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Two Pairs

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Jolteon took the hit, not having enough time to use a Substitute to evade. He was sent skittering and crashing along the ground, finally rolling to a stop ten feet away.

It was obvious he had fainted. Despite the fact that his eyes weren't swirling (they never did went Jolteon went down) they remained closed, and he made no move to stand up again.

Carrie didn't recall him. Instead she slowly walked out into the field, dropping to her knees by his side. She took one look at him, then looked away. She gathered his frame in her arms and stood, carrying him towards Sonjo despite how heavy he was.

She gently put him down beside her friend, asking him to watch over Jolteon for her. She returned to her place, head down. She was shaking slightly.

"Alright," She said at last. "This is personal now."

A Pokeball was flung towards the ground with enough force to crack it, and out came Lapras, tall and graceful. He looked around curiously, noticing there was no water in sight. He looked at his trainer, taking in her stance, and then his eyes moved unconsciously towards the slumped frame of Jolteon.

He understood. He nodded and faced forward, his own normally gentle face hardening.

"Lapras, Sing!"

The Pokemon opened his mouth, a beautifully lulling tune escaping from it.


A white, misty shield formed over Lapras.

"And lastly... Ice Beam!"

His own icy blue beam shot from his mouth, hurtling towards the Dragonair.
Alexander was impressed by the young woman's Jolteon. It's speed...incredible. He walked over to about thirty-feet away -- safe from any stray attacks, and sat down, with legs crossed. He decided to wait with them. The only harm would be if he was hit. And Titan wouldn't let that happen...he knew that...

The battle was heating up...after Jolteon was knocked out after that amazing battle, the woman sent out a Lapras, and the man, a Dragonair. The Lapras looked around franticly.

But...there is no water...it won't stay up for long...

Alexander looked at the Dragonair. "But then again,"

"Maybe it won't have to..."
Sonjo looked down on the poor thing, unable to help but scrath him on the head. "You did great... It'll be alright soon..." He was reminded of his moments with Combusken. The two Pokemon looked over to see what was happening, and their gaze stood for a minute's time.

"Carrie will win now, without a doubt... Mikes's going to learn the hard way why you shouldn't anger her."
((I hate sharing the laptop. That is all.))

Dragonair fell back, its skin shedding to rid itself of the effects on it...

However, the Ice Beam had shook it to its core. Being Dragon Type, Ice was a great weakness. One more of those, and she was going to go down...

...But might as well weaken the Lapras while they still had time.

"Dragonair, use Thunder!"

The dragon opened its mouth wide, firing pure electrical energy at the water/ice type. Due to these typings, the Thunder would be effective enough to give Michael's last Pokemon a chance at beating Lapras, hell, almost a certainty due to its effectiveness.
"Thunder...huh...this could be it, if it hits..."

By now, Titan was watching intently. A strategy Alexander has taught to his whole team was to study the opponent. And from the sidelines, this would be much easier. Every attack, every movement, every sound...went in a never came out of their consciousness.

"He seems to use a few Dragons...and her...well...random." He glanced at the young boy with the injured Jolteon and a Riolu. "He...well, I'll find out about them soon enough. Isn't that right, Titan?"

He didn't answer. He was watching. Studying.

"Protect." Carrie ordered coldly.

A great shield sprung up before Lapras.

"Use Sing, one more time, then Confuse Ray, then Ice Beam again!"

Lapras opened its mouth to let out the soothing melody, and immediately after the wash of purple, then another great jet of ice spewed out of its mouth.

At the moment, Carrie didn't care about repeating tactics. She was fuming at the damage done to her Jolteon. And if the Sing was shedded fast enough for the Dragon to evade the Ice Beam, the Confuse Ray would certainly keep it from moving.
Combusken heard the Sing attack, and got a little drowsy from hearing the song. Riolu was smart enough to cover his ears, and Sonjo did the same. He looked over to his fighting bird companion, and chuckled breifly.

Then, on a more serious note, saw the sheer cold beam head for Micheal's dragon Pokemon. "A dragon can only take so much bitter cold tempetures. After that, they can continue battling. Dragonair's not fairing so well."
Alexander calmly got up and walked over to the injured dog. It growled and yelped, but didn't struggle. All three trainers looked over at him; the woman with a scowl. He took out some food and a Hyper Potion and proceeded to spray it.

Afterwards, he walked back over near Titan and spoke: "Continue, please."

Maybe they'll trust me and let me get closer to them. And then I'll have what I want...after they've healed of course.

"Don't want to make it too unfair, don't you agree?" The stone soldier next to him chuckled.
The Dragonair's skin shed again as the Sing made contact with its ears... But it stayed fast asleep. It seemed that it didn't rid itself of the effect that time, which led to its loss. The Confuse Ray struck it, causing its vision and hearing to mess up when it woke up, which would have to be after it regained consciousness from healing at a Pokemon Center as the Ice Beam smashed into it, sending it sprawling to the ground.

Michael lowered his head, returning the dragon to its Pokeball. He placed it on his belt, his eyes darkening slightly as he removed Gyarados' ball. He threw it out without a word, the Water/Flying type Pokemon roaring indimitadingly at the Lapras.

"Use Thunder, Gyarados, then get ready to use Protect!"

The snake-like Pokemon charged up, then fired a bolt of electricity as a shield of energy enveloped it. Michael had a strategy up, even if the Pokemone was put to sleep. If anything, Carrie would fall to her third Pokemon.
"You underestimate me."

"Lapras, Protect!"

A second shield sprung up where the first had faded away, negating the Thunder attack.

"Hit him with an Ice Beam!"

Lapras once again let loose an Ice Beam, and though the Protect shielded the Gyarados from it...

"It only blocks one attack! Use Ice Shard!"

Many medium-sized, jagged chunks of ice hurtled towards the Gyarados. Ice Shard was a move that always hit first, no matter what...
The ice chunks hit Gyarados, but the attack barely hurt the water/flying type. "Oh, I don't underestimate you at all- I just thought that I should get that shield down. Protect becomes less and less likely to work with each consecutive use..."

Gyarados' eyes lit up, as well as its whole body beginning to shine. "So I now want to see how well you defend against this. Gyarados, Giga Impact!"

The snake-like water Pokemon lurched forward, its whole weight going straight at Lapras. With the extra power from momentum and weight, this could definitely hurt something, and due to its type being normal, no Pokemon was truly resistant to it unless they were fast.
Carrie smirked.

"Hold your ground."

Lapras pushed the horn on its head towards the oncoming Gyarados, moving its fins until it was anchored firmly in the ground. With the way its head was bent down, the shell resting on its back would inevitably take the most damage.

Lapras took the hit, being pushed back heavily at least five feet. It struggled against the blow for a few moments.

"Lapras, Sing!"

A soothing melody once more echoed out of its mouth, taking the Pokemon right before it under its spell.


A great storm if ice and hail came crashing down towards the Gyarados. Carrie figured her Lapras would either faint at the end of this battle or be close to it, but as long as she weakened the Gyarados it was a worthy sacrifice, and the look Lapras shot her told her he agreed with her reasoning whole-heartedly.
Michael smirked as Gyarados blow backward slightly by the Blizzard as he smirked again. "Sleep Talk!"

Gyarados, as it snored slightly, began to shake. It floated into the air for the moment... Then came to the ground hard, shaking it with a shocking Earthquake.

"While it isn't optimal, Sleep Talk is useful for those that like to put Gyarados to sleep. I mean, I can't pick his moves, true, but he has enough strong moves to hurt you until he wakes up."
Carrie shook her head.

"You're still within immediate range of fire. Lapras, use Blizzard, again!"

Lapras once more shot a hail of ice into Gyarados' face, hurting from the Earthquake, though still standing. It was a good thing his best stats were Health and the Defenses.
Gyarados fell back again, cringing in its sleep. "Sleep Talk!"

The creature flew around Lapras, Tormenting it as it snored. "Ah, Torment, always helpful... Usually, I use it against annoying powers like Protect or Dig, but I suppose this will do."

Torment would halt Lapras' Blizzard, at least for now, which would stop its annoying assault on Gyarados. As long as the snake Pokemon's next move was strong, Michael didn't mind.
"Lapras, Ice Beam!"

Another shot was fired off at the Gyarados; the one still within extremely close range.

"Even if I can't use Blizzard twice in a row doesn't mean I can't fight back."

"Lapras, now, use Ice Shard! Hit him hard!"

An immediate follow-up to the Ice Beam, the Ice Shard attack sped towards Lapras' opponent full force.
Gyarados' eyes flickered momentarily... Before widening insanely, fully awake again. "Heh, how about you go back to sleep there Gyarados? Get yourself some Rest?"

The snake dragon nodded, eyes shutting as it lowered itself again. It was pushed back by the Ice Beam and Ice Shards, but seeing as how it seemed to have recovered from its earlier hurt, they didn't seem too bad. "Now, how about another Sleep Talk?"

Gyarados' mouth, ever open, fired waves of electric-powered energy at Lapras in a Thunder Wave. "Ugh, not the best move, but I suppose it will suffice for now... But, my friend, it seems you are confused. Gyarados has no weakness to ice. In fact, being hit by ice is just about the same as a normal attack. You should switch up your game a little, hm?"
Carrie rested a cheek in the palm of her right hand, smiling congenially at them.

"I love how you seem to have no idea what I'm doing here. Lapras, Perish Song!"

Lapras let out the haunting melody a second before he was hit with the Thunder Wave, becoming paralyzed.

"This is a sacrifice we are both fully willing to make. I was simply waiting until you had used Rest. Even with Sleep Talk on your side, you can't pick and choose what you use. You can't switch your Pokemon out; this is your last one. And I still have another in the wings. And Gyarados won't wake up for a while because of that Rest, correct?"

She smiled sweetly at him and plopped on the ground, head still supported by her hand.

"Three turns. Use your time wisely."
Michael rolled his eyes, sighing. "Perish Song... Gyarados has heard that twice in one day now... One of these days, I shall put earplugs in his... Ear flaps? Sure, his ear flaps. Ugh... Sleep talk."

Gyarados lurched forward, then its fins became coated in rock as it spun at the Lapras... Well, sleepily I suppose would fit.

"Rock Edge? Well... Water/Ice types ARE weak to Rock... But that wouldn't be my choice... I would have used Thunder or Hyper Beam and gotten this over with... Lapras, with its hard shell, blocks the high critical chance that the move usually has, and therefore, this move is simply a strong rock attack..." He sighed again, rubbing his eyes. "Awesome..."
Carrie shrugged.

"Lapras, Protect."

Lapras once more brought up a shield, the chances of it working since it hadn't been used for several turns.

"Why not use Safeguard, just in case?"

Lapras obeyed, the status-negating force field springing up in front of him.

"Two more turns."
Gyarados awoke from its rest, eyes wide yet again. However, it sensed that it had heard the Perish Song, and it groaned. "Yeah, I know. Just Hyper Beam and get Lapras down."

Gyarados nodded, charging the beam then firing it at the Water/Ice type. They may not win the match, but winning against one Pokemon would be good enough to keep the snake-like Pokemon's self-esteem out of the gutter for a few minutes.
Lapras presented his shield-like shell to the attack, taking a hefty amount of damage despite it. Still, he struggled to bring his neck up, panting from the effort of keeping himself from fainting. There was, however, a faint gleam of victory in his eyes; a pride that he had (just barely) managed to withstand the blow.

"One turn."

Lapras knew he would most likely be taken out next turn, but that wouldn't matter; either way, the Gyarados was going down. Lapras cooed happily at the idea, proud that he had managed to do well in his first battle in ages.
Sonjo's gaze had before turned to the man. "And who exactly are you, hmm?" He decided to ignore him, and continue watching the battle.

The battle was long, the Perish Song being cast once again. Combusken and Riolu covered their ears, and Sonjo grimacing when it was sung. It wouldn't be long before Carrie won though, making two straight losses for Micheal. It was too bad, really. "Likes like you lose our bet, Riolu!" he said, with a devilish smile. Riolu sulked to itself.
Alexander was amazed at the intensity of the battle. And he isn't easily impressed.

"Well...I dare say Titan, you are in for a wild one." The Golem looked at him and smiled.

"It's been a few weeks since you've battled yourself. Since Byron if I'm correct..." Titan shuttered. During that battle his hide was chipped by a Steelix. Ever since he's been trying to find a suitable replacement.

Alex looked back up at the battle and noticed a grim look on both Pokemon's faces.

"Perish Song...hmph, I guess she couldn't win on her own. I assume you covered your ears Titan?" The boulder nodded happily.

"Good. Now where did I leave that...ahh, here. Dinner and a show..."
Gyarados sighed, closing its eyes in another Rest. The Perish Song took affect as it fell, only to be returned to his Pokeball. Michael looked down... While he looked mostly disappointed, a hint of a smirk lingered on his features, if only for a split-second. "Good fight... Too bad I lost again..." He glanced up. "You and Sonjo, you're both pretty good... Glad to be travelling with you."

He turned then to Alexander, eyebrow raising. "Well hello there... What brings you to this section of... Oh, well, yeah, there IS a Pokemon Center right here, but still..."
Sonjo looked to the trainer treating Jolteon, who seemed to be finished doing the deed. Although he'd ignored his question earlier, he was sure that his attention was glued to the battle at hand. He decided to ask again. "And who might you be?" he said, after clearing his throat. In the backround of this, Combusken cheered as Riolu felt remorse. Sonjo decided to let his blue pokemon off easy this time, seeing his despair.
The young man stood up and took a bow, introducing himself. "Alexander. Call me Alex." The Pokemon looked at him wryly. "Oh, and this is one of my partners, Titan." The Golem attempted a bow, but stopped mid way because of its weight.

Alexander looked at all the trainers thoroughly and blurted out: "I was intrigued by your bout and like to brawl myself." He grinned because he felt stupid. All of the trainers were just looking at him...maybe at his scar...the smile left his face at the thought.

"Let me put it in terms you'll understand: You battle me, every one of you. And you will lose." He normaly wasn't this cocky, but he needed to get their attention in order for them to even consider it.

Sonjo took another glance at his Poketch. It was 7:35. The sun was getting close to setting, and there was a new breeze brewing through the trees. "Well, I suppose there's time for one more battle. I can spar with you a bit, and see what you're made of." he smirked to himself, as he eyes his two companions. He recalled them both.

"There's only these few rules. It'll be a three on three battle; you're not aloud to recall your Pokemon, neither are you aloud to use items." He hooked the two pokeballs back onto his belt, and awaited Alex's response.

He revealed his belt to show...all his Pokeballs were pure white, with a black band around them.

"Custom made by Kurt." He unhooked one of them and threw it...backwards, releasing a orange cephalopod named Sniper.

"Ready when you are."
Sonjo reached onto his belt, flicking one of the pokeballs it held onto to the field. The flash of light it released unveiled Gallade, getting into stance. It had been awhile since Gallade had a chance to battle, and now would be the perfect opprotunity. The blade Pokemon steeled itself in front of it's Octilery opponent.

"I'll make the first move; start with thunderbolt, Gallade!" He nodded, slamming his hands together, and created volts of lightening. After they were fully charge, Galaade released the electricity at the octopus pokemon.
"Great, Endure it Sniper!" The Pokemon hutled down as the electric attack did a number on him. "Ok, Focus Energy, then Bullet Seed!"

A faint, yellow aura surrounded the creature. "Remember...aim toward weak points...they are the same in all animals..."

A sudden burst of what sounded like machine gun fire spouted from Sniper. "Bullet Seed...see if you can dodge this! This WILL hurt!"
Sonjo smirked. His stradegy was adequete, but not as good as what he had in store for his opponent. "So, you're wishing for critical hit?" Gallade braced itself for the attack, using his blade like arms as a sort of protection. Once the barrage had ended, it was time to counter."Quickly, Sword Dance!" the blade Pokemon began dancing as instruction, as a gleaming light surrounded it. "Now then, show them your Leaf Blades, Gallade!"

He dashed at Octillary when give the command, it's blade like arms gleaming green. He struck his opponent, sliding a little ways behind it.
Sniper fell like a limp rag.

"Defence and Speed were never his strong points...come back..." As the Pokemon returned, he already had another ball in his hand.

"Get him, Suraimu!" The initial flash faded to reveal a large, purple blob. "This one won't be so easy. Dig!"

The silent sludge didn't exactly Dig...he sunk into the ground.

"It's not over yet..."
Sonjo raised a brow. Moves like this could easily avoided and defended against. He shrugged to himself, and gave the command. "Protect, Gallade." The green and white pokemon nodded, and moved its hands in random directions. to build a blue veil that surrounded itself. He waited for the upcomming attack.
"Perfect. Rise, now!" The sludge rocketed up from directly under to meet with the Protect, but the move wasn't over. When the Muk hit the Gallade, he covered it with...himself. "Now, Giga Drain!" The moves Suraimu were infamous for were extreamly powerful 'Drain' attacks, able to take down a Snorlax in just a few turns.

The sludge covered the helpless Gallade, who was slashing to get free, and began to suck the life out of him.

"I knew Dig was a move easily countered, but I like to put a little...'zest' in my battling!"
Sonjo now saw the stradegy he'd put together. "Ah, good thinking! Good thing I've also have ways to counter with..." His gaze turned upward, to the Muk that covered his own Pokemon. "Escape with Psycho Cut!"

Although Gallade was covered in the repulsive ooze, he heared his master's command, and cut his way out with psychic blades. Once he was free, he landed next to his trainer, keeping it's stance. "Now, Light Screen!" The green swordsman held it's hands in front of himself, creating a bight wall in front of him. He was far from done.
Suraimu was cut into pieces, but pulled himself together. The young boy was right, this was far from over.

"Good, good! I was waiting for a good fight! Suraimu, couple Poison Jab with Toxic!"

Suraimu rushed to meet its opponent, and it's figure formed hands...which formed into long spikes. He was meeting the opponent with many hits, though there were more blocks and parries then hits. But the sludge that was deflected sunk into the Gallade, and when Suraimu noticed this, he backed away, still fighting off the now poisoned foe.
Sonjo grit his teeth as Gallade took the poision. The Pokemon itself slid backword, and slowly got back up afterwards. The trainer scammed the current situation. Gallade is now poisioned... With a Toxic effect to boot. That means that the poision will just get worse and worse as the battle goes on. We have to finish it quickly. It'll be difficult, seeing as this is a Muk...

His veiw came back onto the battlefield, knowing full well of the current situation. "Gallade, Psychic attack!" With this being said, the Pokemon's eyes gleamed a light blue; as a aura of the same color surrounded it. The same effect began to take effect on his Muk target. He tossed him up into the sky, then chucked it at the ground.
Alexander wasn't worried a bit. He trained Suraimu rigorously to take Psychic attacks. But that doesn't mean it still wouldn't hurt...

The blob was being tossed around like a rag-doll. At last, it was slammed into the ground, immobile for a few seconds.

Alex bent down to talk to it. "You've already poisoned him. Come on, finish this." The slime rose and looked at it's trainer. Alex nodded.

"Suraimu, Mud Bomb followed by Gunk Shot!"

Mud Bomb would diminish it's eyesight...and Gunk Shot...well...that would finish it if the poison didn't.

A viscous, brown liquid rose up from inside Suraimu and was fired the the face of the dual-type. While it was occupied with that, a horrid, pungent smell filled the air as a large, black blob also came out of Muk.

This was it. "Fire!"
Gallade's eyes widened. As he dodged the Sludge Bomb, he was hit with the Gunk Shot. Sonjo could only imagine with the effects could be having on his blade pokemon. He though he surely had enough, and reached for his Pokeball... But wait... Gallade was getting up! The pain was clearly visiable, and Toxic was without a doubt worsening, but it was still willing to fight!

Sonjo shook his head, and smiled to himself. "Just like you... Very well, finish strong with Earthquake!" As soon as the demand was issued, Galaade lept into the air, and slamming down on the earth, causing it to quake. Though, the blade pokemon was fatiqued. If Alexaner's Muk didn't finish him, the toxic surely would.
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