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What would you do for a...

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Go to Area 51 and yell "All your base are belong to us!".

What would you do for the ability to read others' minds?
Eat ur brainzzz. I needz them. Anywho, then I'd find out all of people's dirty little secrets.
What would you do for a REAL pokecharms.
Assemble a crack-team of my friends (who have the construction skills of a 3rd grader) to build it. We will find a way. One day.... (makes a list of people to meet from the site)

What would you do for a shiny Umbreon?
Nivedevino said:
I would eat a mad cow burger. (If you get the reference you get a klondike bar.)

It's from Zombieland. i can haz klondike bar?

I'd run over an iPad with an SUV and feed it to Steve Jobs.

What would you do for my smashed iPad? (Before Steve eats it all...)


I would buy and ipad and smash it XP
what would you do for a poptart?


punch random people, IN DA FACE!!

what would you do to be the worlds best pokemon trainer?
Murder Obama

What would you do for my Lv. 87 shiny Dragonite?
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


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Beat it with my LVL 88 shiny Dragonite. ;)

[move]What would you do to make this text stop moving?[/move]
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Take it. What would you do to get the trainer cards in Pokecharms working?


then i gess i don't have anything to do :p

what would you do for the only english copy of pokemon Black or White?


Trade in my Pikachu for a thunderstone take my Pikachu back evole it trade with the other person realized I left a note with Raichu trade back take the note give it a lum berry trade back then notice how much I missed it and trade agian.

What would you do for a smiley named John? 8) Hey there I am John I am an awesome smiley so pfft yeah I could take down Blaziken and Ralts just talk to me yeah.....
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hug a catus, over and over......

What would you do to get luckii to stop using terms that I don't understand >:(
Eat a


Nothing I dont know who that is...
What would you do for 2 shiny Arecus?
Trade the 2,lower leveled, shiny Arceus that I already have on GTS!

What would you do to make people stop asking for a level 1 mew?
Kill 10 Magikarp, so that way I can make a proper meal for the little kitty :3 (rest in peace Trixie)

What would you do for a Mibukijika?
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