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DPPt/HGSS What can knock out a level 50 Walrein?


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
So, I finally completed the three original level 50 colosseums in Pkmn Colosseum's Battle Mode, and unlocked the Orre Colosseum. And now I am completely stuck.

In Single Mode, the 2nd contestant has a level 50 Walrein that I simply cannot knock out. This is its moveset:

Walrein, level 50 @Leftovers
183 HP
Blizzard (Ice)
Surf (Water)
Earthquake (Ground)
Sheer Cold (1 hit KO move)

Any ideas? I considered using a Water pokemon for resistance to Water and Ice attacks, and one who can use Fighting attacks, like Seaking and Kingler, but they have naff Special Defence (iirc). I'm quite happy to train up a Pokemon especially, and I have all 4 currently available GBA games, so access to the full set...

Please help, as I am very stuck.

Also, in Double Mode the 3rd contestant in the Orre Colosseum uses the bizarre technique of giving Toxic to his OWN pokemon, and then using Facade, which has power 140 from the pkmn being Poisoned in the first place, and goes up to 210 with STAB! ARGH!!! Tried using Gengar to be immune to both Toxic and Facade, but he got easily knocked out by another attack in the moveset (Blizzard, iirc). Eep.

Doctor Oak

Staff member
Your Walrein Problem could probably be solved with a Zapdos. It should have enough power by being a legendary to survive a blizzard or surf and luckily is immune to Earthquake.

That's what Pokemon i'd try anyway.

As for your second problem, Snorlax, Chansey or Blissey could be useful here - a status curer wouldn't be too bad a choice to throw in with them.


Former Moderator
Hmm... I'm not familiar with Walrein's stats, but I usually find my Sceptile in Ruby can take down that elite four member's Walrein with Leaf Blade. Failing that, Manectric's Thunderbolt works.


Former Administrator
No, status curers would be useless in that situation. The trainer used a Crobat and Swellow first, ALWAYS. Crobat uses Toxic on Swellow, who then Facades you to hell.I used Gyrados and Rhydon, if I remember correctly. Rock Blast took Swellow out for me first time, always, and a few returns and rock attacks took out Crobat.

It's the Milotic and Ursaring you need to watch outfor.

As for Walrein, I found it easy as it keep using sheer cold, and missing.
I'd suggest lowering Walrein's Accuracy a bit, or raising your Evade, then raising your Attack or lowering its Defense. When its Sheer Cold is missing, do big damage with Focus Punch from Machamp, Hariyama, etc...

Don't forget hold Items!


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
For the sake of keeping this message on topic, i.e. about these particular Walrein and Toxic+Facade problems, I've moved my rant about Colosseum's difficulty level elsewhere. It may be in the wrong forum, I'm not sure (but there is a question at the end).

For the Walrein, I guess I'll have to pick a Pokemon with high Speed, some resistance to Water and Ice, and then train it to have Double Team or Smokescreen, and a good Electric, Grass or Rock attack, & give it a Focus Band... argh! TOO MANY VARIABLES ERROR! Or just play the same battle 100 times until I get lucky (*snort*).

Edit: Sturdy? None of my currently caught Magnemite/tons have it, but apparently it's a possible ability. Or even, find another pkmn apart from a Magneton that has Sturdy ;).

My concern about using Zapdos is twofold: 1) Ice attacks are super effective against Flying pkmn, 2) I've been trying not to use legendaries because that affects how many Poke Coupons you get... or something. I dunno whether using Legendaries in your team would disqualify you from getting Ho-oh at the end of it, which is the only reason I'm putting myself through this torture ;).

For the Crobat & Swellow Toxic & Facade combination, is there another Ghost with slightly better Sp Def than Gengar? I think it was Blizzard that did for me there. I still reckon that going for someone immune to Normal attacks might help, but it needs the Sp Def to withstand Blizzard...

Having typed all this I'm going to lie down again - I'm in a bad mood ANYWAY because my back is buggered (twisted spine - doesn't bother me normally, but it's decided to play up - and just at a time when I'm insanely busy workwise AND can't use any painkillers apart from the useless Paracetamol AND have no idea where my damn TENS machine is because I haven't needed to use it in years) and being completely exasperated with an apparently impossible game just isn't helping!!
I hate to tell you this, but...Mt. Battle (with a team registered from Orre) earns you Ho-oh, not the Stadiums and Colosseums...

*waits for shock to settle in*

Nintendo Power Pokémon Colosseum Player's Guide; Orre Colosseum Level 50: Single Battle said:
Learn the Orre Lore: Electric-type attacks will destroy the Water-types...

Many Trainers will try to KO you ASAP, so concentrate on strong attacks as opposed to status conditions.

Recommended Attack/Pokémon Types: A Pokémon with good Electric-type skills is almost a necessity. With 22 Water-type and Flying-type opponents, you can use the moves in almost every battle.

Specific Move Recommendation: Thunderbolt has a higher Accuracy rating than Thunder. It's the way to go when facing a Water-type opponent.

Battle 2: Guy Ghols: All of Ghols's Pokémon have one move that causes an instant KO. Try to increase your own evasion on the first turn, then set in with strong attacks. Electric-type attacks will help you take out the Water-types, while Fighting-type attacks can deal with Smeargle and Crawdaunt.

Get this guide. Very helpful.
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Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
Nintendo Power Pokémon Colosseum Player's Guide - is that a book? (As in, something I have to go to an actual bookstore to buy?! Eeep! I suppose I could buy it without leaving the house from amazon or wherever, but it wouldn't arrive this side of Christmas...)

Yeah, I'm being confused about Ho-oh. The thing is, I wanted to finish everything that involves a Level 50 cap before doing the Battle Mode Mt Battle Challenge. As I have to use my most powerful Level 50 pkmn for that, it means they are "on hold" in my other games as I can't possibly play them in case they gain a level. Hrm. I think there is logic here somewhere ;). Anyway, I'm guessing that the Mt Battle Challenge trainers will use the same sort of strategies as the Colosseum trainers, so the practice is useful? Maybe not.

My current plan for That Walrein involves either a Snorlax with Thick Fat ability and a Thunderbolt TM, or a Forretress with Sturdy ability and Zap Cannon or some kind of Fighting move. Forretress is apparently the only pkmn that has Sturdy ability that isn't whole- or part- Rock/Ground, the two types that go down horribly to Water & Ice. I have to breed my Colosseum Forretress anyway to get a Pineco, so I might as well try EV training it for Sp Def and seeing what happens. It's got to be less frustrating than simply playing that arena over and over until I get to the 70% of times when Sheer Cold doesn't work :D (Actually, I did used to know enough probability theory to be able to calculate the probability of 3 Sheer Colds in a row missing... I'll have to look that up with my Copious Free Time over Christmas - i.e. when I'm desperately trying to avoid my parents ;) ).
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Doctor Oak

Staff member
Nintendo Power is the North American equivilent of Nintendo Official Magazine. You'd have a hard job getting Nintendo Power guides here...
Those two, Snorlax and Forretress, are not-so-good choices, because they both have bad Sp. Att. Why not Magneton? It would probably be the best choice, and it's resistant to Ice.


Former Administrator
But isnt ground bad against bug, so neutral damage?

Magneton is a bad suggestion though, it is 4X weak to ground attacks-One EQ and you are screwed. It needs levitate...


Former Moderator
[Random thought] What about a Flygon? Yeah, 4x weak to ice blah blah blah, but if you gave it a quick claw (just in case) and Double Team, it'd be more likely for a Snorlax to be faster than a speed trained Ninjask than it would for Blizzard to hit.[/Random thought]


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
Has anyone here ever caught a Magneton with Sturdy ability? I don't know what the split between the abilities is (if it's 50:50 or something else), but I've never caught a Magnemite/ton that didn't have Steel Pull. Which is a fairly useless ability, imo.

I had the same problem trying to catch a Diglett/Dugtrio with Arena Trap. Went through the whole Diglett Cave quite a few times & only found 3 (compared to 20+ that had Sand Veil). Knocked out the first 2 in one hit (think I used something like Bubble - attack power 20!) before catching the 3rd. And then it had a crappy nature which made me decide not to bother advancing it much.

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