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DPPt/HGSS Two Ninetails...


Bearded Trout Warrior
The first Ninetails inspired by Michieru ;)

The first Ninetails will look like this:
Nature: Modest (I managed to breed one with 30 IV in Speed and Sp Atk ;D)
Held Item: Wide Lens/somethingElse

Flamethrower [STAB]
Extrasensory [Coverage]
Energy Ball [OMFG Coverage]
Will-o-Wisp/Confuse Ray [strategic Defense]

I can't choose between Confuse Ray and Will-o-Wisp... If I teach it Confuse Ray, I would have no need for Wide lens, but at the same time, Burns do more damage per turn (or so I think) than poison AND lower my foe's attack. Defense being low on Ninetails, I can't decide.

The second Ninetails would look like this:

Nature: Timid
Item: Wide Lens/Heat Rock

Flamethrower [again, STAB]
Solarbeam [Power]
Sunny Day [Boost Solarbeam, and Flamethrower]
Hypnosis [combined with speed gives me Mwahahaha]

This Ninetails would be more for double battles, Sunny Day kills the weakness to Water and allows the use of Solarbeam in one turn... Hypnosis just because it is unexpected and always annoying to someone. (Damn Accuracy!)

remembering power herb, I could also make some sort of a Hybrid between the two... Giving it an instant grass type attack AND Hypnosis...
at the same time, I can breed Ninetails with Smeargle to get both Energy Ball and Hypnosis...

So many options, I need opinions!
Let me see...Instead of W-o-W or Confuse Ray, how about Nasty Plot? A sky rocketing attack and two great attacks to go with it as well. It'll also work on the second one if your drop Sunny Day. Put the Pokemon to sleep, use a Nasty Plot, then kill.

Poison and Burn do the same amount, Poison can just grow worse and Burn cuts the attack, there's no difference. How ever, for stalling, I like Toxic, but against Physcial Sweepers, W-o-W is better, personal choice there.


Bearded Trout Warrior
Thank you, your help is much appreciated ;D

The Vulpix I hatched doesn't have much of a defense (as expected) so I'm still a bit unsure about giving up Will-o-Wisp... but I like the Nasty Plot Idea...

but if I drop solarbeam on the second one... it's only attack will be Flamethrower... Even with Max Special attack, a Kingdra could probably survive a hit... I'm being a bit pessimistic to look at it like that though. But wouldn't it be better if I got rid of Sunny Day and gave it the Power Herb?
I meant to drop Sunny Day but I typed Solar Beam, dunno why :p
You'll have to excuse that. Fire and Grass cover but a few types for neutral damage, so that's a safe combination to rely on. Energy Ball might be better to rely on then Solar Beam, unless you get Sunny Day support somewhere else. HP Ground if you got it works better than Energy Ball.


Bearded Trout Warrior
according to the IV calc I use, its HP is going to be fighting... so I can't rely on that...

I'm going to try making two Ninetails... one for the Sunny Day double battle team, and one for just the generic Single Battles...
So for the Double battle one I'll do:

Timid Nature (since I happened to hatch two of them with it)
Held Item: Wide Lens?


and the other one will be:

Modest Nature
Held Item... just as unsure as before

Energy Ball
Nasty Plot

I heard that the elemental Plates up attacks by 20% rather than the usual 10%, is this true? If so, I may give the second one a grass plate...
I prefer the Wise Glasses over the Plates. It gives a Universal Sp.Attack boost, so it will also power up Flamethrower as well as Energy Ball. Plates are too specific. Also with Ninetales, the Life Orb to too suicidal, but it may work.


Bearded Trout Warrior
Wise Glasses it is!
Thanks again Plapti ;D

I'm not sure if I should lock this... in case other people have input... so I'll leave that to you, o' Clinic Slave ;)