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Open Whatever You Choose

"Torterra, Energy Ball on the 'Stonewall' scum!" he said. Torterra blasted an Energy Ball straight at him, destroying the phone, and Kaleb returned Torterra and ran.

"Isaac, time to go into hiding," he said to Isaac. "Let's go."

He got on Charizard's back. "We're flying to Sunyshore," he whispered to Isaac. "Hop on."

(He destroyed the phone, not the earpiece, and my character knows how to run from one area to another.)

Kaleb wanted to just fly away, but he couldn't leave Isaac to get arrested.

"Hurry up, or you'll get us both caught!" he said. "We need to leave the city, possibly even the region, if we want to avoid getting caught. I'm never going back to Aether Paradise again, after what happened there when I was 15."

Kaleb remembered how he foiled their plans to catch the Ultra Beasts by destroying the blueprints of the Beast Ball, and escaping the Paradise. Shortly after, he escaped to Kalos, where he had lived for most of his life. When he became 19, he went to the island for another journey, and yet another evil organization had tried to kill him, but he escaped them, too.

"You know what? You have a Noivern. Fly there on him. Meet up at Sunyshore, and from then on, we discuss our escape plan." He then commanded Charizard to fly away, and they flew to Sunyshore, where Kaleb immediately started to seek shelter.

He decided that the best way to avoid arrest was a disguise. When Isaac showed up, they would have to disguise themselves, otherwise they would probably get caught. The problem was he had no idea what the disguise should be.
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"Alright, Noivern lets go." Isaac said as he threw the Pokeball unleashing his dragon. He followed Kaleb and landed by him and his Charizard. "Okay whats the plan?" Isaac was so nervous he didn't know what to do. He was shaking and clearly fearful of the danger that was pursuing them both.
"We need disguises if we are going to avoid being arrested," he said to Isaac. "Only problem is, what to disguise ourselves as?"

Charizard shrugged as Kaleb put him back inside his pokeball.

"We may also need to use different Pokémon, so we may need to catch some more," Kaleb said.
( ah I see) Zachariah was beyond mad at this point. He marched into the Pokémon Center and grabbed the phone” I want a full fledged combat unit combing the region for those two now! “ he yelled angrily into the phone and marched outside, this time with different Pokémon
"Oh I have an idea!" Isaac exclaimed. " Chandelure come on out and use Trick Room." the space that they were in changed into a box of reflective material making them practically invisible. "Good work." he complimented. The ghost/fire type danced around happily since it pleased it's trainer.
"Good idea, except how do we talk without people hearing us, or pick up anything without somebody thinking the object is floating?" Kaleb asked. "We need a disguise that people can see so that we don't utterly confuse everybody with every movement we make."
The girl staggered backward, glancing at the people around her.
She most certainly didn't want to be associated with criminals on the run, but she did say she was looking for an adventure, and damn if she'd ever seen one, this was it. Still, it was a literal felony. Her mind was piecing so many things together.
The next chopper he sends will be here in a matter of minutes.
Kaleb and Isaac will be pretty much hunted down. Daniel, too, probably- he seems to almost hate the other guy and will probably side with them.
Where do I stand in this mess?
I haven't really gotten onto Stonewall's bad side, but he looks like a loner and would not appreciate a loser tagging along and slowing him down.
But I'm not a criminal.
Aspen, RUN.

Her mind was overwhelmingly loaded, trying to cram as many thoughts in her head as possible, and she felt a twinge of pain in the back of her head. Suddenly everything seemed loud. Stonewall's yelling into the phone, Isaac's exclamation, the painful ringing in her head. In fact, she also thought she heard the distant rhythm of helicopter blades slicing through the air. She clutched her head, shutting her multi-colored eyes as tight as she could, staggering towards the ground. More painful throbs in her head.
Kaiju was at her side.
Like lightning shattering her skull.
What the hell was this? She got frequent headaches, but this was something entirely different.
So there she stood (or, sat, sort of), crouched at the ground, clutching her head, a huge Pokemon at her side, snapping at everyone, especially if they got remotely close.
And the adventure she wished for began.
"I have no idea. The only thing I can think of are new clothes and Pokemon. I'm drawing a blank here." Isaac admitted. Chandelure kept the Room up just in case the people looking for us were already here.
"We would also need fake names in case people ask us who we are," Kaleb added. He had to admit, he had no idea how they were going to get out of this alive.

"We should get to catching some new Pokémon while coming up with ideas for our disguises," he said.
"But what about our Pokemon?" Isaac wondered. "Are we just going to neglect them until we're off the hook?" he asked. He couldn't just desert them. His Dodrio and Noivern were his first two Pokemon. When they were a Doduo and Noibat of course.
Zachariah angrily paced back and forth until his own chopper landed. He saw Aspen clutching her head and sighed” get that girl some medicine also I want that footage broadcasted on every news channel in every region!” “ But sir, that’ll take all day!” “ I don’t care! Do it now!” A worker cautiously approached the Garchomp with a vile in his hands
Garchomp whirled around in a fit of anger, snarling viciously as the girl shakily got to her feet. She wasn't crying, by any means. People like her didn't cry. But she could be... not scary, but almost intimidating. She stood up, approaching the worker near Kaiju.
"Touch my Pokemon and so help me you will never again see the light of day." she hissed silently, twisting the man's wrist painfully until his fingers became loose on the vile, snatching it, and tucking it in her pocket.
"Good day."
And then she marched up to Stonewall, no hint of fear in any of her movements. The only hesitation she had was the hand on her head, the voice telling her to sit down because she was, actually, in quite a lot of pain.
"As much as I appreciate your attempt of help for me, I do not, however, appreciate you trying to inject, or enhance, or whatever you planned to do with this-" she snagged the small bottle from her pocket and faintly waved it around before hiding it again, "-to my partner. Now. I'm going to go. Whether I'm on your side or their side is none of your concern. But if any of your worthless dirtbags of employers come near me or my Pokemon, your going to have a very angry short girl on your hands. And you'd be very, very surprised to see what a short person can miraculously pull off."
And with that she turned away, her mess of pale hair bouncing behind her, as she marched to the beach, Kaiju eventually following with an ending growl at the worker.
“ you’re the stupidest kid I’ve ever met. That was for, for your head! I can’t have you sitting her griping your head when I have work to do. I don’t care about your stupid Garchomp! That was medicine for you. Moron!” Zachariah shouted” someone get me something to drink and a Advil before I go insane. Seriously, is everyone here a moron?”
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The girl pursed her lip with the faintest hint of a grin on her face.
"Wow. Are we trying to set the world record for how many consecutive uses of the word 'moron' someone can use in a sentence?" she offered, and tossed the little vile to him from her pocket.
"I'm afraid I don't have Advil, but I do have this. I hear it's quite good for headaches!" she chimed in the friendliest tone she'd used all day, wandering off towards the beach, a slightly smug look on her face. She released her Lapras, murmured something in it's ear, and got onto it's back.
And with that, the girl was on her way to Sunyshore.
Zachariah climbed into his helicopter and rubbed his head” I didn’t sign up for this!” He grabbed his talent cussing up a storm and set his earpiece to sleep mode so he could track it without anyone knowing. “ I just wanted to be left alone so I could hunt down Darkrai and compete in the Sinnoh League!”
The sound of the waves being sliced beneath Lapras' fins was the closest thing to a lullaby Aspen would give in to. The smell of salt was quite possibly her favorite smell, and eventually she'd tucked herself in the notches of Lapras' shell and fallen asleep. It would take another hour or so, give or take a bit, for them to arrive, and the girl hadn't slept in maybe four days, so this was ideal for her. And eventually she was out- she wouldn't hear the calls of Pokemon underwater, not helicopters, not warnings from her Lapras. She was just... asleep.
At this point Zachariah was willing to spend every last dollar he had to get those two brats arrested in thrown in prison for the rest of their lives. He also planned on taking the one who had blown up his expensive helicopter to court and taking him for everything he was worth. They had crossed him for no good reason and Zachariah was going to make them regret it. An assistant got ahold of him “ sir, we have the footage ready. Give us the word and we’ll upload it to every news channel in Sinnoh and in 72 hours the rest of the world.” “ Do it” Zachariah said. “ and tell the advance team to keep hunting for Darkrai”
(You do know that you have to have permission from the staff to encounter, or capture a legendary, right? And is your character supposed to be an unlikable Gary Stu? Because that's what he's coming across as)

Daniel blinked. Everyone around him seemed to be losing their minds, especially the jerk with the helicopter. He'd only come for a simple Sinnoh adventure, not to get involved with some psycho arsehole.

He returned most of his pokemon, including Plusle, who'd become frightened by all of the commotion, and was now crying into Daniel's chest. Only his prized shiny Honchkrow remained out.

He got onto Honchkrow's back, folding up his wheelchair, and putting it in a carrying case. He wasn't going to stand for this anymore.

"I'm not getting involved with this," he said gruffly, "I came for contests, not to be made fun of by some rude, pretentious arsehole, who's a total jerk to his employees."

Daniel turned to Zachariah, eyes narrowing. "You may be the most disgusting, self-centred, rude, arrogant, ignorant, sub-human troglodyte I have ever had the displeasure of meeting," he began, "You will never capture Darkrai. Pokemon, especially legendaries, choose their masters, and you are clearly not worthy of handling such a beast. Pokemon need sensible, caring trainers, and legendaries need someone who matches their strength. You don't fit any of those bills. You can whine to your employees, and throw a hissy fit, but you can't deny the truth."

And he had Honchkrow fly him far, far away, from them, not stopping until they were in the Nita region. Daniel knew that he wouldn't run into any jerks there.
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( I never said he was going to encounter it. He’s looking for it, doesn’t mean he’s going to find it. I never even planned of him encountering it, hence he’s never going to be happy because he can’t find it. And he’s not a Gary sue. I’ve clearly given him flaws, that’s been quite flaws. This whole situation is because of his flawed personality. The reason he has his power is because he’s an executive of a multi million dollar company. As this continues I’m going to flesh him out more little by little. I mean you’re character comes off as someone who stands on a soap box and points out the wrong in everyone else.) Zachariah rolled his eyes “ big talk coming from a fool in a wheelchair. You and I aren’t even in the same species. I’m the COO of the Aether Foundation. I make more money in a day than you ever will. Any materiel thing anyone could want is a phone call away from me. Not to mention I’ve actually won a Poke League tournament in the past. Whereas you’re some loser in a wheelchair lecturing me when you’re really no better. I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying my he who lives in a glass house shouldn’t throw stones. That really applies to you. Tell you what, how about you actually accomplish something in that joke you call your existence then you can lecture me. Until then, know your place in the world and shut your mouth “ Zachariah said and mockingly waved goodbye as he flew away “ I’d run away if I were too. This situation is only for adults”
Kaleb pondered this. "We may have to put some of them in the PC. I would probably have to put away Torterra and Charizard, and you would probably have to put away Dodrio."

"But for now, we need to keep this disguise up, until we come up with something better," he said as he walked into the Pokémon Center to make a call to Sycamore.

"Professor, it's me. If you see anything on the news about me and another boy in the Sinnoh region, we weren't committing the felonies that we were accused of. He was innocent, and I was saving him from arrest, because he was innocent. I need you to tell the other Professors, and when it comes on the news, inform the regions of what I just told you."

He ended the call and got three Zoroark that he caught in Kalos from his PC, and put Torterra and Charizard in. He would need the Zoroark because of their illusions to form better disguises.

He walked out and found Isaac. "I have an idea for a better disguise," he told him. "I have a few Zoroark. One could create an illusion to disguise us, and the other two could create an illusion to disguise themselves as us and run around the region, leading the Aether Foundation on a wild goose chase."
"That sounds amazing. Let me go put some of my Pokemon away in the PC." Isaac said to Kaleb. When Isaac went to go put away his Dodrio and a few other Pokemon, he saw news coverage about what happened on a small television in the corner of the Pokemon Center. "Witnesses say the two boys fled on a Charizard and a Noivern. There was also a Torterra present and it destroyed an Aether Foundation helicopter. We are unaware of what move it used however, experts believe it could have been Energy Ball or Leaf Storm. Witnesses also recount the boy with the Charizard commanding it to attack. More details are coming soon." the reporter said.

"Alright, I'll see you two later." he said to the Pokeballs of Dodrio and Noivern. Isaac brought out two Pokemon he raised in Kalos. A Sylveon and a Dragalge. With that he put the Pokemon away and walked out of the Pokemon Center.

"So now that we have new Pokemon and illusions we need a place to go." Isaac said.
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"Zoroark, create the illusion," Kaleb commanded to one Zoroark, and it created an illusion. They looked the same to themselves, but other people saw two huge, buff men.

"I chose this illusion so that people wouldn't give us any trouble," he said to Isaac. He told the other two Zoroark to disguise themselves as Kaleb and Isaac, and once they did, he commanded them to stay in that form until they found a way out of the region. They ran off, and with that, the disguise was complete.

"I also took my Salamence and Gigalith from the PC," Kaleb said. "So the Pokémon I have on hand are Pangoro, because he made no appearance at all during the commotion, Salamence, Gigalith, and Zoroark. I need to catch at least one more."

He walked over to the tall grass to catch another Pokémon. He encountered a Chimchar.

He sent out Salamence. He told it to use Dragon Breath, and it hit Chimchar. Kaleb threw a pokeball, and it shook three times and clicked. He caught Chimchar.
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The sun was fairly high in the air when Aspen woke up from her catnap. Her watch (which was sort of just like a tiny phone with straps), was buzzing frantically, with the words "BREAKING NEWS" on it in red letters. She swiped up, and was presented with the "attack" from earlier and immediately cringed. She couldn't get involved with this, but she didn't want to just leave. So she stepped off Lapras, put her back in the Pokeball, and did the same with Kaiju, when her watch vibrated again with an update.
Witnesses have also mentioned a boy in a wheelchair and a Lopunny as well as a girl with a Garchomp present during the attack. From the information we've received, reporters thing they could have been a part of the assault. Both the two boys and the girl have fled to unknown whereabouts, and the other will most likely serve questioning.
Aspen groaned. Kaiju would have to be set into her PC, and for safety measures she'd have to do the same with Blaziken and Lapras. She was starting to regret the situation, but at least she was at Sunyshore. She trotted forward, looking around at the paths. How hard could it be to find them?
In fact, easy! She saw the disguised creatures that looked like them and ran forward to stop them.
"Hey! It's- I just, from the island! I'm... on your side, I guess, but.. Stonewall's making sure you'll be hunted down. You need a disguise or something!" she stuttered, completely unaware she was speaking to Pokemon.
( Our characters clearly have different definitions on innocent buddy) “ I can help with that” said a woman wearing a cape and red eyes. A Whismur was next to her” you boys are in trouble aren’t you?” The woman asked Issac( can I just point out that this started over an earpiece? My guy really can’t let things go)
"Uh yeah you could say that." he replied to the mysterious woman. Isaac didn't know who she was or what she wanted. What if she was working with the Aether Foundation or 'Stonewall'. Isaac wasn't sure but he kept his guard up just in case she tried hurting Kaleb, himself, or their Pokemon.
Kaleb told his Zoroark to keep up the illusion until they trusted her enough. He walked back over and listened to what the woman had to say.

(Here, I am going to introduce a second character that was presumed dead by Kaleb until now. His name is Jason Peterson, and his Pokémon are Magnezone, Donphan, Slowbro, Sceptile, Umbreon, and Slaking.)

Jason arrived in Sinnoh as soon as he saw the news. He had to check this out for himself.

"If that was really Kaleb on the news, then I know I need to help him," he muttered to himself as he flew on the back of Magnezone right into Sunyshore city.

He arrived, and he saw two older men and a Zoroark, along with a woman and a Whismur, in the corner of an alleyway.

"Excuse me," he said, not knowing he was talking to the person he was trying to find. "Have you seen my friend?"

Kaleb rubbed his eyes in disbelief. How could this be possible? He watched Jason die on the island!

"Come here for a second," he said, motioning to Jason. He led him over to the tall grass. "How are you here? I watched you die on the island!"

"Do I know you?" Jason said. Kaleb told Zoroark to put down his illusion momentarily. He kept up Isaac's, but put down Kaleb's for a brief moment.

"Kaleb?" he asked. "What happened with the helicopter, and why are you in disguise?"

"I was helping an innocent person escape arrest, and I had to take down the chopper to do it," he said. "I still don't know how you are even here. I watched you die!"

"I didn't die, my Slowbro lifted the rocks off of me with Psychic, and used Heal Pulse to heal my wounds," Jason explained. "We need to get you out of the region."
Aspen blinked at 'Kaleb'.
"...Are you gonna say something or just stare at me blankly? Because if there's nothing I can do about the situation, I really ought get going." she muttered, slinging her bag over her shoulder with another glance at the disguised Zoroark, arching her brow slightly.
She really did want him to say something. She wanted to... not be included, but at least be there. But she wouldn't stay past her welcome.
"Um sorry to breakup the reunion, but we need to get moving." Isaac warned. "And if we're leaving the region then we should go to Kalos. It's my home region and I have a place to stay there." Isaac offered. After all, Isaac was siblings with Valerie the gym leader in Laverre City.
( she’s been there the whole time evasdropping) Zachariah was livid at this situation. First of all, he had been on the verge of closing a massive business deal that would’ve raked in a lot of money. Then that one kid had stolen his earpiece which was vital for him to do his job while he a trainer. And then that other guy had decided to blow up his state of the art helicopter. “ Those two could cost me my job. When I find them, I’m pressing charges and taking them to court and taking every penny they own.” He grumbled. " Sir, the Chairman's on the phone" one of his employees said. Zachariah sighed and took the call. After ten minutes of yelling and screaming the CHairman warned him that if he didn't get his earpiece back in 96 hours he would be terminated. Meanwhile a police officer spotted Aspen” don’t move! Hands where I can see them!” He shouted
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Name: Alex

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Appearance: Blond, 5’8”, Really Skinny

Personality: Shy, Awkward

Hometown: Oreburgh City

Pokémon on hand: Prinplup, Drifblim, Buneary, Mismagius, Honchkrow, Glameow

Goals/Ambitions: Be the best breeder and trainer in the world

Alex was just minding his own business, walking down the road to buy a wide lens for his next battle. Then he heard some shouting from across the street. A police officer yelling at a boy. He walked across the street to ask the officer what was going on.
The cop looked at the newcomer " I can't disclose the details son. Sorry now please don't interfere." The woman cleared her throat " I can help with that but why don't we relocate into my home? That way we won't be spotted so easily." Zachariah facepalmed " that's right! The headpiece that kid took off my ear serves as a tracking device when it's on!" He entered a command on his tablet and the earpiece Issac had snatched hummed as it was turned on
"Alright, but we need to find a way out," Kaleb said. He grabbed the earpiece from Isaac's hand. "This is evidence," he said. He threw it to the ground and stepped on it, smashing it in the process and unknowingly terminating the tracking device moments after it was turned on.

Jason wanted to help, since Kaleb was an old friend, and he was just helping a friend in need.

Meanwhile, the Zoroark disguised as Kaleb ran, and the one disguised as Isaac followed, much to the cop's dismay. They ran until they reached the next town, with the cop chasing them the whole way.
"We can go on my Dragalge." he offered. "There's a port near Ramos' gym so once we get there we can make our way to Laverre City." he informed. "Do any of your Pokemon know Psychic or any moves that can manipulate water?" he asked. If they were going somewhere safe, then Laverre City was the place.
Aspen, like the cop, also chased after them, except she was chasing Zoroark, shouting.
"Hey! You could have at least said something before you took off sprinting!" she yelled, her legs striding easily. She was short, and she was small, but she was fast.
She was also very, very persistent. So she dodged people, and rocks, and massive lumbering Pokemon, intent on 'Kaleb'.
"My Slowbro knows Psychic," Jason said. He knew that Slowbro had the move, it was the move that saved his life on the island.

Kaleb nodded. He had seen Slowbro use Psychic on the island in a battle with an Auralian Admin. "So I guess we are setting sale soon," Kaleb said.