I'm curious to know what people like most about this website. What are the things you like seeing on it? Why do you come back? Anything you'd like to see more of? Etc., etc.
I'd like to know why people visit the place so that we can keep doing what you guys like - hopefully improve at it, too. 'Charms has been through a lot of rough patches lately and I want to get the place back on its feet. So, give us your say! Anything is greatly appreciated and will help me do a better job in Doctor Oak's place
Summed up: What does Pokecharms mean to you?
I'd like to know why people visit the place so that we can keep doing what you guys like - hopefully improve at it, too. 'Charms has been through a lot of rough patches lately and I want to get the place back on its feet. So, give us your say! Anything is greatly appreciated and will help me do a better job in Doctor Oak's place
Summed up: What does Pokecharms mean to you?