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Open Wild Mark: A Super Power RP Discussion


Yet to catch up on the rp, but here are my two character ideas so far.

Snake-water (sort of a water serpent angle, maybe a demon or a Risen, but I have to flesh this out more than that).

Then a character who's a year of the horse and I'm currently thinking of going the "strong and graceful, but is very subdued and shy/anxious," like how horses are in real life. Think of a gentle giant that very well might punch you if you tap them on the shoulder while standing behind them.

EDIT: Okay starting to look more into things and doing some research and I'm starting to lean into this serpent idea more (though there is a serpent character aleady..) after re-reading the opening discussion post, but now I have a question. Is the setting of this RP strictly Asia or can we make our characters be from anywhere in the world? I'm fine with anything, just wanted to ask so I have a better idea of what I can do with my character.
Excellent questions! There's no limit on how many characters of the same zodiac sign can be in this role-play. Just because we have a Metal Snake and a Fire Snake, doesn't mean you cannot have your Water Snake character.

Jadewall is a made up city based on China. However, your character doesn't have to be born in Jadewall. They could have been from somewhere else, just as long as they are at the academy or in lower Jadewall to start. If you have any more questions, feel free to let me know.
Alright here's my character after giving some thought (decided to go with the horse since I personally like variation in a cast of characters in the rp)

Name: Sooeun Yi (firstname, surname)
Birth Year (Age): 2002 - Year of the Water Horse (21)
Gender/Pronouns: Female - She/Her
Species: Human

Appearance: Sooeun has quite the large frame, standing at 188 cm with a muscular and toned body and quite the broad shoulders. She has a tanned skin tone with long, thick black hair. She has a sort of patch on her forehead that's a little lighter than her skin tone, being her birthmark. Though, she does have bangs partially covering the unique birthmark. She has deep brown, rounded monolid eyes.

Bio (optional): As Intimidating as Sooeun might look, she is quite a shy and timid girl. Her Zodiac powers manifested quite slowly, starting as she got an incredible growth-spurt in her younger teens and seemed to gain natural muscle out of nowhere. Things seemed to only get more odd with the young Yi started to get more sensitive to her surroundings with sounds and smells. Her family didn't know how to help her and thought that more discipline would help her. Still, issues arose as the girl started to possess quite the strength that she couldn't control. She once knocked out her older brother when he tried to prank her by scaring her. Luckily as things seemed to only escalate with the now late-teen Sooeun, the Sages of Jadewall took contact with the Yi family and explained that their daughter was a Wild Mark. It didn't take long at all before Sooeun moved to Jadewall to learn to control these mysterious powers that the universe had gifted her.

Element: Water
Powers:Speed, stamina, endurance, hearing, smell, (very) minor water control, summoning water (and to also enhance her speed and strength further) and summoning her Zodiac Spirit

Others: Sooeun is quite the cook, especially in preparing family recipes and other dishes that remind her of home (which is South Korea) whenever she is homesick.
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Alright here's my character after giving some thought (decided to go with the horse since I personally like variation in a cast of characters in the rp)

Name: Sooeun Yi (firstname, surname)
Birth Year (Age): 2002 - Year of the Water Horse (21)
Gender/Pronouns: Female - She/Her
Species: Human

Appearance: Sooeun has quite the large frame, standing at 188 cm with a muscular and toned body and quite the broad shoulders. She has a tanned skintone with brown eyes and long, thick black hair. She has a sort of patch on her forehead thats a little lighter than her skintone, being her birthmark and quite recognizable. Though, she does have bangs partially covering the unique birthmark. She has deep brown, rounded monolid eyes. (expect a drawing at some point)

Bio (optional): As Intimidating as Sooeun might look, she is quite a shy and timid girl. Her Zodiac powers manifested quite slowly, starting slowly as she got an incredible growth-spurt in her younger teens and seemed to gain natural muscle out of nowhere. Things seemed to only get more odd with the young Yi started to get more sensitive to her surroundings with sounds and smells. Her family didn't know how to help her and thought that more discipline would help her. Still, issues arose as the girl started to posses quite the strength that she couldn't control. She once knocked out her older brother when he tried to prank her by scaring her. Luckily as things seemed to only escalate with the now late-teen Sooeun, the Sages of Jadewall took contact to the Yi family and explained that their daughter was a Wild Mark. It didn't take long at all before Sooeun moved to Jadewall to learn control these mysterious powers that the universe had gifted her.

Element: Water
Powers:Speed, stamina, endurance, hearing, smell, (then either the spirit animal or beast form, don't quite know which one I want to go with yet)

Others: Sooeun is quite the cook, especially in preparing family recipes and other dishes that remind her of home (which is South Korea) whenever she is homesick.
Accepted! I love her bio. Welcome to the roleplay.
Okay so I have some Zodiac power ideas in mind for Sooeun, but I wanted to ask where they fall between Spirit, Beastification or if these abilities fall outside of that. Thought I'd go the Spirit Animal route so I wanted to check if these are okay

I thought that Sooeun could do something like a sudden rush, maybe producing a gush of water with her to rush at the opponent. As well her hair becoming like falling water for added flare (I'm a sucker for aesthetics like that lmao)

EDIT: Also! Have a colored sketch of Sooeun! Or a bust of her at least lel. I'll add this to the bio as well, but here
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Okay so I have some Zodiac power ideas in mind for Sooeun, but I wanted to ask where they fall between Spirit, Beastification or if these abilities fall outside of that. Thought I'd go the Spirit Animal route so I wanted to check if these are okay

I thought that Sooeun could do something like a sudden rush, maybe producing a gush of water with her to rush at the opponent. As well her hair becoming like falling water for added flare (I'm a sucker for aesthetics like that lmao)

EDIT: Also! Have a colored sketch of Sooeun! Or a bust of her at least lel. I'll add this to the bio as well, but here
Love the sketch!

I think the powers you have in mind for Sooeun are perfectly acceptable. To answer your question about Spirit Animals, I believe having her go the route of forging a bond with a particular animal would work. Electra has a pet snake that could somewhat be seen as her spirit animal. I don't want to spoil anything, but let's just say there is a sharing of power between them. Characters are also capable of conjuring their animal spirit, a golden wisp-like projection in the shape of whatever animal they have. These typically appear when a character is connecting with their animal spirit and provide a small amount of mystical power and projection. {For example: my character, Seraph's, snake spirit appeared when she was meditating to protect her from an attempt of mind control} Animal telepathy is also allowed, since I gave Electra that ability. One character in this role-play is capable of taking on tiger-form and semi-tiger form.
I have done more art, and here's kind of what I imagined Sooeun looking like using her Rushing Ability. She can't reach the same top speeds as Blitz, but can pretty easily reach speeds that are impressive for normal humans I suppose. What makes her more dangerous is her stamina and strength alongside her speed. But yeah, I had a cool mental image and drew it lmao

Sooeun Rushing.png
I have done more art, and here's kind of what I imagined Sooeun looking like using her Rushing Ability. She can't reach the same top speeds as Blitz, but can pretty easily reach speeds that are impressive for normal humans I suppose. What makes her more dangerous is her stamina and strength alongside her speed. But yeah, I had a cool mental image and drew it lmao

Ooooooo! I love it. The detail on the waves is impressive.
Name: Tyson "The Golden Storm Dragon" (Cheesy, I know)
Birth Year (Age): 2000 (Year of the metal dragon) - 23
Gender/Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Human
Appearance: Standing at 5'9" with a slim body build showing faint signs of muscle, fair colored skin, golden eyes and short smooth blond hair. While he his facial features show him to be quite cute, all it takes is one wide and sharp toothed grin to show his more menacing side. His attire consists of a black tank top under a white ankle long hooded overcoat with golden flame designs along the hood, bottom and sleeve edges (he has his hood up most of the time), black pants and dark brown boots.
Bio (optional): Tyson was born in to a wealthy and very ambitious family who had one goal in mind for their son; to be the best, so even at a young age, they threw many tough challenges his way. Luckily for them, Tyson was just as ambitious as his forefathers and just as persistent, while his parents were more than pleased at first, they began to grow concerned as he tended to push himself to the point of collapse, causing his parents to limit the amount of training he did. Once again, this turned out well for Tyson until his 16th birthday, where his determination during training reached a boiling point during a storm, summoning a massive golden dragon who's roar called down lightning.

It didn't take long for his family to realize he had a Wild Mark and were overjoyed by this revelation... although they weren't the only one to notice his awakening--thanks to it's dramatic entrance--; the whole neighborhood learned of it and started to call him the "Golden Storm Dragon" (Something Tyson found cheesy at first). Tyson began to train himself which mainly involved experimenting with his powers until his family suggested he go to Jadewall to give him a better chance at learning his abilities, Tyson agreed and knew that if he was going to be the best, he had to give it his all.
Element: Metal
Powers: Control over the weather, levitation, strength, wisdom, intellect, metal summoning and manipulation, he can summon his spirit animal in the form of a large golden western dragon (contrary to the Chinese dragon as his family descends from Europe)
Others (Using it for fun facts): He is very adept at hand to hand combat thanks to harsh training at a young age. The metal he summons is gold colored. He despises failure more than anything. Although Tyson can come off as someone who's always eager for a fight, he can be quite the softie when he wants to be.
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Name: Tyson "The Golden Storm Dragon" (Cheesy, I know)
Birth Year (Age): 2000 (Year of the metal dragon) - 23
Gender/Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Human
Appearance: Standing at 5'9" with a slim body build showing faint signs of muscle, fair colored skin, golden eyes and short smooth blond hair. While he his facial features show him to be quite cute, all it takes is one wide and sharp toothed grin to show his more menacing side. His attire consists of a black tank top under a white ankle long hooded overcoat with golden flame designs along the hood, bottom and sleeve edges (he has his hood up most of the time), black pants and dark brown boots.
Bio (optional): Tyson was born in to a wealthy and very ambitious family who had one goal in mind for their son; to be the best, so even at a young age, they threw many tough challenges his way. Luckily for them, Tyson was just as ambitious as his forefathers and just as persistent, while his parents were more than pleased at first, they began to grow concerned as he tended to push himself to the point of collapse, causing his parents to limit the amount of training he did. Once again, this turned out well for Tyson until his 16th birthday, where his determination during training reached a boiling point during a storm, summoning a massive golden dragon who's roar called down lightning.

It didn't take long for his family to realize he had a Wild Mark and were overjoyed by this revelation... although they weren't the only one to notice his awakening--thanks to it's dramatic entrance--; the whole neighborhood learned of it and started to call him the "Golden Storm Dragon" (Something Tyson found cheesy at first). Tyson began to train himself which mainly involved experimenting with his powers until his family suggested he go to Jadewall to give him a better chance at learning his abilities, Tyson agreed and knew that if he was going to be the best, he had to give it his all.
Element: Metal
Powers: Control over water and weather, levitation, strength, wisdom, intellect, metal summoning and manipulation, he can summon his spirit animal in the form of a large golden western dragon (contrary to the Chinese dragon as his family descends from Europe)
Others (Using it for fun facts): He is very adept at hand to hand combat thanks to harsh training at a young age. The metal he summons is gold colored. He despises failure more than anything. Although Tyson can come off as someone who's always eager for a fight, he can be quite the softie when he wants to be.
Accepted! It's about time we had a dragon join this crew.
Welcome to Jadewall! Let us know if you need help finding a place to jump in.
So, now we need an Ox, Monkey, Dog, Rooster, Sheep, and Pig right? Or am I forgetting something?
You've got it right. Except you forgot the Cat. Don't worry about creating characters to fill all of the zodiac slots. Just because there are 13 animals available doesn't mean we need characters for each one.
Any idea on where I could have Tyson start? Judging by the posts, I see that they're already familiar with some of the things in the school.
You could have Tyson start in the cafeteria if you want. Or Tyson could be at the training grounds where Green Sage will be giving their lesson on the Five Elements. Where would you rather start?
Hmmmmm do I make another Gray post? I think I will, maybe later today gotta debug some code (print statements not working but the lights in the same loop are??) but yeah I’ll probably post… something a little later o7
No rush! I think Orpheus and Electra are heading Gray's way. If you need a hint on the Hanged Man card, it might help to get a different perspective. Try looking on the flip side of things.
Name: Sylph
Birth Year (Age): 1994 Year of the Dog, actual age unknown
Gender/Pronouns: Female?
Species: Kousai Dogwood Yaoguai
Sylph screenshot.png

Bio (optional): Sylph is unsure of how she was born or her real age. Having started life as a tree, she didn't actually gain sentience or a human form until the start of the year of the dog in 1994. Her tree had somehow changed, twisting into the shape of a young woman. While not entirely sure, she believes that she had assistance from some outside influence.
Element: Wood
Powers: Photosynthesis, wood manipulation, pseudo-beastification, camouflage, beast summoning, mimicry, endurance
Others: She actually doesn't like wearing clothing but does so at the insistence of those around her. Her "skin" is literally just reformed wood and bark, her hair is reformed from her leaves and her blood is sap. Similar to Luna, she likes to keep a wolf tail in her human form. The difference between them, is Sylph's is closer to a small tree than an actual tail.
Name: Sylph
Birth Year (Age): 1994 Year of the Dog, actual age unknown
Gender/Pronouns: Female?
Species: Kousai Dogwood Yaoguai
Appearance: View attachment 947230
Bio (optional): Sylph is unsure of how she was born or her real age. Having started life as a tree, she didn't actually gain sentience or a human form until the start of the year of the dog in 1994. Her tree had somehow changed, twisting into the shape of a young woman. While not entirely sure, she believes that she had assistance from some outside influence.
Element: Wood
Powers: Photosynthesis, wood manipulation, pseudo-beastification, camouflage, beast summoning, mimicry, endurance
Others: She actually doesn't like wearing clothing but does so at the insistence of those around her. Her "skin" is literally just reformed wood and bark, her hair is reformed from her leaves and her blood is sap. Similar to Luna, she likes to keep a wolf tail in her human form. The difference between them, is Sylph's is closer to a small tree than an actual tail.
Hmm. Interesting. I hope I won't have to type her species name that much, but so long as you can keep track of her and Luna, she's in! I know its silly, but having a Dog that's a Dogwood makes me smile.
Another quick question I have is will students already know how to use their powers or not? Or only some of them? Obviously if they did, they'd need training on how to use them properly, so nobody being OP at the beginning.

I understand Tyson's backstory involved him summoning his dragon which created a storm with a lot of lightning, but that was mainly for a dramatic revelation to his powers, he most likely wouldn't have done something that crazy ever since.
Another quick question I have is will students already know how to use their powers or not? Or only some of them? Obviously if they did, they'd need training on how to use them properly, so nobody being OP at the beginning.

I understand Tyson's backstory involved him summoning his dragon which created a storm with a lot of lightning, but that was mainly for a dramatic revelation to his powers, he most likely wouldn't have done something that crazy ever since.
I'm pretty sure it's up to each of us how much progress, or lack thereof, our characters have already made.
Another quick question I have is will students already know how to use their powers or not? Or only some of them? Obviously if they did, they'd need training on how to use them properly, so nobody being OP at the beginning.

I understand Tyson's backstory involved him summoning his dragon which created a storm with a lot of lightning, but that was mainly for a dramatic revelation to his powers, he most likely wouldn't have done something that crazy ever since.
I'm pretty sure it's up to each of us how much progress, or lack thereof, our characters have already made.
Precisely! Your character can know/do as little or as much as you want them to. It sounds like your character is experienced, so its okay if you want Tyson to have more control. You will have an opportunity to get crazy with your powers later on. I'm not saying what I have planned, but trust me, you will know. ;)
Precisely! Your character can know/do as little or as much as you want them to. It sounds like your character is experienced, so its okay if you want Tyson to have more control. You will have an opportunity to get crazy with your powers later on. I'm not saying what I have planned, but trust me, you will know. ;)
Good to know, regardless, I haven't shown Tyson doing much in his first post or explain anything about any big powers he may have used. The whole well known during his training thing, I'll leave elaboration up to the rest of you.
@Martin Pine, dare I ask what it is that struck a nerve in Blitz when it came to him and Tyson talking about pasts? Is it something to do with how Tyson's dragon was summoned or something else?
Looking at his past it appears that Blitz and Tyson come from similar well off families but whereas Tyson is revered by his family Blitz was cast out by his.

Blitz is envious and jealous of that love , a selfish reason to be upset which is why he’s keeping it to himself.
Got a question about the Academy. How extensive are its facilities? Wanted to ask so I know which of Sooeun's hobbies would be possible in the academy and which would possibly require her to go to the city. Her hobbies in question would be working out, gardening and then pottery/ceramics. The two first I'm positive would be possible to do at the academy, but the last I'm not so sure about.
Got a question about the Academy. How extensive are its facilities? Wanted to ask so I know which of Sooeun's hobbies would be possible in the academy and which would possibly require her to go to the city. Her hobbies in question would be working out, gardening and then pottery/ceramics. The two first I'm positive would be possible to do at the academy, but the last I'm not so sure about.
I'd say the first two could definitely be fulfilled at the academy. There's a jogging track and plenty of stuff to suit physical fitness, and the rock garden would suit most of her gardening needs with its flowers and bonsai trees. If Sooeun wants to do pottery, she'll have to get a pass from the sages to visit Jadewall. Unless of course, she can convince a staff member that the academy needs a pottery wheel. Does that answer your question?
It does, thank you! For more context, I was thinking that Sooeun started pottery as a way to learn control her enhanced strength, so maybe she got at the pottery wheel and such at the academy from one of the Sages. It's an unconventional way, sure, but I think it's a fun little idea to add to my character.

Not sure which of the Sages would pull this off though and now it's a full on hobby that Sooeun enjoys.

| Korutesu |

Previously NotAPokemonRanger
me when i make another character for another rp (merciless medic thou cursed me please help /j)

Name: He has no name, but the people of Jadewall call him by the name Xezbeth

Birth Year (Age): Year of the Pig, 1875 (145 Years Old)

Gender/Pronouns: Male (He/Him)

Species: Demon

Appearance: Xez is a small demon, probably around 3'6 in height, with red skin. He has shaggy black hair, and a few scars on his arms, as he usually is near danger, or is the one making said danger. His clothes are usually a simple white shirt with brown shorts, as a tail that's more than half his size pops out from behind. He's also got demon horns, but he usually doesn't really care about them.

Bio: He was born during the time of old, however he was shunned away from the people, due to his chaotic nature, which is when he was given the moniker Xezbeth. He hid away in a small cave beside the city, where the next generation of the citizens would make his sleeping place a shrine for him, so that he would not wake up, and release hell upon Jadewall. Of course, it didn't work, as Xez had recently been awoken due to children who stumbled upon his "shrine", a few years back. Ever since waking up, Xez has been playing tricks on the citizens of Jadewall.

Element: Wood

- Object Manipulation: Xez can change the form of different inanimate objects, changing their physical properties and visual appearance to whatever Xez wants it to be. For example, if Xez wanted to change a sign of a store to something like a lantern, he will be able to do so. Larger objects takes longer for Xez to change it's properties though, so he usually just uses this for small, and to an extent harmless pranks. (He must touch the object he wants to change for him to be able to actually change it.)

- Wood Manipulation: Xez can easily grow, or control different plants telekinetically, usually for his own pranks, although it wouldn't be out of the question to use it to grow forests, and heal plants that are in the area.

- Connection to the Plants: Whenever Xez touches a tree of any kind, he will be able to tell wherever something is, like a person or an object, as long as it is beside trees, or is near plants and wildlife. He usually uses this to figure out where his next prank victim is, or if someone is treading on the grounds of his home, the shrine.

Others: He lives in a small shrine just outside of the city of Jadewall, where it is decorated with red rope around the area of the shrine. It was supposed to repress his chaotic tendencies, though it didn't work, and only signifies Xez' living area. He acts like a kid, because he is one, even if his age says otherwise. He was shunned away from the village at a young age, and fell into the deep slumber early on, so he still is mentally around fourteen in age. Even if he's a chaotic little guy, he's an advocate for protecting plants, and all plants that are in the area of his shrine are protected and are not allowed to be destroyed.

top 10 koru bio speedruns.
me when i make another character for another rp (merciless medic thou cursed me please help /j)

Name: He has no name, but the people of Jadewall call him by the name Xezbeth

Birth Year (Age): Year of the Pig, 1875 (145 Years Old)

Gender/Pronouns: Male (He/Him)

Species: Demon

Appearance: Xez is a small demon, probably around 3'6 in height, with red skin. He has shaggy black hair, and a few scars on his arms, as he usually is near danger, or is the one making said danger. His clothes are usually a simple white shirt with brown shorts, as a tail that's more than half his size pops out from behind. He's also got demon horns, but he usually doesn't really care about them.

Bio: He was born during the time of old, however he was shunned away from the people, due to his chaotic nature, which is when he was given the moniker Xezbeth. He hid away in a small cave beside the city, where the next generation of the citizens would make his sleeping place a shrine for him, so that he would not wake up, and release hell upon Jadewall. Of course, it didn't work, as Xez had recently been awoken due to children who stumbled upon his "shrine", a few years back. Ever since waking up, Xez has been playing tricks on the citizens of Jadewall.

Element: Wood

- Object Manipulation: Xez can change the form of different inanimate objects, changing their physical properties and visual appearance to whatever Xez wants it to be. For example, if Xez wanted to change a sign of a store to something like a lantern, he will be able to do so. Larger objects takes longer for Xez to change it's properties though, so he usually just uses this for small, and to an extent harmless pranks. (He must touch the object he wants to change for him to be able to actually change it.)

- Wood Manipulation: Xez can easily grow, or control different plants telekinetically, usually for his own pranks, although it wouldn't be out of the question to use it to grow forests, and heal plants that are in the area.

- Connection to the Plants: Whenever Xez touches a tree of any kind, he will be able to tell wherever something is, like a person or an object, as long as it is beside trees, or is near plants and wildlife. He usually uses this to figure out where his next prank victim is, or if someone is treading on the grounds of his home, the shrine.

Others: He lives in a small shrine just outside of the city of Jadewall, where it is decorated with red rope around the area of the shrine. It was supposed to repress his chaotic tendencies, though it didn't work, and only signifies Xez' living area. He acts like a kid, because he is one, even if his age says otherwise. He was shunned away from the village at a young age, and fell into the deep slumber early on, so he still is mentally around fourteen in age. Even if he's a chaotic little guy, he's an advocate for protecting plants, and all plants that are in the area of his shrine are protected and are not allowed to be destroyed.

top 10 koru bio speedruns.
Insert whistling noise

A demon and a Year of the Pig. Seraph or Electra would not get along with him. I suppose this RP could use a little more chaos. Accepted!

I might be two days late with the RP post. I have a important assignment I need to take care of. I'll have my post up by Tuesday at the latest.
I wanted to ask if there's any interest in creating a discord server for this RP. To be able to have some casual chatting and maybe some RP talk without spamming the thread. It isn't a must, but something that could be fun. I can even create the server if need be.
If everyone is down for it, I see no problems. Just do me a favor and wait until everyone responds first. I don't want anyone to be left out.