Renz said goodbye and headed back to his house. He had to give Gible a bath, and probably start a load of clothes in the washing machine, once he got back, so he took his time. The day passed uneventfully, and the same with the entire next week, and before he knew it, it was festival time. Shaded booths were set up along the streets of Malie City, and the shops were all decorated. It was the Johto festival, a celebration commemorating the day the first settlers from Johto arrived in the city.
The festival always made Renz wonder exactly why the Johtonian Settlers had come there in the first place, but wondering never helped him figure out any solution that could be verified by anyone he knew. Sure, there were plenty of stories, but they were all conflicting, and Renz had come up with a few stories just as probable as most of the ones told during the festival. But, as usual, Renz was free to enjoy the festival just like the previous years. Like he had in years before, he made his way through the bustling streets and into Malie Gardens, which were decorated and filled with games and other events for the duration of the festival. But there was one difference this year: most of Renz's friends were out of town for their journeys. Some of them had returned for the festival, but Renz didn't know that. All he knew for the time being is that he was alone for the time being... well, except for Gible.