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Ask to Join THE WALKING DEAD : Hope Fades Away (S1)


Previously hollowhead_
Our original survivors, Lee, Clementine, Kenny and all the others have died out. But, a special group of people have actually survived. Perhaps, there is hope for humanity, or perhaps not. If we want to know, then let's see how this story goes
Invited Guest(s) : @Avalios
Name : Flint Dodger
Gender : Male
Age : 11
Personality : While having a young age, he is very badass, if one does say so, himself, He can be a bit quiet, very sly and can be threatening at times
Weaponry : A purely black shotgun with red tiger stripes painted over it. Flint calls this shotgun, 'Barry'
Appearance : Short Spiky Brown Hair, Dark Brown Eyes, Wears A Jet Black Hoodie, Wears A Red Leather Motorcycle Vest As Armor, Black Jeans, and Red Tennis Shoes.
Status : Fine, Non-Bitten, Non-Diseased, and Well Supplied
Likes : Supplies, Survival and His Shotgun, 'Barry'
Dislikes : Traitors, Walkers and Bandits
Other : None

RP : Flint saw a ladder, leading to the rooftop of a building, he climbed up, and looked around. He didn't know where he was but he only had to survive, and that was all. He saw some walkers down, walking towards a strange sound, "What's that? Eh, no matter, good thing is those ugly, dumb walkers are away." He said as he put 'Barry' in his belt. He looked around survivors, "What kind of world have we gotten into?" He asked himself as he looked down, "Damn..." He said as he punched the ground, thankfully, the walkers didn't hear his fist. He began sneaking, and he was jumping from rooftop to another. He looked for his supplies which were in a secret place.
Name: Zachary (Zach)
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Personality: Zach does not approve of the use of guns, so instead he uses a hand-craft sword made of pure metal, and a small knife in case of need, with his sister's name ingraved on it. He minds other's privacy and expects the same for his privacy. Extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combat, and can kill a person 50 different ways with his fists alone.
Weaponry: Hand-crafted, pure metal sword and a small knife with his sister's name ingraved on it.
Appearance: Tall, brown hair covered by his Purle Baseball Cap, with a lightning bolt on it. A Ragged blue shirt with "Home" Written across it. And Blue jeans, with White Jordans, which he cleans daily.
Status: Unharmed, not-bitten, no disease, and just trying to find a safe place.
Likes: His own space, someone to talk to, and Feugo Takis.
Dislikes: People or something that tries to harm him, or friends.
Other: None

RP: Zach stood infront of the sign that read "Welcome to, Kentucky". The memories of his sister being surrounded by those, those things, and separted from him stil haunted him. He was a coward in his mind, he could have protected her, he could have done something, but he just ran. He'll never forget her screams. He kept on walking, until he got to the town of Lexington. He used to come here on vacations during the spring, with his family. He knew exactly where the best spots in town were, his only issue was the thousands of... things... patrolling the streets left and right. A group about 10 of them were heading towards him, he ducked in an allyway to hide from them. He looked up for a way to get higher ground. "Bingo." He said quietly to himself. He found a stairwell. He hurried up with gusto, hoping he hadn't been heard. He reached the roof and took his bag off to rumage through his remaining supplies. Two candy bars, three bottles of water, a bag of his favorite Takis, a small pillow, four batteries, a medium-sized rope, a paper-clip, and a picture of his family. He put his finger over her soster on the photo. It was all his fault... if only I did something. His thoughts were interupted by a sound from behind. He figure was leaping across the buildings behind him. He decided to follow.


Previously hollowhead_
Flint kept leaping from building to building, not acknowledging the figure behind him, until he reached the building, closest to the docks, "Dammit! No boats.." He said as he turned around, and finally saw the figure which was following him. He glared and readied 'Barry', "Stand back." He said as he lightly put his finger on the trigger, not pushing it, YET, "Why are you following me? You a bandit?" He glared as he backed up a bit. He wasn't afraid, but acted like that, just to see if this guy actually meant good, or not. He waited patiently for an answer. He gritted his teeth.
Zach noticed the person had a gun pointed at him, and knew better than to make sudden movements. "No. I am not here to steal anything or hurt anyone. I'm just like you, trying to survive, and find out my place in this new world." He replied to him. "I saw you hopping about the rooftops and figured I'd follow you to try and see of you were part of a group, or had a shelter of some sort." He walked forward slowly and sat on the ledge of the building. "Sometimes I wonder what keeps me from jumping off right now, and just get it over with. It's not the pain that scares me, it's why I'm still here. God mentioned he would bring down the world, I didn't figure this is what he had in mind." Zach was known for giving weird speeches that had a deeper meaning. "But I'm here while billions of other are like that." He pointed to the living dead below. "Why me? Why you? Why are we still normal? I figured to try and find that out myself, a whole new adventure." He smiled akwardly. "The Living." He paused for a second and looked back up at the man. "Versus, The Walking Dead."


Previously hollowhead_
Flint looked at the boy in front of him. He put down the gun. He knew this guy was legitimate good, so he tried talking to him, "Well, to answer your question, I'm not part of a group, but I do have shelter, follow me." He said as he gestured for the kid to follow him. He then made sure there were no walkers and slid down the building. He then began sneaking off, hoping Zach would follow him.
Zach watched the guy slide down the building and onto the group below. He followed by leaping off and leaping from the two walls of the adjacent buildings. He scanned the aurrounding area for walkers and continued to follow the boy. He seemed younger than him, but not by that much. Zach was especially good at reading people by their actions, and how they act. He could stare into them and read them like a book. He could tell this guy wasn't leading him into a trap, he was never wrong before, but the world had changed, and maybe he had changed too.


Previously hollowhead_
Flint was taking Zach with him through a very long trip. He didn't tell him, cause he knew he would immediately back off. Finally, they reached the forest, and then a big modern house, "This is my house." He said briefly as he opened the door with some keys. They entered into a really big place, "Hungry?" He said as he held a pot of fresh, warm and well-cooked ramen noodles, he put the bowl in front of Zach, and went into the kitchen, and started cleaning some dishes.
Zach took a seat infront of the bowl of noodles that had been prepared for him. He thanked Flint greatly, and almost dug in, but remembered something. He looked around the house and admired how big it was. He wondered where the other people who lived here had gone. He'd ask about it later, yet he thought he knew what the response would be. He studied the noodles checking for off-coloring or anything other signs of poison. He still couldn't complete trust him yet, even though he had been very gracious to him so far. He decided to walk around the house a little bit, he figured Flint wouldn't mind. He walked upstairs and noticed a picture on the wall. It looked to be an average family. He noticed what look to be like Flint when he was younger and his parents. He smiled and walked back downstairs. He looked on the backyard and saw that it was fenced off. He opened the door and stepped outside. There was plenty of space to move around, so he decided to waste some time practicing his combat skills. He drew his sword out of its sheath and raised it. His master's words rang out in his head, "A sword is an extention of your own body. Let it flow with great power through every strike it produces." And he swung, thought flooded into his head of his sister. He blamed himself for it, and it rightly was his fault. He calmed himself though, he was always taught that anger does not fuel fighting, it just tears you down. He decided that was enough for today.


Previously hollowhead_
Flint finished cleaning the dishes, and then looked around for Zach and looked at a window, and saw him in the backyard. He then saw the bowl of noodles, still not eaten, but still a bit warm. He then sat on a couch, and saw the large T.V which was hung upon the wall. It obviously didn't work, but he as planning on fixing it, cause what else could he have done in this hopeless world? He decided to think about that later and went upstairs, and went into his room, he looked at his shelf, filled with medical supplies, food and water. He needed one thing, though : Ammo. He realized, that his gun, 'Barry' was only on two bullets, "Ya hungry, buddy? Alright, let's get you some ammo." He chuckled to 'Barry' and went outside, "Hey, dude! I'm panning on goin' back to the city to get some ammo." He said to Zach. He realized, he hadn't known his name yet. Maybe, later. He thought as he walked off.
(Can I join?)
Name : Asra Mariposa
Gender : Female
Age : 10
Personality : She is a very energetic and eccentric girl with a passion on guns. She loves sweets. Since she was three she had shown the signs of having a mastery towards wielding guns although she can't wield a knife that well. She also a very sentimental and loyal person.
Weaponry : two black Berreta 9mm and two hunting knives
Appearance : Short maroon hair, passive amber eyes and a short height. She wears a simple t shirt, brown shorts, green jacket, red boots and gloves.
Status : Alive, non-bitten, low on supplies
Likes : antiques, guns, books, vehicles and survival stuff
Dislikes : Walkers and Bandits
Other : She carries headphones and a MP3 with her but she does not use it since it's impractical.

(I'll wait for your reply before posting)


Previously hollowhead_
(You're Accepted.)
Flint walked through some trees. He was walking through the city, looking for ammo, since he was running short. He knew it was going to be a long stroll. So, he kept his gun next to him, just in case walkers came looking for him. He just kept himself ready, but he really had to get more ammo, he literally had only 2 bullets! He wasn't sure how, or where he would find it, but he was more of a 'think about it when doing it' person. He realized this might get him trouble, but nowadays, everything gives trouble in this dreadful world. After hours of walking, he was at the city. He looked around, it seemed clear. He kept sneaking around for Gun Shops, cause he knew supplies were there. He was sticking to walls and dark alleys, until he could find a gun shop.
Asra sighed as she checked her ammo one more time, she's been in the cabin for two days with minimum food and almost to none water. Her Uncle had told her to wait in the cabin two days ago and two days later he still MIA. She stood up grabbed her jacket which she used as a blanket or a cot, she then pulled the hood as she exited the cabin. Looking around the forest, her senses sharpen like those of a hunter as she scan her surroundings, gun in position and ready to shoot at any second. Fortunately, she was alone.

Relaxing, she looked back at the tiny cabin before running to the side of it, there she grabbed her bike and paddled back to the neighborhood praying that a walker wont chase her, like they had done the day of the spread.


Previously hollowhead_
Flint finally found a gun shop. He then went inside. He saw tons of supplies! "Ammo., yes! Food, water, medics, don't mind if I do.." He said as he took all the supplies and put it in his bag. He then reloaded his shotgun, 'Barry', "Feelin' better, buddy?" He asked to 'Barry'. He then went out of the gun shop, having all the supplies in there, with him. He was happy, that he was getting a refill, everything had been going well in terms of survival, and he even had a normal human being, and could've even started a group, or somethin'
Asra saw the familiar road of her former neighborhood, she could have breath out a sigh if she wasn't panting. She paddled faster, failing to notice the rock she was going to hit until she was suddenly in the air.

There was a loud thud and the sound of a body hitting the hard pavement. Asra was now laying on the grassy lawn of someone who most likely abandoned the house or got eaten by the walkers. She breathed in heavily as she bit her lip but it was so hard to do so with a bruised chin and probably her whole lower jaw. Tears leaked out of her eyes as her body lay frozen on the ground bruised and dirtied by the ground, her head was bleeding, she was now sporting a badly injured lips and heavily bruised jaw. Luckily she didnt receive any broken bones on her fall, but there is also the fact of a concussion and temporary disabled body. Her vision, aside from being blurry, started to have black spots as her breathing had gotten heavier. She tried fighting for consciousness but her whole body was screaming in agony, in the end her small frail body cant take it and everything went black. She could only hope that the walkers would let her be and decided to not eat her for there next meal.


Previously hollowhead_
While, Flint was walking home, he saw a girl, bleeding on the pavement. He looked shocked and put his ear next to her chest. Her heartbeats were still there, "Thank god." He said as he struggled to pull her up and carry her on is back. He saw her bicycle, he tried ride while she was behind him. He made sure she didn't fall off. They finally made it to the house. Flint carried the girl inside and put her on the couch. He then sprinted upstairs, and brought meds from his shelf, as well as the ones he had gotten from the city. He came back downstairs and into the couch, the girl was on. He had the liquid thing that would clean wounds, "This might sting a little." He said as he put the cleaning liquid on her wounds. They looked a bit better. The girl seemed unconscious so she was unable to feel any pain. He then ran to the bathroom, and opened his secret med cabinet. He got some bandages and a needle. He walked back to the girl, and used the needle to sew her wounds, before she became conscious. After sewing her wounds, he then bandaged up her injuries, "That should do." He was relieved.
Zach noticed movement insode the house. He stopped what he was doing and walked inside. He stepped into the loving room and noticed a gorl seemingly unconcious on the couch. Flint was hurrying about treating her wounds. "Is this a friend of yours?" Zach asked. She looked familiar, but he couldn't quite put a finger on it.


Previously hollowhead_
"No, but I don't think, she's bitten. Or dead, she's not either, she's just badly injured." He said as he looked at the bandaged girl, "I don't think she's deceased. She should be fine, since I cleaned her wounds." He stated as he rubbed his head, "If someone has a life, then one has the right to live their life." He said firmly as he got up. He made some food. He made some stew, soup, noodles and some beans, "Who's hungry?" He called out to everybody.
Asra opened her eyes, confused and disoriented, for some reason she cant turn her head or her mind just outright rejected the movement so she could only make out where she is by her peripheral vision. It was hard since all she could see was an unfamiliar ceiling that she knew the cabin does not possessed. She tried twitching her fingers then she tried moving her body even just the slightest but that slightest had triggered a humongous amount of pain that washed over her whole body.

Gasping for air she settled on just laying down and tried not to move too much, she could feel the tears on her eyes that was about ready to fall.


Previously hollowhead_
"Wait! Don't move, or you'll double the pain. Trust me, my dad's a doctor." He explained and warned her not to move, "Don't worry, you're safe now." He stated to her, "Hungry?" He asked curiously as he pointed over at the dining table. There were beans, noodles, stew, soup and some milk, "I'll help you walk over there, if you want." He said as he lent out a hand to her.
Asra looked at the boy but she wasn't able to make out what he looked like except for his hair because of her tears blurringher vision. She blinked the tears away to get her vision to cleared out but it only succeeded on giving her a headache. She groaned as she lifted an arm for the boy's hand, she could felt it shaking due to her fatigue and the pain but fortunately she was able to not looked like a crybaby. She grabbed the boy's hand and let him help her.


Previously hollowhead_
Flint helped her up and put her arm around his neck and put her on the chair in the dining room. He had put down the food he had made. He sat down, and started eating some noodles. He put a bottle of milk beside everybody's bowl of noodles. There were some soup and stew as a side dish, "So, uh, how did you end up injured?" He asked to the girl curiously as he ate some more noodles.
"I'm riding on my bike downhill, I think." She explained unsure as she ate some noodles as well . "I was in my family's cabin for two days, waiting for my uncle but he... still haven't came back." She looked at the bottle of milk, as her mind tried to remember more but it only gave her a headache. "I decided to leave to get more supplies but..." She sigh, shaking her head before looking back up to the her companions. She grinned at them and said "Well you could say that my plans went downhill, from there."
Zach walked into the kitchen with everyone else. He took a seat next to the girl, and started eating. He had learned that in a situation of survival, eat all you can, you never know when you'll eat again. He listened intently to the girl's story. Best collect information first, then continue.


Previously hollowhead_
Flint looked in pity at the girl. He had somewhat mutual happenings, but they were even worse than what happened to anyone. He shook the thought away ,and listened back to the girl. He didn't know what the two in front of him had in mind, "Well, I've experienced worse, but I don't wanna talk about it. I'm just looking for a boat, so I can avoid cities." He stated, "But I'd rather stay here. It seems safer, plus the fences outside are barbed with electric wire. So, any walker comes close here, they'll be fried like toast. But, of course, the generator needs power. Any of you know where to find some fuel?" He asked curiously to the two people who were in front of him, "Hey, name's Flint. Flint Dodger." He introduced himself, "What are your names?" He asked curiously.
"The Name's Zach." Zach stated. "And yes I know where Fuel is." He looked at the girl in pretty bad shape. "I can go and get some, you seem to know your medical stuff, so you should stay with her." He loaded his stuff up, and went outside. He started walking in the direction of the nearest gas station.
"Asra." She answered as she finished her food, she sigh in content before she turned to watched Zach left "Do you think he'll come back?" She asked as she took the bottle of milk "My uncle did the same but he was looking for supplies. He didn't came back..."


Previously hollowhead_
"Stay safe." He said as he watched Zach head out. Flint would've loved to destroy some walker faces, but he had to take care of Asra, "How about you get some rest?" He suggested to Asra. Flint was no medic guy. But he just knows some stuff from his dad. He was more of an assault kinda guy. He just didn't show it, yet. Zach and Asra clearly didn't know how good Flint was on handling weapons. He literally had a SHOTGUN whilst he was 11.
Asra hummed before she stood up, clutching the table for support "Yeah that could be great." She said as she walked, staggered, to the couch. She settled down and closed her eyes, she didn't remove her boots though since it will kept her feet warm and her beretta was hidden by it.

(OOC: Yeah is it alright if I summon some peep? They might be interested in this rp)


Previously hollowhead_
Flint then looked at Asra. She looked fine and she looked better. He ate all of the leftover food, which was very little since the other have eaten a lot. He took a mug of Hot Cocoa and put it in the coffee table in front of Asra. He then walked over to the T.V, and looked at the plugs and wires. He tried his best to fix it and un-tangle the wires.
Asra closed her eyes as she tried to actually have some rest, which she didn't quite feel like obligating at the moment so she just settle on keeping her eyes shut but keep her consciousness awake. She tried clearing her mind of all the days event but unfortunately it only give her a much older memory, where the world is still brighter, cleaner and alive. She remember the day her parents moved in to her uncle's house so they could accompany the dying man. Yes, her uncle is dying from a cancer that her parents refused to let her know, fortunately it wasn't contagious. Come to think of it, even if her did came back his sickness will eat him and she will be alone again and if he didnt came back then he might be one of the walkers by now.

It was hard to think of such things, so she just rolled over so her back was facing Flint before she quietly let out a sob. It continued like that before she unknowingly fell asleep.

(Ok, @9012_dirt, @Ry_Burst. I dont know anyone else who might be interested so I just call you guys to see if you are.)


Previously hollowhead_
Flint didn't hear her sobbing. He was too busy, trying to fix the T.V, "Gah, this thing doesn't work." He said calmly, he went closer to Asra, "Hey, Asra. I'm going to help Zach get fuel, you stay here." He said as he locked the windows, and the door, and headed out, with his black shotgun with red tiger stripes painted on it. He then began following Zach.
Zach was casually walking along the sidewalk. "Funny" He thought. "I still use the sidewalk, it's not like there's cars around." He kept on walking reimagining the events thatbhad taken place a couple days ago. He still wished he could have done something. Just then, he heard the unmistakable sound of walkers around the corner. He was right. They didn't pose a threat to him, he quickly drew his sword and finished them in 4 clean swipes. He wiped the blood and guys off the end of his sword, and sheathed it once again. He managed to locate the gas station easier than he thought. He looked around for something to hold the fuel in. Bingo. To his left were 3 empty, red gas cans. One still had a little fuel left in it though. He walked over to the empty cars and started siphoning gas from them. He filled two up completely, and the last on only a fourth of the way up. It would last them a while, maybe a month or so at the best. He started walking back, only to find the way back was blocked by a horde of least 50 walkers. "Shit.." He said to himself. He was spotted by them. Thankfully, they were slow, but it was a mistake to under-estimate them. If you were cornered, you weren't going to make it. He quickyly hurried the next block over and found he forest. He was greater by an unhealthy surprise. Lines of bandits, guarding the entrance, with walkers on leashes.


Previously hollowhead_
Suddenly, a weird noise was heard. The walkers and bandits looked up at a rooftop, "Hi there. Walkers, why don't you just continue your way to hell? Bandits, you dumb sh*ts really think you can use walkers to corner people? Hahaha! What a joke. Anyways, do you bleed?" He readied his shotgun, "Cause you will, now." And just like that, all bandits were found dead on the cold hard ground. All of them had bullet marks through their head. Flint refilled his ammo, and sprinted in front of the walkers, and shot all of them. One by one. Refilling amo after every 5 bullets. The walkers were after Flint, now. But most were going for Zach, cause he seemed like easy prey. Flint was in the middle of all of them. He closed his eyes. He then fisted, kicked and shot every walker that moved. He was killing all of them 3 by 3, now! Soon, there was only 10 walkers. Flint refilled his ammo. He saw all of them coming for him, and then he saw two walkers right behind each other. He shot the one in front, making the bullet go right to the brain of the other one's head He then shot them all and killed them with bullets through their brain. He refilled the ammo, and saw some smoke coming from his shotgun, he then blew the smoke away, "Good job, Barry." He said to his shotgun, "You okay, Zach?" He asked curiously as he scanned the area. Nope, nothing but dead walkers and bandits.
Zach smirked, he appreciated the help, but he didn't really need it. "I'm fine." He set the cans of gas on the ground infront of Flint. "Here's you fuel." And just like that he walked casually back to the house like nothing had happened. Walkers tried to bite into his flesh, but they didn't last long. He found the house marked 156, this is where they were staying. He walked inside and sat on the couch opposite of Asra, and started cleaning off his sword. He looked up at the girl on the couch, she had been crying. He could tell by her red colored face. He couldn't tell if she was asleep completely or not, but he could tell she was cold. He found a blanket nearby and laid it on top of her. He decided it was best to take a quick nap, and conserve his energy. So that's what he did.
Name : Meredith Lewia
Gender : Female
Age : 11
Personality : Meredith is quite and suspicious, despite her timid outward appearances she is an unfittingly violent person that can even be quite threatening if needed. She isn't exactly skilled at combat, but she is confident and aggressive.
Weaponry : A large thick wooden bat, 4 knives
Appearance : Meredith had thick black hair that is cut just above her shoulders, her skin is pale and eyes a dark brown color. Meredith has freckles across her cheeks and arms, she also has glasses but since she had broken her last pair she can't see as well.
Status : Fine, Non-Bitten, Non-Diseased, and Well Supplied

Name : Jackson Lewia
Gender : Male
Age : 14
Personality : Jackson doesn't need much of a reason to go out and shoot some biter brains out, he is an extremely skilled shooter and his ego is very large. Although he practices his shot, and is experienced with a gun, without one he is helpless.
Weaponry :
Main: 2 Pistols, 1 Semi-automatic shot-gun
Stored: 3 shotguns, 6 pistols, 3 rifles
Appearance : Jackson's hair is a bleach-blonde color, it is a medium length and sticks out in every direction although it is covered by a safari cap. He is rather lean and slender, with tanned skin- a scar stretches from his left cheek across his eye to the eyebrow although it's not as noticeable when his eyes are open. Jackson's eyes are a bright blue color and his features are sharply defined.
Status : Fine, Non-Bitten, Non-Diseased, and Well Supplied


Previously hollowhead_
"Yeah, right, you didn't need help." He said sarcastically. He watched Zach go back, "Your welcome!" He frowned. He carried 1 gas can in his right hand, and another in the left hand. The third one, though. How would he pull that up? He sighed and saw the handle on the gas can, he literally held it by his mouth. He tried not to touch it with his tongue, though. It had been a heck of a long trip to the house. He put the fuel down and began fueling the generator, "That should do it." He said calmly as he put the gas cans into the storage shed. He walked inside the house, to see the T.V, turned on, "Thanks for your HELP, Zach!" He said sarcastically. He then refilled his ammo, and put 'Barry' aside.
At the startling sound of a slam both siblings look up form their work, they were seating in the upstairs part of their shelter with Meredith shining her bat, and Jackson counted their food. They were running low on food and water, hadn't left the house in a couple days. Jackson put a finger to his lips in a gesture of silence before picking a pistol up from the floor and grinning at the mob of biters at their front door. "'Bout time you guys stopped by." he gasped jokingly before shooting two in the head, "Merry, the neighbors came to greet us!" he called. In an instant his younger sister came flinging her bat and smashing the creature's heads in. By the time the two had finished Jackson wiped his fore-head, "Well that was more than usual." he muttered before shrugging. "Let's go collect resources." he motioned to the door before walking out.


Previously hollowhead_
Flint winded up to a startling slam noise, "What the..?" He looked outside and heard some shooting noises and some hitting sounds as if from a baseball bat. He tried to investigate. After 25 minutes of walking, he looked t the house, with dead walkers around it. He looked at some two people getting inside their house. He greeted them, "Hey! Are you two in need of supplies?" He asked curiously as he waved his arms, as if showing he had no weapons, and that was true. He really didn't have weapons. He left his shotgun at home, "Or should I leave?" He said as he backed away a bit.


Sounds interesting!
Name : Morgan Easton
Gender : Female
Age : 13
Personality : Rather shy but absolutely ruthless in battle. She and her brother practiced lots of sparring with bo-staffs before she lost him. She is also pretty accurate with smaller firearms, although she prefers hand to hand combat.
Weaponry : A simple wooden bo-staff and a hand pistol.
Appearance : Long black hair she usually ties back, an orange tank top and white jeans, a black backpack, and a brown wide brim hat.
Status : Fine, Non-Bitten, Non-Diseased, and a bit of a nomad. She wanders around, following supplies.
Likes : Having someone to talk to, anyone she can consider family.
Dislikes : Traitors, Walkers and Bandits
Other : None

Gonna wait for approval before I post :)
Zach woke up from his nap from whatever that horrific sound was. He turned to see Flint run out the door. Zach shrugged and laid back down. He turned towards the window and saw Flint standing outside of a house with dewd walkers around it. "He's gonna get himself killed..." he sighed. He knew Flint was perfectly capable of handing himself though, it's just he hasn't seen him in combat without his shotgun. He sat up, he watched Flint through the window. He was going to make sure if Flint got himself in trouble, he'd be there to get him out of it. He readied his sword, just in case.

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