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Open Unova Adventures.

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Previously TheJustinMan
After his coffee and chat, Justin headed back up to his room. Dice had shown up, but they didn’t really talk. All he cares about now was getting a good rest. He would be starting a journey with(nearly) complete strangers the next morning. Sure, he had run in to them himself, and he was the one who offered to travel, but they were strangers nonetheless. He would be a guide mostly, as he had been most places in Unova already other than the Pokémon League and a mysterious cave he’d heard of, that few were even allowed to visit. Most of all, Justin felt anxious and nervous. What would happen while they journey? What part of his ways would slowly reveal himself to his friends? As he let Buddy out to sleep with him, the big blue otter put its head in his chest, as a sign to tell Justin would be okay.
And with that, Justin drifted off to sleep.
((Let's just say that after her discussion with Ajax, Fiona went up to sleep.))

Fiona slowly opened her eyelids, light shone dazzlingly through the half drawn curtains and her Pokemon were still asleep upon little beds of their own. She grunted slightly, turned her head and then mustered the energy to get out of bed. She swivelled to face the small kitchen and walked over, preparing some pancakes with the limited ingredients she had. Everyone but Pepper liked pancakes but Pepper could eat anything without tasting using the large mouth on the back of her head.

Soon after the pancakes were sizzling in the pan, Pepper, Selena, Bomba, Felice and Queeny were all awake, but as usual Dozy still lay down, with his ear muffs fitted tightly in place, snoring. Fiona dished out all the pancakes evenly between eleven plates (the extra four being for her new-found friends) and then she turned and sighed walking over and kneeling down in front of Dozy, "Come on now, wake up, I've made pancakes." Slowly, Dozy got up, squinted with his small eyes at the meal and then grinned at Fiona, gobbling the plate's worth of pancakes.

"Today is the start of a brand new adventure," She announced to everyone, "Now I am going downstairs to wait for the others." Fiona retracted all but Pepper into her ball and turned, closing the door behind her and taking a seat with Pepper downstairs in the restaurant area.
Renz yawned and stretched. He rolled out of bed and stood up, looking around with bleary eyes. Yes, he was in Nuvema Inn. He packed his bag and made sure he had everything, then went down to breakfast.

The buffet was steaming with hot food, and Renz got a plate and shoveled on some eggs, bacon, sausage, and grabbed a cup of milk. He went to a table and sat down.

As Fiona entered the room he waved to her and continued shoveling food. He had released his Pokémon, who were eating as well. Gliscor stopped eating whenever someone came too close and darted behind Renz’s back. Garchomp, Krookodile and Nidoking were tucking into some sausage, Torterra and Donphan were eating some Veggi mix Pokémon food, and Gliscor was nibbling at some bacon.

‘Morning, Fiona! Sleep well?’
Fiona yawned ever so slightly and checked her bag for a small box, then placed it back in, looked up and replied, "I guess so, I mean depends how you define 'Sleep well'. I didn't sleep much because of the late night, but what I did sleep, I slept well. What about you?"

Fiona then laughed, as she saw that Dozy, had miraculously left his Pokeball and walked off to the food grabbing three Fruit mix Pokemon snacks, "You are greedy aren't you, its all that makes you wake up, eh?"
‘Yeah, I slept well once I actually got to bed. Everybody in my team is rested up and ready to go. Oh, and this is my team! There’s Garchomp, Hardhat the Torterra, Ceasar the Nidoking, Donphan, Krookodile, and this little girl here is Gliscor.’

He gestured to the Pokémon behind his back.

‘We’re just waiting for Dice and Justin and we’ll be ready to go!’
"Hah, lovely Pokemon, what a beauty Gliscor is, and how majestic that Garchomp is! I can't remember, have you met my motley crew?" She exclaimed.

She then took her balls and released the remaining five Pokemon in her team, "I believe I already introduced them, but here they are."

As soon as she was released, Serena and Bomba began to chase the irritable Florges around the table and Felice seemed to orbit around Fiona's head. Dozy turned around to the chaos and sighed in a very Clefable way, she re-adjusted her ear muffs and walked over to sit with Mawile next to Fiona.

"The adventure begins when the others arrive then."
He looked around and noticed it was still rather early in the morning, 'Perfect' he thought, after walking into an empty clearing nearby Ajax placed his towel on the ground and the water bottle on top, he then gripped the bottom of the shirt and pulled it over his head and chucked it on the pile.
‘Nice! They look like they’re in peak condition. You told me about them yesterday, but you didn’t take them out of their Pokéballs.’

Renz again began on his food. Gliscor peeked our from behind him, but ducked back again when she saw Fiona looking at her. Garchomp swallowed down the rest of his food and went over to Fiona. He loved the compliment, and by his reasoning someone who complimented him would also be willing to pet him.


Previously TheJustinMan
As the sun shined through the window, Justin slowly got up from his bed. Buddy was already up and watching him, which Justin guessed he was doing because of last night. Nevertheless, he quickly showered, got dressed, and headed down stairs. Renz and the girl from before were both there, as well as their Pokémon. Before heading over, he got a bit of breakfast and a coffee, and sat down close to them. “We haven’t formally met, have we? My names Justin, and this is Buddy. Pleasure to meet you.” Justin said, holding his hand out. Buddy gave a kind of nod when he was acknowledged, but still had a neutral frown on his face.
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((Sorry for the delay, I was eating.))

Fiona grinned as Garchomp approached, she held out her hand and stroked rhythmically at the top of Garchomp's head, "What a lovely Pokemon you are, I may be a Fairy sort of person, but I do love my Dragons as well." She then looked back up Renz, "Thank you very much for the compliment, my Pokemon much appreciate it!"

Pepper studied the Garchomp with caution and curiosity, she looked for weaknesses to exploit and manoeuvres she could use against it, as well as seeing whether it could be a good friend. Fiona's other Pokemon also used the same tactic, though less directly, they glanced at Renz's Pokemon, whilst they chased each-other around. Fiona, as well as her Pokemon, had use this tactic when she first saw the Pokemon, though she liked to maintain a social and friendly aspect whilst being tactical.
After taking of his shirt, Ajax started to go through a multitude of stretches unbefitting of his size, and one warmed up took a sip of water and wiped his forehead with the towel, he went back to the space before and reached behind his back and pulled out three regular pokeballs.
Fiona took his hand and shook it smiling. "Indeed, I am Fiona from Hoenn, these are my pokemon," She replied gesturing to her group, "Pepper, the Mawile; Bomba, the Azumarill; Queeny, the Florges; Felice, the Togekiss; Dozy, the Clefable and Serena, the Sylveon!"

She turned to Renz, "Well, that's three of us, just Dice we're waiting for now."

Fiona continued to pet the garchomp next to her and eat a small pancake.
Garchomp purred in his throat as he was pet. He absolutely loved attention, and this girl was nice.

‘Alright, Everybody come back!’

Renz recalled his Pokémon to their Pokéballs, but left Garchomp out. He picked up his plates and brought them to the dirty dish deposit area. He walked back over to the group and sat back down, waiting for Dice.
Fiona took her hand off of Garchomp for a minute. "Right you are," She said recalling all but Mawile and placing her hand back on Garchomp.

With the remaining hand she began to sort through her bag, checking all her things were in place and her balls safely secured. She picked out a few grapes eating them and then resting her hands on her lap, she said, "I am sure Dice won't take too much longer."
‘Hey, Fiona? Do you wanna do a 1-v-1 battle? I know who I’ll use,’

He said, pulling one of the Pokéballs back out of his pocket. He thought about Fiona’s Pokémon and decided which two she would most likely choose, then nodded, thinking he had made the right choice.
After waiting a moment Ajax released his three Pokémon who slowly materialised in front of him, first was a humanoid Pokémon with a bulky, red body and rocky skin, its height reached 6'5 and it was heavily muscled, which was a whole 2ft bigger than its species. It had a T-shaped black feature that forms its nose and brow. Its hands and feet each have three digits. It wears a white judo gi with a black belt holding it in place, It was Throh, the judo Pokémon.
"That would be great, doubles?" She asked.

She decided which Pokemon to use, and took out her Pokeballs and put them in her pocket.

She then smiled, "This will be good! I bet I could learn a lot."
(Sorry my responses will be delayed for a while...)

‘Doubles sounds good. I have a Pokémon for that too!’

He walked out of the cafeteria and went to the indoor battlefield.

‘Ready Fiona?’
((Fine by me.))

She stood on the opposite side to him, "Ready as I'll ever be!"

Fiona sent out Felice and Pepper, then sent the rest of her Pokemon out to watch, "Suprised? Well what are you gonna pick?"

Pepper stood poised ready to listen to Fiona and defeat the opponents coming, Felice whizzed around above Pepper, ready as well. They were all ready to see how their practise had come on, it had been a while since they did a proper battle last.
The second Pokémon materialised beside the first it was humanoid too, with a lean, blue body and rocky skin. It's height was the same as the Throh but while it was greatly muscled it was lean rather than bulky and is 2ft bigger than its species. It had an ornate sideways z-shaped black feature that forms its nose and its left brow. Its hands and feet each have three sharp digits . It wears a light blue karate gi that is held together by a black belt, it was Sawk the karate Pokémon.
‘Alright, Ceasar, Gliscor! Go!’

He called forth his Pokémon.

‘Ceasar! Use Sludge Wave Earthquake Combo! Gliscor, take the hit!’

The battlefield began to shake, hopefully causing Massive damage to Pepper, but Gliscor and Felice were immune. The sludge wave also splashed down all around the field, hopefully poisoning Felice and probably damaging both opponents. It also hit Gliscor, activating her Poison Heal ability.


Previously TheJustinMan
“Oh, I should probably let my Pokémon out...” Justin said, as he let out his team. He then overheard them say that they wanted to have a one on one Pokémon battle. Justin hadn’t watched a battle for a while, so he decided that he’d watch. He and his Pokémon were hanging out on one side of the field, where Justin could feel the ground shaking beneath his feet. A powerful attack had just been unleashed by Renz’s Pokémon. While most of his other Pokémon watched from the back, Frosty watched from the front, and cheered everyone on.
((Sorry for the late reply.))

"Quick, Felice use tailwind and pick up Pepper! Pepper, use Swords Dance and then protect!"

Felice used Tailwind increasing Pepper and her's speed, swooped down carrying Mawile on her back before the earthquake could damage her, meanwhile Mawile used Swords Dance and Protect, the protect, blocking the sludge wave. Fiona smiled, she had battled earthquake users before.

"Now, Pepper use Ice punch on Gliscor, Felice use Extrasensory on Nidoking!"

Pepper's boosted attack and the Super Effective ice punch would do an insane amount of damage on Gliscor, either killing or badly wounding it. Felice's extrasensory would have a boosted 20% chance of flinching the Nidoking, because of her Serene Grace, as well as doing Super Effective damage.

((Reply To @Calzyreedz : Shouldn't Be, I'd Be Surprised If It Was.))
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The third Pokémon appears soon after the second and was the shortest there it is a bipedal Pokémon resembling a chimpanzee. Its fur is primarily a shade of orange, though its face, outer ears, underbelly, hands, and feet are light yellow. This Pokémon was standing just over 2ft, it had small, compact muscles and is twice the size of its species. It has red markings nearly surrounding its eyes, sharp fangs, a swirl-like symbol on its chest, and five fingers on its hands with three toes on its feet, as well as a fierce flame at the end of its tail bone. While it never wears anything, it wears a small to for training, it was Chimchar the chimp Pokémon.

(Is this a 4 move limit rp)
‘Ceasar, Stone Edge, Gliscor Dig then poison fang on Togekiss!’

Ceasar threw up a wall of stone in front of him to block the Extrasensory, also powering through to hit the flying type.

Gliscor dug underground just in time to avoid the ice punch, then leapt out towards Felice with jaws coated with poison.
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"Felice, use the Tailwind to dodge poison fang then move back on Gliscor, whilst you fly try another extrasensory! Pepper, break the stone edge with Brick Break and then use ice punch on Gliscor; if Felice misses take the poison fang!"

Togekiss' boosted speed allowed it to hopefully avoid the poison fang, however if it did not Mawile would take the hit with it doing minimal damage. Mawile would then block the stone edge with a brick break and Togekiss would fly at Gliscor with Mawile using Ice Punch.

Feona was already enjoying the battle, aspiring gym leader versus aspiring gym leader, there was a lot of talent in the room.
‘Ceasar, use another Sludge Wave! Gliscor, dodge and use Knock Off on Togekiss!

The Poison Fang had gotten Mawile, dealing neutral damage due to Mawile’s typing. As Togekiss swept back around for another attack, Nidoking used Sludge Wave to damage and blind the opponents, while Gliscor ducked underneath Togekiss as it swept down and punched it in the gut, dealing almost no damage but knocking Mawile off its back in time for Renz to call one more attack,

‘Nidoking, Earthquake now that Mawile is back on the ground!’

The ground began to rumble again, and the vibration nullified most of the damage from Extrasensory. Renz was pretty confident that he could win this.
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Ajax looked over his Pokémon and smiled slightly, he told them to do their stretches and after 5 minutes they finished. After a minute of rest Ajax and his Pokémon jogged around the pokecenter for 20 minutes, on their last lap he looked in one of the windows and saw the lady from last night, Fiona, having a battle with someone. Looking away they finished the last lap, while he, Hercules(Throh) and Achilles(Sawk) were lightly panting, Ares(Chimchar) was panting a bit harder than the rest of them. Ajax looked at his Pokémon and said "Take a five minute break". And drank some water while wiping the sweat off.
Fiona was really enjoying herself, she could see he had the upper hand and more experience, but that did not stop her trying, "Pepper, use protect and then jump and use ice punch on nidoking! Felice, use defog then Air Slash to hopefully hit, if not distract Gliscor, then go and grab Pepper again! After you get Pepper, use Soft-Boiled to heal up!"

Pepper's protect would block the earthquake and she would jump at the Nidoking with serious speed smashing it with a Super Effective, double damage ice punch. Felice's defog would lower Nidoking and Gliscor's evasion, then her Air slash would have a 60% chance of flinching the Gliscor. She would then grab Pepper onto her back again flying to a safe distance and healing with the Soft-Boiled.

((I might have to go soon or now.))
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Ceasar took a lot of damage from the ice punch but he knew what to do. Without even receiving the command from Renz he braved himself and fired off a Counter, Dealing absolutely MASSIVE damage to Mawile. Gliscor used Dig again to avoid Air slash and then popped out and fired a spray of Poison Jab attacks in a nearly unavoidable fan.

‘If you keep spamming Protect like that it’s going to fail!’ Renz shouted to Feona.
((I have to go now, see you another time.))

"That's why I use my protect after waiting, I know my moves. You battle very well though, you must teach me, for I see that you have quite the upper hand!" Fiona shouted back.

Felice had seen what the tactic of this Gliscor was and she used all her speed and Tailwind to use defog then Air Slash, most likely flinching the Gliscor. Whilst this was happening she also she used extrasensory to try and finish the Nidoking off.

Fiona looked at her Mawile, feeling very sorry for the pain she had just taken, "One last push Mawile, come on! Take the poison jab and then use ice punch, get beneath the Gliscor!"

Pepper looked at her trainer, Fiona had always been persistent, so she would as well. She used the last of the Tailwind to leap in front of the poison jabs that would have hit Felice. Then she landed back on the ground and flung herself at the underside of the Gliscor, which had most likely been flinched and had already had its evasion lowered twice, with an insanely powerful ice punch.

Felice would have already launched a powerful extrasensory at the Nidoking which should have finished it off, at the same time it used Air Slash, using its last boost of Tailwind. The speed boost of the Tailwind on the two Pokemon would leave no time for the opponents to counter and both opponents had little chance of dodging seen as their evasion had been lowered multiple times.
Nidoking moves quickly to take both the Extrasensory and as he was hit fired off a Fire blast at Mawile to knock it away and probably faint it. Nidoking hit the ground with a thud, and Renz returned him to his Pokéball.

‘Good job bud, thanks for saving Gliscor.’

Gliscor had just barely avoided being hit by Mawile’s Ice Punch. She flew swiftly over in front of Renz, staring down the Togekiss.

‘Alright Feona, you’ve knocked out Ceasar. That’s a pretty astounding feat. But, it’s time for my trump card.’

Renz held up his hand, Revealing his Z-Ring.

‘Now! Gliscor! Use! Acid! DOWNPOUR!’

A bright light flashed through the arena, as an Aura surrounded Gliscor. A ball of energy focused in front of Gliscor, which shot up, then burst over the arena, dealing tons and tons of damage as acid rained down on Togekiss (and Mawile if it was still up.) and healed Gliscor of the damage from the Air Slash (Poison heal).

Then through the smoke various poison jabs flashed through the air towards Togekiss. It would be very hard to evade since Defog effects both teams.
((Two things: The speed from the Tailwind would be able to kill the Nidoking off first? But I'm not sure. Also, defog affect both sides but only decreases the evasion of the opposing team. Anyways, I have to go so I'll edit something into here later, bye!))

Fiona recalled Felice and then grabbed Pepper Pokemon smiling, she did not seem perturbed by the fact she lost, "You and your Pokemon fought very well, I always believed that true skill comes from experience, that has just been proved to me. One of the very reasons I came here is to gain experience I have been so dearly missing during my time in Hoenn. My whole life spent boxed up inside the constraints formed through my previous training, even my teachers said that they got where they are now from experience. Well, you really must teach me!"

"You fought well my friend, let's go and fix you up now, eh?" Fiona said talking to Pepper cupped in her arms, she then faced Felice's ball, "And you Felice, well done!" She placed the ball in her bag and turned back to Renz, "I believe there is a PokeCenter nearby, I will go and get Felice and Pepper fixed up, I suggest you do the same with Gliscor and Caesar."

With that, Fiona turned and left the room walking outside the inn and to the PokeCenter, about two buildings away.
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After the five minute break Ajax said " Hercules you first" and the large Throh walked to the front where, Ajax, Achilles and Ares was facing and started to slowly do judo techniques while the others imitated him.

For the next half hour they trained in judo with only light sparring just as they finished Ajax looked towards the path and saw Fiona going to the pokecenter. He quickly finishes the water he had left before feeding his Pokémon the poke puffs from the night prior.
‘That was a really good battle, thanks Feona. I probably wouldn’t have won if I didn’t have a Z-Ring.’

He followed Feona to the Pokécenter and got his Pokémon healed as well. Afterwards he sent them back out to check on them.
Gliscor was back in peak condition. Nidoking was better, but still a little stiff and sore. He returned them back and then walked back to the hotel.
(I haven't done this in a long time and thought i'd get back into the game here)
Name: Dr. Churchill
Age: 30
Gender: male
Looks/Outfit: Black cape, black glasses, a cone with a skull on it, black shoes, black gloves, goggles, black top hat, plague doctor mask.
Personality: very quit, doesn't really open up, when he talks it i battle or asking for items.
Backstory: After coming from a region and an island called TCG island that was being wiped out by a plague so he had to leave. So he fled to Kalos and finds himself here.
Pokemon Team (Personality required):
Fenrix Alolan Marrowack
A cool and collected pokemon who tries to lead the team without being the leader.
Cazaui Aurorus
The caring mother of the team who held the team together through the entire plague or at least as far as possible.
Capone Honchcrow
After being the only pokemon aloud out side of his pokeball right before he left. Have that freedom help a bit but it didn't stop bad things from happening. Tries to protect everyone but really doesn't help.
Richard Ivysaur
Being the herbalist and leader of the team Ivysaur help Churchill out with trying to find a cure but ultimately fleeing before it could be made. Strong headed leader who will go into a fight.
Trix Baltoy
After being held up in the ships cargo hold Churchill went snooping around and found Baltoy. Not much is know.
Starter Pokemon: Ivysaur
Hometown: ???
Number of Badges: 0
Theme Song (A song that represents them): rhinestone eyes
Role play Starter:

As Churchill was snooping around the ship he was on he got caught. They made a stop in Unova and threw him off the boat. After finding his bearings he soon released Capone and Fenrix so that he had some protection. Find that he had lost his mask and goggles during the fall he was quick to put them back on and went into the forest for a while until he came upon a trio of trainers. Two of them had just finished a battle from what it looks like. He returned Fenrix and Capone and sent out baltoy. He knew baltoy would have been the least intimidating for and introduction so he soon broke through the tree line. Using his cane to hobble with the limp had gained he soon greeted them by saying in a muffled voice. "Why hello there, my name is Dr Churchill. I am one of very few survivors from the TCG island plague. I would like to ask two questions. One where am I, and two could you please help me." Churchill soon collapsed to his knee's but was then caught by his baltoy using it's psychic powers.
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Name: Alejandra; "Ale" (no last name)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Looks/Outfit: Tan skin and a slightly chubby build. She clocks at 5'2 and displays an obvious feminine figure. Auburn eyes and dark brown hair loosely tied into a bun. Her most occasioned outfit is that of black boots, dark denim jeans, and a maroon hoodie. When it gets too hot she wears white shorts and a purple t-shirt instead.
Personality: She considers herself to be more social than she needs to be. That is to say, her eccentric and quirky attitude can sometimes give the impression that she's a narcissist or at least thinks of herself higher as others. It doesn't help that she can ramble too much on her interests (her most enthused/lame one being music theory), which could also elucidate that she doesn't care about others. However, she is highly curious by nature and almost never shuts up.
Backstory: Was an average kid growing up with her parents in Petalburg, Hoenn. They wanted her to attend university over at Rustburro, but she dreamed of pursuing her dreams in the urban of Unova. Wanting to prove to others that they shouldn't underestimate her, she worked hard to achieve a scholarship to Nimbasa university. She's currently on break/ahead of her classes.
Pokemon Team (Personality required):
Sprinkle-Vanillish- The sweetheart of the team. Never stops smiling and doesn't take battles as seriously as the others.
Relic-Yamask- While most Yamask tend to be mopey, Relic is the prankster and goofball of the team and loves battles.
Sprout-Breloom- The leader of the team, loyal, and the most level headed. Enjoys training and helping others.
Hometown: Petalburg
Number of Badges: 1
Theme Song (A song that represents them): Ring-a-ding-ding!
Role play Starter: Loaf-Slakoth- Her first pokemon since she was a little girl. Obviously lazy but has a huge heart as well.

Ale was originally minding her business, she was off on her own personal little "journey" until class opened once again for her. She couldn't help but overhear what appeared to be a middle aged man talking to a group of teenage trainers, at this point she had been wandering around aimlessly for so long that, she wanted to see what was going on in hopes that something interesting happens. Her eavesdropping skills were rather inept and she was able to overhear "TCG islands" and "Plague" as well as his request for where they are and for assistance. "Assistance for what?" Ale thought to herself before finally amassing herself to the group. At this point she had no choice but to introduce herself. "Sorry couldn't help but overhear! My name's Ale! And this here's my buddy, Loaf!" She gestured to her Slakoth who was hanging onto her back like a child to a mother. Ale remembered she didn't even have a map of her own, "What a coincidence sir, I don't know where I am either. But I can still help you if you want! Of course, that depends on how much I know, or what you need." Ale fought the urge to continuously talk and ask questions about the Plague and islands.
Fiona studied the two newcomers with innate curiosity, how very interesting, and how very odd. "I wonder what the 'Plague Islands' are?" She thought to herself as the stretched out to comfort Pepper (her Mawile) who as usual was in a defensive position in case the new comers were to threaten Fiona.

Fiona held out her hand to 'Dr Churchill', cautiously at first because of the man's odd choice of clothing, and smiled at him. "Hello there, I'm Fiona from Hoenn and this," she gestured at her Mawile, "Is Pepper my Mawile. You obviously need some rest- or at least something, I must say you are not looking your finest. However even though we are in these circumstances, it is a pleasure to meet you!"

Fiona then turned to face 'Ale'. "Nice to meet you as well 'Ale', and you Loaf! How about we all head inside the inn over there," She said as she pointed behind herself, "It has a nice restaurant and I think I need a good rest as well after the Pokemon Battle we just had, so do my Pokemon. It will be a nice opportunity for us all to properly introduce ourselves and rest, which I am sure would benefit everyone."

Fiona then turned and walked back inside the Inn, waiting for the others to arrive and preparing a table. "We have still not heard from Dice, how odd..."She wondered, the previous day she had seen the trainer a bit melancholy, she just hoped she would be better today.
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