Well, I took the test, and got the friggin rodent. So, being me, I hit the randomize button a couple times, I got this.....other rodent (But a much cooler one, no pun intended)
This is actually a lot like me. I'm incredibly strong willed, good luck changing my mind in a debate. I'm not quite as competitive as it says I would be, but, to my shame, I do have that hint of feeling superior at times. And, if I KNOW somebody would blatently disagree with my opinions, I would hide them a bit, but still make it known. And yea, I do enjoy being blunt and sarcastic : D
Test results aside, I'd love to say that I'd be an Aipom. That, or a Totodile. They both see all the wonders in life, and each day is a new adventure for them. Each one is incredibly playful, with one climbing and leaping, and the other randomly chomping down on peoples arms, and dancing in Ash's case. Each one is also small, and seemingly out of place in a huge world, but each one has a way to make themselves known. I really have no idea what I'm saying anymore, and kind of just rambling. I do that on occasion....