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UC's Sprites [1 New]

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XD The cute little squirrel became god's-sin-on-Earth. Amazing.
Acapreya's head reminds me of a Fearrow(sp?), but I'm probably wrong. I love the fact the Acapreya has two extra heads that can sing along. rofl
I guess it somewhat looks like fearow but its chatot and ho-oh mix for the head.
Acapreya sprites used: Staraptor, Fearow, Chatot and Cherrim
Pachi evo: Zangoose, Pachirisu, and Ursaring.

X__x everytime I look at the Pachi evo I just see its lumpy head...
After eating too much in an undergroaund expodition, Dunspaces famous drill tail couldnt get it out of the ground. It constantly flaps its usless wings.Thus, it grew out its fangs to suck nutrients from the ground.

Norm/ Ground.

Hah, nice! That does indeed make the Dunsparse line more intimidating, if only a little. The name's pretty damn funny too, nicely done.
Aww, sweet! The shoes are a bit off, though. And the waist down is so wrong. Sorry, mate, but his pants are a little bit *coughalotcough* off.

It's alot better than the ones I did...
Very nice sprite there UC and the shading is pretty nifty indeed.

Out of sheer curiosity, could you please sprite Ronald McDonald? The hairstyle is already on one of the Elite Four guys, so I'm sure it's possible eh? :3
New For-Scratch Sprite. I used the lukas sprite as a refernce for prportions and I used this picture:

I love sugimori art...

anywho...the sprite:
That's an impressive working of Sugimori's art, aside from the (better than in-game) shading it looks like it could feasibly be an in-game trainer sprite, so a very well done.
Very nice once again UC, though the eye on the right of the pic could probably have a pixel trimmed off the top of the pupil to have it match the size of the other one. As it is she looks slightly drunk. It also looks like the very bottom of her shoes have been cut off, but it's still very impressive.
Shoes fixed....I tried fixing the eye thingger but its the outling of the hair meeting the top of the pupil thats creating the problemo.
Those are two very nice customs UC! The leg warmers are certainly.. interesting, and Silver looks pretty damn cool. It's great that you get them so close to the concepts.
Hahahaha...interesting is right. I like that I can get them real close to the concepts. I'd prolly do them more often if they werent such a pain-in-the-butt project.
They are pretty amazing.... Wow, UC, those are perfect. I'm amazed, simply by the fact that you can get the sprites so close to Sugamori's original, and Scratch in general, really. I can't scratch to save my life, so I am very impressed.
And Xanth, I think that's Gold, not Silver. Silver is the punk creepo who is a pain through the entire game. I think.
Hm. I dont have any others planed. I usually just sift through my folder of sugimori concepts and pick one I like. Hahahaha. I'll probably do a Emerald May next.

& Thanks...She seems a bit awkward though.
Im pretty sure Im done with scracth sprites for a while...and I think Ozzy was the one who made a really good Silver...

And thanks =] ))
Nifty cosplays UC. I like the Flaafy most of the pair, since she looks great. The Marshtomp's long sleeves make me chuckle too.
Hahaha I liked the flaaffy so much, too, I used her hair and a couple other sprites of mine to creat the ultimate EVIL.

XD I like that Evil dude! Pretty evil, lol. He reminds me of all your sprites put together. Before the scratches, of course.

Again, sorry I stole your idea for the scratching. I don't use pics, but I still sorta stole it. xD
XD I knew I was right! Pretty clever idea, UC, putting all of 'em together in a creative way. =] Either it's highly edited, or I'm forgetting some of your sprites.
Well, I'm not sure if this qualifies as a "sprite" but meh.

I know they didnt want the boxes but I had to keep them to make sure that the trainer space was atleast 80x80.

Yeah. Its a little big and I dont like to waste space.



Name goes in the top blue box and friend code goes in the box below. And. of course, the badges go in the buttons below.

=] ))
That's a nifty trainer card UC. I have to admit it's a bit too bright to suit me, but no doubt it'll go with the Wario Ware sprites very well indeed.
For all of the FF fans, eh UC? Unluckily, I don't(Nor will I ever) own FFX-2. D:

The Rikku is pretty good, actually. Reckon you could do Tidus with the Caladbolg? That would be awesome. Especially since the great UC made it. >=D
Those sprites are pretty nifty, even though I'm not a Final Fantasy fan and therefore have no clue who they actually are. The costumes look good though.
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