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Ask to Join Trials of Golden Lion: A Fairy Tail RP


Previously Sarah316
((For those interested in joining: https://pokecharms.com/threads/trials-of-golden-lion-a-fairy-tail-rp-discussion.25069/ ))

In a land far far away lies the kingdom of Fiore, a small peaceful nation of seventeen million and a place filled with magic. Found in every home, bought and sold in every marketplace...for most magic is merely tool. A mundane part of everyday life, for some however magic is an art and they've devoted their lives to mastering it. For these individuals, Guilds become a place to call home as they seek adventure, fame, and fortune as they work to combat threats over the land. One such Guild, one who desires to make its own mark is known as Golden Lion and membership is opened to all who seek their own magical adventure...


Amaryllis Town, a modest community best known for its bountiful fields located just outside the town gates and annual pumpkin festivals. One company in the heart of the town that was of more particular curious note has been the rise of a relatively "new" Mage's Guild named Golden Lion. Like many young Guilds in Fiore, they sought to answer and complete as many jobs as they can find to not only grow their name to entice people to join, but also establish a financial foothold and over the last few years it seems to have paid off. They had currently been a far cry from large names like Fairy Tail or Sabertooth, they had managed to secure a strong foothold in their local area which has made them a bit busy and eager for fresh faces to help lift the current load.

Eliane Bleserill, one of the members of the aforementioned Guild, walked through the Guild Hall with a bit of pep to her step. She had just returned from a lengthy solo job, a rather thankless job of bridge guard that had gone mostly without incident. Some decent money, but Eliane had hoped for a little more excitement which is why she had moved to the mission wall curious if anything on there had tickled her fancy.

The sun shinned bright in the early hours of the day, and while Eliane had no way to know it this day would be a significant one for herself and the guild she called home.

"Young master Ali... Wake up. Come on now! Masters Reginald the elder and Catharine are waiting for you in the dining room" Lisa said.
"No Ylva... Not in public" a very sleepy Alistair said.
"What?" Lisa asked in confusion.
"What...? Wait... This isn't the Magister's Ball..." a confused Alistair pointed out.
"No... Which is a good thing since your hair is a mess, your clothes are a mess, and somehow you have food particles on your face from last supper!" Lisa said wiping the crumbs off his face with a handkerchief.
"Sorry" Alistair said.
"Don't apologize. Get dressed, freshen up, and make your way downstairs" Lisa said as she left his room. She waited in the hallway since she would need to clean his room after he left.

Alistair got up, and wasted no time getting dressed. Tunic nice and clean, waistcoat nice and buttoned up, and everything else he wore was nice and ready to go. He put on his overcoat and straightened his cravat before walking out the door. Ferdinand smiled and nodded at the boy before continuing to make his rounds.

"Come on, Aliiii!" Reginald the younger said in a sarcastic tone.
"Come on brother, you know only Ferdinand and Lisa can call me that" Alistair said.
"I know, hurry up, lets see mother and father" Reginald the younger said.
"Right after you, brother!" Alistair said.

The two cheerfully ran down the hallway, nearly knocking over a potted plant, but an ever so careful butler managed to catch it, and even give the two boys a scolding. They eventually arrived to the dining room. Their father and mother sat at opposite ends of a long table.

"Come. Join us. We have much to discuss" Reginald the elder said.
"Your father and I have talked much about your future, young man" Catherine said.
"Quite right" Reginald the elder said.
After the boys sat down, the parents continued to talk.
"As you know, Alistair, has taken upon himself to join a magic guild" Reginald the elder said.
"The Golden Lions, was it not?" Catherine said.
"Shoulda joined Sabertooth" Reginald the younger muttered.
"What was that? Speak up boy. If you are to be the head of the family, you must enunciate your words and be properly heard at all times" Reginald the elder said in a firm voice.
"Yes, fa-" Reginald the younger said.
Reginald the elder cleared his throat interrupting him.
"Yes, father!" Reginald the younger said in a more clear firm voice this time.
"I do hope you make us look good. You've been in our family long enough to know that we need to uphold a good image" Catherine said.
"Your mother is right. Do be on your best behavior, and try not to do anything to tarnish OUR good family name" Reginald the elder said.
"Stay safe out there. Our family name should one of your utmost priorities, but so should coming back home in one piece" Catherine said.
"A name can be reestablished, but a life cannot. Though do be careful not too damage either of them, yes?" Reginald the elder said.
"Yes, father! I look forward to making you all proud" Alistair said.
"I don't have any doubt" Reginald the elder said.
"Send letters!" Reginald the younger spouted out.
"You are going to spend the rest of the week in this room if you cannot act with better table manners, young man!" Catherine said.
"Sorry mother, got carried away. I know how to act" Reginald the younger said.
Reginald the elder tapped his glass. The family soon began to eat breakfast.

After Alistair finished getting ready, he stood outside, "Prepare yourself world! You have been challenged by one Alistair Delaney Titus Leopold Maxidus the Third! I'll drive my conquest down this land, and my foot up the backsides of any who get in my way! En garde!" Alistair yelled extending his cane up to the sky. Most people ignored the loud brat. Alistair made his way to the carriage that would be taking him to Amaryllis Town.

Alistair would arrive relatively shortly. Upon getting out, a servant escorted him most of the way to the guild hall. Alistair made the last two blocks on his own. "So this is the guild hall? Hmmm... Looks rather plain... I suppose looks can be deceiving" Alistair muttered to himself. Without further adieu, Alistair allowed himself inside, "Excuse me? I seek to join this establishment, is this where one goes to join? Where are your servants? I have luggage to be moved, if I am to join this guild" Alistair said. Alistair stood near the entrance patiently awaiting a response, luggage at side.
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Linus hummed a happy tune while almost skipping. Today was his favorite day that came every month. Linus stopped at one of the only music stores in all of Amaryllis Town. He walked into the small store where it revealed a semi-cramped quaint music store.

"Yello! I hope I'm not Bar-ging in on anything!" Said Linus before dodging a book thrown at his head. "Hey, hey no need to get Violin-t." Linus said to the irritated cashier. "Boooo." Said the cashier with black hair and glasses. "Honestly if you weren't such a loyal customer we would've banned you by now." "Now now Percy. That's not how you treat a customer." Said a woman from the back a bit shorter than Percy. "Oh if it isn't Linus! Has that day come again?" "Yep! Harp tune up day!" Said Linus reaching into a leather strapped case and pulled out a silver wing shaped harp. (Looks like this but silver and no markings) "I trust this will be in good hands Ms. Merriweather." "They always are!" The shop owner, and mother of the cashier took the harp to a small workstation in the back meanwhile Percy grabbed a toolbox.

Linus decided to spend his time looking around the shop. It was quite old fashioned and the bookshelves were quite dusty and lined with books on various things about music. It went over various things such as instrunent care, song books, and Linus' favorite section: The Music Magic books. One particular book stood put to him as it looked much older than the other books. "Wow, Is this book a new book?" Said Linus holding it up. "Oh, that one? Found it in an old storage when ee were cleaning up the attic. Seems to be another music magic book. Can't seem to decipher it so we put it up for sale. Looked through it. There's a lot of images about various magic circles in there. Wanna buy it?" "Sure why not! This'll be fun to decipher." "Aaand done!" Both Percy and Linus looked at Ms. Merriweather holding up the harp. Linus grabbed it, strummed a quick test and put it in his pouch. "All right, I believe the price is 5,000 Jewel?" "As always, plus the book which is 1,500 Jewel" Linus handed Percy 3 2K Jewel bills and 1 1K. "Keep the change." "How charitable." Said Percy with a smirk. "Bye Linus!" Said the Black haired owner of the shop "Bye!" said Linus as he left the store.

Linus flipped through the pages of the bool he just bought. "Yep. Can't read a word of this. I wonder if there's anyone who can read ancient script at Golden Lions, better head over there. My wallet's looking a bit light too." Linus slowly skipped to the guild hall admiring what a wonderful morning it was.
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Daiki had just arrived back from a job that had paid her pretty well. The job had taken 3 whole weeks to complete but it was worth it in the end.
She was clearly very fatigued and recovering from her injuries, but she wanted to come see her friends at the Guild. She walked from her small home all the way to the Guild Hall and stepped inside.
She let out a happy sigh, glad to see everyone.
"Honey, I'm hooome!~" she cooed loudly, skipping over to a big table in the Guild Hall and sitting down.
Man people can be so chatty downstairs...
Shiro let out a yawn as the Golden Lion mage seemed to rest in one of the Guild bedrooms upstairs, it was by no means a lavish life but considering he called this room his own and it came without pay he had been willing to deal with the "downgrade" for that as he moved off his bed and stretched a bit. The early morning had not been a friend to the young mage, though if he had it his way a daily start at noon would be poor for production and he'd rather not get an earful for it. So in spite of what his preference had been he knew he needed to get going as he'd soon enough begin his routine. He firsrt worked to get himself changed, shifting out of his old clothes as he picked out a fresh pair as he moved to the bathroom. Soon enough, he was all prepared and cleaned up as she changed to fresh clothing and had began to make his way downstairs.

If memory served right, this was when Eliane & Daiki had been expected to make their return from their jobs. He hadn't considered anyone in the guild a close friend or anything due to his preference to keep to himself but she was more familiar than most and he figured there'd be a minor buzz for whatever reward they had brought in. Coursr that had meant a lot of chatter which of course had not excited him so much but it was the reality of the situation, what could have been done he had thought to himself. Least it meant that there had been a shift in the spotlight away from himself as he preferred.

However, as he moved down to the bottom of the stairs he saw a new figure enter, one had had not recognized which caused Shiro to pause as he kept my the stairs to view from the background. Not only had Eilane and Daiki returned, but it seemed a new face had entered the Guild Hall which caused him to raise an eyebrow.

Huh, either a client coming in person or some possible new blood...


Previously Sarah316
"Uh, Servants?" Eliane asked as her attention shifted towards a voice she was not familiar with, and one who seemed to be the demanding sort as he seemed to expect the Guild Hall to have servants at the ready for whatever luggage he had brought along. This of course caused Eliane to raise an eyebrow as she folded her arms over her chest and after the confusion faded she seemed to let out a slight chuckle; almost amused by the request before she decided to clarify things.

"Not to be a buzzkill but we don't have Servants here. So if you wish to join and rent one of the rooms in specific you'll need to carry your own things. But if joining the Guild is what your aim is you'll have to speak to the Guild Master. I can show you to her if you like." Eliane said with a smile as she tried to be friendly before she noticed a more familiar face.

"Ah Daiki welcome back~! Seems we have some new blood aspiring to join." Eliane said with a smile though she also had noticed Shiro in the back which caused her to roll her eyes. "Shiro you know you can't say hello by the stairs right?"
Alistair's eyes wondered across the guild hall aimlessly as if he had expected something more. His eyes turned and stopped on Eliane. Alistair nearly bit his tongue in surprise, "None you say?? Not a single one? Who cleans this place if not the servants?! Ah... No matter. The name is Alistair Delaney Titus Leopold Maxidus the Third, but you may call me Alistair" Alistair said clutching the handle of his bag and extending his other hand to shake.

"Ah, yes... The guild master. That would be most helpful. You may escort me to the guild's master. That would be most appreciated. Onward then." Alistair said adjusting his cravat before mentally preparing himself to speak with the guild leader. Surely his silver tongue would allow him to convince the leader of the guild to allow him stay. Alistair was also grateful to see how friendly Eliane was. Alistair was starting to have high Hope's for this guild. Albeit it wouldn't feel like home.
Daiki excitedly ran to Eliane and wrapped her arms over her shoulders from behind, hanging off of her. "Oh, it's always exciting to get new guild members! Just a word of warning, don't be going around talkin' about our lack of fancy stuffs'. Might make some enemies before you even get to join," she spoke to Alistair.
Daiki let go of Eliane and sat down on top of a table in front of her.
"And yeah, Shiro! Mr. Antisocial. Can't be so cold to your friends," she pouted.
Rays of the morning sun welcoming the new day fallen at Ophelia's sleepy face as she slowly woke up from her long dream. It was today. She slowly get up from the bed and went down from the ladder, She took a look at the Misaka's bed, but it seemed he already left the room.
She headed through the small hallway that leaded to four other rooms, Kitchen, small living room, bathroom and their mother room.
She checked every single one of their room and their mom room was the last one visited. Their mother slept calmly, but Ophelia noticed that she received a new bag of ice for her forehead and the empty glass, that was the proof that she received her medicines, knowing all this she assumed her brother was here, so last place he could be in now was outside their home, training in the forest that was surrounding their small hut.

A loud sound of cracking wood and sound made her find her way to her younger brother. Misaka was now 6'2 tall with longer white hair and something like fur on his hand, part of his back to the back of his neck, with claws and fangs, seems this was his current transform limit. Although normally he is just 5 feets tall boy with a black hair and red sclera. He went back to normal form as soon as his half-sister visited him.
"Training hard?" She asked him calmly.
"Yeah, I can't fall behind to you! As soon as mom gets better I will join you, Remember? So.... Find some great great guild for us" He said with a smile.
They talked for a while about their plans. Of how they wanted to be in magical guild together, although their both fathers weren't around anymore and someone needed to take care of mom, 13 years old Misaka claimed to be the one to do all of that so Ophelia shouldn't worry and travel search for the guild. Their last conversation was 5 days from now.

And now, Ophelia stood in front of a building of not very known guild, but for a person she was, all guilds were the big unknown to her so she decided to enter this one as her first... The Golden Lion Guild. She slowly entered the guild building and called out "Emm.. Excuse me? Is anyone here?"
Shiro of course rolled his eyes as he was called out by Daiki after Eliane had brought his presence to attention as he made his way away form the bottom of the stairs and walked towards the group.

"Well, less being cold and more not wanting to make the new guy's first experience with us a gossip circle." Shiro mused though his eyes had fallen to the new guy as he seemed to have quite the baggage with him; in the most literal sense, as he passed a casual glance his way and the way of his initial bag.

"So, if you need "servants" how many bags did you bring? Cause not to play spoiler but our guest rooms if you wish to rent out in the Guild Hall itself are not say 5 star mansion quality." Shiro mused. Then his gaze shifted to another stranger's face as it seemed that someone else asked if others had been here. Another new recruit?

"....yes, do you have business with us?" Shiro asked the new face.
Alistair turned and paused as he looked up and down Daiki. He smiled, "Is that so? I'll keep that in mind. Thankyou for the tip, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance as well. Without skipping a beat, Alistair turned and paused to look at Shiro. Alistair had interacted with enough people to be able to tell their social class based on the way the carried themselves, and dressed. Though unlike some nobles, Alistair wasn't going to hold it against anybody. Alistair did this merely out of habit.

He smiled, "One bag is all I have at the moment. One of the helpers readied it, of course. As for the rooms, I see..." Alistair said looking at the floors before looking at the glass window paneling. After Shiro asked about his business there, Alistair silently looked at the boy for a few moments, "Why yes I do in fact. Your friend here was just about to escort me to meet with your guild master. I was considering becoming a member of this establishment. I suppose this will be a humbling experience. The name is Alistair Delaney Titus Leopold Maxidus the Third, but you may have the privilege to call me Alister for short" Alistair said grinning, and extending his hand outward.


Previously Sarah316
Eliane had a chuckle as she suddenly was wrapped from behind while she sheepishly smiled at the way of her guildmate. "E-easy there I still need to have a working back you know?" Eliane chuckled a bit before she turned her attention towards the new arrivals as she worked to gently get Daiki off her back. Seemed that there was another who came in during that as it seemed her name was brought up and quickly she realized she had sort of gotten distracted on that reunion.

"R-rigth sorry, I'll take you to her soon. I presume you also want me to show you to the Guild Master to see if you can join?" Eliane asked the other newcomer, whatever his name had been. Either way inwardly she was pumped, they could get 2 new members in one day, that would certainly be a kick up the reserves this Guild needed and could allow them to take more jobs and thus get their name further out there. It was perfect!
"Y-Yes... I would like to..." said Ophelia shyly as she heard of meeting the guild master. The people here didn't seem bad so thats a good sign, she wonderes what kind of magic could all of them use.

Girl made few shy steps closer to the group as she didn't know what else to say or do other than simply following the girl that offered taking them to the Guild Master. She was going first. First to join the guild and she expected that her brother would join her sooner or later, but definitly.
Now, Ophelia was a bit worried as of meeting with most important person in guild.. What if whoever this is finds her lacking to join them? What if she do or say something bad?
Prestige? Shiro sensed this guy meant well enough but it seemed he came from the more preppy side of life what with the Servants and his expectations of what the Guild Hall might've been, regardless once he confirmed he was here to be a new member Shiro attempted to be a welcoming presence; even if his casual demeanor and lax expression as he seemed to nod and extended his hand for the handshake.

"Yeah I think Alister would be easier on the tongue....Shiro." Shiro answered, as he had given a basic intro to his own name and while his tone seemed to be at a fixed even keel he had worked to give a warm welcome to the new guy. Or least his version of a "warm" welcome as it seemed that Eliane had taken charge and offered to lead them towards the Guild Master while he moved over by Daiki and passed a comment he had to her.

"So, what do you think of the new guys?"
Alistair smiled slightly bigger when Shiro accepted his handshake, "Yes, indeed. Charmed, I'm sure... It was a pleasure making your acquaintance, Shiro" Alistair said.

Alistair noticed that Eliane wasn't looking at him when she spoke, but who was she talking to, if not Alistair? Alistair turned, and surprisingly there was a girl nearby. He paused to examine her. Alistair didn't notice her until he looked in the same direction Eliane was looking, "My word! I didn't even notice her!? I need to be more aware of my surroundings..." Alistair thought to himself. "So your applying to the guild as well? I'm guessing your hoping to make a name for your self as well... Yes... I'm Alistair Delaney Titus Leopold Maxidus the Thiiird, but you may have the honor of referring to me by Alistair for short" Alistair said politely extending his hand to Ophelia.
After Alistair noticed Ophelia she had the honor to hear the tongue twister and when she was afraid that she won't remember it, luckily there was a shortened version of it.

She seemed eager to join guild not really for making a name of herself, but she didn't have strenght or will to tell her reasons. She shook the extended hand giving a small, shy smile to the new person "Nice to meet you, Alistair. I am just Ophelia" she said as an introduction, after it she was ready to visit the guild master... Well, more ready than five minutes ago.


Previously Sarah316
=====Amaryllis Town, Golden Lion Guild Hall=====​
"Nice to meet you Ophelia. Now then, come, both of you...I am sure the Master will be interested to see you." Eliane said with a smile as she'd lead the new Golden Lion hopefuls upstairs as they seemed to move by a door which had the Guild Logo plastered upon it; which of course fittingly enough had been a golden symbol of a male lion's head with a mane proudly and perhaps a bit wildly flared up as Elaine worked to gently knock upon the door. "My Lady, we have two individuals who wish to join the Guild."

Eliane's announcement had been met by a period of awkward silence; this of course Eliane had been used to given she had adapted to the Guild Master's quirks which made a response period to any piece of info hard to pin down, but the lack of any verbal or even signs of life behind the door had to only add to the tension to the new aspiring Guild Mates to be. Course, a bottle which seemed to be heard breaking behind the door had caused Eliane to sweat drop as of course the Master had decided to drink. Granted, the woman had been a bit of a party animal and while Eliane was normally cool with that she had wished that on this day of all days she opted to pass on a trip to the bender. However, perhaps she had but one drink, and thankfully after that bottle had dropped the sounds of movement indicated something had moved by the door as it slowly had began to open up.


"So, you two want to be part of Golden Lion~?" A sudden womanly, deeper voice spoke from behind Alistair and Ophelia, as a current came from the room as a figure had sped beyond Eliane's sight and appeared behind the pair. The woman, tall with tan skin and in her late 30s who seemed t have a strong build stared the pair down; a wide grin showed her shining green eyes as Elaine was momentarily stunned by the speed before she turned and sighed as she decided to clarify about the woman in the black sports bra and with a visible scar across the bridge of her nose.

"Alistair, Ophelia...this is Leona Valerious. Our Guild Master." Elaine said as the woman seemed to carry a near empty beer bottle; near empty in that she had taken another shot of it to finish it down. Yet in spite of what her demeanor had suggest, there seemed to be this air of strength about her that even the most inexperienced of mages had capacity to pick up upon.

=====Amaryllis Town, Town Market=====​
While it seemed to be a peaceful enough day, there seemed to be some rumblings which threatened to put to ruin such a relaxed atmosphere. A group of about a dozen or so individuals who ranged in age, ethnicity and build but seemed to have a unified purpose; to find a nice easy target and make out with some fresh food and some money. The goals of bandits had usually never been beyond the simplistic, but that had made them no less a problem for the average citizen as a poor cabbage merchant had been about to discover.

"Give us all you have pops!" A young man with fair skin and rather aggressive dark eyes spat as the members of his group seemed to surround the cart which only alarmed the man who very much was the young man's elder as these bandits seemed to have more than harsh words backing their threats; a few of them carried some weapons, which ranged from knives to baseball bats and whatever else they had been able to obtain. And a few, even seemed to fashion some magical rings, which only made any option but utter compliance a risk to the man's well being as he tried to beg off all the same which began murmurs of commotion that had been bound to spread...
Linus on the way to the guild stopped by the market, mostly to look for breakfast. As he got to one particular passing cart, which just so happened to be surrounded by a gang of thieves. "Hmm. Look like I'm going to work up an appetite," said Linus before chuckling to himself. "Tsk tsk tsk boys." said Linus before stepping into the situation. "14 on one is hardly fair at all." he said before readying his harp. "Now, if you all don't mind, I'll tip the scales!" said Linus before strumming his harp summoning five magic circles. The energy surrounding them causing the bottom of his shirt to fly up revealing his guild mark. "Time to heat things up! Adante's Symphony #2: Flaming Rondo!" said Linus before summoning multiple music notes that were bright orange and had a firing aura around them before launching the music notes at the gang of thieves.
"Time to meet the guild master, onward! I look forward to meeting with them" Alistair cheerfully prompted. Alistair looked around through peripheral vision. He smiled upon looking at the guild's lion logo. They eventually arrived to the guild master's location. A bottle shattering maybe a relatively loud sound. Alistair's eyes widened and he took a step back.

"What in the the blazes?! It's still early in the day and this woman is already drinking?! And what is she wearing??? This... Is the guild master... Hmmm... Hm hm hm hmm hmmmm... I see. So this is what I'm working with. Time to make the best of things Alistair. You came here to join and prove yourself a proud member of your family!" Alistair thought to himself.

Alistair couldn't help but to briefly look down at the liquor bottle clenched in her hand, "Oh my... and a lovely morning to you as well... Er.. This is truly a pleasure to make your acquaintance. So you are the one whom conducts this Guild services through this fine association. Would be a privilege if you would allow me to join your guild. The name is Alistair Delaney Titus Leopold Maxidus the Third, but you may have the honor of calling me Alistair for short" Alistair said before giving a light bow. Alistair knew all the formal etiquette rules, tricks, and tips. He was fully prepared to use them to gain the master's favor. Of that, he was more than confident in.

"Tsk tsk tsk... I wonder what grim circumstances I have just invited myself into..." Alistair thought to himself.
Lil bro... Don't hurry to join my guild...

Those were Ophelia thoughts when she saw the guildmaster... She needed to learn what to answer to him when he sees the drinking, not fully covered woman...

But well, Its not like he will arrive tommorow, he needs to take care of mom first. Other than bad impression, she wanted to believe that Leona wasn't a bad person, so she tried not to judge book by its cover and gave her a small bow.
"ummm... My name is Ophelia and I... Hope that I will be helpful here and that I will learn a lot!" She said a bit tense and nervous, but at the same time very honest and determined.

She wanted to make first step to their shared dream~.


Previously Sarah316
Leona seemed to scan upon the pair as they had given their formal introductions to which she seemed to betray no reaction too off her expression. Each one gave their own introduction, and Leona seemed to get an impression of each off it much as they had of her but showed nothing as she passed her empty bottle to Eliane who seemed to sheepishly move it to a recycle bin as she pondered their words and smiled their way.

"Gotta say you seem to be well spoken Alistair. Seems you've been taught well formal educate, though I will say the life of a mage can be a bit messy from time to time, can you cope with that~?" Leona asked, admittedly cheekily, before she had passed her eyes onto Ophelia as Leona seemed to get a different impression out of her.

"Hey, no reason to be nervous. Believe me I know the first day can be a bit worrisome, but I promise I don't bite...much anyway." Leona said with a sly grin before she assumed a more serious look upon the pair.

"Well, Golden Lion is more than happy to accept any who desire to join our happy home, but before I do, I want you each to answer this one question: For what reason, do you desire to become a Guild Mage?" Leona asked, as really it seemed like the most basic of questions, but Leona had considered it to be the most important; much as her appearance suggested otherwise, she wanted more than anything to get an idea of just what magic and the idea of being a Guild Mage meant to any new applicants, to get a core idea really of just who these hopefuls really were.

The bandit gang glanced over at the lone figure who seemed to step up to try stick up for the cabbage merchant though this seemed to not scare the group as they glanced at the lone man and the leader seemed to scoff. "Oh, and how do you expect to do that?" The leader asked, as other members worked to surround him, though he got his answer and it had been one which only caused a shocked alarm among the bandits. Soon five magic circles formed as the bandits were forced to move back as several magical musical notes fired which caused members to dive or roll away as they tried to avoid it; one was smacked in the chest which knocked him along the road.

"Damn it he's a mage, get his legs!" The leader called out as two members tried to circle Linus with a crowbar and baseball bat in each hand and tried to swing at him at once.
"M-messy? How messy do you mean?" Alistair said. wondering how messy a mage's life could get. Alistair grew up in a pretty neat and tidy home. his parents we're strict and the servants we're thorough in their routine cleaning. Everything was done in a timely manner so adjusting to the guild would cause a bit of change.

"Hm" Alistair muttered now grinning with a cheerful look of contempt. He cleared his throat, "Why the same reason any mage come to join a guild. To show off. To help those in need. To gain notoriety, respect, honor, and prestige. Being a mage has so many privileges, who wouldn't desire such an enticing end goal? The advantages thrice outweigh the deterrents. Mages also bring significant praise not merely to ones self, but their guilds as well as their bloodline. All people should aspire to be ambitious! Ambitious and make a mark for themselves. Not just any mark would do, but the best one. If your going to put effort into doing something, you either go all in or don't bother trying" Alistair said.

His eyes shifted and stopped on Ophelia. Alistair gave a humble grin, and patiently watched and waited with bated breath to hear a response from the girl. They had come to the guild at the same time. It would be rude of Alistair to steal the spotlight.
Omiiko was walking through the town where he saw the entrance to the guild this had been the place he needed to go he couldn't remember why but he knew it was what he was supposed to do. Omiiko had managed to get into the guild trying to avoid being noticed as much as possible ease-dropping learning names, personalities and relationships people had with each-other he had linked dolls to all of them. They all seemed interesting and decently competent at magic. He followed the two new comers to the guild into the entrance as quietly as possible he noticed the guild master and immediately linked a doll to her he could just tell she was far more powerful than him or anyone he did his best to stay out of sight and not be noticed he didn't know if he should join the guild all he knew is that he had to be there for some reason.
Linus dodged the crowbar strike and blocked the bat with his harp before jumping back. "Ooh, been a while since I've had a group of men throw themselves at me, but alas, I'm saving myself for marriage. Adante Symphony #5 Earth's Lyric!" Linus said before strumming the harp and a magic circle appeared around his feet before the earth starting pulsing around him to a consistent beat of 120 beats per minute in an attempt to knock them off balance. "And for my encore performance, Adante Symphony #4 Aria of Storms!" said Linus before another strum of his harp which created a white music bar to create a small whirlwind in an attempt to blow the bandits away.

Aria was walking through the market, pushing a wooden cart full of ingredients. Carrots, potatoes, onions, tomatoes and many others. To anyone who didn't knows her she might looks like she was shopping for a restaurant but in truth almost all of those food she would cook and eat for herself in the next few days. The cart itself looks old but well maintained and an umbrella was strapped vertically on one of its corner to provide Aria with enough shade to cover herself.

Her peaceful stroll was soon disturbed when she overheard a few people murmuring about a fight happening in the cabbage stall. She overheard several other people talking about the same things and she decided to look into it. Aria was never aiming for something like wealth or fame when she joined Golden Lion, she just wanted to live peacefully while helping as much people as she could. So of course she decided to check this.

"Excuse me, excuse me." Picking up her speed as she pushed her cart through the crowd, Aria soon arrived at the scene and witnessed Linus fighting a dozen or so people. Aria didn't stop and instead increased her momentum and rammed one of the bandit with her cart.

"You called me, Linus?" Aria waved at her guildmates while having a wide grin on her face.

@Sarah316 @Crystal1302
Linus waved back at Aria. "Hey there! Your help's appreciated. After all a musician's nothing without his bandmates." he said with a wink. "Time to follow it up!" said Lins before another strum of his harp. "Time to slow you down. Cover your ears Aria. Largo!" said Linus before playing a suggestion song which caused everyone to hear it suddenly not be able to move fast anymore. "And to finish you all off, Adante Symphony #1: Song of Lightning!" said Linus before only one magic circle appeared which launched one electrically charged music note at the thieves.
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"Becouse of my brother and dad..." Ophelia started, looking down that her reason wasn't something like gaining glory.
"Mom often told us how magic was filled with our lifes, it just never was seperated from us and dad spend his life for a guild. As I wanted to know the reason why he gave so much in guild.. My brother also wanted to join as to help people in need for help. When he finally joins, I wish to learn him so I can guide and help him properly and... I hope that my magic will help people too" Ophelia explained and then took a sigh as she finished. "Maybe you will find my answer lacking... But I still want to join!"


Previously Sarah316
=====Amaryllis Town, Golden Lion Guild Hall=====​
Leona listened to both the newcomers as they had outlined their reasons for joining the Guild; one who seemed motivated by glory and their own prestige, the other who seemed driven by family bonds and a more open desire to help. Eliane seemed to try and guess what the Guild Master may have had on her mind, though as Leona scanned both she seemed to grow a slight grin before she looked each in the eye as she addressed them. "Seems both of you have a desire to protect, which is commendable. Magic is a wonderful part of our lives, but also quite an exploitable one. Too often one could easily use the ways of magic to bring tragedy, believe me..." Leona said, a slight pause before she grinned and continued. "...though as far as glory & family go, remember that this is about carving your own adventure. Having fun with it, rather than chasing endless glory or living up to some expectation of your loved ones." Leona said, though before she had a further comment to make she seemed to vanish with sudden speed.

Eliane blinked before she glanced down and saw Leona had moved behind the new arrival, who Leona seemed to sense a magical presence from which caused a light aura to shine around her as a subconscious safeguard, and had worked to try & grasp the young man by the collar from behind as she lifted him up and passed an annoyed glance before she sighed. "You know, if you wish to make a first impression, trying to use your magic on me is not the smartest way to go about it."

@ThAtGuY101 @Clite of Dragonbow @Thomas the trainer

=====Amaryllis Town, Town Market=====​
"Bitch!" One of the ones cursed at the playful tease from the Mage though before they could regroup a rumble worked to shake their footing at this harp mage seemed to rock the street itself before what seemed to be a whirlwind knocked them back as the leader cursed before he whistled at them to regroup.

The situation only seemed to go from bad to worse, as another Mage appeared and offered a hand though a thunder note prepared to finish the bandits who seemed petrified. But their leader flashed a magical ring and extended it as it seemed to cause some various fruit to be lifted up as a cart was pulled between the bandits and the magical note by some telekinetic force which caused the cart to explode blocking the blow. "You think you can make a fool of us!? Surround them!" The leader barked out, and this seemed to spark confidence as the rest of the bandits worked to surround the pair.

@Crystal1302 @Spoiled Bread
Omiiko was learning more information and found his magic strengthening then, he saw the guild Leader disappear. And felt his collar grabbed by her he let out a nervous chuckle. “My apologies it’s a bad habit.” Omiiko had a million thoughts going through his head should he run, should he join , or should he try and fight no there was no chance he could fight he was not only severely outmatched but also outclassed. “My name is Omiiko and I would like to join your guild I can’t tell you why but theres a part of me that tells me that I should join, no tells me I need to join the guild. Ommiko pleaded with meaning and purpose.
Alistair paused as he looked at Ophelia, "I see. How interesting..." Alistair said before turning his attention back onto Leona. Before Alistair could speak, an unusual form of magic was cast at Leona, "The guild master!" Alistair thought to himself barely able to react. Though it would appear that a light aura stopped the unknown attack, and right in front of Alistair's eyes, the guild master disappeared. Alistair turned to see a boy yanked off his feet, "How crass... A bold attempt? What ever will happen next?" Alistair said adjusting his cavat.

Alistair looked at Leona, "Is there anything in particular we need to prove in order to join your guild? Credentials? Lineage records? A writ of recommendation?" Alistair asked.

Alistair narrowed his eyes at the intruder, and began evaluating him based on appearances and how he behaved himself. Like all the other people Alistair examined and evaluated, Alistair didn't hold it against anyone. It was merely force of habit. Alistair couldn't think of anything to tell the boy. He certainly seemed rash, but Alistair was more concerned with joining to worry about this.

Alistair chuckled before looking at Ophelia, "Mornings like today don't happen too often, yeah?" Alistair responded.
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"I see you're their leader. Stealing is not good, you know?? Bad person must be punished!" Aria gazed sharply at the man barking orders at the others. Taking her umbrella from the cart, she walked directly towards the leader. Several blood tendrils came out from somewhere inside her cloak, ready to lash out to any enemies trying to approach her.

"Come here so I can tie you up, please."

@Crystal1302 @Sarah316


Previously Sarah316
=====Amaryllis Town, Golden Lion Guild Hall=====​
"Yeah not the best idea..." Eliane said with a sweat drop and a chuckle as she watched Leona who seemed to practically interrogate the new arrival who had used magic upon as Leona listened to his request. Leona sensed the panic in his tone as she expected he realized that using his magic on her had been an unwise decision. The Guild Master milled it over as she let out a sigh while she passed an annoyed look before she faced him while holding onto his collar.

"If you wished to join the guild, you seem to put the wrong foot forward in making that first step impression..." Leona mused, and when she was asked by one of the hopeful newcomers if there had been anything they needed to "prove" to join the guild she had been about to object to such an idea before a sudden panicked voice sounded by the door.

"B-b-bandits! Bandits attacking in the market!" A scared citizen seemed to yell into the Guild Hall, which had given Leona pause and seemed to give the Guild Master an idea as she smirked slyly and set Omiiko down as she faced all both current and hopeful new members of the Guild.

"Well if proving you belong here is what you ask, it seems fate is lending you a free chance. Seems we got some bandits in town, and I suggest you tag along with Golden Lion members Eliane, Daiki and Shiro to deal with them. Consider this your attempt to show you can do a service for the town and prove your skills as mages. And I'll let the words of my mages help factor in if we'll accept the new blood with open arms." Leona said with a smirk, as she figured some bandits would be ideal low grade threats to get a gauge of the newcomers character and ability. Elaine seemed excited just at the chance for some action and quickly moved by the door.

"Alright Daiki, Shiro with me! And new guys if you want to prove you can hang follow us we got bandits to bash!" Eliane said with some vigor in her tone.

@ThAtGuY101 @Thomas the trainer @Clite of Dragonbow @Godjacob @kayladax

=====Amaryllis Town, Town Market=====​
"As if you blood freak!" The leader cursed out, naturally a bit put off by the strands of her own magical blood but quickly worked to use his telekinetic ring and pulled various knives, pans and objects for sale and flung them Aria's way. During this a bandit with brass knuckles aimed to try and strike the back of Linus as the gang had surrounded both.

Needless to say the street and various shops in the road had been evacuated by this point in this chaotic scramble.

@Spoiled Bread @Crystal1302
"Y-yes!" said Ophelia immidietly as an answer and followed the others towards the fight where the battle was going on.
She just hoped she won't slow down anyone and that her power could be useful.

She started to think of a plan, her magic wasn't much useful in combat, but was a good magic to support others, so she needs to learn their technique, comunicate with them and help in making follow ups or feinting opponents.

Aria's blood tendrils quickly caught the projectiles thrown at her as she unfazedly made her way towards the bandit leader, though one of the knife unexpectedly caught her a bit off guard and she tried to catch it with her right hand, which didn't go as planned as the knife buried itself on her palm, then a massive amount of blood spurted all over the place. Aria flinched for a moment, pulled the knife out then used her magic to close her wound by crystallizing the blood around it. She glanced around and found out that the ground below her was drenched red as if someone just got slaughtered on that spot. Definitely not a pretty sight in a market.

"This is why I don't want to fight here." Shaking her head and shifting her focus back at the situation. Aria's gaze became even sharper and she lunged towards the bandit leader with her umbrella extended forward. It's tip threaten to deliver a powerful thrust into the man's torso. Aria rarely use weapons other than her own blood but her umbrella was made sturdy in case she needs one.

@Crystal1302 @Sarah316
Placing one hand behind him and the other outstretched in front of him, he let out a formal courtsy. "As you wish, guild master..." Alistair said. He turned and casually made his way through the guild hall, the guild leader called to the guild members in the hall earlier. Their help would be most appreciated in dealing with these ne'er do wells.

Alistair wasn't famiiar with this town so he had to make directions based off the noises, sounds, and the directions the guild members were headed. Seeing civilians flee the opposite direction made it evident which direction it came from. Alistair eventually arrived near the scene. Two girls we're fighting a bandit. One of them seemed especially tough. Alistair decided to go ahead and try knock off some of the weaker bandits. Alistair swung his arm back, and flicked his wrist. From the sleeve of his overcoat, slid out his decorated staff. Alistair rotated his hips and and light energy began forming around his staff, "Light missile!" Alistair said. before firing a spear shaped light magic projectile at one of the unsuspecting bandits.

The magic continued to form around his staff, this magic made it more effective in melee combat. "Help is here!" Alistair said briefly waving at the two guildmembers fighting the bandits already.
Omiiko got prepared and looked at who he would be working with and got his dolls ready, and looked at the others he knew a decent amount about Alistar, and Ophelia. "Alright i can heal you guys so don't worry about being attacked, just don't die." Omiiko bluntly told the other newcomers preparing their dolls and some stitches.
"ọbara ga-agba!" Mgbu Iwe shouted out.
"Alright calm down." Omiiko said to the doll. Omiiko arrived at the scene and saw an injured person and rushed over to help them.
"Whats, your name, address, and biggest fear, to help you I need this info." Omiiko asked and explained to the injured townsfolk linking a doll to him and quickly stitching the injured parts of the body it wasn't perfect but had healed the wound decently a bandit ran behind him and tried to stab him.
"kpalie!" Mgbu Iwe warned and Omiiko dodged out of the way and grabbed a hammer and smacked the attacker in the face breaking his nose the man tried to slash him he then dodge and hit the left side of his jaw knocking him out.
Ophelia wasn't as fast as Alistair, but after a while she reached the place. Everyone seemed to be working hard, yet, some of the bandits had guns on them.
No one would block if they fire them at the innocent people. Unless...
She hurried up forward as fired and then she spoken.
"Time flow magic... Sleepy Pace..." suddenly the bullets became slower and slower, Ophelia picked up a stick (similar to baseball bat) and tried to redirect or block the bullets out of people way, when one bandit saw it he shouted to stop her. As she blocked all the bullets she made a new chant.

"Time Flow Magic, lightning pace" she threw the baseball bat, which got faster as time around it was accelerated. Ophelia managed to get a hit on a guy that shouted, but other 2 bandits rushed at her.

"Umm... Someone minds to help?..." She said a bit worried, turning around and ready to run.
"Light missle!" Alistair shouted once more. The first missle hit the unsuspecting bandit, knocking him back. Then the second one hit him causing him to fall to the ground. Another bandit came running towards Alistair to which he scoffed and swished and flicked his staff into the air. Light magic enveloped the staff. The bandit swung a sword, and Alistair deflected the strike. He swung the staff up the length of the sword and at the man's hand. The staff hit his hand, but the man threw a punch. Alistair held his staff out in front of him to stop the punch. He side stepped the man and struck the back of his legs before pushing him to the side.

"Quite right! There's some more over there!" Alistair told Ophelia. Alistair readiest himself to fight more bandits. He looked at the bandits before determining who he'd go after next.
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Shiro sighed, much as he thought this was a questionable move he figured an argument with the Guild Master would only result in headaches so he moved along with the others as there was bandits to best. He moved to keep pace with the others but it seemed some of these possible future Guild Mates were a touch quicker as they arrived at the scene.

"Hey. Not sure what you guys are all about but I would surrender if I were you."​

Course, Shiro had never been one to rush things which was evident by his casual attitude as he addressed the bandits; but when they arrived by the group his hand seemed to be coted with this grey almost clay-like material as he formed and fired several sphered projectiles at a pair of bandits.



Previously Sarah316
The gang leader seemed to hop back, really the image of blood shooting from this girl as if she had been a fountain was enough to cause a member or two to want to gag but there had been no time to dwell on that. The gang leader eye's widened as this blood mage charged for him and quickly he flung his magically telekinetic ring as he aimed to fling a chair and bash it on the Dragon Slayer to knock her away.

Course, one of the members being knocked flying with some magical spear caught the gang members attention as it seemed several new figures arrived onto the scene; a light made who had shot that aforementioned spear before he added a missile and then a staff to his barrage, some doll-mage who seemed to be healing bystanders while he had managed to fend off a member, someone who seemed to slow the gunfire from the members packed with guns and accelerate a baseball bat swing which knocked a couple back and someone whos seemed to pass a waning as he fired some hardened clay.

"Crimson Scatter shot!" Another voice called out, as Eliane jumped into the fray and fired a few scattered shots at members as she tried to create a "wall" from the people to the bandits in order to keep the bandits close and let the flames prevent their escape and in turn allow civilians to flee the scene as she smirked at them. "Golden Lion is here, surrender or prepare to take some bruises with you to the city guard!"

The bandit leader cursed, as he assumed these had to be some mages from a guild of all things and had quickly let out a whistle to regroup the members who had not been knocked out to this point. "Damn it, surround and clobber these idiots!" The leader cursed out as he used his ring to lift up various items from fruits to service gear and whatever else he could within this market area as he fired them upon the Golden Lion and Golden Lion hopefuls.

@Clite of Dragonbow @Crystal1302 @Godjacob @Spoiled Bread @ThAtGuY101 @Thomas the trainer

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