally, we have Lily with Andy!" Andy lowered himself on a string from the ceiling. ">u<!" Andy exclaimed, making the crowd cheer and aww. "Now, onto the talent section!"
(After the talent subject...)
"Now, here are the results! 4. YadahYadahYadah and Skitty! 3. BlahBlahBlah with Swablu! 2. InsertNameHere with Hoppip! And the winner is... LILY WITH ANDY!" Lily looked at Andy in disbelief. "We...Won?" "O3O!" Andy exclaimed. The pair struck a cute pose and walked offstage. "Congrats! Have the cuteness ribbon!" The guide gave Lily a small ribbon. Lily pinned it on to her suspenders.
(Umm I thought misspinkrebelle's character was in the cuteness category too lol)

Miles was impressed with Lily's performance but needed to get ready for his show. He walked back stage and put on his performer outfit which comprised of grey dress pants, black button up shirt, red aviator jacket, silver watch, black boots, and a red fedora. Angel (who happens to be male) had a black jacket and designer shades.

Angel and Miles were up last, they saw some decent opening acts but nothing too hard. Finally they were called on-stage.

Angel and Miles entered then stage riding on Angel's swift attack. Miles did a back flip onto the stage-aided by Angel's psychic- as Angel split all the stars into tiny pieces which flew harmlessly into the crowd. Angel landed back to back with Miles, both making a thinking pose. The crowd went wild as they took a bow.

After the other portions of the contest it was clear who won. Miles and Angel walked into the crowd holding the cleverness ribbon into the air.
(sorry wasn't, on and hey why didn't you include me, I can't help that I have a life outside of Pokecharms, I waited for everyone in my performance rp)
Angela stormed off angerly, she missed the competition! She had her togekiss use fly so she could go back to the lab, maybe a journey wasn't for her.
(Ya I know, my apologies.)
Miles exited the hall still in his performer outfit still on an emotional high after winning for the first time. He paused in his step as he saw the professor's assistant look distressed and fly away on her Togekiss. Come to think of it, the assistant wasn't competing like she said she would. Something was up. He called out Angel and teleported to the town with the lab, where he assumed she flew off to.
(I was assuming that you entered a higher rank, sorry >\\\\< I can quit if you want)

Lily decided to go and take a walk in the field. She walked, barefoot, in the cool grass. Lily sighed, feeling like she missed home.
Domino cheered wildly for both the performers she knew. They both did great! Although something seemed wrong...
"Where was Angela?" Domino asked, curiously, turning to the Mienfoo and Ralts beside her. They both looked over and shrugged. "Huh." Domino couldn't help but feel a bit bad for her- she didn't get to preform!
When they all walked out of the contest hall, Domino could see Lily walking through the tall grass. "We should prooobably let her have her alone time." She then thought for a moment. "Maybe Angela went back to the lab...?" Webster looked up at her and nodded in agreement. "You think so, too, Web?"
"Then let's go see her!" Domino picked both her partners up and bolted back to her starting point.
(it's ok I have a condition where I get really mad over little things and then calm down after a couple hours, and don't quit! you are too good, just exscuse my condidtion, the best way to get it to stop is to ignore it)
Angela yawned, the lab was fairly boring when the proffesor was there, all he did was type in info about Pokemon while two kids were completing the Pokedex for him. Angela picked up Dove and dressed her in a little tutu hoping she could enter next time.
Domino finally arrived at the lab. She set Webster and Seraphina down on the ground before entering. "Hey, you are here! I didn't see ya perform; what happened?" Domino asked Angela, frowning slightly.
"I came too late, they said I couldn't perform. I guess that's a sign I'm not meant for the trainer life." Angela said sadly. She stroked Dove with her hand and Dove purred (or however an eevee would show some kind of affection)
"Awww, I'm sowwy!" Domino replied, hugging Angela lightly. "Well, maybe you'll be able to compete in the next one!" Webster and Seraphina chirped in agreement, and they all smiled. "Yeah! You'll make it to the next one for sure!" Domino added, thoughtfully. "And I'll watch ya win!"
Domino smiled wider, hugging Dove. "Hey, it's the least a friend can do for another friend, amiright?" She then handed Dove back to Angela and turned around. "Well, we should get heading. We still need to figure out what we're gonna do with our lives!" She stuck her tounge out of the corner of her mouth, playfully, as she said this. "Cya 'round!" Domino, Webster, and Seraphina waved back at Angela and Dove before racing back to the previous town.
Miles looked through the lab window to see Domino talking to the professor's assistant. Knowing that Domino would do better in helping without him around he went back to Goldenrod City using Angel's teleport move.

He then went to challenge the gym, which was a normal type gym. It was a 3v3 battle. Because of this type of gym, he chose his Lucario, named Devil, because he was a strong fighting type while the gym leader called out Chansey. It was rather annoying as every time it would get hit it would just heal itself. Over time Lucario was able to knock it out, but spent great amounts of energy. Next up was Jigglypuff. Lucario got some early hits but thanks to sing was put to sleep. Jigglypuff then easily defeated Lucario. Next up for Miles was Altaria. He ordered Altaria to use sing before Jigglypuff could making it fall asleep. Needless to say, Hawk the Alteria won. The final pokemon was Milktank. Once again, Milktank healed a lot but was also able to get some hits in, defeating Hawk. Then Angel was called. Angel used psybeam to counter Milktank's rollout causing a big explosion, and when the dust cleared Milktank was unable to battle. Miles and his pokemon shouted for joy as they recieved their first Gym badge, the plain badge.
The man smiled as Domino ran off. He had no idea who she was, but she was gone. This smile was not a happy one, but rather a smug or evil one. His three pokemon were behind him: ready to strike.

He moved towards the door, the three behind him creeped behind him. The Umbreon with a single eye, his beaten, bruised Espeon, and a cackling, insane Mightyena. Three pokemon that looked incredibly scary and powerful. Bursting through the door, his three pokemon came up in front of him. "Hand over those rare pokeballs or I sic my pokemon on you."
Miles had traveled next to Azalea Town to fight the Bug Type gym and to compete in another contest. Along the way a man he defeated in a battle gave him a Dawn Stone, an item that would evolve Angle into a Gallade. Miles gave it to Angel on a chain necklace so when he needed it, he could evolve. He also caught a Ponyta that was extremely powerful for being a wild Pokémon, it seemed as if it would evolve soon.

After arriving he went to the Pokemon Center and called the lab to see if the assistant was ok. When there was no answer he became a bit suspicious as usually the assistant answers. Thinking that she was still in a bad mood he and Angel teleported back to the lab. He walked up to the lab and opened the door to find a man threatening the assistant.

"Hey you, fight someone your own size!" Miles told the man.

He laughed as some boy told him to pick on someone his own size. He turned to face the kid. "Okay. How about you? Mightyena. Espeon. Sic him." The two did as they were told, lunging at Miles, teeth bared.

"As for you, professor's little stooge, you have 5 more seconds in hand the balls over. Or my Umbreon gives you a couple mementos." The Umbreon leaned down, ready to pounce.
" Go Angel, Twighlight, Lucario, Hawk, and Blaze(Ponyta)! Angel use the dawn stone to evolve into Gallade and then close combat on Mightena, Twighlight use dark pulse on Espeon! Lucario, Hawk, and Blaze protect the assistant from harm with a aura sphere, dragon breath, and flame wheel combo on Umbreon!
Lily walked into the lab, having come home to visit her family. She saw the man threatening her friends, rage filling her. "H-Hey!" She exclaimed awkwardly.
The Espeon rolled out of the way of the dark pulse, but Mightyena wasn't as lucky. Limping back to the hunter, he layed down, still cackling. The Espeon used this opportunity to use Signal beam on Angel, in his state.

The Umbreon mostly avoided the combo, but was grazed by it. His leg had several burns on it, causing him to cringe in pain. Growls raised from his mouth as he released his own dark pulse.

The man heard yet another call. " Great. Whats next, the entire police squadron?" he said sarcastically.
"Ha. No. Why would I listen to-" He was cut off, literally, as the swift slashed by him, leaving some scratches on his body. His pokemon were caught by it too, but weren't hit too badly. "Why. You little..." He walked up to the assistant, pulling out a small firearm. While there wasn't anything lethal in it, it was threatening enough. Plus the paralyzer dart would come in handy for the pokemon that would attack him. "You listen up. Hand over the pokeballs. NOW."
"Um... Ah... Andy! Use thundershock?" Lily yelled, thinking on her feet. "OmO!" Andy exclaimed, sending a volt of electricity at the man.
Angel got hit by the signal beam but was able to teleport before anything too bad happened. Hawk used protect blocking the dark pulse.

Miles saw the man walk up to the professors assistant with a gun in hand. "Angel use psychic on the gun and throw it away, Hawk use Gust to knock him out of the way! Lucario use Drain Punch on Umbreon, Blaze another flame wheel to finish Mightyena! Twighlight use crunch on Espeon!" Miles ordered.
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The man whipped around as soon as she heard her speak and shot. However, moments later the gun was out of his hands, by that stupid Gallade. And after that he was shocked, with a jolt of electricity going through his body. He seriously was about to say forget it, and leave. He could come back when they weren't defending the lab.

The Espeon daintily moved out of the way of the crunch, before using signal beam on Twighlight. The Umbreon also moved out of the way, before using crunch on the Lucario. The Mightyena once again got the short end of the stick, being slammed back by the flame wheel and proceeded to hit a wall. His eyes were closed, and was truly knocked out, but he continued to laugh regardless.
"Psychic moves have no effect on dark-types fool! Twighlight run through signal beam and use body slam! Lucario dark type moves are not very effective on you, take it then use close combat! Blaze and Hawk use a body slam/ dragon rush combo on the man. Angel use light screen on the doors and windows to prevent them escaping!
"Wha- Lily! What are you doing?!?!? Hawk cancel dragon rush and use a light tackle to get Lily out of the way, Blaze increase the power of ember to a fire burst!" Miles commanded.
The pokemon knocked Lily out of the way. She spun around, catching herself by landing on one foot. "Sorry, I panicked!" She exclaimed.
(Signal beam is bug type...)
"Your the fool. Signal beam is bug type, and you had your dark type charge right though it. Also, very gutsy little girl." While Angel busied himself blockading everything, he made a dart for the gun. With it, he could keep stalling and possibly disable the Gallade for the time being.

The Espeon kept using her signal beam while backing up. With twighlight being weakened by the signal beam, he'd fall soon. The Umbreon was hit by many of the punches, but still a bit of fight left in him. The Lucario was weakened, but so was Umbreon. He had enough to muster one last iron tail.
Angela ran up to the man and kicked his shin, for once she was glad she was wearing 4 inch high heels. She commanded Dove to use swift on his Pokemon and kicked again.
(Lol, confused with psybeam)
"Crap! Twighlight I believe in you, use dark pulse as a counter! Blaze now is your cha-" Miles said as he saw become a white glow. When the light faded the dark Eevee had evolved into a dark Espeon. "Nice Twighlight! Use teleport and get out now! Blaze redirect flame burst at the other Espeon and crush that signal beam! Hawk use sing on the man to make him fall asleep! Lucario use a bone rush on Umbreon to keep it away. Angel finish blocking exits but watch your back!"
A young male enters the Professor's lab, anxious to get his new pokeball. Tis name is Dave and he's in his favorite camoflauge pants, jacket, and cap, it all tattered and patched up. Who knew what his first Pokemon'd be? Maybe something cool like Ghastly...heh...he loved his ghost types.

"Uhm...Professor? Are you here?"
(not exactly a convinient time to enter, we are battling a theif who wants to steal the balls)
"Wait outside please, we have a crook on our hands!" Angela cried as she blocked a punch from the man.

Dave growls and actually football-tackles the guy Angela is punching. No way the boy could just stand aside and let someone purloin all the pokeballs! "LEAVE THE POKEBALLS ALONE!"
The man cringed in pain. "That's it. We're done here people." He returned his Pokemon and used the exit made by the boy who had recently entered.. "Trust me. I'll be back. He flashed a toothy smile before slipping away. As he got away, he sighed. That stupid scuffle left quite a few scratches, and very many bruises. He could steal from them while they were alone. Pick em' off one by one. Though he learned one thing: don't attack that kid with the Gallade. Stupid things.