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Open The War *Warning- Blood involved*

Hi! This is a role-play about humans and their Pokemon getting involved in a war. The only people they can trust are very close friends and their Pokemon. Nobody else. Your side in the war is based on which town/city you came from; the war is based on regions against each other. All you have to do is simply survive until it is over.


No spam posting

At least 2 sentences

No cursing/cussing

Hate the character, not the person

You must be a trainer

You can't kill a Pokemon, you can only attempt. Same goes with people

No Pokemon levels over 90

You must have at least one Pokemon with you at all times

No legendaries

You can have up to 3 characters

Regular Pokecharms rules

Characer Template:

Pokemon on hand:
Hometown (Your side in the war):
Most frequently used Pokemon:
Weapon (Only one):


Name: Ebony
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Appearance: Dark purple hair with black streaks, ghostly lavender shirt with Umbreon on it, black leather jacket, black jeans, black tennis shoes with dark purple trim, black wolf ears (headband)
Personality: Often seen as dangerous, sometimes acts insane, nice once you get to know her, very serious about the war, determined to win, hates anybody not on her side of the war, dark side is evil and almost unstoppable
Pokemon on hand: Umbreon (Female), Noivern (Female), Stantler (Male), Weavile (Female), Meowstic (Male), Charizard (Male)
Most frequently used Pokemon: Noivern
Weapon (Only one): Bow and arrows

Ebony trailed through the forest. She was very alert, not going to be caught off guard for a second. She stopped, then pulled out a specially designed Pokeball; the normally red part was purple, and it had a pair of dragon wings above the button. She threw it out, releasing a big Noivern. "Noivern, use Boomburst!" She called to the dragon-type Pokemon. Noivern opened her mouth, and her large ears, sending a loud and powerful force through the forest. Ebony barely glanced at the couple of Pokemon that fell from the trees- her eyes stuck to the unknown person who fell. "Who are you?" She demanded, her Noivern swooping down to land beside her trainer.
(Where are you from?)
Name: Halt Willow
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Tall and lanky. He wears polarized sunglasses and a black jacket. Halt is quite strong, but can be kinda careless at times.
Personality: Calm and throughout. Halt doesn't care much for the war, but does try to defend himself. He thinks of him as more of a ninja than anything else. He is a jokester.
Pokemon on hand: Infernape, Salemence, Sceptile, Alakazam, Lapras, Rapidash
Hometown (Your side in the war): Snowpoint, Sinnoh
Most frequently used Pokemon: Infernape (battle) Salemence(travel)
Weapon (Only one) A Sharded whip. (A whip with glass shards in it causing much more damage)
Halt looked up from where he fell. His Salemence was shot by an Ice Beam, and he was forced to return it to prevent location. Seems like that failed. The thing was, Infernape never was in the pokeball. He was out. A signal was sent through the trees, and Halt looked just enough to see the hidden pokemon. Halt raised his arms. "I'm the fallen angel. I fell from the sky.
Name: Kaleb Storm
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Appearance: Kaleb is about 6"8. He has black hair that goes halfway down his neck. He wears a red contact lense in his left eye. His right eye was cut out during the war, and there is a scar covering the area, stretching across his right eye. He wears a black jacket, and dark pants, so that he can blend in, in the dark. He wears a dark blue shirt. He has a sheath that holds his sword, which is attached to the belt around his waist.
Personality: The war completely changed him. He used to be fun-loving and friendly, but now he is very serious. He usually argues with people, and only trusts his Pokémon.
Hometown: Royal Avenue, Akala Island, Alola
Pokémon on hand: Pangoro, Charizard, Torterra, Infernape, Krookodile (Croco), Jolteon (Bolt)
Most frequently used Pokémon: Pangoro, Croco
Weapon: Sword

Kaleb witnessed Ebony knock Halt out of the tree. He sent out Bolt and Torterra, telling them to keep their guard up, before walking over to them. The two Pokémon stayed behind and watched from a distance.

"Any reason why you decided to knock this guy out of the tree?" Kaleb asked, clutching the pokeball containing Charizard in case she attacked him, too. Torterra and Bolt were ready to defend their trainer if they needed to.

Kaleb stared at her intently with his one eye. He had lost his right eye to another person earlier during the war. The man later knocked Kaleb off his Charizard in the sky, and Kaleb almost fell to his death, but Charizard saved him, like he did many times in his past adventures.

Kaleb unsheathed his sword in case she attacked, holding it in one hand and Charizard's ball in the other. Bolt and Torterra were hiding behind a tree so that she wouldn't see them, but were both ready to attack if Ebony tried anything.
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(Oops, I didn't notice I had forgotten that. Goldenrod City, Johto)

Ebony looked Kaleb in the eye. "My strategy. I can't let anybody be spying on me." She answered simply. She didn't trust this guy who obviously wasn't on her side in the war. She kept her Noivern out of it's Pokeball. "Do you have a problem with me defending myself?" She asked in a more dangerous tone. She wasn't afraid to do some real damage to anyone who dared interfere with what she needed to do to survive the war.
Halt watched as the two people spoke above him. Taking the distraction, he rolled quickly into the woods. Once in the woods, Halt knew he was hidden. Quickly he climbed the tree and watched from a branch above them. Holding his whip loosely, Halt was ready for an attack, and Infernape was as well. The pokemon was ready to start an attack plan they had come up with. He blocks the path with a fire, Halt blocks the other path. People rush when cornered.
Kaleb's hand tightened its grip on the sword and pokeball as Bolt and Torterra watched. Kaleb's Infernape jumped out of its ball and in front of his trainer.

"Inferrrrr-nape!" he cried out. Kaleb stepped in front of him and rolled his eyes. "Excuse my overprotective partners," he said sarcastically. "So is this gonna be a fight?" he asked, as he clutched Charizard's ball.

Bolt and Torterra watched as both were ready to attack. They watched intently, for if she used a flying or fire type Bolt would attack, or if she ground or rock type, Torterra would.
"I can tell you are not from the side of the war I am. And you a threat to our side, so the answer is yes." She responded, a grim look in her eyes. She withdrew an ebony black Pokeball, and threw it into the air, releasing an Umbreon. "Umbree! Umbreon!" She cried out. The Umbreon took a step forward, and Ebony's Noivern's wings were pulled open, ready to shoot into the air. "Umbreon, use Shadow Ball!" She shouted suddenly. "Noisier, use Dragon Pulse!"
"Alright, Chari-huh?" Kaleb cried out, but Bolt and Torterra had jumped forward. Bolt jumped right towards Noivern, as Torterra shot an Energy Ball at the ground, trying to distract Ebony and Umbreon. The area was covered in smoke as the Energy Ball collided with the ground, and Kaleb took this opportunity. He withdrew Torterra and Bolt, and sent out Charizard. He hopped on the Flame Pokémon's back, and the two flew away.
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Halt waved his arm signaling 'now!' Infernape lept forward right in front of the Charizard. The fire ape pokemon launched into a Rock Climb, and caused rocks to raise in the dragon's path. Halt lept down from the tree, the whip dragging behind him. "Hey, two kills. Lets see if I can make Sinnoh proud." With a crack of the whip, a Sceptile appeared. "I really wouldn't struggle." He said, and launched his whip with a satisfying *Crack* to the Umbreon.
Kaleb hopped onto a rock, and Charizard flew straight into Infernape with Fly. Kaleb sent out Bolt, Croco, Pangoro, Torterra, and his own Infernape.

Pangoro and Kaleb's Infernape hopped down right in front of Halt, followed by Torterra, who jumped down near Ebony and Noivern. Croco used Earthquake as Bolt jumped on Charizard's back to avoid the attack. When it was over, Bolt jumped off and readied a Volt Tackle, and Charizard readied a Wing Attack, both aiming for Halt's Infernape.

Torterra blasted an Energy Ball towards Noivern, and Pangoro ran at Umbreon, charging up a Bullet Punch. Kaleb's Infernape stood, staring into Halt's eyes.
Name: Jasmine Seader
Age: 16
Gender: Female

Appearance: Two long, dark purple twirls of hair cascade down her back and reach her hips each set in a high ponytail on either side of her head. Her skin is pale and unmarked and her gaze is a light amber color with specks of shining gold.
Personality: Serious, fast-witted, caring, stoical
Pokemon on hand: Crawdaunt, Vileplume, Arcanine, Ampharos, Dragonite, Crobat
Hometown (Your side in the war): Johto Region
Most frequently used Pokemon: Crobat
Weapon (Only one): A knife (also skilled in silent combat)


Jasmine took a deep breath as she pressed her body against the cold stoniness of the wrecked wall that she hid behind. Her fragile gaze scanned the area before catching onto a rapidly moving blur of purple that flew past her, she nodded silently before moving forward with her hand at her belt that stored her pokeballs. Jasmine took in the peacefulness of the wrecked city, before firmly nodded in praise to the Crobat that landed on her shoulder. Suddenly though, the ground shook beneath the young fighter. Her head snapped towards the sounds of a fight that had just broken out.
She blinked and stood for a moment before spontaneously breaking into a stealthy sprint with Crobat taking the lead ahead of her. She stopped at the scene of the battle, 3 different regions. She didn't speak, but released Arcanine and Ampharos at once to stand in front of her.
Kaleb jumped off the rocks, but noticed Jasmine. He looked at her for a second. "Definitely NOT from Alola," he muttered under his breath.

"You fighting?" he asked. Croco stepped up behind him, ready to attack if she made any sudden movements.

Charizard pulled up early when he noticed this. As Bolt flew straight at Halt's Infernape, Kaleb withdrew him, along with Torterra and Pangoro. Croco stood behind Kaleb still, Charizard flew over in their direction, and Infernape still stared right at Halt.

Kaleb suddenly jumped into the air and withdrew Infernape and Croco, but he did not land back on the ground. Instead, he landed on Charizard's back. As they flew away, Charizard shot an Inferno at the ground, making a circle of fire around the other trainers, and they flew away.

A few minutes later, Charizard landed on the ground. They were near a lake, when they saw a man. Kaleb recognized him as the man who cut his eye out. He unsheathed his sword silently, and ran up behind him, Charizard flying into the air, attempting an airborne attack.

(Question: Are we allowed to kill humans who are not controlled by RPers, or are we not allowed to kill at all?)
Halt's Infernape ducked down in a roll so he landed without damage. The ape landed on the ground, which was slightly shaken due to the earthquake.
Halt let out his Salemence. "You really wanna mess around, huh." He said to himself. Halt and Infernape climbed onto the dragon's back and took after the Charizard. Salemence liked flying fast, and soon caught up with the other trainer. "Do you really think a little fire was gonna stop me?" He asked. Infernape, being the only pokemon not in flight, took the opportunity to blast a flamethrower at the other trainer.
Kaleb dodged. He sent out Croco and Bolt.

"You know what to do," he said. Both lunged at the opposing Pokémon, and Kaleb pulled out his sword. "Come and get it," he said, Charizard flying behind him.

Meanwhile, the man Kaleb had approached had ran off in another direction while Kaleb and Halt were caught up in a fight.
(You can’t kill a RPer’s Pokemon or another RPer’s character, but you can kill someone who is not in control of a character)

Ebony grinned as smoke filled the area. “Thanks for making this so easy for me, but now it is time to get rid of you.” She watched her Umbreon dodge the attacks with her incredible speed, while Noivern got hit once or twice but took it like a tank and ignored the petty damage.

Noivern flapped into the air with a loud battle cry, and released a very, very powerful Dragon Pulse, which completely devastated the area. “Noivern, ready a Boomburst attack!” She called. Boomburst was most Noivern’s mosh powerful move, and he’rs was extra strong.

As Noivern soared high into the air, a large white force in front of her ears, her Boomburst began to strengthen as she waited for the right time. Ebony withdrew her Meowstic, who landed silently on the middle of the battlefield. “Meowstic, send the strangers Charizard crashing down with your Psychic.” She ordered her blue Pokemon. With a small nod, her Meowstic’s ears went straight up and a Psychic formed. Ebony grinned to herself as Meowstic launched the attack and sent the Charizard crashing through the trees.
Charizard flew out of the forest, and straight towards Meowstic. He slammed into him with Flare Blitz, and then blasted a Fire Blast right towards Ebony.

Kaleb, who noticed the man escape, ran after him. "This isn't over," he said to Halt as he ran off. Bolt jumped out and made sure Halt didn't come after his trainer.

Kaleb caught up with the man and drew his sword. He sent out Croco and Pangoro to keep him from escaping. Infernape came out and jumped right at the man as he pulled out his own sword.
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Ebony commanded Meowstic to block the Fire Blast didn't hit Ebony as she watched Halt escape the battle. As the two started drawing their swords, her eyes seemed to gleam with the danger she wished would fall on everybody to threaten her, and sometimes even the forest itself. The black streaks in her hair seemed to somehow darken, but although Ebony noticed it, she was used to it and ignored it.

"Meowstic, send those cowards shooting into the air." She ordered the blue cat-like Pokemon. She withdrew Umbreon and Noivern, while she ket out Meowstic and sent out her own Charizard. She climbed onto his back, and commanded him to fly towards the Mystic Hollow. The Mystic Hollow was her only current home, where nobody knew where it was and has never came across it before.

Once the two trainers were well out of her way, she withdrew Meowstic from where she was, leaving only Charizard remaining. Charizard followed the path to the Mystic Hollow, and soon the large cave-like thing was in sight. She and Charizard swooped in, Charizard re-lighting the few torches with his tail. Not much unnatural light was needed because there was small holes on the moss ceiling.

Ebony ordered Charizard to keep watch on the topper level as Ebony walked down her black stairs down to the lower level of the hollow. She knew she had made it when she spotted the crystal-blue lake that sparkled in a way no lake ever has before. She dipped her hand in, icy coolness suddenly filling her body. She gazed into the lake and peered at her reflection, before closing her eyes and grinning maliciously.
Kaleb and his enemy were locked in combat, up until Pangoro Bullet Punched the man in the face. He fell to the ground.

“Sweet, sweet revenge,” Kaleb said, smiling. “I’m gonna enjoy this, so it’s gonna be slow... painful... excruciating...”

He remembered the fight between him and the man before. Kaleb entered the fight with two eyes, and left with one.


They were locked in combat just as they were in this battle. The man knocked Kaleb back onto one knee, and then slashed his eye out with his sword.

“Even when you had two eyes, you didn’t see your impending doom,” the man tainted him. He got up and shoved the man over.

He swung his sword down at the man, but missed as he ran outside the building they had been in. The man let out his Salamence. Kaleb started to fly away on Charizard, but the man shot him down with Draco Meteor. He fell out of the sky, down, down, down, until Charizard caught him, and the duo flew away.

Back in reality, Kaleb looked down on the man who had cost him an eye.

“When this is over, I’ll see you in hell,” the man said to him.

“When this is over, I will be alive, and I will hunt down every person who knew you. Every. Last. One.” And with that, Kaleb thrusted his sword through the stomach of his enemy, and pushed him to the ground. “I will survive this war, even if I have to eliminate all the other regions myself,” he muttered to himself, before walking back out.

He saw Ebony flying away, and sent out Charizard. “Follow that girl,” he said, and he hopped on Charizard’s back, withdrawing Pangoro, Croco, and Bolt, and flew after Ebony.

He watched her at the hollow from a distance and smirked. ‘This is pretty sad,’ he thought to himself. ‘Too bad I have to ruin this moment.’ He motioned for Charizard to shoot, and he fired a Fire Blast, right towards Ebony.
Ebony shot her head up as she heard the roar of fire in the distance. "Charizard, combat the Fire Blast with your Flamethrower!" She commanded her Pokemon. "Looks like he doesn't know when to quit. I give him the slightest bit of survival, and he takes the dangerous way." She muttered. As her hair darkened once more, she readied her bow and arrows.

Ebony went outside and saw the Charizard's blast be challenged by her own Charizard's Flamethrower. Ebony rested her hand on one of her Pokeballs. One she used often, and one she felt a strong connection with. She gripped the black-topped Pokeball tighter, finally letting her anger break through.

"Go, Umbreon!" She shouted. The black Pokemon sprang out of it's Pokeball in mid-air, landing on the soft, grassy ground which would soon be ruined by the effects of war. Through gritted teeth, she looked back up at her Charizard. "Charizard, use Seismic Toss, and don't let go of the enemy's Pokemon until the right time!" She commanded. Her dragon-like Pokemon took to the air with a beat of his wings and arrowed swiftly through the sky towards the enemy Charizard, his claws extended.
Name: Winter
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Appearance: Wears a black ninja suit
Personality: Blond hair, blue eyes, and Calm and kind but can get annoyed easily. Winter could care less about the war. She is a Ninja raised in Ninja Village, Kalos.
Pokemon on hand: Umbreon-(M)-=-(Aura)Lucario-(M)-=-(Blaze)Charizard-(M)-=-(Leaf)Sceptile-(F)-=-(Ninja)Greninja(M)-=-(Ray)Luxray-(F)
Hometown (Your side in the war): Kalos
Most frequently used Pokemon: Umbreon, Aura (Lucario), Ninja (Greninja)and Blaze (Charizard)
Weapon (Only one): Sword and Shield
(Count me in on this)
Name: Edith
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Appearance: She's a small young girl with red-ish hair, she wears dark colored clothes, she has what seems to be a bronze orb tied to a rope as a necklace, it was given to her by her parents which passed away when she was young. She wears leather boots for traveling, she looks completely vulnerable and weak.
Personality: Kind and easy to trust, care for every living thing, She doesn't want to fight but was forced by the people who raised her after her parents died, despite of her young age she is a skilled fighter, sharp shooter and a strong trainer but all she wants is peace (She still has alot of personality but I would let the roleplay go on and the more personality she has reveals)
Pokemon on hand: Gardevoir (Female), Lucario (Male), Manectric (Male), Chandelure (Female), Sharpedo (Male), Sceptile (Female)
Hometown (Your side in the war): Verdanturf Town, Hoenn
Most frequently used Pokemon: Gardevoir
Weapon (Only one): Crossbow
"Imagine that this war never broke . . . You think it would be better ??" Edith wondered as she was walking through a forest. Walking beside her is her trusted friend and Pokemon Gardevoir, she looked back at Edith and smiled in agreement, "Well let's focus on the mission, we're supposed to gather some *information* for Hoenn remember and supposingly our region is aiming to strike onto Johto" she explained to her Gardevoir. As Edith walked deeper into the forest she noticed a few Swellows and other bird Pokemons flying off, "Strange . . . They're supposed to stay here for winter, why are they flying off" she wondered and quickly thought for a momment, "Something's not right I think there are other things here than just Pokemon" she told her Gardevoir. As the two were thinking, loud blasts and other noises can be heard in the opposite way those birds were flying, Edith was concerned about something "There are other fighters here . . . Gardevoir Return !!" Edith said while returning her to a special Pokeball with Pink colors instead of the original Red color. She rushed through the woods and as she stops, she saw what seems to be two Charizards fighting beside their two trainers. She was scared but was sillent and tried to stay behind the trees so none of them would notice or else herlife would end in a blink of an eye, "Hmm . . . Those two are distracted in the battle, maybe if I use this I could atleast get one of them out . . . and stop this fight or else other Pokemon would be affected . . ." She thought, she had a plan to distract the two trainers with a Smoke Ball and grabbed one of them out and had her Sceptile take her out of there.
Name: Lucerne
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Appearance: Wears a long dark cloak around his body with a strange symbols all over it. Always has a dark masquerade mask that extends up into a crown shape.
Personality: Cruel and hateful toward everyone that’s not on his side. Seeks to spread the war even further.
Pokemon on hand: Metagross, Magmortar, Electivire, Weavile, Tangrowth and Rhyperior
Hometown: Unknown
Most frequently used Pokemon: Metagross
Weapon: Halberd

“Ah there you are… fire blast.” Magmortar raised its cannon and fired at the Sceptiles. The blast landed under its feet, erupting the earth under it in a powerful and fiery shockwave. Once all of the debris had settled Lucerne approached Edith with Magmortar by his side; he spoke in a deep and sinister tone. “You know you are a lot harder to find than I though thought you would be.” Magmortar raised its cannon directly at Edith and flames began to gather inside. “How about we have a little heart to heart to heart Hmm?”
Edith glared back at Lucerne silently, she returned Sceptile to her Pokeball and stood up "You know killing me won't help, I have information, I have plans and you want to know them" Edith said to Lucerne. She was holding her Crossbow on her left hand which she was hiding behind her back, she was waiting for his slightest movement to give out shots, "Make your choice wise guy, end me with no information or let me live, besides . . . You can't find any other Hoenners here" She provoked Lucerne. Although she haven't thought through of her plan to escape from this sittuation, her right leg was seriously injured
“Hmm I guess you could be of more value alive than dead, at least for right now. As much as i would love to make an example of you right here and now it’d be pointless if nobody else could see it.” Lucerne swaps out his Magmortar for Electivire; but then something catches his eye. “Hmm what’s that you got around your neck there girl? Care to let me see?” He points at the bronze orb around her neck and opens his hand as if expecting her to give it to him. All the while Electivire stands next to him with its two tails sparking slightly, pointed at Edith.
"Don't even think about it . . ." she warned Lucerne, she still held the crossbow tight in her hand ready to react when it's necessary, "I'd rather die than giving you this necklace" She added
“I think we both know I don’t have any problems arranging that.” He pulls out his Halberd and points it back at her. “So give me the cowards’ necklace and I’ll give you a running start! It’s not exactly like you can fight back on a leg in that condition.”
Edith reacted quickly, loading up her crossbow and shot of Lucerne's Halberd, "Gardevoir come out and teleport me back to base !!!" She said sending out her Gardevoir, Gardevoir didn't want Edith getting hurt so she used all her power to teleport both back to base. As Psychic energy surrounded them Edith gave a last warning to Lucerne "Think twice of what you are doing, this war is meaningless" as she finished Gardevoir successfully teleported them out of danger.
“This war is meaningless huh…?” Lucerne began to laugh to himself. “I’ll show you what meaningless really means. I’m going to show everyone what it means.” He withdrew his Electivire and brought out his Metagross, climbing on top of it as began to float psychically and flew to the nearest settlement. It was a small village being rebuilt after being mostly destroyed from a previous battle. He floated above the town before having the Metagross land quickly. The impact of the landing knocked over a few citizens to the ground. “Over there, that building, meteor mash!” Metagross floated back up and flew up to the building and used meteor mash, smashing the entirety of the structure to pieces; It was the town hall. The guards began charging with weapons at the Metagross but were all easily put down with a flurry of bullet punches. “I’m going to make an example out of all of you! Starting with your mayor! Use Psychic and then meteor mash!” The Metagross pulled the mayor out of the rubble with Psychic, making him float above town square before flinging him down forcefully through the fountain in the center of the square smashing it to pieces. Before anyone could react Metagross followed with a meteor mash, striking down onto what was left of it, exploding the ground with the sheer force and crushing the mayor into the earth. “This is the fate of a all who will oppose me!” The people began to scramble in terror. “Finish the rest, flash cannon!” The Metagross charged up and fire an intense beam of light, spinning slowly as it does so, cutting through everything left of the village. Metagross floated back up into the air as Lucerne looked down on the destroyed remains. “THAT should send a message to them! Time to just wait for the news to spread now. We’re done here… return to base.” Metagross turned and headed back for their base of operations with Lucerne standing on its back.
Days passed by, Edith was recovering from that impact, ". . . He won't stop will he ?" A nurse said while bringing medicine into Edith's room, "What do you mean doctor ?" Edith asked curiously "That fighter you told me, it seems that he destroyed a village nearby" The nurse said nervously "It seems words doesn't strike him, it's pathetic really, he's killing his own kind" Edith muttered, "Not everyone is hearless Edith anyways your leg seems to have healed up perfectly you can leave now and remember to drink this medicine" the nurse said as she gave Edith her medicine. "Where's my Gardevoir ? She teleported me back" Edith asked, "Oh, poor thing it got into a bad cold for a few days, but don't worry she got out of the hospital earlier than you, she's probally at the base." The nurse told Edith. Edith said thanks and headed out of the hospital. As she opened the door she saw her Gardevoir waiting for her on a chair, when she saw Edith was ok she ran towards her and hugged her "Hey there Gardie, missed me alot ?" Edith said, Gardevoir looked up and nodded with tears of relief crying down. Gardevoir stopped hugging and gave Edith what seems to be a piece of paper from a newspaper. "Local village . . . Metagross . . . All Dead . . . So it is true" Edith muttered. Later in the day Edith gave the gathered information to the Hoenn Base and was given a new task "Get me the man" Her leader said. "We don't need to put him locked up, this would cause more war" Edith replied. "So you are going to let him burn down Hoenn ?" He asked, "But th. . ." Edith tried to talk back, "ARE YOU GOING TO LET HIM BURN DOWN HOENN !!!" He shouted "Yes sir . . ." Edith accepted the mission. "Gardevoir come on out !!" Edith sent out her trusty psychic friend "Teleport us to where we were at last week, at the battle with that mysterious fighter" she ordered her Gardevoir, she nodded and used Teleport.
"Light Screen . . ." she ordered Gardevoir. Gardevoir used its power to build up a barrier made by psychic energy, "COME OUT !!!" Edith shouted, as she would expect he'd be back
“You know you really are something. Showing back up around here after everything that’s happened as of late.” Lucerne floated down riding on top of his Metagross as it lands on the ground. “So what’s the plan? Decided you want to give me that necklace of yours in exchange for everyone’s lives? Becuase your almost too late.
"What's so much about this necklace that you want" Edith asked, "Look at yourself you are killing your own kind, destroying civilization" Edith explained. Gardevoir was unsure of the Metagross, it seems timidating but might not be so hard to take out either way both were protected by Gardevoir's Light Screen
“Hmph you wouldn’t be able to understand the true nature of my plans if I tried explaining it to you a thousand times. And the necklace I’ll consider a trophy… hehehe.” He begins to laugh in a sinister tone. “Use bind on them both!” Suddenly out from the nearest tree a Tangrowth falls and lands between Edith and Gardevoir, it extends its two tentacle arms and uses them to wrap around and tightly constrict them both. Lucerne withdraws
Metagross, draws his halberd, and then begins to walk towards Edith. “You’ve almost made this too easy…” He begins to sprint at Edith with the spear ends of the halberd extended.
Winter and her Greninja were watching what was going on. It looked like the girl was in trouble. "Greninja, use Night Slash on that Tangrowth" Winter whispered. Winter hopped down and drew her sword while Greninja used Night Slash on Tangrowth.
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“Charizard return!” Kaleb called out as he returned Charizard. He threw a tracker down in a hidden spot of the hollow, and let Charizard back out.

As they flew away, Kaleb noticed another skirmish below. Two girls, one boy, a Tangrowth, Greninja, and Gardevoir. They flew down towards the scene, but remained floating in the air to keep themselves from being noticed.

Kaleb released Bolt, who jumped down and used Volt Tackle, aiming for Greninja. Kaleb jumped off Charizard into a tree, and went unnoticed. Charizard flew down using Flare Blitz, aiming for the Tangrowth and Gardevoir. Kaleb was aiming for anybody he could take out.

Kaleb sent out Croco silently, who jumped into the battle and used Earthquake. Bolt hopped onto Charizard’s back, and Volt Tackle and Flare Blitz were combined, causing a massive explosion when they hit the ground. Kaleb withdrew Croco, and climbed higher into the tree.
(Omg I have been gone for so long)

Ebony kept her eye on Charizard. She caught movement of the tracker and ordered her Charizard to destroy it. Within moments the small tracker device was bursting with flames, and Ebony left it outside to burn.

Ebony released her Noivern. She jumped onto her back and they flew towards the skirmish below. "Noivern, Dragon Pulse everything you see." She commanded her dragon Pokemon. Ebony was known pretty well for her liking of destruction back in Johto. Noivern opened it's mouth, which hidden inside was sharp white fangs. A purple ball appeared, and a moment later, the ball was shooting a powerful beam towards everything below.

The Dragon Pulse destroyed a lot. Smoke rose everywhere, and Ebony ordered her Noivern to stay in the air and make sure nobody was left alive or at least not immensely hurt to where they would probably bleed to death. Several strands of her purple hair turned black.

She was not letting off easily for anything she spotted moving or breathing.
Kaleb saw the girl on her Noivern. He ordered Torterra to shoot an Energy Ball, which flew straight at Noivern.

Charizard also flew up towards Noivern and rushed at it with Flare Blitz, and Bolt hopped onto Noivern and used Thunderbolt on himself, shocking Noivern in the process and sending them plummeting to the ground. Bolt hopped back onto Charizard and they flew back down safely.
Noivern faltered in the air for a moment from the Thunderbolt, but she tanked it and shot another Dragon Pulse at the fleeing duo. Noivern had managed to dodge the Charizard's Flare Blitz, and now Noivern was soaring towards a tree. Ebony jumped off, and released her own Charizard as well as her Weavile.

Ebony turned around and sprang up some branches to a higher, thicker one. From the branch, she watched the even battle, safely hidden from the cover of the leaves.
(I saw it, now please hurry to delete it before an administrator sees it and takes it the wrong way therefore putting the role-play in danger of being deleted. No offense)