I only own a Wii U at the moment but I definitely plan to pick up one of the others within the next 1-2 years. Currently leaning towards PS4 because I like its features a bit more than the XBox One's but it could go either way really. Knowing myself, I'll likely end up owning all three of them before this new generation ends and in turn barely playing any of 'em at all.
My reckoning is that you'd get a lot more out of the Xbox One as a media centre than you would from the PS4. My aversion to talking to machinery like a lunatic has even been somewhat broken by the Xbox One because saying "Xbox Pause" is a thousand times easier than turning the controller on, waiting for it to connect and then pressing X (frustratingly, I might add, 'start' and 'A' do NOT pause video contrary to the 360...).
Features wise the Xbox wins hands down. In terms of on-paper numbers, the PS4 wins that - which should certainly mean some mind-blowing stuff from a studio like Naughty Dog, even if it won't make that much difference to the majority of games between the Xbox One and PS4 overall - but if you
really cared about the on-paper numbers, you'd be playing on PC anyway.
I'll definitely pass on the PS4 until there's a steady library of exclusives worth playing. Once we've got a Littlebigplanet or two and some Uncharted, I'm sure it'd be worth the eventual discounted price, but take ridiculous fanboy rantings away from the decision (from children that are primarily butthurt that Microsoft courted people other than Halolz nerds to sell their console to) and I'd be hard pressed to find a worthwhile reason to consider the PS4 over the Xbox One.
Especially since the Steam Machines will kick the shit out of both in terms of raw stats...
So, anyways, yes, I has Xbox One and Wii U. I will eventually get the PS4, but not before it picks up a few worthwhile exclusives.