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So, i was thinkin about upgrading the house. but that requires a new place. That place is going to be way farther than the forest. So, we need to travel and find new items to add. Last of all we need to move all the stuff from here.

"Come in! We would love a new member of our team!" Treecko opened the door and let the Eevee in.

Eevee ran up to a butterfree that was fluttering around. "Your in my territory!" She growled. The butterfree smirked and pushed her aside. "In your dreams fluff. You can't defeat me, you're just a shrimp." "SHRIMP?! SHIMP?!!!!!!!" She hurled herself at the flying-bug type pokemon. He was knocked off guard and fell straight down.


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"Oh, thank Arceus for that. I just hate them. They're to bossy! They never let you battle your own way and... Sorry I talk too much, don't I?
Solar had wandered off on her own, to train. She quickly ran around, attacking each tree in sight with her heart-shaped scale on her forehead. Once she had finished that, she ran back to the tree house Treecko had invited her in proudly, the Eviolite on the bracelet she had gotten shining on her ankle. "What'd I miss?" she asked.
"do you guys have a mega stone? I do. it was given to me when I was a charmander by my granpa" he fiddled with his charizardite.
Treecko came back with a Sceptilite. "would this be a mega stone?" She asked.

"Yup. It is."
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"Sure!" she nodded eagerly, picking up a few planks of wood she had found. "is this helpful? she asked, a mouthful of wood in her speech made it harder to understand. She then dropped the wood and repeated herself. "Will the wood help?" she asked, not picking it up again. "If there's any way I can help, I'm up to the challenge!" she announced, pridefully.
Nickname: K.K.
Species: Mimikyu
Backstory: Seeing how popular the Pokemon Pikachu was now, he made himself a makeshift "disguse" that just barely resembled the oh-so popular Pikachu. K.K. would've wandered around the island seeking affection from humans, only to receive looks of fear or confusion. He now just keeps to himself, normally hiding among the shadows.
Gender: Male
K.K. scampered around, the flaps of his "disguse" dragging on behind him. "... Humans are quite rude..." He murmured, looking down. The Mimikyu continued down the foresty path, which really was just a line of dirt leading through the trees and foilage. Squinting his eyes, he tried looking farther in the distance. "... Nothing in sight so far." He groaned, not wanting to continue any further. K.K. continued walking down the path, the stuffed head on top of his own bobbing around.
Here's how it went:
Stun Spore: Dodged
Bug bite
sand attack
aerial ace
quick attack: dodged
sleep powder: dodged
Butterfree fainted!

Yes! Eevee started to glow. "Wha..?"
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((OOC: Eevees only evolve from evolutional stones.)) (OOC: No, they don't. Espeon/Umbreon are happiness/daytime evolutions, Leafeon and Glaceon are locational evolutions and Sylveon evolves due to amie hapiness, all of these can be bodged. Get your facts straight before criticising others)
K.K. kept walking down the path, still seeing nothing in sight. "... Ugh..." He'd yawn, trudging down what seemed to be a never-ending path until he eventually found a lone house in the middle of the forest. "... A house? Perhaps I could use it for shelter...?" K.K. pondered. He hopped up the steps and lifted his hand from his "disguse" to knock the door.
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Charlie woke up with a yawn that sounded like a roar but opened his eyes. "Morning everyone , or afternoon i think i slept for a while." He joked. "So what did i miss during my nap? I'm guessing it a lot." He asked , looking at the others.
"Kinda a lot yeah." Orchid said as she walked through the door. Except she wasn't an eevee anymore. She had turned into a vaporeon.
Charlie looked at the Vaporeon with a bewildered look. "A Vaporeon?!" He asked , clearly shocked. "I go asleep for...actually i don't know how long for." He chuckled. "And i wake up to see a Vaporeon?" He asked. "Wow this is...amazing!" He said clearly excited. "I've never actually met a Vaporeon!"
Solar looked over at Charlie, she had just returned to the tree house after being able to slightly expand it. "Charlie!" she looked over at the Vaporeon and tilted her head. "Who's that? Didn't I hear of an Eevee...?" not knowing much about evolution, she looked around, puzzled. "Well, is that all I missed?" she asked.
Charlie thought for a second then spoke , "Maybe that is the Eevee you heard of but maybe she evolved into a Vaporeon." He suggested "You don't know much about evolution do you?" He asked , hoping that didn't sound rude.
"No, not really. I mean, you guys and Garchomp are the only Pokémon I know of!"
(OOC: Wait, is the house the tree house? Just want to know before I continue.)
Charlie chuckled. "Well to explain it simply , when a pokemon either , gets to a certain level , gets enough friendship or use a certain stone , they evolve , change their appearance and get stronger. Someone talked about a Charmander and you might have guessed but i was a Charmander once , then a Charmeleon and now i'm a Charizard." He quickly explained.
"Oh!" she decided that Garchomp was an evovled Pokémon in that case. Looking around, she asked another question. "How are we going to expand the tree house further? I was able to a bit, but unless we connect it to other trees it may be difficult." The wind began to pick up, but it wasn't humid enough for rain. Just a rough breeze, she thought, not contemplating the wind. "It's getting a bit chilly," she added. Reasonably staying inside, she curled up.
Charlie looked outside. "Yeah i'm sure we'll think of a way to expand the tree house." He noticed how chilly she looked and went over , making sure to make something clear before taking an action. "For my species of pokemon this means nothing , honestly nothing." With that he went closer and put a wing around her for warmth , also carefully swinging his tail round , close enough for warmth but not enough to burn her or anything in the room.
"No..." even though she didn't know what one was, she could figure out her item on her ankle wasn't one. She looked over at Charlie then, and thanked him. "Once this cold front passes up, we can continue expanding." Hearing the other Charizard mention food made her excited. "Oh! I have some berries we can use." she put them on the floor.
"Share them between yourselves" Charlie said "I don't really get hungry anyway." He stated before rubbing his arm quickly , it looked almost as if he was hiding something.
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