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DPPt/HGSS Warning: New UU team approaching.

Heh heh.

My thought for a UU team, Probably needs alot of TLC:

Luxray @ Leftovers
252 Hp/252 Def/4 SpAtk
Light Screen

Sharpedo @ Life Orb
252 Spe/76 Atk/180 SpAtk
Ice beam

Altaria @ Choice Specs
252 SpAtk/252 Spe/4 Hp
Draco Meteor
Fire Blast
Dragon pulse

Scyther @ Muscle Band
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 SpD
Quick Attack
Aerial Ace

Kangaskhan @ Lum Berry
188 SpD/132 Hp/188 Def
Crush Claw
Sucker Punch
Focus Punch

Drapion @ Scope lens
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 Def
Sword Dance
Night Slash
Cross Poison

Help me please, I'm new at this.

Listening to: Wolfmother - Dimension
via FoxyTunes
Pretty standard sets, an intresting use for luxray that isnt seen as much. Overall not much to comment on, just dont forget that that Kanga set is for anti leads so place him in the first slot.


Bearded Trout Warrior
First of all.. please don't post pictures with every pokemon of your team; anyone here capable of giving you help with them will know what they are by name, and the pictures take up unneccesary space.

Second, rather than putting a note of what you're listening to, that has nothing to do with your post, edit your profile signature and it will show up at the bottom of all of your posts ;p

Most of your team looks pretty nice... I like the way your teams are built, but then I'm usually pretty fond of anyone using UU pokemon XP

Luxray in particular I admire, because of it's defensive build...
Steelix might give you some trouble, but might I suggest protect to go along with Toxic/Leftovers?
I'd say get rid of crunch for it, but then you've got nothing except toxic to face probably Earthquaking ground types.

Sharpedo looks nice.. mixed set works well with the life orb, and given sharpedo's defenses [especially with Hasty] Life Orb really isn't at much cost.

Altaria I can't give any opinion on, because I've never gotten choice items to work properly for me.. However I do have to point out how nearly useless rest is with a choice item. Unless you're trying to delay for Luxray's toxic, or absorb an attack and switch for Natural cure.

Cacturne is difficult to give advice for... it's risky to use a set like that, even if you had sandstorm support. If you're up against someone predictable, it will be a nearly unstoppable force, up against someone original that you can't predict... it's another story XP

Kangaskhan.. the set you have there is a direct replica of an anti-lead Kangaskhan set from smogon :p
I'd have to recommend Crush Claw over fake out, since your Kangaskhan isn't attack trained... 105 power and a 50% chance of lowering defense makes for a wall breaker, and more than makes up for the lack of attack training. I'd also recommend some more balanced EV training. Kangaskhan has more than enough HP for Counter to OHKO nearly anything Physically attacking it, so just give it a spread that allows it to take the most hits..
I'm a bit lazy to actually calculate out what the best balance would be.. but I think 188 Defense, 188 special defense, and 132 HP is fairly close.

Drapion looks well enough to me... just know that it's only a 22% critical chance with Night Slash/Cross poison + Scope Lens. Sniper is nice to have activate, but don't rely on it...

Your team as a whole.. you have three pokemon weak to fighting, and one resistant... but you also have no attacks to hit a fighting type for Super-effective damage.
Your team doesn't have a rapid spinner... I'm not sure how worried about that you are.
and you also have three dark types [from which your fighting weakness stems]

might I suggest a Scyther in place of Cacturne? Prevents a fire weakness overlap, and gives you a double fighting resistance. Scyther's defense, though not spectacular, aren't half bad either. It can more than switch into a STAB fighting attack, or brick break if you can predict it.

Scyther@Liechi/Salac Berry
Swarm Ability
Adamant or Jolly nature [depending on Berry Choice]
-Aerial Ace

After you've endured a hit, Reversal will have a power of 200, and since you've got STAB + Swarm on X-Scissor, it's up to 180 now. Aerial Ace will have a power of 180 on Fighting Types, but unless you're fighting before Enduring, Reversal will do more damage.

If you go for Jolly Nature, use a Liechi Berry, this set will have a more powerful payload of attack, but less speed. 252 Attack and 252 speed EVs
Assuming you went off of Smogon's UU tier:
These pokemon can always outspeed a Jolly Scyther:
These Pokemon can outspeed a Jolly Scyther with a pro-speed nature:
These pokemon can match a Jolly Scyther's speed and have a 50% chance of going first
-Scyther [of course]

Everything else you will always outspeed with a perfect Speed IV.

If you go for an Adamant Natured Scyther.. use a Salac Berry, you'll be faster than everything after it, except the above pokemon with their conditions met... and are holding a choice scarf XP
This one will have a speed lead on everything else, and if it gets hazed/phazed you can maintain your full attack power with a still more than Decent speed.

an alternate Scyther that doesn't require so much setup... XP

Scyther@Choice Band or something generic since Life Orb is taken by Sharpedo.
Adamant or Jolly Nature
-Quick Attack
-Aerial Ace
-Pursuit/Brick Break/Night Slash

After Choice band:
U-Turn        152
Quick Attack  90
Aerial Ace    197
Pursuit        90 [120 if it activates, I believe it loses technician]
Brick Break  112
Night Slash  105

Like I said above, I've never really gotten choice banded things to work well for me, but a Choice Banded U-Turn is an excellent way to get off a powerful hit on someone and switch away to something that can take a hit from whatever you just decided to metaphorically sucker punch
Quick Attack because I realize your team lacked a priority move other than what Cacturne had [who I'm suggesting you replace with Scyther] and because it's fairly vital to taking down pokemon with an Endured salac berry boost.. though you have to switch after finishing them if you choice banded it.
Aerial Ace because it gets a Technician boost and STAB. Makes for an immensely powerful attack.
Pursuit lets you switch in and most likely kill something scared into switching away.. could still do decent damage even if they don't switch with choice band, and without choice band you're not stuck using just that
Pursuit does lose the bonus.

And correct me if I'm wrong but for Aerial Ace it should be 202.5. [60 (Base Power) * 1.5 (STAB) * 1.5 (Technician) * 1.5 (Choice Band)]

And Same thing for U-Turn. It should be 157.5 [70 (Base Power) * 1.5 (STAB) * 1.5 (Choice Band)]

And I believe it's a 25% chance for landing a Critical Hit with Night Slash/Cross Poison while holding a Scope Lens.
Wow thanks for all the help guys!

Very in Depth Ruko cheers!

I will replace Cacturne with Scyther, So I don't wanna CB it really and I have another Life orb :D (Got it over Wi-Fi) Should I attach that or Expert Belt (Super effective hits get a boost) ?

I've had to edit it abit cause I Can't get some of the moves there Unfortunately. Heres what I came up with using your help:

Scyther @ Life orb/Expert Belt
252 Atk/252 Spe/4 SpD
X-Scissor (Will be U-Turn If I can get the TM)
Quick Attack
Aerial Ace

I think that's quite good :p


Bearded Trout Warrior
Sorry if my numbers were a bit off XD
I should have specified that I did all of those in my head and they could be a bit off ^^;

on that note... not that it makes much difference, but attack power in the game's prgramming gets "floored". This means that no matter how high of a decimal the final number has, it will always be rounded down. That was the reasoning behind my lack of decimals.

If you're not going to CB it, I believe X-Scissor is the better choice, actually XD
U-turn was meant to abuse the CB for a quick sucker punch on something.

And using a second life orb means that if someone plays you with the item clause, you'll still have to come up with something else for Scyther.. I'd say Muscle Band over Expert belt, because Expert gives a 10% boost when attacks are super effective, while Muscle band always gives a 10% boost [since the attacks are all physical].
Wow, Thank you so much everyone.

This now looks like a proper team I think :D

And rukp I think the EV's were right, Well done xD