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Private/Closed Wall of Water {RP}

"I explored yesterday and couldn't find anyone!" Cece called out. She put a paw to her lightning bolt charm on the bracelet she wore around her neck briefly. "Have you seen any humans around here?" Cece's tail stopped swishing.


Previously pokeyman
Bubbles finally reached the Pokemon and stopped to catch his breath. He actually had to look up a bit to match eyes with the small Pokemon. Sometimes Bubbles wished he was taller. After he caught his breath, he responded with "Hello, no, I have not seen a single one around here." Bubbles was still tired.


Previously pokeyman
"Bubbles." Bubbles responded. "I wonder how many Pokemon are actually on this island?" Bubbles continued as the rain got stronger and stronger, all of a sudden, the wind was strong as well. This storm was getting worse and worse by the second. "I think we need shelter from this storm, I have one, come with me."
Cece nodded. "Thank you." she said. "If my cheeks sparked during a storm like this I'd accidentally end up shocking myself." The rain soaked her fur and water started to drip off the charm on the bracelet around her neck.
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Previously pokeyman
(You can, but you have to post a Bio before you post here: https://pokecharms.com/threads/wall-of-water-discussion.18455/)
"I'm lucky to enjoy the rain, but since you aren't, we should head quickly. Follow me." Bubbles lead the Emolga to the shelter. The wind was getting very strong, Bubbles wondered if the Shelter would collapse or not, since it was only made out of sticks. Bubbles could see the shelter in the distance, it seemed to be up, but shaking in the storm. Bubbles had to yell to be louder than the wind. "WE'RE ALMOST THERE!"

(@Excalibur Queen I added some words to my post.)
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Beep handed his umbrella leaf to Cece, saying "Here, so you won't get wet.". He tagged along at the back of the group, making sure Cece doesn't lag behind. The rain and wind were intense, but he had an idea. Wait, no. Maybe later. Beep thought. He heard the "We're almost there!" call, and unknowingly flashed a sort of happy yellow. Then, I could tell Bubbles about my improvements!


Previously pokeyman
They eventually got to the shelter, which was wobbling, and looked like it could just blow away. He went inside. The wind was blocked okay enough so that he could speak normally. "Sheesh, this rain is the worst I've seen for so long... I wonder what's going on." Bubbles was used to rain, but it was Kalos rain, less strong, and not tropical. But this was extreme, even for the Frog Pokemon.
Beep went inside the shelter also, but he was a little too big, so he had to go in a side room. Swadloon are only eight inches taller than Froakie, and Bubbles already had a hard time in here. "I, uh, noticed someone improved your shelter with plants. Do you wonder who it is?" he asked Bubbles. Aw, crap. That's a rude way of saying it. Dang. Beep thought.
Tama shivered in the biting cold. She was huddled under a tree, sobbing and watching the trees blow at unnatural angles- it unnerved her, but she didn't really know where else to go. Froakie surely thought she was a freak and a monster, being a fake PIkachu that had killed a human. So she just stayed and sobbed.


Previously pokeyman
"I haven't thought ab-" Just as Bubbles was about to finish his sentence, a small part of the roof of the shelter blew off in the wind, letting all the rain in. "I don't think this shelter will last very long at all..." Bubbles was certain the whole thing would collapse soon. He also worried about Tama, she was alone in the woods, probably freezing to death. Bubbles was scared for everyone right now.
Nervously, Tama got up out of her hollow tree- cover, and began to try to make her way home to the shelter. The little Mimikyu hoped that it was holding up okay- though, with the feirceness of this wind, she doubted it. She began to hop through the forest, her optimism returning to her- albeit slowly. She finally saw an end to the dense jungle, and recognised the pond and the tree her and Bubbles had built their shelter by. "Oh, dear!" she exclaimed upon seeing the Shelter begin to fall apart. In a frantic motion, Tama used Psychic on the shelter, trying extremely hard to keep it together. She was using all of her strength.
Beep grew more small trees to cover up the hole in the ceiling. "Eh? Eh?" Beep said as if he was some sort of magician. "Wait! I have an idea! You want to-" Suddenly, a Psychic was used on the shelter, and Beep suspected it was the little one. He poked his head out and saw Little One trying her darndest to keep the shelter together. "Hey!" Beep went back into the shelter, and said: "I think the little one is back." to Bubbles.
Cece was grateful for the leaf umbrella. She smiled and said thank you when it was given to her. When they got to the shelter, she realized that the shelter was in danger of collapsing, and a Mimikyu seemed to be doing her best to try to keep the shelter together. 'This storm is too much for it.' She would've offered help, but, being the smallest one there, she couldn't do much to keep it together. 'I wonder if there's a cave we could use for shelter?' Cece wondered.
"No!" the little 'Pikachu' screeched, her real eyes squeezing shut. "Tama is a Pikachu, and Pikachus are powerful! Tama can do this!" She was very, very clearly exhausting herself, but she kept convincing herself the she could hold on. Truth be told, she wanted to redeem herself for the terrible thing she had done before. "Tama will not give up!"


Previously funguy
Circus' train of thought wasn't on the right track. It was on the left. Circus stopped and trotted of. Circus being on the left side of the track wasn't aware of the other Pokemon around him. Circus trotted along not pausing for anything. Circus knew he was eventually gonna end up at the other end of the island, but he didn't care for he was in the left side of the tracks. Circus paused and began to sit down, but he stood up because his train was telling him to. Circus was big for a Wobbufet and wasn't as mobile as other Wobbufets. Circus trotted along not knowing where he would end up.


Previously pokeyman
(Sorry, I was at school...)

The shelter started resisting Tama's grab with force, and was ready to implode. Bubbles noticed Tama, but couldn't really say anything, as he was using his frubbles to keep it glued down, but even as sticky as his Frubbles were, they blew away. The wind suddenly died down, and the rain halted. "Oh my god, that storm was extreme. Everyone okay?" He yelled out, to make sure no one was injured. Then he quickly went over to Tama. "Oh thank god that you're still alive. I was worried for you." Bubbles did miss Tama, and was glad that she was alright.


Previously funguy
Circus ended up in the middle of the island. Circus sat onto the floor and wondered if there were others inhabiting the island. Circus glared towards a tree and stood up. Circus began to trot down the island once more. Circus paused and swung his body into a tree alarming all the inhabitants of the island where he was. Circus dropped down at waited for others to join him.
The storm finally died down, and Tama let out a huge sigh of exhaustion, collapsing to the ground, and squeezing her eyes shut. "Tama hopes she helped," the Mimikyu murmured, panting. She smiled as Bubbles came up to her. "Tama is very sorry for running off... Tama just thought you wouldn't like her, if you heard her sad story." She had certainly missed Bubbles as he had with her, and was very glad to be reunited with him.


Previously pokeyman
"That's very far from the truth." Bubbles croaked reassuringly. "It wasn't even your fault. I don't dislike you at all." Bubbles then turned around to see what was damaged, and what even happened. He noticed the same rainclouds in the distance. "Guys, I don't think this is over..." He pointed to the clouds. "We need to find a safer place to hide in for round 2!" Bubbles had something to tell Tama, but he figured he would tell her once they were safe.
Tama blushed slightly under her cloak. "Ah! Thank you, Froakie...." she exclaimed, her optimism back in her voice and the spring back in her step. She was still achey but was certainly recovering. Even without a tail, Tama promised herself she would stay happy. "Yes, Froakie is right! We should find a place to... maybe move the shelter? Tama can use Psychic to get it to a convenient place?"


Previously pokeyman
"Where should we have it, though." Bubbles thought about it."It should be away from trees so they don't collapse on us, and it should be protected from the wind..." Bubbles looked around. "I don't really see anywhere that would fit..." Bubbles tried to find a good spot, well a spot that he could see. He wondered if he should just tell Tama what he was going to tell her now. No, not with all these Pokemon around...
Tama nodded, smiling. She bobbed from side to side- a mannerism that she often performed when she was thinking. "Maybe... Tama thinks we should split up, and scout for a suitable place," the Mimikyu muttered, clicking her tongue. She certainly wouldn't mind being told something, in front of people; but, Bubbles want comfortable, obviously.


Previously pokeyman
"Uh.. that would be a good idea." Bubbles responded a bit nervously. "I think we should head that way." Before pointing in a random direction. Bubbles's frubbles inflated a bit, a sign of nervousness. "We should get going now." The small water type started to lead the way in the wet mud.
Tama followed Bubbles, wondering slightly why he seemed a bit... nervous, for lack of a better word. She hopped a bit faster to catch up to him, reaching his side. "Oh, it's a bit muddy. Tama's going to get her dis- skin dirty!" the Mimikyu giggled, optimistic and joyful as usual.


Previously pokeyman
Bubbles blushed, giving his light blue skin a reddish hue. "Uh..." Bubbles tried to convince himself to say it. "Y-ou a-are cute... I kinda l-like y-you. I-in a d-different s-sort of way." Bubbles smiled, knowing he got that off his chest, but his blush still remained. He had a small crush on the Mimikyu, and enjoyed being around her. Bubble's frubbles deflated, and his confidence returned.


Previously funguy
Circus stood up once more and trotted along backwards. Circus wasn't expecting to end up anywhere, but he trotted along. Circus stopped and once more swung his body against a tree, but the alarming sound was even louder than the last. Circus began to do this to every tree until one tree fell to the ground and onto Circus. Circus of course trotted to the left before the tree came down.
Tama was certainly surprised to hear that- usually people found her wierd and were scared of her. And even though, usually, she'd be mad at being called cute, she was so happy that she didn't care. "Tama's very happy to hear that! Tama thinks you are very nice and really cute too, and Tama feels the same way!"


Previously pokeyman
Bubbles blushed harder. He didn't expect that kind of response from Tama. Bubbles felt happy that Tama understood him. Also, Bubbles hadn't been called cute ever, except when his trainer called him that so long ago. "Thanks, I appreciate it." Bubbles croaked. "Anyways, where should we put our shelter?" Bubbles's blush started to die down, as he moved on.
"Aha, no problem!" Tama chuckled, feeling a little bit on cloud nine, since she had no experience in stuff like this. She wasn't expecting it and was even more overjoyed than usual. There was a brief pause as the femme looked around; and, she noticed a little overhang nearby. "Oh, look, Froakie!" she squeaked, pointing to the overhang, and hopping up and down. "There's a lot of shelter, and it's made of rock so it won't fall down!"


Previously pokeyman
"Hopefully it won't fall down, rocks can fall, but that probably wouldn't happen." Bubbles croaked. "Let's go back to inform the others." Bubbles blush had completely faded, and he was back to normal now. "So, Tama, do you like bugs? I do." Since Bubbles had expressed his feelings to Tama, he might as well reveal more about himself. "They are actually... tasty!" Bubbles joked, all though he wasn't joking, but he said it in a jokey manner.


Previously funguy
Circus looked back as he stopped humming. Circus began to drag the tree with him. Circus knew he couldn't keep this tree with him so he attempted to find a dense area for the tree to dwell in. Circus glanced around the island slowly then trotted off. Circus glared towards a hut made out of the "solid material" that he needed. Circus not knowing about who was in there attempted to throw his beloved tree onto it.
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"It looks pretty secure to Tama," the Mimikyu chimed, hopping after Bubbles. She tilted her faux head as she heard the other's question. She giggled a bit. "Well, Tama has never eaten a bug, but she can beat them pretty easily in battle!" she chirped, bobbing side to side, showing happiness. "Is that what you eat instead of fruit?"


Previously pokeyman
"Yep." Bubbles replied. "They're super tasty!" Bubbles teased the Mimikyu, as the returned to the shelter. "But for reals, I can't eat berries, because I don't even have teeth!" Bubbles chuckled a bit. "I bet berries taste good, though..." Bubbles thought about how he was missing out on berries. He'd heard that they were sweet, and juicy, unlike bugs.


Previously funguy
Circus backed up, for he couldn't tell what was coming out of the hut. It was a weedle. Circus glared at it confused. The Weedle stood up and glared at Circus. "You good big fella." Weedle said squirming over to Circus. "I'm Ghetto. Super Ghetto." The Ghetto Weedle replied doing a small dance.
"They are? Tama will have to try some!" the girl said, bouncing up and down. A smile of relief graced her features as they reached the shelter. Tama had ensured to remember where the overhang was so she could safely transport the shelter to it. She paused for a moment at Bubbles' mention of not being able to eat fruit. "Tama could make you a smoothie, sometime- that way, you can taste the fruit without having to chew it," she giggled. "Tama's claws are good for blending fruit."


Previously pokeyman
"That sounds nice, but I'm not sure if my stomach could actually digest it. Will have to try, though." Okay, so we can take supplies from the shelter, and move them to the rocky area and rebuild the shelter." Bubbles suggested.
Tama nodded, and made a mental note. She then smiled, and bounced over to the shelter. "Okey-dokey! Tama will levitate the big bits, and it will be done in no time!" she chirped, having gained her strength back from the last time she used Psychic. "Just lemme know what parts you want Tama to move!"


Previously funguy
Circus and Weedle attempted to move the tree off of the hut, but it was no use. "Sorry big fella, but I'm to small and too ghetto." Weedle makes out panting. Circus sets Weedle onto the floor and resumes his daily "tree pulling exercise".