• Welcome back to Pokécharms! We've recently launched a new site and upgraded forums, so there may be a few teething issues as everything settles in. Please see our Relaunch FAQs for more information.

Why do you visit Pokecharms?

my joining actualy started as an accident. I clicked a wrong button and ended up here. I joined and I stay for I guess the community and the rping.
I joined because my friend showed me the link to make Trainer Cards, and when I saw that there were some Custom Trainers, I wanted to see some other ones, and I went to the Submit a Trainer part.

I'm still really new, though, but I like to go and see everyone else's Sprites and see how I can improve my own. I'm a lurker. FEAR ME!​
well, origionally i came here because, before serebii got slow, i saw an announcment about the tc maker, and since the site had some forums, i decided to join, and i like this a lot better because:

1.serebii is slow, pokecharms isnt
2.better atmosphere, more of a family unit than other forums ive been to
3.it's smaller, so there arent as many spammers
4.more control over SPAM
5.nicer people​

well, thats pretty much it...

Vash The PKM trainer

besides liking Pokemon...
i come here because I want to register, and put my custom made trainers up under my own account....
just keep on trying every couple days........ 8)

Shiny Motley

2016 Singles Football
I like it here on Pokecharms because I get caught up on some Pokemon News-thingy, I can make cool trainer cards, and the people here are pretty... let's say, not-what-I-didn't-want-them-to-be. Heh heh, bad grammer, double negatives... Sorry, off topic. Also, Just to let you know, this is the first forum I've ever been on.

12/22/2007 EDIT: Nowadays, I go on Pokecharms because I have no life outside of here. I also come here to show off my sprites, to RP, and to just hang around and have fun. I've already met so many intersting people from around the world, and I've made many online friends for the first time. I feel almost at home here.
The Atmosphere here is THE best I've ever encountered. The Mods are actually involved in what happens in the forums, they're all really nice, helpful when people ask questions,*coughMecough*, and are online alot(which surprised me greatly). On Serebii, everyone was so mean, and the mods were never on, so it was really uncontrolled. I never really wanted to post. The RP section is nice, I absolutely LOVE the art and sprite forums, and It's also about Pokemon, which I have been obsessed with since I was a very small child. I was about 4-5 when the first season aired.
And all you mods keep the n00bs controlled, which helps.

There's good grammar, which surprised me even more than the mods being on.

I had never heard about "Pokeschool" until I heard all of 'ya talkin' 'bout it, actually.


I visit Pokécharms because I was linked to the site for their reputation for great sprite work and outstanding trainer cards.

I was quickly impressed and I now have a trainer card made for each of my eight Pokémon games.

It's a shame registration is disabled for the time being as I'd quite like to become an active part of this community.

Yours, hoping to join soon,
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I came here because of the TC maker, and because I love to contribute some trainers....

I can't wait for registration to be enabled! (Hi Kipper!)
i came here because of the TCs,i made 20 of them,and i signed up for the forums.Also,i used to never know how to sprite...then i found the topic with the link to freewebs' section on how to sprite,and i thought that this could be a good forum(espesially with the admins(and sem)on n00b patrol ;D)
I visit here because it is spamless, and I lack pokemon in the outside world. I also love art, and there is a great art forum here. And everyone here is nice too ;)

I will have to say, though, I love double posting, and super short posts, but I love this site enought to avoid those and be able to stay on the site XD
I visited because of those trainer cards... Someone had one in their signature on another website I go on, and I thought it would be cool to make one of my own... Then I just ended up joining as well. :p
Well to be honest the original reason I joined was to create a Trainer Card,which I'll make later, Then I found out about contributing trainer for TCs so I decided that I should make some of those. Then I realized this the perfect opportunitty to make friends to battle and trade with on Wi-Fi.
Originally, I wanted to make a TC, but I didn't know where. Then my friend found this site and its TC maker, and she gave me the URL. Unfortunately, she didn't join, but I did!
I really like it here. I've made a few sprites, I suppose finding a passion for them (I love to be creative hehe :p), and although I'm only a newbie I hope I'll spend more time on here! :)
Well, with the GTS and WIFI in the new versions, trading Pokemon with people has become easier with PokeCharms. It's a great place to find people to trade with, get advice on how to train with EV's , make your own TCs, and finding other useful information on Pokemon. that and Spamming is really kept to a minimum here, which really makes it easier to browse the forums.

Great job your doing Mods. Keep it up!
8D I come because of the All You Can Eat Burrito Buffet!

Personally the reason I come is because I used to come here and I think some of you people are swell chaps.
I come here because Sami will beat me if I don't.

Just kidding. :B

I actually joined because she pointed me here, not because of the TC maker. I stayed for the sprites, intelligent conversation (a rarity in the Pokemon fandom XD), and the chance to roleplay my pokeymans.

Plus... let's face it. Where else would fanfiction about a Weavile detective go? XD



i like pokecharms sooo much

because of the TC Maker first ;D
and becaus it made me make my own TC'S and sprites :)

and it's the best place for a Huge Pokemon Fan !
Well I like Pokecharms because of the AWESOME trainer card maker, and the great pokedex with big pics. I just think it's a great place for pokemon freaks like me, xD
Well, I first found out about it from seeing someone's signature on serebii in a forum. (They had a trainer card from this site.) When I typed in the name of this site, and saw all the amazing trainer sprites, I was so happy. Seeing as there's a lot of talented people here, I decided to join. Now, I stay on here because everyone is so nice, there's a lot of talented artists here, many people here like posting trainer sprites, and I get to post my sprites here, too. :) This is my favorite site.
i join pokecharms because it let me talk to people about pokemon who actually like it, also the forms are great and so the trainer card makers is great, and people care when you you have problems on the website (unlike other websites i know) and everyone is friendly here.


Bearded Trout Warrior
I saw the advertisement for the website in a Trainer card on another forum. When I came here I noticed that this site had a forum of it's own, and I'm still just trying to squeeze my way into it.

I like the atmosphere here, even thought the mods appear to be a bit more strict than elsewhere.

One other thing I like is the very fact of how strict the mods are, not as much clutter... and at the same time, the mods are just funny about banning people.

[quote author=15kale]What I ment was for this forum to be kind of a place where newbies could get help, and get completely used to the system.[/quote]

[quote author=Doctor Oak]A help topic? For newbies? Oh, you mean like the Newbie Help Topic that's sitting at the top of the forum and has been for a very, very long while now?

Wow, yeah, we'll get right onto that!


And I'm very tempted to just outright ban khorsegirl101 for being a complete moron while I'm at it, but they're getting lucky 'cos I can't be arsed right now.[/quote]

I love reading people getting banned in ways such as this!
One other thing I like is the very fact of how strict the mods are, not as much clutter... and at the same time, the mods are just funny about banning people.

I love reading people getting banned in ways such as this!

So there IS someone else who thinks that's hilarious. There are gems like those all over ther forums and they are so funny. There's one in particular where Stellarwind Elsydeon puts someone in a particle accelerater and launches them out of the forums.

Now I appreciate the strictness of these forums more than ever since I've visited other forums and saw the Spam. It's nice to see people who take pride in their Pokemon forums. That's why I keep coming back.

StellarWind Elsydeon

Armblades Ascendant
Staff member
The UFO n00b was priceless. XD

Most casual n00bs I just nuke before the majority of the community even notices they had the chance to exist, and make them vanish without a trace. However every once in a while there's a n00b post that is so insipidly EPIC it DEMANDS an epic slaughtering. ^_^

I personally crack up at Sami/Pixeity's devastating blows against n00bery ^^
Yeah those are great as well. The "WHOOOOOWAH? Do we have a necromancer amongst us?! OH MY" one comes to mind. Along with Hypotenuse Man's ban hammer. And Doctor Oak banning about five people at once.

Yeah if people are going to be morons we might as well get to laugh at them getting banned :)

DA NA NA NAAAA!!! Another priceless gem bestowed upon us by Pixeity.


Bearded Trout Warrior
I'm waiting for the moment I get to see someone banned for asking about avatars... I can only imagine...

since making my other post, I've gotta say I like the Forth generation Wi-fi board... it's gotten me into some good battles over the only four days I've been here. And I've gotten some good pokemon out of the Breeding thread I opened. (I would never have known that Chansey could learn counter if someone hadn't made a request)

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