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Weekly anime discussion - you bet your ass there's spoilers


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Um, I think you guys must've misheard that line. I'm pretty sure Dawn was addressing Aipom, not Pikachu.

You realize I didn't even hear the line stated, eh? I was just responding to Skitty's post about it.

While I have no doubt you're right on it, this wouldn't be the first time the dubbers made such a blunder and it certainly won't be the last :p
Humor me for a moment...

The odds of Ash competing in a contest are indeed slim, more so now that hos only contest priented Pokemon has been traded. But given that he does once again obtain a contest Pokemon, would he have what it takes to win one? And this question is raised not only towards him but James and Brock as well...
I also hate that they cut out SO MUCH in the English theme songs

Well, I think the songs get changed in the dub episodes due to legal issues. It's the same fiasco involved with the "Muppet Family Christmas" special. The full rights to the songs in that special were secured for television, which resulted in many scenes being cut out in the VHS/DVD releases in the United States and Canada.
OK 2 quick things on pronunciation:

#1 Dialga is HORRIBLY miss-pronounced on D/P they say "Dee-al-ga" when if they had any sense they would say "Die-al-ga" because the a behind the e makes it say it's name (if you don't remember it's what they teach you in pre-school on how to pronounce letters)

#2 Dawn's mom name. On the captioning it says "Johanna" but they pronounce it Joanna (BIG difference- my name actually is Johanna and I HATE being called Joanna cause I have an H in my name and peeps don't pronounce it!) they etheir need to fix the pronunciation or the captioning. :-\
OK 2 quick things on pronunciation:
#1 Dialga is HORRIBLY miss-pronounced on D/P they say "Dee-al-ga" when if they had any sense they would say "Die-al-ga" because the a behind the e makes it say it's name (if you don't remember it's what they teach you in pre-school on how to pronounce letters)

Wow. Die-al-ga sounds horrible to my ears. It's like when those people tried to pronounce Mightyena as Might-(h)yena. Maybe they were trying for a Spanish pronunciation or something. I've had some problems with pronouncing Pokemon names though. Like Rayquaza and Ludicolo.

[quote author=SuperSkitty link=topic=860.msg43733#msg43733 date=1199804867]
#2 Dawn's mom name. On the captioning it says "Johanna" but they pronounce it Joanna (BIG difference- my name actually is Johanna and I HATE being called Joanna cause I have an H in my name and peeps don't pronounce it!) they etheir need to fix the pronunciation or the captioning. :-\

So Johanna would be pronounced Joe-Hannah? Heh. I always thought the 'h' was either silent and there for decoration, or to make the 'o' stronger. Like Johto. Some people don't pronouce the 'h' I guess. I do feel your pain though. My mother was trying to be creative and put a random 'a' in my name that I have to tell some people to ignore. Most do anyways.

And yes Dawn was referring to Buneary and Aipom not Pikachu as being girls. I'm glad they finally acknowledged gender (at least to my knowledge, I could be wrong) instead of leaving it to the imagination.
Die-al-ga is the PROPER was to pronounce it THAT'S WHY IT SHOULD BE PRONOUNCED THAT WAY!!!! >:(

And you're the kind of people I'm talking about... :-\

No actually it's Dee-A-Ru-Ga ;D Perhaps the reason everyone pronounces it Dee-Al-Ga is because it being the romanized version of its original name, Dee-Al-Ga sounded a lot more like Diaruga than Die-Al-Ga does.
Also who says that Die-Al-Ga was the right way to pronounce it?
Team Galactic shows up in the contest episode today, which does, indeed, involve Aipom evolving. Incidentally, Dawn continues to PHAIL LIKE A PHAILZ in the contest and loses in the appeals round again while Jessie wins with DUSTOX...

Incidentally, there's a rumour floating around from one of next month's episodes featuring Gliscor and Gligar that Jessie may be picking up a Gligar - but take it with a pinch of salt for now.
I hope she gets a new pokemon, i saw a screen shot of a scene (i think it was the 10th movie) where Jessie was standing next to a Lickylicky(hope i spelled that right). I hope she somehow gets her Lickitung back but it evolved. I think he would make a good contest pokemon.

ps. i hate that pokemon i just think it would be nice for Jessie, she loved that pokemon. T-T
Sadly, that was not her's, it belong to Baron Alberto, or quite possibly was Baron Alberto (a joke in the Japanese version being Team Rocket calling him Baron Beroberto by mistake.) I doubt we'll ever see Jessie's Likitung again, unless the writers can come up with some strange turn of events with which she meets it again. Besides, Wobbufet is far more entertaining.

"Die-Al-Gah" makes more sense because it's clearly derived from "Diamond," like the name of the game its in. "Die-Ah-Mond," "Die-Al-Gah."

I'm just thinking, but does that mean we pronounce Palkia Pel-Kee-A in an attempt to sound almost like Pearl? (Perl)
;D This whole discussion on the pronunciation of Dialga's name is making me think of this running gag from "Young Frankenstein" that involved Igor question how Dr. Frankenstein's was supposed to be pronounced. He kept calling him "Frodrick Fonkensteen".
;D This whole discussion on the pronunciation of Dialga's name is making me think of this running gag from "Young Frankenstein" that involved Igor question how Dr. Frankenstein's was supposed to be pronounced. He kept calling him "Frodrick Fonkensteen".

Now that you mention it reminds me of the running gag with Butch's name a little too.

And I found the screen shot of Ash in the maid outfit so both he and Pikachu were crossdressing...

But unfortunately I can't find the way to post it so here's the url instead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efVnXP35uUA

By the way is this the second time Ash has crossdressed? The first beng at the Celedon Gym.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
As far as I can recall, it's only the second time, yeah. I can't wait to watch the episode XD

And, on the name issue... I just pronounce Dialga and Palkia the way they do in Japanese as they're the exact same names, just written differently (shrugs). In other words, how they say the names in the Japanese Anime is how I say the names, regardless of how they'd be said in "English" terms. But Gardie Master does have a point...
And, on the name issue... I just pronounce Dialga and Palkia the way they do in Japanese as they're the exact same names, just written differently (shrugs). In other words, how they say the names in the Japanese Anime is how I say the names, regardless of how they'd be said in "English" terms. But Gardie Master does have a point...

I never thought about that way. And I didn't because of what Rocket X mentioned: Palkia sounds nothing like Pearl so I didn't think they were going with the Pokemon name sounding like the game name besides the first letter. Not that it matters. I just sound like a bumpkin when pronouce it Die-al-ga

[quote author=SuperSkitty link=topic=860.msg43756#msg43756 date=1199829958]
And you're the kind of people I'm talking about... :-\

Now that you mention it reminds me of the running gag with Butch's name a little too.

And I found the screen shot of Ash in the maid outfit so both he and Pikachu were crossdressing...

But unfortunately I can't find the way to post it so here's the url instead: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efVnXP35uUA

By the way is this the second time Ash has crossdressed? The first beng at the Celedon Gym.

First time in Celadon as Ashley
Second was somewhere in Hoenn as Juliet (scariest of all because Brock sorta fell for it and flirted with him)
Third will bein the next episode. Although Dawn can actually pull off the Maid costume.

On a slight note, the Pokemon's reactions to wearing maid costumes might once again give us a clue on their genders...The majority of Dawn's Pokemon being happy seem to indicate all of them are female. Turtwig and Pikachu's reactions may indicate they're male, or modest.
This is probably my imagination but is the pace of Ash winning gyms badges slower than in past seasons? I don't know why but it seems as though it's taking forever to get to the next gym. Game wise the next gym is in Veilstone (that's a long way from Hearthome) but I don't know if the anime will follow that game and have Ash beat Maylene and Crasher Wake before Fantina. He did come back to Norman's gym in Hoenn but I don't know if that'll happen again.

You got it wrong- I ment that about Johanna, NOT dialga! :-\

Yeah once again I apologize for that.
If the anime is following the game to some extent, Ash and co. are just a long route away from Veilstone, considering they've reached the Miltank Cafe, which is where the fork between Veilstone and Celestic Town is, Ash will probably head for Celestic Town after taking on Maylene, where Dawn's nest contest is probably held. Then they'll return to Hearthome, get his butt kicked by Fantina and head to Pastoria city for some training and to defeat Wake.

EDIT: The Maid Cafe episode has made me hate Miltanks. Also there were Marina Fanboys.
I never thought about that way. And I didn't because of what Rocket X mentioned: Palkia sounds nothing like Pearl so I didn't think they were going with the Pokemon name sounding like the game name besides the first letter.

Not in English, at least. Far as I know, there's no "Er" sound in Japanese, as their alphabet is mostly made of characters starting with a consonant and ending with a vowel sound. In Japan, Palkia is called Parukia, and "Pah-roo" could be an attempt to sound like "Pearl." Then again, "Peh-roo" (Peru) could be a little closer.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
I might as well keep this topic up to date with the next slew of synposi for the upcoming episodes:

Summary of the hot spring ep:

Ash & co. pays a visit to a hot spring resort run by the family of Yumomi, another childhood friend of Dawn. They jumps into the outdoor hot spring, but the water is freezing cold and they can't stay inside. They ask Yumomi why, but...

updated version from TV Tokyo site:

During the travel to Veilstone City where the next Gym is located, Dawn suggests they take a refreshing hot spring tour and so they pays a visit to a nearby hot spring resort run by the family of Yumomi, another childhood friend of Dawn. Yumomi and Dawn are extremely excited to see each other again after a long separation. The guys can't wait to take a break and enjoy the time and they jumps into the outdoor hot spring all at once, but there is little water in the spring and the water is cold and it's impossible to stay inside. They find Yumomi and ask her why, she says there is no longer spring water coming out of its source. To find out why that happens, Ash and friends begin the investigation together with Yumomi and her Swinub.

Summary of the Gliscor ep:

When Ash is training Turtwig, a crowd of the "Fang Scorp Pokemon" Gliscor & "Flyscorpion Pokemon" Gligar begin to attach Ash & co.

(& I guess this is when Turtwig manages to master Energy Ball)

Summary of the Hippowdon ep:

When our heroes' Pokemon are having a fun time in a sandpit, a Hippowdon appears from within. However the over-curious Pachirisu can't help peeping into the mouth of Hippowdon and accidentally falls into it...

Summary of the Lucario ep:

Ash & co. finally arrives at Veilstone City. In the forest outside the town, they witness the firce battle of a female martial-artist and the "Aura Pokemon" Lucario. The girl is revealed to be Maylene, Gym Leader of the city. On knowing that, Ash asks for a gym battle immediately, however...
Why does it take FOREVER for ash & friends to get ANYWHERE?! :o It takes them about 12 eps. to get to Hearthome (OK I forgot the exact number but it's a lot!)

I think Fantina should be at the Contest Dawn enters too to stay true to the game. ;D
Why does it take FOREVER for ash & friends to get ANYWHERE?! :o It takes them about 12 eps. to get to Hearthome (OK I forgot the exact number but it's a lot!)

I think Fantina should be at the Contest Dawn enters too to stay true to the game. ;D

Actually Fantina shouldn't join you in your first Hearthome Contest, which is technically what Dawn had partaken. If for some reason Hearthome holds another contest, perhaps Johanna and Fantina might even compete.
Holy Mooses!!!!

Did not see that one coming. Ash has 6 and hasn't even got half his badges. This could be a really interesting season if this sorta thing keeps happening. Maybe staravia will get the boot *hopes*
Crumbs! That hasn't happened since Kanto (Ash catching 6 Pokemon before earning the third badge, that is). I sure hope that this won't result in Ash capturing a bunch of random Pokemon that the writers wouldn't know what to do with.
Well, hm! I did not see that coming. I personally preferred it if Jessie would have caught it, but now I shall resign myself to hoping she gets a Skorupi and evolves it to Drapion instead. And while I commend the sheer spontaeinity of Ash's 6th Pokemon, I do wish he had captured a 6th much later in the series, like Phanpy and Snorunt.

From what I've seen, Gligar is apparently the compulsory mischief-maker that Ash lost when he traded off Aipom. So who thinks this new teamate's gonna last long and possibly evlove?

Also counting down to Lucario's debut in the anime :D
Hmm. Ash and Gligar just don't seem to match, and I wish it would be Jessie's replacement for Dustox. And six Pokemon already? Well, he better get moving as in beating another gym leader. Seriously, only two badges?

But Paul and Gliscor do match quite well. But, I'm expecting it to later be defeated by Ash's Gligar. Along with somehow Paul losing to Chimchar. Although it'll probably only be one or the other.

~Thanks Rocket X for tips, I now know where to go for Japanese episodes. Try LightningPikachu (lol, I got it wrong, it's LightingPikachu.), he always has 'em.~


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
I sure hope that this won't result in Ash capturing a bunch of random Pokemon that the writers wouldn't know what to do with.

And while I commend the sheer spontaeinity of Ash's 6th Pokemon, I do wish he had captured a 6th much later in the series, like Phanpy and Snorunt.

Not to be the contradiction, but this is more or less what I wanted to see happen this generation. I LIKED how in Kanto Ash caught more than six Pokemon. Not only did it make the league matches more interesting, it let us get to know more than just the same six Pokemon. Sure, it was sad to see some of them leave now and then, but it also added to the show, too ("Bye Bye Butterfree" is STILL one of my favourite episodes).

As for the spontaneity of that 6th catch... I also commend it, especially after people claiming "now that the trading of Aipom/Buizel has happened, the show will return to its boring, predictable ways". Maybe it still will... and maybe it won't. I'm starting to think the latter myself. D/P seems to be taking the best of ALL past seasons and merging them into one. I'm very happy to see all this development re: Dawn, too. Seeing flashbacks of her childhood was a nice touch (she was a cute 'lil pathetic child).

The next episode looks fun, but bring on Lucario! >=D
I LIKED how in Kanto Ash caught more than six Pokemon. Not only did it make the league matches more interesting, it let us get to know more than just the same six Pokemon. Sure, it was sad to see some of them leave now and then, but it also added to the show, too ("Bye Bye Butterfree" is STILL one of my favorite episodes).

That may be so, but Ash already has a lot of Pokemon back at Oak's that are gathering dust *cough*Cyndaquil*cough*Totodile*cough*. That's why I don't want Ash making so many random captures. They'd get either Oak'd or released when the writers get tired of using them with little hope of ever getting some decent screen time ever again.


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
That may be so, but Ash already has a lot of Pokemon back at Oak's that are gathering dust *cough*Cyndaquil*cough*Totodile*cough*. That's why I don't want Ash making so many random captures. They'd get either Oak'd or released when the writers get tired of using them with little hope of ever getting some decent screen time ever again.

While I would've been happy to see the older, unevolved Pokemon return too, the focus of each new saga is generally the Pokemon caught within that saga (minus ones like Aipom who were always meant to be precursors to the new season anyways). Whether they be 'gathering dust' or not, Cyndaquil and Totodile had their moments. They had plenty of time to evolve in the past, too. If they ever return in a long-term role it'll probably be in a side-quest capacity. Otherwise... I don't count them against Ash catching lots of new Pokemon. It'd just stunt the potential of the season =/
Based on Bulbapedia's info, it appears we'll be seeing Paul's older Brother in the Lucario and Maylene episode. He is apparently a breeder, probably hinting that his personality may differ greatly from Paul's.

In the next episode after that, it is entitled "Dawn vs. Maylene! Dawn's First Gym Battle!" and the last episode announced is "Veilstone Gym! Lucario vs. Buizel"

The later episode can be understood, considering Buizel's personality. And perhaps Dawn's consecutive losses have made her consider gym battling (at least as a manner to relieve the stress of the next contest)


Hero of Pizza
Staff member
Poor Dawn has failed so much it's destroying her life goals. Sounds rather typical of reality, tbh xp

I like this sort of character development, and I'm looking forward to seeing any realizations made on Dawn's part during the gym battle. A nice episode to see fan subbed, really XD When Zoe first appeared in that previous episode I figured Dawn would've been over all of this, but they're really drawing it out and building it up... Guess she still needs a good system-shock to get back to where she needs to be... or, in her case, get where she never was xp

Doctor Oak

Staff member
She's going to phail like a phailz again though. She is actually going to wind up trying to slit her own wrists after this one.
Who knows. I she goes up against, say Meditite perhaps she may stand a chance. Case point being May's Skitty bitchslapping a victory out of an Ampharos in Advanced Genration. Anything is possible, except her defeating Lucario, the fans will kill it ded before that moment ever happens.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Thing is, Dawn HAS to lose this battle. If she wins, especially after phailing so hard at all those contests, she'd have to continue on at gym battles. We KNOW that's not going to happen. And thus, she has to lose this battle too.

So basically, she'll lose 3 major battles in a row and PHAIL like a PHAILZ. :d

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