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Way of the World: What do you think??

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I found a topic called Way of the World(Debate) at a place I go to. Here is the exact copy of the first post, then skipping onto our debate. The POST is from the creator of the thread. ME is by me. and QU is from my friend, another debator. PO and ST are randoms :) lol

Right i have wonderd this like for aggggggess, And i just want to hear peoples input on the matter. What do you think previosuley has happened to the world? Does it repeat itself? Is everyones life mapped out in a certain path and how the world turns out. Maybe even this thread is. Heres my input:
Global warming is the "so-called" end of the world. Every 200 hundred years when all new lifes are formed does the world follow itself? I think global warming takes over the world in the way which it does. Either taking it by storm, Or by desertification. The matter keeps reapeating itself, and it cannot be changed. The world is mapped out in a certain way which cannot be edited.
For all i know this post could have been posted thousends of years ago. Did we have this technology hundreds of years ago? Its a matter of opinion and so called "evidence".

So for example: The same things happen over and over again. Same technology gets built, People start to wonder about god,jesus, the world,etc.

Your answers from me of your first 3 questions:

What do you think previously has happened to the world?
Alot of things, ALOT of things. And for all I know is that our world wasn't created by god, nor any being. But by atoms and what-not. Thank you very much. But then again, I'm not a Christian or what-ever. I'm an athiest...

Does it repeat itself?
Probably so, I mean, like people that look familiar but you've never seemed them in your life? Repeat!

Is everyones life mapped out in a certain path and how the world turns out?
Maybe, maybe not. To me? The answer is sort of. To my friends? The answer is no. It all is layed out by plans and routes. Like if your house goes on fire?? The fate of someone else, but your road crosses their's, which may not be on Lady Fate's map! But who knows???

Any more questions???

do you believe in karma? i like to think it exists...but people have the tendency to notice the negative things that happen to them more than the positive...so they blame karma...i still believe in it

karma? Isn't spirit energy or something???

Hmm ive never really thought about the idea of karma... I guess it could be exisiting and affecting certain things in our lifes.
What about spirits, Can spirits affect what happens?

karma is for people that cant handle there grief, i for one choose a more depresing but yet fullfilling take on life.

which is...to just accept what life throws at you, for better or worse?

Yes, spirits CAN effect things....

Physically? or hwever you spell it...
I also believe that when someone dies, They can have a certain ammount of control over someone elses life.

Yes, physically. Spirits can possess someone, contact them, and what not. ( And no, I'm not talking about the paranormal shows )

i think it would be cool to remain on earth as a spirit after i die, u could just fly around and see the world

No, you wouldn't fly. You would, as most do, stay at the place you were killed at or follow the person that killed you. But, if you were alive, you could glide around the world in your spiritual state while you were in metation....(SP?) And what not.

Nice thoery ME, I like it. Wherd you learn all this then?

ohhh i c, astroprojection, a friend of mine says you can achieve that through lucid dreaming...which i would also like to try, but it takes alot of work =/

POST: I came up with it, after all, I press all thie information together and then it comes up to my, what you call, theory.

QU: Yes. Yeah, you can. But it's complicated. lol

it has alot of really good tips, it helped my dream recall but i havent become lucid yet...but i havent really practiced for months =/

Ah, thank you. I should send you a link to some place where people could help you. But then I, anyways. Ah, that sucks, you should keep trying. :)

Due to inflation latley that means that most people will try to drive as little as possible because of the high petrol rates. Which also means the stopping to global warming will rise the chances. But then the rates will drop so low and people will be driving everywhere again lol, And if that, More often. Were slowly being destroyed :p.

So very true...lol

we will get wiped out any way. the world goes through cycles. eg, ice age.
the ice caps on mars are melting. dont tell me were poloting there planet aswell.
global warming is bullshit.
all that will servive is mirco organisms. there the most hardcore things ever

The media seem to expand global warming for what it really is... It is happening and is affecting us, I think that all that carbon footprint and that is a load of crap... But then who knows, Someone oviousley does, And the media sure doesent.

I know. Cuz im supreme.

PO: * nods * Agreeable....
POST:Also, agreeable...

you will never know until you die.

And then you will not know anything lol.

lol, true. Cause your dead. BUT what about your spirit? Actully, then you really wouldn't know how to contact the living. lol

I guess so. But maybe there are mental signs, But most people would just make that to be there consiounce or however you spell it.
ME you got an answer to that?

ohh i never thought about that...like if your conscience is a spirit trying to get you to make the right choices in life....is that what you meant?

Yeah exactley what i meant, But when that happens people will think damm its just my conscience. But really it COULD be something else telling you...

Yeah, I do. That's true, but you said MOST. So that's not ALL. And I'm of the FEW. lol :)

;), Well. Does anyone have any theorys on the bible? How the crazy story was made up, IF it was made up or if it's all true, Seems to hard believe that people back then could write all that and for it to still be passed on down the years.
Could they even write back then? When jesus was born.. Is there such thing as jesus?

I'm not a Christian, I'm not a what-ever else that uses the bible & god. I don't believe in that stuff, but opinons on that? Sure....I'll answer your questions...
Could they even write back then?
Probably not, unless your counting CAVEMAN PICTURES. lol
When jesus was born.. Is there such thing as jesus?
Nope, not in my book of people and bad things. lol :) Even if there WAS, he would've been a bubble-head, like the ones from the Scott Westerfield books of Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras. :)

THAT'S THE END OF THE DEBATE. Because I had nothing more to say due to the change of topic.
Does any of you have any comments on this or at least arguments? I'd be happy to DEBATE with you. That's the reason why I posted this up, you know! Well???
Yeah i think history repeats itself in a wierd way it doesn't repeat everything or in the exact way but Horrible things such as forest fires always happen in the same areas


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
Ye flipping gods, child. Gravedigging, on a topic that's not only seven months old, but doesn't even have any other posts! :o

I'd say "read the rules", but my attention has been drawn to your other nine "posts", of which the pi
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