Once upon a time, in alola each island was separated into types, in the modern days that's not true since the Kahunas or guardians usually represent the island's type, but before each island had a different type.
Mele mele: Steel
Akala: Ground
Ula'Ula: Ghost
Poni: Flying
But this was re discovered in the Ula'Ula library by a group of 4 kids that found out about this, chose an island, caught 6 Pokémon of that type, trained them and became the type masters of their respective type,the 4 kids were Aaron, Steel master, Marc, Ground master, Katy, Ghost master and Maria, Flying master. They also had a totem Pokémon to represent them: Aaron:Bisharp, Marc: Alolan Golem, Katy: Mismagius, Maria: Swellow.
But later each island had more types,more people and more totem Pokémon to represent them.
What you need make your own type master:
Team: 3 Pokémon (for now of the same type you chose, dual typings count)
Physical aspect:
Totem Pokémon: (the same type you chose and as before dual typings count)
Totem Pokémon location:
Here's mine:
Outfit:T-shirt and shorts.
Personality:Creative, imaginative, smart, sporty, kind and friendly.
Team: Prinplup,Corphish and Froakie.
Physical aspect: Flat caramel hair, brown eyes, white skin, 4 feet tall.
Island: Mele Mele.
Totem Pokémon: Kingdra.
Totem Pokémon location: A cave open to the sea.
And by the way, the totem Pokémon is the whole line of that Pokémon, so for example: Kingdra would be horsea, seadra, and the totem Pokémon is the last stage of that Pokémon, so in this case kingdra.
1. NO swearing.
2.dont be negative towards each other.
3. Have Fun!
Mele mele: Steel
Akala: Ground
Ula'Ula: Ghost
Poni: Flying
But this was re discovered in the Ula'Ula library by a group of 4 kids that found out about this, chose an island, caught 6 Pokémon of that type, trained them and became the type masters of their respective type,the 4 kids were Aaron, Steel master, Marc, Ground master, Katy, Ghost master and Maria, Flying master. They also had a totem Pokémon to represent them: Aaron:Bisharp, Marc: Alolan Golem, Katy: Mismagius, Maria: Swellow.
But later each island had more types,more people and more totem Pokémon to represent them.
What you need make your own type master:
Team: 3 Pokémon (for now of the same type you chose, dual typings count)
Physical aspect:
Totem Pokémon: (the same type you chose and as before dual typings count)
Totem Pokémon location:
Here's mine:
Outfit:T-shirt and shorts.
Personality:Creative, imaginative, smart, sporty, kind and friendly.
Team: Prinplup,Corphish and Froakie.
Physical aspect: Flat caramel hair, brown eyes, white skin, 4 feet tall.
Island: Mele Mele.
Totem Pokémon: Kingdra.
Totem Pokémon location: A cave open to the sea.
And by the way, the totem Pokémon is the whole line of that Pokémon, so for example: Kingdra would be horsea, seadra, and the totem Pokémon is the last stage of that Pokémon, so in this case kingdra.
1. NO swearing.
2.dont be negative towards each other.
3. Have Fun!
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