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What would you be in the Pokemon World?


Moderator of Elder Scrolls
Staff member
I would, unsurprisingly, be a Researcher. In a lab for most of the year with occasional forays into the real world. I'd have Pokemon companions who possibly also assist with the research. But it would be education all the way.

I'd probably teach students too, but they'd have to be mature and sensible students, not bratty 10 year olds who want to be the Pokemon Champion ;).
since rangers are generally adults anyway (ranger 1, not 2)
i would be a trainer until i became an adult then help out the world with my partner, feraligatr
I would want to be a Trainer. Seeing all kinds of people and traveling with friends, meeting hundreds of Pokemon, and having the dream of becoming a Master.
Hmm... I don't think that I'd start out so early on in my life but if I knew that I could support myself just by traveling around the world battling others, I'd honestly drop school about my age now and just wander the land with my trusty Leafeon and other Pokemon, probably crash in the Pokemon centers. I'd probably ignore the "six Pokemon" rule and have a designated team of six "battle" Pokemon but I'd carry others with me too.
My first choice would be...being a coordinater, for the reason that I'm actually really ood at contests. Although, I wish they could include battles in them like the series.

Second would be, to be the last of the Elite Four of any Region. My prefered type would be between water & pyshic pokemon.
I'd probably end up as either a Gym Leader.

I tend to do well with authority, although sticking to a theme isn't always something I like doing. If I do, it would have to be something different from the usual categories, so...

...I would be a GYM leader that specializes in catlike Pokemon. Because I like cats.
Trainer, hands down. ADHD as I am, I can never stay in one spot for an extended period of time. If I ran a gym, it would be deserted constantly. I would travel everywhere with my Gardevoir, Sestina, and my Weavile, Manyura. Exploring places, having battles, meeting new people...Yup, I'd be a Trainer.
Either a Trainer or Breeder. Or a Ranger.

Trainer because I would be a good trainer because I would encourage my Pokemon to do as best as they can.

But I would also like to be a breeder so I can live in the country by Solaceon town(I live in Missouri, go figure) and then have an egg hatching machine that hatches eggs by using an incubator. Oh, and I wouldn't mind to play with all the Baby Pokemon I'll have on my ranch.

But I also might be a ranger because your pokemon can follow you wherever you go. And you get to help them, too.

But I think i'll go with trainer/Breeder. I know I didn't put it up there, but I can train AND breed at the same time.
I'll be a Brock. I'll be a trainer/gym leader, but also breed. I would love to do both. And as breeder I don't mean make a ton of eggs breeder. I mean like Brock. He just studies how to treat the Pokemon the best by food, care, and whatnot.


I'm not sure if I could decide between breeading, training, and coordinating, I'd probably act like a game protagonist, doing all three, training for battle, while breeding others specifically for contests, without making them overly weak...
I would have to be a ranger. I would run headlong into a fire to save a baby bulbasaur or something like that. I would love to go around with my trusty flyon resuing pokemon.
I'd be a Champion. Gives you an important role in the story line and you're one of the strongest Trainers in the region. Also, Champions can wear whatever they want. Only Gym Leaders and Elite Four/Champion, plus you + rival of course, can do that.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
"Gives you an important role in the story line and you're one of the strongest Trainers in the region. Also, Champions can wear whatever they want. Only Gym Leaders and Elite Four/Champion, plus you + rival of course, can do that."

... WTF.

Uh... You do realize that we're talking about The PokeMon World as an actual world rather than in-game? >>; Either way, your arguments do not make sense. Fail.
To be honest, I have no idea, I would probally be a villian, building a weapon of mass destruction so the world may bend down to my will!!! Muhahaha. But if that fails, somewhere inbetween Trainer and Gym leader.
a random trainer on top of a hill
Wanna bet Stel?

I'd like to be a pokemon trainer or a ranger for a career, since it would make an excellent excuse to go wandering in the middle of nowhere alone, plus it would allow me to be a life-saver without knowing CPR.

Though when retirement comes, the real fun can begin. That's when I want to become the crabby old man in Viridian that stops trainers from getting to Pewter because I didn't have any coffee that morning. Sucks to be you speed-gamers, now deliver that stupid package! >:(
I would be a legendary Pokémon trainer and catch every legendary Pokémon in the world, it would be really hard but it has always been my dream since I was little cause I love them so much, my starter would be Mew of course. ♥ And I want to know everything about legendary Pokémon's, I'm very interested about them only. ♥


Formerly Magic Jack
Pokemon Trainer, cause Wynaut?


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I'd Want To Be A Pokemon Breeder Or Researcher ^.^ Or..... Getting A Little More In Depth I'd Want To Live In The Ilex Forest In Johto Or Forbidden Forest In Hoenn Being Raised By Pokemon Eventually Befriend All Legendaries XD
I would be a treasure hunter that also hunt for rare pokemon like for example the crystal Onix and the pokemon I will have with me is my partner Minun and my shiny Regirock that I founded when I was searching in a underground tomb.


✧luzrov rulay✧
I'd probably be a professor, because I consider myself to have a good attention span, and I am very fascinated about the world of Pokemon.
I'd love to wear a lab coat any day.
If men could be nurses at a Pokemon center, then I'd like to be a nurse!

If that didn't work out for me, I'd like to be a researcher. Maybe an aide to a professor (I can't really imagine myself being a big name professor/researcher) that studies the connection between Pokemon and stones or the origins of various pokemon species (Not the origin of all pokemon, however). Those two topics seem pretty interesting to me and I think I'm better suited for a desk job anyway.

Obviously, I'd have 1-2 Pokemon and we'd probably get in the occasional battle but I don't see myself being a true trainer or breeder. I don't think I could take care of a dedicated team of six (Highly trained and regimented) Pokemon let alone an entire ranch/farm of them! I don't like being in the limelight so coordinator is a no-go too.