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Ask to Join Welcome to Hero High

This RP is intriguing, hopefully I can put my brain cells together to create a character.

Name: Michael B. Weinreich
Nickname: None
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Nationality: Sauk-German
Dorm: Banshee Bronze
Appearance: He has black hair and blue eyes, he is a mix of Caucasian and Native American. He wears a blue windbreaker, with a white Under Armor shirt. He wears bellbottom jeans, and grey sneakers with ties so long their worn out at the end. He seems to be tired, which is part of his idiopathic hypersomnia. Michael has miniature planets centering around his head, so people usually stare at the planets and not him. He stands at 4 feet and 7 inches, and weighs 90 pounds.
Outfit: (I already explained that in Appearance)
Costume: He wears an astronaut helmet, accompanied by a stretchable suit with star-like patterns on it. Finally, he wears white boots that go over his suit.

Power: Galaxy
Explanation: Michael can create small galactic bodies. (such as the solar system around his head, or sometimes he can actually create a small planet or asteroid) Currently, he is training to create stars. He chucks them at people, and sometimes, if it's larger, it can injure someone severely.
Weaknesses: Michael needs to learn what creates the object (such as asteroids being created by smaller rocks slamming into each other, not fully becoming round) and he must simulate it in his head, like that thing where people tell you to close your eyes and imagine looking at different points of a 3D apple.
Extra information: Mood.
Personality: Mikey is quite shy at first, but then opens up to be a very extroverted person once you get to know him. He is always coming up with new ideas, and has a pessimistic side as well. He likes to do stuff like they did in the 'olden days'. Finally, he has an outrageous talent at any instrument, which profited his parents.

Backstory: He didn't get his power until the Seventh Grade for unknown reasons. He lived on the streets with his family as their powers couldn't get them anywhere in life. His dad could only condensate small bits of water, and his mom could only make the temperature in the room rise 10 degrees. Their family failed to get their children into school until he was in 7th Grade, where he discovered his power through special methods.
New power is much better, your backstory still needs expanding
@Frontier Master my idea for one of my characters is for them to have metal manipulation, but I noticed your character also has that. I have a backup ability but I would like to use my primary ability if possible

I've got zero authority here, nor am I even in the rp.
But as a general passerby, I see two existing OCS with metal related abilities, and wouldn't advise it.

Edit: Although if its like metal morphing or something, I could see it.
Name: Brendan Coles
Nickname (optional): B
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Nationality: Canadian
Dorm: Serpent Silver(transferred some time ago)
Appearance: Has shaggy light brow hair and dark brow eyes. Has a fit build and stands at about 1.72 meters.
Outfit (civilian clothes): Wears a red T-shirt under a black jacket, black pants and black shoes with blue stripes on the sides.
Costume (hero garb): He wears a hooded, long, black coat with straps crossing his chest in an X and white pants. Wears black boots.

Power(s) Magnetism
Explanation: Brendan has the ability to freely manipulate and morph the metal in proximities to his body.
Weakness/setback: To manipulate metal, Brandan first need metal to manipulate. His power requires some focus and a loss of it will weaken his hold on the metal his controlling.
Extra information: He looks cold and distant on the exterior and acts like it. Though that's simply a Mood as he is very sweet and caring to those close to him.

Backstory(only really needs to be brief, I'd prefer to learn the details of your characters backgrounds naturally through the rp): Grew up in a normal family, not too wealthy nor too poor with average parents. He never aimed for any greatness and was content with his life until his powers manifested. He was urged to take up the hero business by those around him which he agreed to, but deep down he would have liked to have picked out his own future.

Name: Hannah Coles
Nickname (optional):
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Nationality: Canadian
Dorm: Banshee Bronze
Appearance: Short light brown hair what extend to her chin and dark brown eyes. Is about 1.60 meters in height. Has a curvy figure.
Outfit (civilian clothes): Wears a light blue dress, black stockings and white flats.
Costume (hero garb): Wears a black low cut top with a matching skirt, black boots. Her hair is tied in a ponytail.
Power(s) Transformation
Explanation: Hannah is able to transform herself into whatever form she wants.
Weakness/setback: Her transformations are not perfect as she can’t transform into an exact replica of her target unless she knows everything about them. Extreme shift of her body can leave heavy strains on it.
Extra information: Outgoing and jolly, she loves to hang out around others. Loves playing pranks on others.

Backstory(only really needs to be brief, I'd prefer to learn the details of your characters backgrounds naturally through the rp): Has a similar backstory to her brother except for when her powers manifested, she was very willing to pick up the hero business for fun.
Name: Marik Crowell
Nickname: N/A
Age: Just turned 15.
Gender: Male
Nationality: American-Irish
Dorm: Banshee Bronze
Appearance: Marik has wild burgundy-red hair pushed up and away from his emerald green eyes. He's got a fair skin complexion, and said skin is flawless. This 'youthful' look is contradicted by his relatively lean and athletic build, showing signs of serious training. His height is relatively average, if not ever so slightly higher than the average for his age group, around 5'9.
Outfit: Prefers to keep clothing light and comfortable. Often seen in black or white short sleeve shirts, baggy shorts of various colors, and dark brown sandals.
When attempting to look somewhat presentable, he prefers a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a pair of deep blue, fitted jeans, and black sneakers with white trim.
Costume: Simple costume consisting of no shirt, but a red sash tied around his left bicep. His waste is adorned with a matching red utility belt holding various useful items such as basic first aid equipment, and his favorite throwing daggers, Roxie and Striker. His legged are adorned with well made, black, combat pants for mobility, and his feet are covered by matte black boots, with grey laces.

Power(s): Self Control
Explanation: Marik was born with a mutation allowing him to freely manipulate/generate his own physical anatomy. He's gotten as far as the Integumentary/Keratin stage, meaning he's got minor manipulation of his hair, nails, and skin.
Weakness/setback: Due to Marik's power being so physically stressful, his body eats up calories several times faster than the normal person, meaning he needs to eat large amounts of high protein food each day, or he'll suffer from fainting spills, and won't be able to use his powers without causing severe atrophy.
On top of this, his power is relatively new, so his manipulation of the hair, skin, and nails is somewhat limited.
Extra information: His abilities have eight stages, and this is the early days of stage one, Integumentary Control. Quite moody about not having the most experience among his peers.

Backstory: Born into a family of B-Rank superheroes, Marik was never expected to be anything outstanding, much like his parents.
His mother was a healer, capable of repairing damage to almost any wound, but unable to heal herself. His father was a generic user of super strength, being capable of lifting trucks over his head and tossing them. They worked as a duo, and all in all, they weren't bad. Not great, but not bad.
Due to his parents both developing these powers before the age of 10, they worried that Marik not showing signs of superhuman abilities by the age of 12, meant he may never obtain powers of his own.
But, much to his excitement, during an argument with his father shortly after his 13th birthday, Marik generated a set of very sharp claws, shocking everyone in the surrounding area.
Ever since then, the fiery haired boy has been training rigorously, trying to make up for his 'late start'.
Name: Brendan Coles
Nickname (optional): B
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Nationality: Canadian
Dorm: Serpent Silver(transferred some time ago)
Appearance: Has shaggy light brow hair and dark brow eyes. Has a fit build and stands at about 1.72 meters.
Outfit (civilian clothes): Wears a red T-shirt under a black jacket, black pants and black shoes with blue stripes on the sides.
Costume (hero garb): He wears a hooded, long, black coat with straps crossing his chest in an X and white pants. Wears black boots.

Power(s) Magnetism
Explanation: Brendan has the ability to freely manipulate and morph the metal in proximities to his body.
Weakness/setback: To manipulate metal, Brandan first need metal to manipulate. His power requires some focus and a loss of it will weaken his hold on the metal his controlling.
Extra information: He looks cold and distant on the exterior and acts like it. Though that's simply a Mood as he is very sweet and caring to those close to him.

Backstory(only really needs to be brief, I'd prefer to learn the details of your characters backgrounds naturally through the rp): Grew up in a normal family, not too wealthy nor too poor with average parents. He never aimed for any greatness and was content with his life until his powers manifested. He was urged to take up the hero business by those around him which he agreed to, but deep down he would have liked to have picked out his own future.

Name: Hannah Coles
Nickname (optional):
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Nationality: Canadian
Dorm: Banshee Bronze
Appearance: Short light brown hair what extend to her chin and dark brown eyes. Is about 1.60 meters in height. Has a curvy figure.
Outfit (civilian clothes): Wears a light blue dress, black stockings and white flats.
Costume (hero garb): Wears a black low cut top with a matching skirt, black boots. Her hair is tied in a ponytail.
Power(s) Transformation
Explanation: Hannah is able to transform herself into whatever form she wants.
Weakness/setback: Her transformations are not perfect as she can’t transform into an exact replica of her target unless she knows everything about them. Extreme shift of her body can leave heavy strains on it.
Extra information: Outgoing and jolly, she loves to hang out around others. Loves playing pranks on others.

Backstory(only really needs to be brief, I'd prefer to learn the details of your characters backgrounds naturally through the rp): Has a similar backstory to her brother except for when her powers manifested, she was very willing to pick up the hero business for fun.
What were the back up abilities because these are too similar to existing characters.
My rp, no authority, please stop

I was never taking authority. I just believed his powers were very similar to others. And Koop being someone I talk to on a regular basis, I decided to give him personal advise.

I apologize if it felt like I was questioning your authority, but I think I made it very clear I wasn't.

If you dislike people giving there own opinions so much, than creating an rp was a rocky idea, heh.

Edit: You have a problem with not notifying people if there accepted. Am I?
Also, since your critiquing character sheets, the thread should be Ask to Join, not Open.
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I was never taking authority. I just believed his powers were very similar to others. And Koop being someone I talk to on a regular basis, I decided to give him personal advise.

I apologize if it felt like I was questioning your authority, but I think I made it very clear I wasn't.

If you dislike people giving there own opinions so much, than creating an rp was a rocky idea, heh.

Edit: You have a problem with not notifying people if there accepted. Am I?
Also, since your critiquing character sheets, the thread should be Ask to Join, not Open.
There’s a conversation option for the exact purpose of giving someone “personal advice” rather than clogging up discussion threads with the like.
The “no authority” syntax was lifted directly from your own post, so I’m surprised by the level to which you took offense to it. Nonetheless I also apologize for it’s use.

Edit: I was in the process of reading and replying to your application when my laptop ran out of battery and I was without a charger. Hence the time it took me to get back to you regarding your acceptance.