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Open Undertale RP

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"I don't know! She just gave it to me!" Zyphle said. "Well, we better wait for her to get back." Zyphle sat down. She marked in her notebook. The monsters were interesting to her. she had to learn more about them!
"You can wait but me not" he said leaving the room 'wait? Pftt her don't know what her is doing' Clover thinked sawing A froggit and some leafs
Zyphle got up. She followed Clover. "Clover-" The phone rang. It was Toriel. Zyphle picked up. "You have not left the room have you?" Toriel asked. "Of course not! we're all waiting in this room." Zyphle lied. "Oh, Okay then." Toriel said as she hung up. Zyphle walked forward. A Wimsun and Froggit came up to her. She was shocked. They took the first move. The whimsun didn't attack. Just the Froggit. Zyphle marked down for Whimsun "This monster is too sensitive to fight..." And continued. she complimented the Froggit. She dodged the next attack. She spared both monsters.
"what you want?" Clover asked still furious with Matt 'I'm sure he still Will Challenge me to some stupid challenge' he thinked It a bit furious
"you are talking you need I talk to her you like of her?" He asked very curious 'pffft I Will talk to everyone!' he thinked
"I know you aren't fond of Kayla... mostly because her glare..I swear she stared into my soul.... she is very mysterious... and tough.." Matt said
"keyla stared at YOUR SOUL not Mine Sooooooo the problem is yours not Mine" he said walking to the monster Candy room picking some candys
Zyphle passed by. She wanted to head to a room farther up the room. "Everyone knows, Matt." she said. He entered the room. She saw a bowl of candy. She also saw a sign saying "Take one!". Zyphle took one. She walked out. She looked at her candy. It was labeled "Monster Candy".
Jack grabbed some candy and looked at zyphil he smiled "ya know what guys if I could get stuck down a hole with anyone I'm happy it's with you guys"
"Thanks." Zyphle said smiling. She went farther into the RUINS. She finally got to a room with a ghost in in. It wouldn't budge. "GUYS! There's a ghost in the path! Come HELP!" Zyphle yelled. She wasn't sure any of them would come. Zyphle's "Friends" weren't the nicest. She thought Jack would come, but he might've not heard Zyphle. She was far away.
Clover reached near of Zyphle and said "a ghost?????" He cound't believe he was seeing a ghost "okay let's move him out of The way" he said
Jack heard the the faintest cry of zyphil and ran to her "what what is it.... woah no l think let him be" he smiled at how he and his crush had completely different ideas
The ghost rose. Zyphle jotted down "This monster doesn't seem to have a sense of humor.". The ghost saw what Zyphle wrote. "Oh i'm REAL funny." The ghost said. Zyphle's phone rang. "Child, does your group prefer cinnamon or butterscotch more?" Toriel asked. The ghost cried. The tear burnt off some of a page from Zyphle's notebook. Zyphle pulled the phone away. "Guys, those tears are acid!" She said. Zyphle pulled the phone back up. "Toriel, this isn't really the time!" Zyphle asked. "Why? You haven't left the room... have you?"
Clover picked the Phone and said "yeah we leaved the room and we all prefer butterstoch" he said turning off the Phone "uh Mr.ghost why are you Sad?" Clover asked "everyone hate me........." Napstablook Said "that ins't true! Everyone is loved by everyobe because everyone have they directs" Clover Said "I NEVER thinked this before! Thank you!" Napstablook Said leaving the room
"I prefer cinnamon thank you..." Zyphle muttered. The phone rang. Zyphle picked up. "You do not DISLIKE cinnamon, do you? Would you turn up your nose if was put on a plate in front of you?" Toriel asked. "Of course not!" Zyphle replied. Toriel hung up. Zyphle walked into the next room. She saw webs. She saw a sign. "Spider Bake Sale! 7g for a Spider Donut, and 18g for some Spider Cider!". Zyphle had 10g. She bought a Spider Donut. She walked out of the room, pocketing the sweet.
"Oh donuts" jack said grabbing a donut and paying jack headed back to the room and looked at zyphil "hey" he said with a smile "do would you like some of my donut" he asked not knowing she had her own
"No thanks! I have my own." Zyphle replied. She walked into the next room. There were a few Froggits. They didn't attack. Toriel called again. "Yes?" Zyphle asked. "You're group does not have any allergies... do they?" Toriel asked. "Not that i know of... But i'm allergic to cats." Zyphle asked. She hung up.
Clover saw some money in the web and wondered 'who Put money here?' he picked one coin to see what happened and one spider picked his hand with the web and smashed him in the ground picking the coin "Well.......spiders are more dangerous that before" he said with a lot of pain
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Jack sat down and looked zyphil "guess we'll be stuck down here for a while" he said smiling "I uh got some" He stopped talking "never mind" he said quickly
Kayla bought a donut and payed for it and tipped them an extra 10g
"Why did you do that?" Matt asked
"They want to leave so I'm donating to their cause." Kayla explained as she caught up with the others
Clover rubbed his Head and Said "I should see If someone Else falled" he said founding landon "LAN!! Are you okay friend?" Clover Said because landon was his FIRST friend
"Neat. We really should find some type of shelter. Wait a moment..."*he'd check his belt for a thunder stone he found* "Darn it... it took me so long to find..." "So, how long have I been sleeping?" :/
*Orange would start investigating, but then see Toriel* "I can't even... Kayla, do you know this entity?" *i'm leaving for today. i'll be active at around 12pm tomorrow.*
"Huh, a bipedal goat. So, all of the storys about the underground aren't just tales? Well, I suppose that we're all gonna live and die here. Might as well get comfortable."
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