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Xiraiya's sprite thread!

Hi all, I thought I should make this thread for all of my current sprite work and future sprites, Today I attempted a 4th Generation trainer sprite, I am yet to play Diamond & Pearl so I had to look around for some kind of trainer sprite sheet, luckily I found one!.

To be Honest i was reluctant about the 4th generation, I honestly preferred the third Generation Trainer art my self, They are definitely growing on me though and the third generation stuff seems to be fading away pretty fast here.

On a side note I also managed to figure out how to do make backgrounds transparent for sprites.

All that aside, here are my works so far:

Third Generation Game sprites these were in my first thread.

"Brendan" from Emerald, but older.

"May" from Emerald, also older.

My character "Xiraiya" if he was in Emerald

Fourth Generation Game Sprites

"Xiraiya" if he was in Diamond & Pearl

I was surprised how good he actually turned out, but that's just my opinion, i'm only new to all of this so he may look crappy to the good sprite artists here, haha.

That's all I have really done so far, tell me what you think, what I should change etc.

Over all I am really happy with my 4th Gen character, I was thinking about submitting him to the Trainer Card Maker but I don't know if I can deal with other's using him haha.

Note: If images don't load for some of you then I have no idea why, they always work for me and "Imageshack" is always the best for uploading images in my opinion, refreshing the page can always help eventually.
I ended up going back and fixing alot of minor issues with my "DP" trainer sprite, here is the new redone version, sporting a proper color set from Diamond & Peal sprites.


I think it looks much better in my opinion, but you guys be the judge(s)
I'm really starting to get into this sprite stuff haha.
The second Xiraya definitely looks better with the brighter colors, and more like he belongs in D/P.

You might want to change the colors on Brendan's shirt to better match his pants, or vice versa.
The second Xiraya definitely looks better with the brighter colors, and more like he belongs in D/P.

You might want to change the colors on Brendan's shirt to better match his pants, or vice versa.

Yes, I agree, I will probably just redo the May and Brendan sprites altogether and see if I can upgrade them to "D/P" visual quality, or try to atleast.

And also, thanks Aero I originally just had the "Emerald" version and then suddenly realized that those style characters are more or less no longer in fashion around here haha, so I had to upgrade him to D/P.
Good news! I have just finished the first version of a "behind" Trainer sprite for my "Xiraiya" character, have a look and tell me what you all think, what needs to be improved etc..

It looks like you've been doing this your whole life
The behind is pretty good but your regular trainer sprite looks like its hair stands up more in the back
yea i agree with wolfnoid but i like the hair on the back sprite better

Yeah I think so too, I've also adjusted the trainer sprite so they both actually look like the same guy now.


The hair change is VERY minor and it only took a couple of minutes but I think the difference in look is quite big, I feel this and the Behind sprite both match now (close enough anyway, haha)

Tell me what you all think!.
A new sprite today, still to do with my character, but this time it is a "Gym leader" Avatar, I think it has turned out pretty good.

A new sprite today, still to do with my character, but this time it is a "Gym leader" Avatar, I think it has turned out pretty good.


Those are more commonly known as "Mugshots" here (and likely, everywhere).

The Shading is nice on it. the back sprite is also pretty nice. You don't see many back sprites around here.
Those are more commonly known as "Mugshots" here (and likely, everywhere).

The Shading is nice on it. the back sprite is also pretty nice. You don't see many back sprites around here.

Thanks a lot, yeah I try really hard to keep that "Nintendo style" shading for all my stuff so that if it was in D/P it would look like it belongs there haha
Wow, another new spriter? How long have I been gone?...
Anyway, I think that you do have talent in the spriting field, these are very good!
I hope to see more from you, your sprites are very nice.
Haha thanks, I'm working on a pokemon fusion or two at the moment (inspiration is hard because I only "sort of" know what i want)

I'm still new to sprites, only started just after I joined here the other week haha.