Name: Fahrenheit (He likes people to call him Fahren)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
What Gjikan are you: Flareon
Appearance: Fahren is a bit more on the Pokemon side, his skin being covered in a thin layer of fur that tints Fahren's skin a very light shade of red, and makes it so that his skin is very cushiony. He has a wispy but furry tail, normal Flareon ears, and a tuft of fur enveloping his neck. For clothing, Fahren wears of course, standard Gjinka clothes, and sunglasses that usually rest on his forehead. He otherwise has a very average teen build, although he does have a bit of fat on him.
Personality: Fahrenheit is a very bubbly and extroverted person, many people not taking him seriously for this reason. He loves to make friends, and is fairly proficient at making jokes. Fahren also is extremely energetic, and doesn't have a good way to burn it, resulting in Fahren bouncing around the room at the speed of well...... Fahren.
Move-Set: Flame Charge, Flamethrower, Bite, Baby-Doll Eyes
Other: Iced Eevee for breakfast.