Pokémon Chronos:
Top Trio Challenge
By Doubled
Top Trio Challenge
By Doubled
Chapter 1
High above the lands of Kanto and Johto, a mountain, practically in the middle of the two regions, roars with its year-round hail. As winds blow at frightening speeds and lighting strikes detonate with a boom, a lone trainer, walking through the snow with his Arcanine, a tall, orange furred, black striped and yellow mane and tailed dog, treks the treacherous Mt. Silver. The man was in his twenties, tall, and wore spiky, burnt orange hair, green eyes; a black jacket zipped over a white hooded shirt, khaki pants, and black shoes. He never flinched as a boulder nearly fell on his head, as a matter of fact, he grinned at it. Arcanine kept the same cool as his master, as he walked at his side. The skies darkened from the clouds above, as the snow picked up, creating a chilling wail as it blew. The man finally came to the top, and there stood a small, yellow mouse. It had brown stripes on its back, a lightning bolt tail, pointy ears with black tips, red cheeks, and beady, black eyes. Its cheeks began to spark with determination, as the little mouse smiled at the visitors.
“Pika!” greeted the little mouse. The man grinned at him, while Arcanine sat on his hind end.
“What’s up Pikachu?” asked the man, as he looked around, “Red around here somewhere?” The mouse closed its eyes to give a cheesy smile,
“Pikachu!” yelled the electric Pokémon. He ran toward the edge of the mountain, almost disappearing in the snow. He was only visible by the sparks on his cheeks. “Pika pi!” signaled Pikachu, as his cheeks flared. The man walked towards the sparks, and Arcanine followed. As they neared the edge of the mountain, they saw a man about a year younger than the other man. He sat at the edge, looking off the top. He was wearing a red vest, black t-shirt, blue pants, red shoes, and a red hat with a white bib, which covered black hair. The man standing laughed, as he was surprised to see him here.
“Ha! I thought you’d still be here!” greeted the man. The black haired man slightly turned his head, but didn’t reveal his eyes. Pikachu jumped on his left shoulder to get him to speak. He then turned his head back to the mountain side.
“Green,” said the man in red, “It’s been a while.” Green scoffed, as he sat down next to him.
“Red, we haven’t seen each other in three years, and this is how you greet your best friend?” asked Green, staring out into the skies. Red’s hair began to wave in the wind as he slightly turned his head. He revealed a small glimpse of his right eye, which seemed to glow a bright red in the shadow of his hat.
“Says the man that could have easily come here himself,” scoffed Red, keeping a mysterious voice. Green grinned, as he knew Red was getting impatient.
“I’ll cut to the chase,” spoke Green, as he looked at Red, “We’ve got an invitation to a place full of strong trainers.” Green dug into his jacket pocket to hold an odd red, green, and blue ticket. “Apparently, its someplace called Trainer Turf,” said Green, as Red remained silent, “They have some of the best of the best there, and we’ve been cordially invited. We get our own rooms and”
“Not interested,” curtly interrupted Red. This shocked Green, as he stood up and grabbed Red by the white lined vest.
“Look you asshole,” yelled Green, staring at his former rival in the eye, “You’ve been up here for five years. Your mom misses you, Blue misses you, Daisy misses you, Gramps misses you…” Red’s eyes glowed a bright red as Green stared into them. Green tucked his head with his next sentence, “I miss my rival, the person who used to be my best friend.” Arcanine tucked his ears at his master’s words, who was followed by Pikachu. Red raised his head, looking at Green,
“Who else is going?” asked Red, still retaining his cool. Green looked up, then grinned,
“Well,” Green released Red, letting him stand in front of him, “Gramps is going, of course, but a certain someone is going too,” Red’s ears perked, as his cap still overshadowed his face, “Yep, Blue’s going too! Plus, I hear that other kid would be there too.”
“What kid?” asked Red, not moving his head, Green laughed, as he looked at his rival,
“Y’know, that kid that came up here a year ago,” said Green, as he cupped his chin in interest, “Now, what was that kid’s name again? I had to give him and his Jolteon directions to get up here. Dante? No, eh, Denver? No no, eh….” As green struggled to remember, Red flashed back to a time when a sixteen year old boy with spiky, black hair challenged him. He remembered the clash his Lapras and the boy’s Torterra endured, the blow that his Blastoise landed on the boy’s Typhlosion, the bash between his Venusaur and the boy’s Metagross, the thrashing between his Snorlax and the boy’s Feraligatr, the aerial dogfight that took place between his Charizard and the boy’s Garchomp, and the final burst of electric power between his Pikachu and the boy’s Jolteon. He remembered the shockwaves erupting from the field, the action that made both of their eyes glow a malevolent red, and the face of the boy who dropped after his Jolteon fell in the snow.
“Diego,” reminded Red, “the boy’s name was Diego Argos.” Green snapped his fingers when he remembered,
“See! You do remember!” cheered Green, as he smiled, “C’mon buddy, let’s go get packed up, spend some time in Pallet Town before we leave, and catch up on old times! C’mon, you know you want to,” tempted Green, who waited for Red’s answer, as he stared into the snow. He remembered that he hadn’t seen his mother in three years and Blue for two, and he hadn’t checked in with Professor Oak in a while either. Pikachu tapped Red’s head, trying to get an answer,
“Pikachuuuu…” cried the little mouse. Red looked at Green, then nodded,
“I’ll do it,” replied Red, which made Pikachu jumped at Green’s stomach, which also made Green and Arcanine jump for joy, “On one condition,” continued the man in red, which caught the others’ attention,
“Rar?” growled the Arcanine,
“You can’t make any cracks about me and Blue, nor can you insult us, otherwise I’m out of there,” replied Red. Green walked over, put his arm around his shoulder, and winked,
“No prob man!” answered Green, who then started walking off the mountain with Red and Pikachu, with Arcanine still tagging behind them, “’Sides, the others have something on their minds anyway.”
Meanwhile, many miles away in a faraway region known simply as Trainer Turf, a seventeen year-old boy, dressed in a red jacket buttoned at the top, black shirt, blue pants, blue shoes, red eyes, and black, spiky hair, along with his small, yellow, ragged, spiky furred Pokémon stared at a billboard on the side of Trainer HQ; a large, silver building in the middle of an island, which sat on top of a green hill. There was a picture proclaiming the arrival of three of the strongest trainers in the world, line with green, blue, and red colors. Diego and Jolteon stared like children in a candy shop, and began to giggle with excitement,
“Join us for the strongest trio in….the… WORLD!!!!!” cheered Diego, as his eyes sparkled with child-like wonder.
“Jolt jolt jolt!” cheered the electric Pokémon, as he hopped, waiting for Diego to finish reading,
“Coming Wednesday: Blue, Green, and Red!!!” Diego seemed to have put an emphasis on Red’s name, as he has been a fan since he was a little child. Diego looked at his partner with determination, “You know what that means, right buddy?” asked Diego,
“Joyolt!” nodded the Jolteon in his odd, Japanese accent,
“That means round two is here!!!!” cheered Diego, as he bent over, grabbed Jolteon’s front paws, and jumped in excitement. Ace, dressed in a green shirt, khaki pants, blue nose glasses, black shoes, and a Pokegear on his left wrist, walked up to him,
“Yeah, that is, if you don’t faint at the sight of all three of them at once,” laughed Ace, who caught Diego’s attention. Following Ace was Toby, who was wearing his navy and orange colored shirt, green button-up shirt, blue jeans, and black shoes, as he laughed,
“Nah, Diego won’t faint, he’ll just pee himself from excitement,” replied Toby, who made Ace laugh. Diego turned around with a fist bulging with a vein, followed by Jolteon growling,
“You’re just jealous that I actually met Green and Red once!” yelled Diego, who only made them laugh more. Toby then calmed down, as people were staring.
“Ahem… Anyway, Ollette sent us out here to tell you that,” Diego and Jolteon’s ears perked, as Ace hid behind Toby, “that lunch was ready.” With this, Diego’s eyes dilated, and Jolteon’s hind legs toughened. Diego turned towards the west, which was facing a silver pad, or a HT (Home Terminal), then immediately took off, leaving dust in his trail. Jolteon followed closely behind as they both stepped on the pad and warped away, leaving nothing except digital pixels. Ace stood there, twitching his eyes at the randomness that just unfolded, while everyone else coughed from the smoke.
“Yeesh, what’s with that guy and food?” asked Ace, still astonished,
“Eh, he’s always been like that,” said Toby, standing there with his arms crossed.
Meanwhile, further back in the island, practically underground in a top secret facility, our hero’s main rivals receive news of this as well. Keel, dressed in a long sleeved, collared black shirt, khakis, purple and black shoes, and a blue and purple hip bag; and Oreck, a young man with spiky, silver hair and turquoise colored eyes wearing a white shirt with green sleeves with an orange hour-glass on the front, khaki pants, a cybernetic belt, and blue shoes; each received word of the arriving guest from their boss at G-force HQ, Michael, who always remained a silhouette on screen. Keel, sitting in a chair next to his Umbreon with amber eyes and blue rings, simply grinned at the thought of battling Red. Oreck, sitting next to his purple, turquoise eyed, orange-gemmed Espeon tried to remain calm while in front of Michael, but on the inside he was so excited he thought he would explode. Michael continued briefing,
“Now, you two understand that not a hair is to fall on any of these three, right?” asked Michael, who suddenly looked at Keel, “And try to restrain yourself, Keel.” Keel grinned, then stood up and saluted Michael,
“Understood,” calmly stated Keel in his dark voice, “I’ll try to contain myself by thinking of bunnies and butterflies.” Keel smirked at this, which made Michael bang his hand on his desk,
“Are you defying direct orders, Keel?” exclaimed Michael, whose voice detonated with a force like thunder, “I can always have you reassigned to Darco again!” Keel suddenly frowned, but Oreck stood up, saluting Michael,
“I’ll make sure he stays in line, sir,” replied Oreck, trying to stay calm. Michael sat back down, then nodded,
“I’ll see that you do that, les you have an early return to the future,” threatened Michael, who then disappeared off the monitor screen. Oreck flopped down in his chair, sighing in relief.
“Phew…” sighed Oreck, who then glared at Keel, “You can’t follow one simple order without bending the rules?” asked Oreck. Keel sat back down, then wheeled his chair over to a computer,
“I don’t need a babysitter,” curtly replied Keel, as he began typing into the flat screen monitor. Oreck looked at Keel,
“What’re you doing?” asked Oreck, nervously staring at numbers fly through the screen, Keel scoffed, as he kept typing. Oreck slapped his hands away to see; then gasped, “KEEL! You’re hacking into the system!?! Why?” asked Oreck, who was astonished.
“I’m trying to free up my schedule so I can fight one of ‘them’,” replied Keel, as he glared into Oreck’s eyes with his angered, purple eyes. “I’m simply clearing any battles scheduled for the next week.” Oreck sweated at the thought of the boss throwing him back into the future, as he and his friends were fugitives there. Keel had the nerve to ask, “You want in?” Oreck jumped, then began sweating,
“Are you crazy!?! I could be sent back to rot in jail!” yelled Oreck. The two eons simply lied down, looking at each other as if a conversation was occurring in their heads. As Oreck freaked out, Joey, Diego’s little brother with dark, brown, spiky hair spread like an afro on his head, red frame shades with blue lenses tucked on his bangs, dark blue eyes, tan skin, a white collared shirt, black cargo pants, silver hip belt, blue shoes, and an orange-trimmed black C-Gear on his right wrist; walked in the room.
“I heard out in the hall,” spoke Joey, who unlike his older brother, kept a mature attitude, “Keel, if you’re hacking in the database, assign me to your team.” Oreck gulped, as his “dark future” seemed to be enclosing him. Keel nodded, then sat back down and started typing away. It seemed that Keel had a liking for Joey, which opposes his views on Diego.
“Now wait just a minute here!” yelled Oreck, still freaking out. Keel sighed,
“Better your schedule is cleared up so you can hide with us,” softly said Keel. Oreck finally calmed down, and while he was still nervous, he sighed and finally nodded,
“Fine, but you can forget about me helping you with your DVR!” reluctantly agreed Oreck, as Keel simply pressed the Enter key on the hologram keyboard. Joey and Keel grinned, as now they had shots to battle the Epic Trio. Espeon seemed to smile, but Umbreon remained emotionless. Oreck simply sighed, but smiled at the thought of meeting Red.
It wasn’t just Diego and friends that were getting excited; practically everyone in the Charms Sector was getting riled up, as people practically cleared up whatever they had planned for the week; from dates to jobs to even weddings and funerals. People were calling across the world back to their home regions just to withdraw their toughest Pokémon, even forfeiting matches previously set up so they could get their shot at becoming Numero Uno. Even though Trainer Turf was home to some of the top trainers of the world, the people there still freaked out. Fist fights broke out between who was better, who was the most eligible bachelor, who would get their hands on the girl first, and several other meaningless fights. As news reports hit the TVs, they eventually hit the Doubled resort, or the codename given to the house of Diego, Ace, Toby, Ollette, and Diana, along with Jolteon, Glaceon, Ambipom, Azumarill, and Haunter, along with the other Pokémon.
“Wow, that much fuss over the Epic Trio?” questioned Diana, wearing a red dress with a white belt, black jacket, and pink cowboy boots, “I mean, I get the excitement, but this is ridiculous!” Ollette, wearing her baby blue blouse, a pair of white thigh high socks, black and pink shoes, and a bracelet, simply scoffed while sitting at the steel dinner table,
“Nobody acts like that when any other champion comes here,” replied Ollette, who was probably secretly jealous of Blue, the lone woman of the group. Glaceon simply sighed, creating a mist caused by her cool breath hitting the hot air. As it was now evening, Diego and his friends were eating dinner, and Diego was chowing down on Ollette’s vegetable fried ramen like a Munchlax. Diego slurped down the juice in his bowl, then breathed,
“Well, the other guys were never announced like this,” commented Diego, who put his bowl on top of his previous bowl. Jolteon also finished gobbling his food, which is basically leftovers from the day before, before hopping into Diego’s lap. Ace, who was sitting on a red love-seat, simply agreed,
“Though it would seem weird that they’d do this, I mean c’mon! Half the island,” Ace was interrupted by the TV reporter who just announced a fist fight on the Playground sector, “Scratch that, the whole island’s in a frenzy.” Ambipom and Azurill nodded in agreement. Toby, sitting on the green staircase, simply added,
“And on top of all that, everyone’s postponed their jobs,” said Toby, who made Haunter cry at the thought of no grocery stores, as he wanted apples. “I really don’t see why they’re panicking like this, I mean they aren’t even going to be here until Friday, which is three days from now!” Diego simply sighed, as he already knew what to expect.
However, elsewhere, a sinister plot is unfolding in a dark room built into the side of Advert Mountain, which is a tall, snow-capped mountain over looking Trainer Turf. In the room, a man overshadowed by darkness overlooks the island, petting a strange, pink faced, purple bodied, violet footed Pokémon, curled into a fetal position, which was exerting an odd, purple mist from its forehead. The man reached into the Pokémon’s smoke, and out came an Apple. As he bit it, the insides were revealed to be like an Orange. The man grinned, and proclaimed dominance over the island,
“Just wait Blue, Green, and Red. You will be my new apprentices, and I will rule the world from the Dream Realm!!!! Muahahahahahah!!!!!!”
The stage has been set! Who is this mysterious man looking over Trainer Turf? Will Red, Green, and Blue's trip be safe? Will Haunter ever get his apples? D8 (maybe later) find out in chapter two!!
Next time!
An early arrival gives the element of surprise to the Epic Trio, but as they meet up with Diego and the gang, things start happening at a frightening pace! And, what's Green doing!?! He's losing control!
Next time: THe Kanto Trio Arrive! Team Nightmare strikes!
See ya soon

Oh, and ten bucks to whoever can guess my inspiration for the locations. It's closer than you think

Oh, and yes, I am using Green's Japanese name and I am including the female trainer from FRLG, who I shall refer to as Blue. THis has nothing to do with the Special manga, but the names are the same.
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