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You know you've watched too much pokemon when...

I could go aaaaallllllllllllllllll day!!
heres a few which I'm guilty because I LOVE POKEMON

Ok here goes

- When someone says you need to go to rehab because of pokemon (Guilty and proud lol the guy who said that to me used to like pokemon too and hes in grade 6 while I'm grade 7 lol)

- When all you think about in school or other places is Pokemon (Guilty)

- You watch the anime every day (Exept Sundays) and even tell your friends to go away or to hell (Guilty)

-Play Pokemon atleast 10 hours a day (Guilty unless I'm sick)

- Want to just ''go'' into the game for yourself (Guilty)

- Wish Pokemon was real (EXTREAMLY GUILTY)

- Know ALL 493 pokemon by heart (Guilty)

- make your own pokemon hack (guilty)

- know all pokemon theme songs by heart(Guilty)

etc etc I'll come back later
-When you know the Johto region off by heart [Guilty ~ Comment: Hell yeah!]

-When you decide to make up your own Fakemon region [Guilty ~ Comment: Ropea region. :S]

-When you know know how to get Missingno., off by heart. [Guilty ~ Comment: Dammit, MissingNo, you corrupted mah pokemans!]
I have a few:

and im guilty to all of these ;D

> When you sit around and wonder what it would be like if there were real pokemon in the world

> When you've owned every version of pokemon there is to own

> When you play pokemon until you fall asleep and wake up to find your DS still turned on

> When you get angry at people who make pokemon quizzes in facebook because you get a wrong answer and find out it was their mistake

> When you go to the beach expecting to see magikarp and starmie around

> When you start seeing the difference between male and female pokemon sprites (weavile, scyther, gible etc.)

> When you visit serebii everytime you catch a pokemon to see if its nature is beneficial

> When you recognize all pokemon without fail

> When you know who Ash Ketchum is :D

> When you sing "i wanna be the very best..." when your bored

i could think of more, but yeah :D
When you repetively call Ferrets 'Furrets'... Guilty!

When someone gets grass and flowers in their hair and you say that Gloom has evolved into Vileplume... Almost Guilty ( I was about to say that when I got wacked in the head with a branch...)
-when you take several eggs, paint them pink, put faces on them and call them Exeggcute.
-when you see a fake tree and automatically yell, "Sudowoodo!"
-when you stick a potato in the ground and think, 'Diglett.'
-when you see a raddish in the ground and throw a toy Pokeball at it because you thought it was a Oddish.
-when you and a friend have actually thrown a toy pokeball out in the middle of a big field and shouted, "Go, ______!"

The only one I'm guilty of out of these would be the last one...as far as you guys know...

EDIT: got another

-when you log onto a computer and expect to see Bill's/Lanette's/Bebe's PC, Your PC, Prof. Oak's/Elm's/Birch's/Rowan's PC, and Log Off
-When you make teams on games for absolutely no reason. (Guilty!)
-You check Pokemon, Serebii, and Pokecharms every day for new news. (Guilty as well!)

Im so guilty... :'(

-when you eat butterscotch and you pretend that you are a pokemon eating rare candies (not guilty. but my sister is. and she wont like that i said that)
-when you go to a basketball court, see the design on the floor, and instantly think of a pokemon gym.(guilty)
-when you pretend that your stuffed animals are pokemon because you dont want to look like a nerd with pokemon plushies (... like you aren't...)
-When you pretend battle with your pokemon cards (guilty)

-When you touch your eevee plushie with a blue rock hoping it will become a Vaporeon (guilty)

-When you tell your dad that you kicked his butt in your pokemon game (Guilty)

When you dream that you kicked ash's ass with a level 1 magikarp. (guilty)
I has s'moars. :D

- When you call Swallows 'Swellows'. [Guilty ... wait, is it the other way around? @.@]

- When you buy Pokemon Ranch. [Guilty ~ I couldn't help it ... I mean, you get a Phione and a Mew from it. XD (Which is true)]

- When you imagine that you sometimes have your Pokemon with you in the car. [Guilty ~ Don't blame meh, I was little. >.>]

- When you get a boul of Ice Cream, put in strawberries, and stir it, pretending that you're making Poffins. XD [Innocent ... or at least that's what everyone else thinks. O.O]
When you paint a turtle blue and give it sunglasses. (not guilty, but I want to try it! :p)
When you actually admit to all of your friends that you play Pokemon (because you know that nobody actually does, even though everybody probably plays it) and then ask if they want to battle you! (innocent)
When you make a Pokemon themed science project. (not guilty, but some classmates did it. We had to make a rollercoaster and they made the coaster a pokeball and the track covered in pokemon stickers, holding up the train with figurines)
only one...

you go out and get a goldfish and name it Goldeen and when it dies you replace it with a koi fish and say it evolved into a Seaking (not yet but i want to see if a total pokefan falls for it ;D)
You realize that one of the trainers (Cooltrainer Carben (something like that)) at the end of Realgam Colosseum in Pokemon XD has a party that, if it were real, would be food for humans.
-You named your cat Skitty. (Not guilty)
ZOMG! I did that! I adopted a third cat, and I couldn't think of a name for him, so I decided to name him Skitty! He's energetic, playful, and cute, just like a Skitty! O.O
You know you have watched to much pokemon when you and your cousin believe that everytime you are together you make your pokemon plushies battle each other and call out commands, And when you think your pokemon can talk to you so you sit there and talk to it for hours (guilty :-[)
You're drinking milk and your brain pretends it's miltank milk (guilty)

You carry a pikachu plush around everywhere with you, pretending it's real(it was a mudkip)

You design a trainer character for yourself(*sigh* guilty again)

You actually manage to capture your pokemon dream team on Pokemoncrater.com(Inigo for me)
When you eat cereal, you give some to your pikachu plushie.
You know every single detail about your favorite pokemon (height,weight,etc.)
You pretend battle with your friends at basketball courts.
Dang, guilty of all of these...
ADDITION: When you decide to name your baby girl Dawn and then 9 yers later telling her where you got her name from. The same can apply to a guy, but with Ash, nistead. (Beyond guilty)
- Buy and ware pokemon boxers. (But that was a long time ago....when I was 7 or something....)

I know I sound like I'm lying, but it's true. I can't even find out where they are anymore. (Shame on me....)
When you and your friend gather up blue fruit snacks (oran berries) wear scarfs and act like your a rescue/exploration team while running through the neighborhood woods. very guilty.
I don't know what's been said so I don't mean to copy but:

-When you see an animal, you think of the Pokemon closest to it. (guilty)
-When an old character from the anime comes back for a few episodes and you get super excited [ie May during the Wallace Cup in Sinnoh] (guilty)
-When you figure out the mistakes in battles on the anime and come up with what you would have done. (guilty)
-When you find the mistakes in the Who's that Pokemon and other commercial ending intermissions (guilty)

I am 100% guilty for the shooting water out of your mouth and calling it Water Gun. I have also done where i force it out with more pressure calling it Hydro Pump ;D
That's all I have for now...
-When you beat up your little sibling and when they're on the ground throw the first spherical object at him thinking your catching a weakened pokemon (guilty)
-When you learn how babies are born in health class you immediately think your pokemon are awesome or can't bare to look at them anymore when you see the egg they had in the poke daycare.
-When your sitting in math class and are wishing your Slowking was real so it could do your work (Hey, it'd be convieniant.)

-When you think your school basketball courts would make good battle arenas (...^^;)

-When your sitting on the bus and were wishing you were flying home on your Skarmory rather than putting up with the people in front/behind you. (guilty as charged)
-When you are doing your homework and can't stop getting on Pokecharms and posting about Pokemon. (guilty right now. doing it as I type this.)

-Constantly making up great movesets for certain Pokemon

-Have three figures on your table next to your bed because you don't have any plushes to have in bed with you (guilty right now too.)

Green Dragon

Formerly supertrainer300
-When you have 10+ teams on Pokemon Showdown. (Guilty)

-When you constantly imagine yourself as Ash's Pikachu. (Not guilty)

-When you constantly imagine yourself traveling with Ash. (Guilty)

-When your dream is to create an entire fan region with over 100 Pokemon. (Half guilty, I also have other dreams.)

-When you look at a fusion and can automatically say most or all of the Pokemon that were used. (Guilty)

Geez, I'm even more of a nerd than my friends think.
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✧luzrov rulay✧
I've got a couple of these, and I am guilty as charged.
-When you Recognize voices from minor characters, that have been reused.(Ex Meowth and Mr. Briney have the same voice actor)
-You've been saying Peekos name wrong the entire time.
-When you go nuts when a character returns or is mentioned. (Gary in Kalos)
-When you realize Cilan fangirls more than twice.
-When you realize you want to be a connoisseur like Cilan.
-You know the names of almost all Pokemon and you can tell if it's a shiny or not.
-You are on this site constantly
- And also writing Pokemon fanfics.
I am guilty as charged.

Green Dragon

Formerly supertrainer300
When i think a black guy whit spicky hair and a young woman follow me

. . . What?

I has more!

-When you force your dad to live action PRP with you. (Guilty.)

-When your teacher asks you a question and you say "I used Insomnia". (Not guilty, but oh god. . .)

-When you're watching Digimon and you shout at your TV "CATCH IT ALREADY!!". (Not guilty.)
I have a few:
> When you sit around and wonder what it would be like if there were real pokemon in the world
> When you play pokemon until you fall asleep and wake up to find your DS still turned on
> When you get angry at people who make pokemon quizzes in facebook because you get a wrong answer and find out it was their mistake
> When you go to the beach expecting to see magikarp and starmie around
> When you recognize all pokemon without fail
> When you know who Ash Ketchum is :D
> When you sing "i wanna be the very best..." when your bored :D
*Same here! I would also say (im guilty with almost all of these XD ):
- when you know how to evolve each pokemon without looking it up
- knowing all the pokemon Ash Ketchum ever had from Kanto to present
- downloading and singing along to pokemon theme songs
- you imagine yourself as a trainer in real life having the urge to throw balls at birds, squirrels (pachirisu), large koi fish (goldeen or magikarp), or thinking "poor staryu" when finding a dry seastar. (theres still too many examples ive done or thought of...)
- see dark lightning clouds and going outside to see if raikou or zapdos appear (not really but i do look out the window)
- catching a butterfly, wondering where to put it, and which pokemon it could be (butterfree, beautifly, vivillion)
- when you take medicine and call it "antidote"
- when you make almost every situation into a pokemon battle scenario: wild sandwich appeared, it used sweet scent, I used bite, I use swallow= It was Super Effective! (same with water or juice but i use mega drain.
... all i know is - that i KNOW ive watched too much.

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