As baratron mentioned in our original topic, many of the Gamertags people shared initially are no longer readable due to broken image links. To rectify this, I'm just going to make us a brand new topic.
Share (and re-share) your Xbox Live Gamertags here, and this time I'll put 'em all into a list in this first post.
Linkachu: Linkachu026
Shocari: Shocari
LoN: xI LoN Ix
Magpie: SilvMagpie
Toru: Tobias Aurelio
Diamond Dude: Winged_Echo
Tailon: Tailon77
baratron: baratrongirl
Share (and re-share) your Xbox Live Gamertags here, and this time I'll put 'em all into a list in this first post.
Linkachu: Linkachu026
Shocari: Shocari
LoN: xI LoN Ix
Magpie: SilvMagpie
Toru: Tobias Aurelio
Diamond Dude: Winged_Echo
Tailon: Tailon77
baratron: baratrongirl
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