Took a look through your writing and decided to give this a go. I've always wanted to find a General RP that lasts, so fingers crossed.
Name: Casey Exeter
Age: 27
Appearance: He's been bulky ever since he hit puberty, having needed the muscles to help out around his family's cattle farm on the outskirts of Seattle. He wears whatever's available, which often means a tattered gray tee that allows for sweat stains at the slightest sign of moisture. Not necessarily a good look. His jeans are torn up as well, making him appear as a 2010 teeny-bopper with questionable fashion choices. His face is worn down already, with deep bags under his eyes and sullen cheeks. His dull eyes and unkempt brown hair only add to the sorrowful look.
Personality: Despite his dreary appearance, Casey is actually somewhat optimistic. Especially now that his father is cleared of the cancer that kept him away from the farm. With the farm, and his mother, in capable hands, he's ready to go out and find what's left of the world. He prays that there are others out there, and that perhaps they can form partnerships to make it through this new dawn.
However, while his excitement is real, he's not too thrilled about taking orders from someone 10 years his junior. His father instilled a great sense of pride in him, and he won't back down from a challenge, or even a petty power struggle. He doesn't try to hide his emotions, be they negative or positive, which has caused him to butt heads with others in the past.
Skills: Strong, obviously. He's built muscles over the years.
Not afraid of death. Whether it be his own or another's. He's seen death his whole life, having essentially lived at a slaughterhouse. And if he's to go out, he wants it to be on an expedition into the New World.
People skills. As long as you don't challenge him or insult his pride, he's easy to talk to and get along with, thanks to many deep conversations with his mother.
Survival instincts, learned on one of the many camping trips he took with his father and brother.
Mentoring. He helped raise his brother, and kept those fatherly traits.
Past/History: Born to a loving mother and a mentoring father, Casey had a decent upbringing. He helped out with menial tasks around the farm until he was old enough to help his father with herding, feeding, milking, and slaughtering. When his brother Lenn was born, he began teaching the boy until he too was old enough to help on his own. Then, they would tag along with their father on camping trips to teach them skills in case the farm were to ever go under. The whole Exeter family was well respected within Seattle's community, thanks to their good prices and practices, and the patriarch's overall charisma. So, when Casey's father was diagnosed with bladder cancer, the whole town pitched in. Now, his father is back on his feet, and encouraging Casey to join the Impact Team. He and Lenn can handle the farm. Casey is ready to go.
Misc.: The hell are exasperated ewes?