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UC's Sprites [1 New]

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my stab at Marley
I had to take some artistic liberties seeing as...well I only had her to back to work with.....(Ew. that came out wrong. XD)

I Requested That. Can you do a female sprite with waist-down black hair, curling up at the ends, red turtleneck sweater, blue jeans, Medium-Pale Skin, and flip-flops? Thanks

Edit: The Hair Sort Of Like the hair on:

[attachment deleted by admin]
I put her in tight jeans and flats....(sorry...I couldnt do the flippidy flops.)

Shes playing with her haaaiiiirrr.
Hey UC.

If you're still looking for an odd sprite request I'd be honoured if you'd take a look at mine. I posted it a while back and It's now on the second page, so for your convenience I'll reproduce it here.

What I'm looking for is a pose kinda like the Team Galactic leader sprite, but thinner, facing forwards, left hand in pocket if possible?

Hair red (by that I mean red-head red, not "blood-pouring-from-my-gaping-wound" red) and curly, to jus' below ears.

Outfit, probably Jeans and a striped sweat, no capes or any of that jazz.

Colours? maybe green olives or browns, faded blue jeans? Wearing Chucks mayhap?

Oh, and Most defiantly male.

So yeah, I hope that gives a good summary of what I'd hope for. And as a side effect you all now have a description of me, neat huh?
Sweater or Sweat shirt?

There's a difference? Errr... go with the one normal people wear... I now feel like my life has been one big lie :-\.

Ok, on further investigation I can see that I meant Sweater. But seriously! how many names must an item of clothing possess!
If you don't mind me double-requesting, can you do a female trainer with dirty blond hair, two braids that rest on her shoulders, blue cheerleaders shorts, and a white inch sleeved t-shirt? thanks.
It didnt come out how I hoped it would but...eh. KH2 Sora...by request:

I'd really like more requests [and they'd be done fairly quick seeingas I'm on summer break.]

That is about one of the favorite sprites I have seen and that lucatzel or the buizel and lucario mixed was also great but I was iffy on the head
dude your awesome, My favorite is the Flareon Cosplay
btw do u know any tips for making trainer sprites?
Bloom's request......with artistic liberties again. NOTE TO CONSUMER.....if you leave on deatail out suchas shoes....I will take it upon myself to assign the sprite shoes.

Hey again Ultracow. Please could you make a shiny masked Duskull cosplay (preferably not a child)? If so that'd be great, cheers.
Bloom's request......with artistic liberties again. NOTE TO CONSUMER.....if you leave on deatail out suchas shoes....I will take it upon myself to assign the sprite shoes.


That's Great, i didint care about the shoes, so i left the description for the shoes out

EDIT: How many times can we request?
yay! in that case, ill have a red haird( red head red, not blood-pouring-from-my gaping-wound red. Whoever came up with that phrase, credet) medum pale skin,black shirt, blue jeans, oh and female, and the hair is in a single ponytail, NOT on the sholder.

P.S. do you have the buliding sprites from grand lake hotel, par chance ???

Edit: Meengreen came up with the hair phrase
Edit 2: do you make custom overworld trainer sprites????? Please?????
I would be able to do overworlds but they take alot longer....and Im off to orlando on Saturday so I'll try and finish all the sprites by tomorrow night.
Perfect. I wont request on anything until u leave, so teclnecly u wont have to work on vacation. you didint answer my ps. do you have grand lake building sprites?
I wanna make a hotel overworld ;D I ment only the do to be in itlacs(spelling)

Edit: can u do overworld oblects (like trucks)? if you can, could u do the moving truck from the begining of rse, and one double the size? thanks. (you dont have to start until u come back from vaycay.) also,can you do a james bond (with and without a gun) and a vesper lund (with and without the silver breifcase) from the newest casino royale, both in overworlds? thanks.
He's a 80x89 =[ It was his curl....and I did TRY to keep his dignity....

And I wont be able to finish all the requests tonight. I sorta came down with a cold....So expect them all by Monday / Tuesday
Heh, awesome. He looks nifty indeed, cheers. He kinda reminds me of a red Phantom of the Opera with a rather 'loud' hairdo. Thanks again!
I manage to complete yours with somemajor-minor flaws though....(The Nyquil knock-off is kicking in.....)

Oh yeah and btw ALL REQUESTS MUST BE SUBMITTED VIA THIS THREAD. I will ignore PM requests.
Yo, thanks again for answering my question. Here`s the picture: Yes, It's drawn by me so I've got the permission. -begins to talk to self-
Yup, I double-checked. :D
As for the pose, it's entirely up to you but I'm kinda hoping for something like the pose in the picture.
Color-wise, The jacket itself is Black and white, but the Poke`ball design in on the left (You're right) shoulder is red. The gem on his forehead is red, and the small poke`ball on his turban is of regular color. The sash and pants are both white, though because of the cut-off, there's nothing really you can base the bottom off of. Um......I guess, there nothin` but regular baggy pants, and he wears black sandals. One end of the sash hangs over his left (again, you're right) leg, and reaches just past the knee. If you could, could you make a small black crescent moon design near the end of the sash?
EDIT: His skin is a milk chocolate color, think, the guy at the nearest gas station (A bad stereotype, but all in all, quite true XD).
That's about it. If you have any extra or spare time(I doubt it though) then could you make a overworld sprite him? Just a single sprite is fine.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me, I'd love to help.
Thanks again! -Bows in respect-
EDIT: Seems like you're out on vacation. Looks like I gotta play the waiting game. 8)
so,can you do one for me,it may sound complicated,but it might be cool if it works out,maybe you can use as a base Lukas,then tinker with his right hand until he is pointing,in the other holding a pokeball,then take off that beret,and then the scarf, open his sweater and that the sprite has a blue shirt,red jacket,and the jeans pants,with black shoes...,after that make his hairstyle like Cloud's,but less spiky,whoa,now I'M confused x.X

Thanks in advance
I like your sprites! =D I'd say 'love' but honestly, I don't love anything. x_x I'm amazed at how many people are good at editing trainers, I'm not so good at it. I stick to Pokemon. xD

Anyways... Could you make a sprite for me that looks like... This?

I'm not so good at describing things, so here's a picture for reference! =D​
Yeah. Im real sorry guys, Im getting kinda swamped with work and stuff so...Expect the sprites in a day or too....A teenager gotta make some summer money!

AAANNNDDD Ultimate......what?!
I think i got a little base for that...gotta search for it ASAP
here it is,just like that,but instead of the armor,a black jacket,blue shirt,and the jeans pants...
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