• A reminder: If you want to ask an RP thread creator if you can join their RP, do so in private - via conversation or profile messages - or via the thread's discussion thread, if one exists. Do NOT ask if you can join an RP on the RP thread itself! This leads to a lot of unnecessary OOC chatter and that's not what the RP boards are for.

    This is clearly stated in our RP forum rules. If you've not read them yet, do so BEFORE posting anything in the RP forums. They may be found here (for Pokémon Role Play) or here (for General Role Play). Remember that the Global Rules of Pokécharms also apply in addition to these rule sets.
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Open Warrior cat's: New clans of the Island

WolfPaw pads to the Apprentices Den, and looks at EaglePaw, who was one of his few friends. "Hello." WolfPaw meows. "Hi, WolfPaw!" EaglePaw replied in a slightly high pitched mew. "Did you hear about SpiderKit hurting SeedKit?" EaglePaw asked. "Loud and clear. I even had a chat with SpiderKit." WolfPaw mewed. "Well, might as well get some sleep." WolfPaw said, padding to his nest beside EaglePaw. EaglePaw nods, and they both lay their heads down, falling into a deep sleep.
(Please, oh please. I hate when RPs I'm in get shut down. Please use Past tense)
Sparkkit opened his eyes. Hollykit licked his forehead. Sparkkit smiled and licked her back. The siblings cuddled. Hollykit stood up and stretched after a while. She exited the den. Sparkkit kept laying down, though.
(Yes it is. It's in the rules. Please, Past tense.)
Hollykit stretchted. She look looked around the camp. It seemed to be bustling. Hollykit smiled. She trotted through the camp.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
Just for the record - if you see something like this, report it. Telling people off for breaking the rules (if you aren't staff, of course) is called Mini-modding, and it isn't allowed by our global rules.

But, minimodding or not, StevenUniverseDiamond is right - posts must be story format, third person, past tense (NOT present tense) according to our RP forum rules. This is to make sure everyone is RPing in the same format, ensure consistency and improve the flow of the story - something that is sort of obligatory when a story is written by multiple people at the same time. And yes - threads that break the rules consistently in a way that can't be fixed by the surgical removal of a few posts or a pointed remark from staff DO get locked down - so yes, WolfPawTheApprentice - that IS even logic.

I'm not going to lock this thread down yet, but do keep the rules in mind - both the RP forum rules AND the global rules - and next time I have to step in like this, actions will be taken against rule breakers.

Carry on.
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He stared, his fur blowing in the wind as he sat at the fresh kill pile, a mouse at his paws. He remained silent, and he padded over to the Elders' den. Still silent, he threw the prey into the den, and exited quietly. He looked at Hollykit trotting around, and mewed, "Hollykit, what are you doing?" He was confused by Hollykit just trotting around.