Back in the clearing, Zip's ear's perked back as he listened to Crookedstar's call. Trotting over to stand near the RiverClan leader, the Tuxedo tom sat down, looking from the large cat to the others, not used to anything like this before. "My humans only ever had me... Is this what it would be like, if they had more cats?" he wondered out loud, but quietly to himself. He swiveled both his head and ears every way they'd go, wanting to hear what the others had to say about this.
"Can we start now? Please?" Mistypaw begged her mentor, impatiently, hopping around, but in the general direction of the tunnel leading to the woods that surrounded ThunderClan. "I wanna know everything you do!"
"Heh. Yes, we're going now. Now be quiet- we don't want you scaring away all the prey!" Cinderspots replied, chuckling quietly as she followed her Munchkin Ocicat apprentice out into Clan territory, crouching down after a minute or so to find the most prey.
Mistypaw copied the Cheetoh, sniffing at the ground. Suddenly, she whipped her head up, supposedly looking at something. "Rat," she murmured, following the scent trail slowly and surely.
Cinderspots smirked. "She really does learn fast..." she murmured to herself, waiting to see what her apprentice found.