A game's only half as awesome without the music and sound effects to go with it. But I'm sure you've heard some choice themes that act as a constant reminder of your favorite games, or are simply awesome on their own. So share your favorite themes here.
On the top of my head, the two games whose OSTs I'm spamming at the moment are Kingdom Hearts and Blazblue Calamity Trigger.
Here's just two examples of why I love the music of these two games.
The 13th anthology is...just that. An anthology of all themes in Kingdom Hearts pertaining to Organization XIII.
Lust Sin- the stage and character theme of Jin Kisaragi from Blazblue. Blazblue's cast of 14 characters each have their own theme song. (Ragna has two, one being his stage theme, and the other his boss theme. Also, certain characters have a rivalry theme that plays when they are confronting specific characters.)
On the top of my head, the two games whose OSTs I'm spamming at the moment are Kingdom Hearts and Blazblue Calamity Trigger.
Here's just two examples of why I love the music of these two games.
The 13th anthology is...just that. An anthology of all themes in Kingdom Hearts pertaining to Organization XIII.
Lust Sin- the stage and character theme of Jin Kisaragi from Blazblue. Blazblue's cast of 14 characters each have their own theme song. (Ragna has two, one being his stage theme, and the other his boss theme. Also, certain characters have a rivalry theme that plays when they are confronting specific characters.)