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Private/Closed Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Duel Academy RP

"So I can't give advice? I see, tyrant of runts. Excuuuuse me for trying to help." Bob sneered as he looked down at Weasel. He never was one to abuse his higher rank, but he was incredibly tempted to do so against Weasel if he wasn't an Obelisk for some unknown reason. The worst part of it all was that Braxer and Bix were instantly dragged in this due to the power that Weasel had over them. "I've made my point and I'll stick to that. If you get caught, that's on you. I tried to give some words of caution to you, but if you so desperately want to show everyone what you can do, go ahead. People are free to make their mistakes, maybe it will be a good reality check for you. You might have Crowler on your side, but that does not mean you are invincible. If you need me, you can go to the Ra dorms. Braxer and Bix know which room is mine. You know my stance on your actions, I'm not willing to make a scene here, peace." Forcing himself to be the bigger man, Bob walked away to his dorm as the laugh of Blowback Dragon once again rattled inside of his skull. He didn't mind a gamble here and there, but Weasel was not someone he would gamble with. He was too unpredictable and self-centered, not the person you'd want to side with. If he wasn't blackmailed into joining the gang, he would have never joined them in the first place. One of these days he would snap, the only thing that was unknown was the catalyst.
Lance considered Tobias' question in silence.
"I suppose. It would be closer to the mythology of the shadow games of old." Lance sighed. "I think it would be best if I explained how I came across this secret."
The Obelisk Blue stopped, looking around the forest. Pushing aside some underbrush, the third year student began to lead Tobias off the trail they were on and deeper into the forest.

"I should start by saying that strange things have always been happening at this school. In fact, these raiders really wouldn't be too out of the ordinary if their means weren't so brutish or sinister. Last year, this island was 'raided' by students of the North Academy who just wanted to duel a bunch of the Duel Academy students." Lance shook his head. "I'm getting off topic, forgive me."
Lance's eyes got a faraway look as he lead Tobias, recalling what had happened a few years ago.
"My first year here was a strange one. There was talks of cults and brainwashing going about, and many students acted rather strangely. There was even one student, who after losing a duel to a member of this 'cult', supposedly lost the ability to see his cards. For him, they had just turned to blank pieces of paper." Lance explained.

"He ended up disappearing for a few days. Vanishing from his dorm room. A few days later, he reappeared. Evidently, he had been wandering about the island. But when he reappeared, he had regained the ability to see his cards again. Not only that, but somehow he had found new cards while wandering in the forest on the island. Cards that no one had seen before, but still worked in the dueling system. And to make things even better..." Lance smiled, and looked back to Tobias. "He claimed he had came into contact with aliens."

"Now, obviously there are some explanations to this others had put forward. These new cards he had found were revealed to be what we now know are the Neo-Spacians. So he had just snuck into the card shop and obtained the cards? Security cameras show no such thing. Not to mention, now those cards are in circulation, but a few years ago they were not. The best theory that someone put forward was that the student was merely acting when he said he couldn't see his cards, bribed a member of Industrial Illusions or KaibaCorp to sneak to the island and give him the cards, and make up a story about seeing aliens to cover up for it." Lance said. "Well, I had quite a few doubts about that theory as well. So I took it upon myself to investigate this a bit further. I spent my free time consulting maps on the island, trying to figure out the most likely places the student would have been while he was missing to see if I could find any clues about an 'alien encounter'. Crop circles perhaps? In truth, I was just having more fun hiking around to places I hadn't been on the island."

"But then I did find something."

Lance made his way into a small clearing. They had made it to the base of the volcano, and the third year scanned the rocky slope. Spotting what he was looking for, Lance made his way over to a rather innocuous rock. Crouching next to it, he looked back to Tobias.

"You must promise me you will not tell anyone about what I am about to show you." Lance said to the Ra Yellow.


Jira had also been putting away his costume, detaching the paper tail (which had became more than a little crumpled at this point) and throwing away the paper flames he had made. That performance... well, it had been pretty embarrassing. He was very glad he hadn't been picked to move on. Heck, he probably would have lost to that Warrior Lady of the Wasteland girl. Imagine Dogoran losing to a human that small. It wasn't too crazy, but no way would it happen.

Jira leaned back in his bunk bed. His roommate was still out doing who-knows-what. Checking his phone again. Still no response from Tobias. Strange. Thinking back, Jira hadn't seen the Ra Yellow since they had parted ways from his little bunker.

Jira's phone went off, and the Slifer Red checked it again. Still not Tobias, it was a text from Willow.
Room 7, right down the hall. Jira texted back. The Slifer Red got out of bed, pulling out his collection of kaiju movies and looking through them. Which one to watch?


Dahlia stormed out of the stadium. She needed to cool down a little before she met up with Tracy. Shaking her head, she tried to clear what Goule had said from her mind. She'd go to the store, pick up some card packs for Tracy to celebrate her making it to the finals and a good duel, and head over to the Ra Yellow dorm. Hopefully that would give her enough time to calm down.

Dahlia entered the card shop, only to find that she wasn't the only Obelisk Blue there. Buying cards was another Obelisk Blue girl, one with long black hair tied back in a ponytail. Dahlia didn't recognize her. A new student? Dahlia went over to the card packs, quickly scanning for one with Different Dimension themes.
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Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Most would object to the seemingly tall tales spoken by Lance, But Tobias just listened intently. He was never quick to discount stories or supposed events, as there was even take-away in myth, let alone alternative reality.

This North Academy did seem ever mysterious, and considering previous events such as the terrorist-like Rare Hunters and the talks of some ‘Great Leviathan’, it wasn’t too absurd. But explaining every oddity in the story grew harder and harder as they added up. Just how much of that was actually true?

As Lance knelt down to examine some rock, Tobias arched a brow, but didn’t protest in his action.

“Only a fool would deny the knowledge of a wise man.” Tobias spoke crossing his arms. “Bestow upon me your evershrouded mystery and I guarantee that such a matter shall never escape thy own lips.”
"Sweet, coming over right now." Willow texted back and added Attorix back to her deck. She put her phone back in her pocket and stretched out her arms. Locking the door of her room after leaving it, the Slifer Red made her way to room 7. It was not too far from room 25, so that was neat. As the girl walked down the hallway, she surpressed a yawn. Today had been exhausting, but a lot of fun. What would tomorrow bring? That was a concern for future Willow though, current Willow was going to watch some big monsters destroy stuff and generally be cool as anything. Was there a kaiju out there that was like a gladiator? That would be cool, she'd have to ask Jira about that. "Jira, open up! It's Willow." The Gladiator Beast duelist said as she knocked on Jira's door.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Weasel waved Bob off like he said something completely nice and innocent. However, as Bob left, Weasel’s teeth began to show, a deep cackle escaping his lips.

“Hehehehehe! I had his entire life here on a string in the first five minutes of meeting him, wrangling him won’t be any different. Ants need to be squashed if they get in your way!”

Flipping around, the Weasel had a nasty idea in his brain. An awful one. Something so petty and cruel but something he was more than willing to do.

“C’mon boys, I’ve got ants to smash.”

You will regret crossing me.
Lance watched Tobias carefully as the mysterious student responded. He was hard to read, but Lance was satisfied with their response. The third year pressed a hidden switch on the rock, deactivating the hidden dueling hologram projector. 10 or 15 feet away, a part of the rocky slope seemed to shimmer and disappear. In its place, a cave entrance stood waiting. Remembering where the cave was, Lance turned the hologram back on and began to walk towards the cave entrance.

"Follow me, then." Lance said, passing through the hologram and into the cave. The cave sloped downward, and had rather smooth walls and floor. The further the pair made their way into the cave, the deeper they went. A strange mist seemed to form around the duelists, with small motes of light twinkling in them. A red glow came from the cave ahead, and the temperature got warmed the farther they went.

Turning the corner, Lance entered into a much larger cavern. It was filled with that same strange mist, but there was something more attention grabbing. The cavern was lit by a pool of lava in the center, and in the center of the lava pool appeared to be a meteorite the size of a small car.
"This is what I found..." Lance said, turning back to Tobias. He watched the Ra Yellow carefully, trying to gauge the reaction of the student.


Looking up from his movie collection, Jira walked over and opened the door for Willow.
"Hey! Come on in!" Jira said. His room wasn't that different from other rooms in the Slifer Red dorm. He had a few Kaiju movie posters put up on the walls, as well as a few kaiju miniatures on his desk. But other then that, the room was pretty standard. Jira went back to his movie collection.
"So I got a bunch of choices. I was thinking that since you've seen the Terror of Mechagodzilla, you might be interested in watching Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla since Terror of Mechagodzilla happens right after that movie. Or you can just pick one that looks interesting for you." Jira suggested, gesturing to his collection of kaiju movies. "I'm gonna go make some popcorn."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
A hologram...? Tobias thought. To have emitters out here would not only be difficult to maintain, but to instal it as well as an energetic supply for it must cost no small sum. What lies within?

Walking inside with Lance, Tobias made note of the copious quantities of igneous rock present in the cavern. Odd for this to be stored at the base of a quite possibly active volcano.

At the end of the cavern lie a large rock, different than all the other ones he had identified in his spelunking in ancient ruins. This had to be-

“A meteorite.” Tobias said right off the bat. “A curious if not impressive find. But what is the relevance of said mineral towards the secret that you infer? Surely there is more to gather from this?”
Willow raised an eyebrow as she entered the dorm. "There's a chronological order you can watch the movies in? Awesome, didn't know that." The girl looked around Jira's room. It was nothing spectacular, but it had some personal flair. "You really like Kaiju huh? Do you know the names of every single one here?" She crouched in front of Jira's deck to look at the figurines, tapping it with a finger. Maybe she should look for some Gladiator Beast figurines, they could look cool on her desk. "Do you need help with anything? Like getting a bowl for the popcorn or something?"


"Shut up, shut up, shut up." Bob muttered to himself as he made a bee line to his dorm, relentless laughter in his head. Slamming the door shut behind him, he took off his costume and yanked his deck out of the duel disk. Propping the Blowback Dragon plushie onto his desk, he searched through his deck to get his first Blowback Dragon card and slammed it on the table. "Why are you laughing at me? Do you think this is funny? You think it is funny that I have my limits? I am not willing to be involved in a prank that inflicts bodily harm to anyone, the food poisoning I did is the furthest I am willing to go."

The laughing continued. Persistently, echoing, pestering.

"I try my best to make sure that they do not get caught, attempt to teach them to not leave traces, actually make them compotent in pranks and give cards that might be useful. What do I get in return? An egocentric asshole who is on a power trip and calls all the shots! It wouldn't hurt him to actually listen to others, now would it? But as soon as he gets some fancy blue clothes, he thinks he is that much better than everyone!" Bob began pacing back and forth in his room, uncaring about anyone who could potentially hear him.

"Urgh, he is so annoying! Any comment on his plans is seen as criticism and shut down, instead of listening and bettering his plans he immediately threatens me. Get that stick out of your ass man, and learn to listen to anyone other than yourself! And stop LAUGHING!" The Ra Yellow slammed his hands on the desk, leaning over the duel monsters card. No reaction, just laughter. It felt like he was being mocked for ranting, but Blowback Dragon was a machine. A card. Cards could not mock people, they were only capable of creating holograms. They were not living things, and neither were the holograms. Letting out a deep sigh, the Ra Yellow grabbed the bridge of his nose as his head slowly began pounding. He had been yelling too much and had riled himself up too much, it was bound to cause a headache. The events with Weasel and the relentless laughter did not do anything to soothe his brain either.

"What is going on? Why does my favorite monster keep laughing at me? Did I do something wrong?" The boy asked himself, though those thoughts were quickly tossed aside. "What am I saying? These things are not real, there is just no way that they are capable of this stuff. I'm just imagining things." It was meant as reassurance, but it quickly fell apart. After all, the laughter has been more and more frequent and he did not like the laughter. Why would he keep imagining it? Bob let himself fall back onto his chair, all the energy that was in his body just a moment ago gone. "Urghhhhh." He rubbed his face, lacking the energy to get up and open the third pack of cards he bought for himself. He wanted to talk to someone, but who? The nurse would not be able to do anything, the Hooligans were not even remotely close to supportive and would only make things worse, Tracy had her own struggles, he barely knew Kenny and he really did not want to visit Dahlia. Not only did he have no clue where she was, he was not allowed to enter the girls dorm and he had a serious chance of running into Weasel on the way there.

Letting out another sigh, the Ra rubbed his eyes and added Blowback Dragon to the top of his deck. His plans were completely wrecked and he did not look forward to what he was going to do, but he had no other options other than giving up and he did not want to do that. Getting up from his chair and locking the door behind him, he surpressed a shudder. He'd have to talk to Goule, as much as he dreaded that encounter.
Lance made his way around the lava pool, the strange mist swirling around him. He watched Tobias carefully, his eyes almost seeming to glow from the strange light of the lava. The strange mist flowed through the room, yet there was no breeze by which it was moving. Lance did not respond to Tobias' question. Above the meteorite, the mist seemed to thicken for a moment. The silhouette of a figure appeared inside the fog cloud, and the mist quickly dissipated.

Hovering slightly above the meteorite appeared to be a woman. Her clothes resembled a tribal dress, and on her head was a massive headdress of a bird's white head. The woman had blonde hair, but much more noticeable were the large, feathered wings that were sprouting from her back. This was the duel monster known as Guardian Eatos. She looked down upon Tobias with a stern expression.
"State your name and purpose, human." The duel monster spoke to Tobias. "Why do you intrude on this space?"
Lance watched Tobias closely, attempting to gauge his reaction as Guardian Eatos slowly began to walk on the air towards Tobias.


"Oh, yeah." Jira said, grabbing the popcorn packet. "I got Godzilla, King Ghidorah, Mothra, Gamera, Kumonga, Gigan, Rodan, and Anguirus. I guess it's pretty easy to see I'm a big fan of the earlier kaiju movies. Oh, and Mechagodzilla and Mecha-King Ghidorah. Because robot versions of big kaiju are freaking awesome. But I ran out of room on my desk, so they weren't able to fit. I need to have some room to do some actual work."

"I should be all good with getting a bowl for the popcorn. I'm gonna make it, just pick out a movie if ya want." Jira said, going out to use the microwave in the dining hall.


Tracy was walking back to her dorm room from the bathroom, when she heard something unusual. The muffled sounds of a student yelling in their dorm room. What? Tracy paused, looking down the hall where the muffled yelling was coming from. Then the yelling stopped, and the door opened. Out came... Bob?

"...Um... are you... okay?" Tracy called over to Bob as he left his room.
"Awesome! My favorite has to be King Ghidorah, can't go wrong with a three-headed space dragon with lightning powers. As for the mecha versions, what's not to love? They are basically the same thing, but you can add whatever you want to them. I don't see Godzilla changing its arms to gatling guns, do you?" Willow gave her own opinion on the matter before going through Jira's stack of movies. "I think I'll listen to the expert. Besides, Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla just sounds like a great time. Not for the people in the movie of course, but for us." The girl chuckled at the thought.


Bob turned his head to Tracy, not expecting to run into her. It wasn't surprising to run into her, given they shared dorms, but he just did not consider it to be an option. "Uh, hi Trace. I'm doing just dandy." The Ra forced a grin on his face, but it faltered almost a second later. "Ehhh, I can't bring up the energy to pretend. I've definitely felt better in my life, but I won't bore you with the details. You probably have your own issues, things to do, plans to revise. I'd just be delaying you." He leaned against the dorm door, his hands in the pockets of his hoodie. Whilst Tracy was a very kind girl, he really did not want to bother her with problems that had nothing to do with her. Talking about Weasel would just open a can of worms and he could not mention the voice in his head without raising at least some concern.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The tribal warrior approached, which did not seem to surprised Lance in the least. Following his guide’s mannerisms, Tobias remained stoic. This person...they bare a striking resemblance to a card I once saw. Well it is spirit week, that is to be expected. Though why put on a costume for none to see? ...Unless this is some party...

A flicker of doubt appeared in Tobias’s mind. It could be an elaborate Obelisk ploy to goat him into a social gathering. But if that were the case, he would have to leave. But...he had to keep an open mind.

“Hmph. Intrude is hardly the word to describe such an action, nor am I the one to be spoken of this. If you want an explanation, ask my fellow student.”

He wasn’t about to take blame for Lance’s actions. Looking to Lance with his amber eyes, he awaited some kind of light to shine on this confusion.
Jira made the popcorn and made his way back to his dorm room.
"Alright! Godzilla vs Mechagodzilla it is!" Jira said, putting the bowl of popcorn down. The Slifer Red checked his phone once more, and frowned. Still no response from Tobias. It was pretty unlike the Ra Yellow student to not respond quickly to a text. Could something be wrong? Then again, perhaps Tobias was in the middle of investigating again? Jira couldn't help but to start feeling a little concerned.

You okay? Jira texted Tobias. Putting away his phone, he shook off the nervousness and smiled at Willow. "Let's do it then! Let's see a kaiju fight!"
Jira sat on the floor next to Willow and put in the movie.


Tracy had not been expecting Bob's response. He had been so... well... normal, during the day's events. Clearly, he was upset at something. Had there been an argument between his friends once she had left? Tracy looked at Bob with concern.
"Bob..." Tracy said. "If you need someone to talk to... I'm here. You were kind enough to listen to me when I was having trouble. It only makes sense that I should return the favor. I know some things can be hard to talk about, so you don't have to if you don't want to. But you can always talk to me if you need someone to talk to."
Tracy stood nervously, waiting for Bob's response.


Eatos looked back over to Lance.
"This is new for you. I don't believe you've ever brought another one here." Eatos said to Lance before turning back to Tobias. She looked the Ra Yellow up and down. "Is there something special about this one?"
"Much has happened since we last met, Eatos. There is a...darkness, closing in on the school." Lance said. Eatos began to walk around Tobias, still hovering a foot off the ground.
"And you recruited this one's assistance? He certainly has the air of a warrior about him." The duel monster said. "Shall I test him?"

"Not yet. I'm more... trying to explain what this is still." Lance said to Eatos. The Obelisk Blue made his way over to Tobias. "You may find this hard to believe... But that actually is the Guardian Eatos."
Reaching into his pocket, Lance pulled out a copy of the Guardian Eatos card and showed it to Tobias, before gesturing around the cavern. Guardian Eatos walked on air back to the meteorite, sitting down on it and watching the two students.
"This place... that meteor... It allows you to see duel spirits. Communicate with them. I believe that the student I told you about found this place, and bonded with the Neo Spacians." Lance said, trying to convince Tobias. He had been hoping that some of Tobias' monsters would appear to help prove his point, but the Obelisk Blue was starting to lose hope that would occur.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“...Real duel monsters?”

This wasn’t some testosterone fueled frat party, but something else. He wasn’t quite sure what the gain of this all was, but he couldn’t believe something on word alone.

“Assertions need evidence to prove their authenticity.” Tobias spoke. “In order for me to take this rather...unexpected claim as fact. I will need a sufficient reason to deem it so.”

Behind Tobias, it appeared as if a small yellow sphere of light hovered behind him. But it didn’t seem to want to make itself known to Tobias. The duelist held out his arm, reading the runes he inscribed onto it’s elbow guard.

“I have not bonded with an entity such as a ‘Neo Spacian’. I have no present knowledge of such a creature either. What is the meaning of this assertion?”
"Sweeet, let's get this show on the road!" Willow exclaimed before she promptly sat down on the floor. "Wait, wouldn't Tobias join us? I haven't seen him since I went on stage. Do you know where he is?" Her excitement died down a little, but she didn't feel concerned yet. She barely knew him, he probably told Jira what he was doing. Then again, the Slifer boy did look a lot at his phone. It wasn't her place to ask questions though, she just had to wait and not butt in if not necessary.


Bob cursed inwardly, why did Tracy have to be so kind? He didn't want to make her worry, but his troubles would only make her a target for Weasel. What was he supposed to do, just flat out reject her offer? Wasn't this exactly what he desired, to be noticed? For people to see him and remember him, for people to care? "I, err, hmmm." The Ra Yellow broke eye contact as he looked at the ceiling and rubbed his head. "Tracy, Trace, listen. I'm going to see someone who can hopefully help me with one of my problems, so don't worry about that." One look at the concerned face of his dormmate, his friend, made the machine duelist crumble. "Ugh, listen. The big problem I am walking around with is not something I want to discuss in the hallways. I'll meet you on the rooftop once I am back, but I don't know how long I'll be gone for. I don't want you to stay outside for god knows how long and get a cold, I'll give you my number so you can contact me." After he waited for Tracy to get her phone, he recited his number twice to make sure she got all of it. "Don't spend too much time worrying, I'm gonna be fine." Bob said in an attempt to reassure Tracy, though he was unsure how well of a job he did at it.
"Of course, thank you for your purchase. Hope you find something helpful~" The Card Shop owner replied with a warm smile, as Bella thanked her and once the purchase was made she had her packs and prepared to walk out, that was till she noticed another who shared her Obelisk Blue uniform as she also seemed to be scanning card packs; though she seemed to go for a specific set rather than general as she had gone for.

D.D. curiously, reminding her of the Ra Girl who wore dueled during the stadium clash. Was she another duelist who used that archetype? Bella had no way to know but decided it was best to get a name with a face first before anything else as she walked over and offered a smile to her fellow Obelisk Blue.

"H-hello there, sorry didn't notice you come in. I see you are also an Obelisk Blue, a pleasure to meet you. My name is Bella I am kinda new on campus." Bella said as she had given her introduction in the hopes that maybe she could make another connection on this island. She couldn't make much ground if the only people she knew by name extended to 2.
Lance crossed his arms.
"Fair enough." He said to Tobias' comment that claims need evidence. On his question about the Neo Spacians, Lance held back a sigh.
"The Neo Spacians are a duel monster archtype... nevermind, it doesn't matter right now." Lance said. The Obelisk Blue looked over to Guardian Eatos, who was watching the conversation intently.
"We could simply test him. That would likely be enough to open his eyes." Guardian Eatos commented. Lance shook his head once again.
"No, I don't want you to 'test' him until he realizes what this all is." Lance said to Eatos.

Guardian Eatos approached Tobias once again, still hovering a few inches off the ground. Even without the extra height, the duel monster would have stood a little over a foot above Tobias. With a sudden movement, Guardian Eatos attempted to slam Tobias with one of her wings with enough force to knock him off his feet.


Jira couldn't help but to glance at the phone in his pocket, concerned.
"Actually.... no. I don't know where he is." Jira said. "To be honest, I'm getting a little nervous. He hasn't responded to any of my texts, which is fine I guess. He's just usually very quick to get back to whoever messages him. And I haven't seen him since we left his costume. In fact, part of the way through the costume competition, I noticed the video call we were on cut out."

The more Jira really thought about the days events in terms of Tobias, the more concerned that Jira was getting.
"I mean, Tobias has always been a mysterious guy. He should be fine, and I doubt he's in trouble..." Jira said. The the Slifer Red remembered that Tobias had been investigating those raiders a while ago. What if he had found a lead? Or gotten over his head? Jira swallowed nervously. "Actually, I think it might be a good idea to go check if he's at his dorm room..."


When Bob initially turned down Tracy's offer, the Ra Yellow girl was ready to accept that decision. But barely a moment later, Bob decided to let her in on what was bothering him. Or at least, eventual let her in on what was bothering him. Tracy nodded, taking out her phone and copying down Bob's number.
"Okay, Bob. I hope whoever you're going to talk to is going to be able to help you." Tracy said. As concerned as she was, she didn't want to press Bob. Especially after he said he didn't want to talk about it in the hallway. Giving him one last concerned look, Tracy made her way back towards her dorm room.


Selecting two of the banishment themed packs, Dahlia turned at the sound of another voice as she made her way towards the more expensive Spell and Trap card packs. It was the other Obelisk girl, who introduced herself as Bella. Moreover, she commented that she indeed was new.
"I thought I didn't recognize you." Dahlia said to Bella, returning the girl's smile.
"It's good to meet you as well. I'm Dahlia." Dahlia said, holding her hand out to shake. "How long have you been at the Academy? Did you just arrive today?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Test me? What do they think this is? There is certainly something awry here, and these two are in the center of it all.

Looking with an increasingly suspicious gaze, Tobias payed close attention to ‘Eatos’ as they approached. Soon enough however, she elected to attack him with her wings. Before she could touch him however, the yellow glowing spirit behind Tobias rushed in between them.


The spirit had taken the form of a large figure in between them. The figures was thick, with skin as hard as stone. As the light faded away from it’s initial formation, it was revealed the creature was none other that Exxod, master of the guard! Exxod Glared back at Eatos, the wings having impacted it’s wrist guards to no visual effect. The impact of the attack however had made a loud racket, some rocks dislodging around them

Tobias was taken aback. That attack...it was certainly had the weight of a real attack. And Exxod...the card he always had a certain fondness for had somehow come to life before his eyes??

“Take Heed of thy actions.”

Exxod Would clash it’s bound fists together to release a pulse that would Knock Eatos back in retaliation from the attack. Tobias was still trying to comprehend the ramifications and meaning of this.

Guardian Eatos' eyes widened at the sudden appearance of Exxod, and the pulse from Exxod's fists sent the duel monster flying back. Eatos slammed into meteorite with a crash, dislodging other rocks nearby. At the same time, Lance appeared to be knocked back by the shockwave as well. The meteorite was unaffected. Shaking off the counterattack, Guardian Eatos glared at Exxod before holding out her hand. A bright beam of light appeared in it, before consolidating into a the shape of a sword.

Quickly, Lance stepped in. The Obelisk Blue looked a little rattled. One lens of his glasses as cracked, and he was bleeding from his left nostril. In this situation, he would have preferred to use something like 'Swords of Burning Light' to stop the combat. But with Guardian Eatos here, it just wouldn't have worked.
"Gravity Bind!" Lance commanded. The gravity in the cavern quickly increased, effecting Exxod and Eatos much more than Lance and Tobias. Eatos fell to a knee, still watching Tobias and Exxod carefully. Breathing heavily, Lance looked over to Tobias.

"Exxod. I'm not surprised. I saw him in your duel back in the doubles tournament." Lance said to Tobias. "Are you alright?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Gravity bind? Did cards somehow have an actual power here? What would the ramifications of that be? This new reality caught Tobias off guard. With Gravity bind in play, It left the two humans to act unhindered but the other monsters. Tobias. Adjusting his scarf, extended his blade out from his wrist gauntlet, pointing it toward Eatos, who was further on the side of the room.

“I am satisfactory. Eatos however, if that is truly their name has committed an act of violence against me. That shall not so easily be forgiven and they shall pay for their impertinence!”

Seeing Eatos as the sole source of conflict, he designated them as the antagonistic force. He walked closer, ready to turn them in to the school or otherwise have them face justice for their actions. Exodd’s eyes move toward Tobias, the rest of her body not budging.

“Hold all facts before action is taken.”

Tobias paused, glancing back to Exodd. That sounded like something that he would say...if he weren’t hyped up on adrenaline. Taking a step back at his position, he looked to Lance, gesturing toward him.

“Just what do you want from me?”
Willow got up from the ground and stretched her arms. "That doesn't sound too reassuring, this movie night can wait and popcorn does not lose its taste after it has cooled down. I'd say we go looking for him, maybe he fell asleep? I would be tired too if I had to drag around a cinder block all day. Do you know his dorm number? That would make this a lot easier. If he is asleep, he probably won't wake up though and I'm not willing to make a scene in the Ra dorms. I'm not afraid of a lot, but I'm not going to annoy every single Ra nearby. They probably don't like me too much after I defeated that girl." The Slifer Red scratched the back of her head as she recalled her duel with Tracy.


"I hope so too, atleast I am not in danger. See you soon Trace, don't worry too much about me. I'll live." Bob flashed a smile at Tracy, weak but genuine. "And put something warm on, it can get quite chilly outside. Especially when you're high up." Waving at Tracy, he parted ways with the girl and was about to leave the dorm before he stopped at the door. Letting out a shaky sigh, he once again drew his Blowback Dragon card. This time not to yell at it, but for support. Lady Luck, please do not let me down now. The boy closed his eyes as he prayed before returning the card back to the top of his deck and stepping outside. It was time to face Goule and his fears, as much as he regretted him. It was the act of a desperate man, but he wanted peace in his mind. He didn't want to be plagued by his struggles with Weasel and the relentless laughter of Blowback Dragon. It was like a coin flip with peace on one side and mental conflict on the other. To achieve peace, he'd have to flip the coin a couple of times. That dreaded first coin flip, the one that would determine what he would feel, was chaos. It was inevitable. Something told him that Goule was not in the dorms and waiting around in them would just wreck his nerves. The Ra had to walk, he had to do something.
Lance seemed to be straining to keep the Gravity Bind going, and the Obelisk Blue glanced over to Eatos. The tribal warrior glared back at Lance before looking to Tobias and Exxod. Opening her hands, her sword vanished in a flash of light. Lance let out a breath and released the effect of Gravity Bind, still breathing heavily. Guardian Eatos stood up once again, and flew back to her spot on top of the meteorite.

Lance took a few moments to get his breath back. Wiping away his bloody nose, the Obelisk Blue sat down on the floor of the cavern.
"It's like I told you before." Lance said. "I fear that those that had been raiding the academy have been looking to uncover its secrets. This being one of them."
Lance gestured to the meteorite.
"That. That right there is what is causing what we're experiencing now." Lance said. The Obelisk Blue student ran a hand through his hair. "You may have heard this, since you had been doing some investigating yourself. But even after the raiders left, there was some strange things. Some students reported that losing their duels against the raiders caused them to collapse and fall unconscious. Rumblings in the occult club about having performed an 'exorcism duel' on one of the students that had fallen unconscious to a raider's duel."

"These bare the signs of the raiders using something known as Shadow Duels. Something that is traced back to ancient egypt." Lance said to Tobias. "And if that's the case, and they are coming for this... then I would not be able to defend this place alone. I don't know what they would be planning to do with this if they got their hands on it, and I do not wish to find out."

"To make it clear, what I want from you... is your help."


Jira cracked a smile at Willow's suggestions.
"I don't know, I'm not sure Tobias sleeps. Maybe just rests in a stone sarcophagus." Jira joked. Still, the Slifer Red felt an internal sense of relief that Willow was okay with looking for Tobias.
"Yeah, I know his room number. Hopefully him being asleep is all there is." Jira said, making their way out of the Slifer Dorm.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Ke..Ke..Ke.. I could smell that dread from here.”

Goule suddenly hung down from a branch of a passing tree, his front half of his body draping down as he had practically jumpscared Bob. How long had he been in in that tree? Why? These were questions that people that didn’t know Goule would ask, as people that knew him wouldn’t want to know the answer.

“Feeeear eh?” He chuckled between coughs, which were visible as dust. “Did you see a ghost in your dorm? That would be such a delight to hear...I haven’t done a Divine doll ritual in some time...”



Tobias crossed his arms, recalling his blade back. This was a rare case to which Tobias was overwhelmed by information. Closing his eyes, he decided to contemplate his next course of action. Many of Seconds passed by as the archaeologist pondered.


Opening his eyes, he looked straight to Lance.

“How is it they came to know of such a secret knowledge? It appears that this secret wasn’t just yours to bear. There’s a key detail you are failing to disclose to me.”

In order for the raiders to act on this with this much ferocity they had to have gotten information and credible information at that. Seeing as how out of the way this appeared to be, there must have been someone else that was in on this.
"Indeed I did. Got off the boat a little over an hour ago. Needless to say everything has been a bit of a new experience for me." Bella said to Dahlia as she offered a smile to her fellow Obelisk Blue as so far two of the three faces she had met seemed nice enough; and while one had been a question mark that felt like a solid ratio in the early going.

"And what about you, if you don't mind me asking? Your first year on campus or further along?" Bella asked always curious though her eyes scanned the banishment themed packs that Dahlia seemed to select for purchase. She had her own general booster packs in her pocket as indeed that question about D.D. would be reserved in the back of her mind.
"He's a living person, not a mummy." Willow quipped. "Just because he dressed as a cinder block doesn't mean he sleeps in one. Maybe he does, we'll see. I'd love to see the reaction of the staff if he does sleep in a sarcophagus, it would be very funny." As Jira knew what Tobias' dorm number was, she let the kaiju duelist go ahead. "So, how did you two meet? Friends from before joining Duel Academy or did you hit it off here?" Deciding to fill the time with some banter, the Slifer Red asked her friend the question.


"Sweet fuck!" Bob recoiled from fear as Goule suddenly dropped down from a branch, protecting his body with his arms and raising his leg. It looked as if he tried to strike a martial arts pose, but was failing at it. "Don't do that Zomboy, you're gonna give me a goddamn heart attack." Recollecting his composure, the Ra Yellow cleared his throat and tried to keep his nerves under control. God, Goule looked unsettling and it didn't help that he already was stressed. "I was looking for you though, and not because I have seen a ghost in my dorm. I've heard something that I should not hear. I don't know if it is an auditory illusion or something like that, but it just feels wrong. I've been hearing the laughter of my ace card, Blowback Dragon, for a while now. It started after winning a match in the tag team tournament, but I brushed it off as a lingering thought. Ever since, I've been hearing it pop up at random intervals that became more and more common. Today it has been laughing almost non-stop after the festival, as if it is laughing at me for something dumb that I did. I'm convinced that it is from this card, I can't put my finger on it. I just know that it is this copy of Blowback Dragon." He grabbed the first copy of Blowback Dragon he ever got from his deck and showed it to the weirdest duelist around, and that was saying something since he included Weasel and Bix.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist

Goule looked him a morbid curiosity. A slender grin stretched across his face so slowly that one could practically hear the elastic sound. As Bob finished explaining, Goule put his hands to either side of Bob’s head and quickly shot his head toward Bob’s, stopping inches away from him. Now staring directly into his eyes, Goule read them like a book.

“Yes...Yes! You truly did feel such a presence!” Goule wheezed, now bringing his face away from Bob’s. “You have the eyes of a man that wants to find truth, no? He-he-he...lucky for you I know the solution.”

His lanky body was heard snapping in the bushy tree before he landed on his feet, his head in the near same position as before, except right side up. Taking a bike from his vest pocket, he drank an odd green fluid, exhaling before continuing.

“You aren’t the first to mention this spiritual connection. So two people claiming the existence of such phenomena? Truuuly fascinating... kekeke... pardon my forthcoming, but I believe you are just the situation to prove my thesis...”

Examining an old gold chain he had suspended from his pocket, he ran his thumb over the dusty relic, his eyes wandering.

“Tell me, have you heard of the divine ritual called Ukehi?”
"Dude, personal space!" Bob took a step back after Goule got way too close to his face. "I won't deny that I want to find the truth, that is why I was looking for you. You and I both remember our last meeting, but I have no one else to turn to without getting ridiculed." Something that caught the Ra Yellow off guard was the mention of a second person who mentioned something akin to his situation. It was an interesting detail, but not one that Bob could pay a lot of attention to. He was more focused on his own situation and making sure that he didn't catch whatever Goule had.

As the zombie duelist grabbed a golden chain from his pocket, all the alarm bells went off in his head. This was like the plot of a bad horror movie, where a single person goes to investigate the danger without alerting anyone. Thankfully the Ra Yellow dorm was nearby, in case he needed to book it. The boy looked over his shoulder to the safe building before forcing himself to stay. "I do not, why? Are you planning on sacrificing me to potentially get this so-called spirit to appear?"

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Goule laughed to himself, putting a weary hand to his forehead. He was used to this kind of reaction from people who had no idea how the occult functioned.

“Heheh, no naive. No, you don’t have to worry about human sacrifices for this ritual. Instead we will try to conjure the spirit that’s been plaguing you so. I’ll explain how Ukehi works when we get there. But we need a space. Where would you like to preform this ritual? Your dorm perhaps?”

Goule was quite interested in preforming this ritual. He felt as if he was discovering some secret...some code. As if all duel monsters could be trapped spirits or connections to another realm.
Bob let out a sigh. "I suppose so. If we're gonna do creepy stuff like this, I might as well do it in a place where I feel safe. Don't pay any attention to the mess there though, I've yet to clean up after the festival. Follow me, I guess." The Ra Yellow beckoned Goule to follow him as he made his way back to his room. "Just so we're clear, there are no negative side effects? I'm not gonna see blood on the walls when I wake up at night? This is completely safe? If this is indeed a spirit, will it be hostile? Because my deck has nothing that has higher base attack than Blowback Dragon, I'm gonna have to rely on a card effect like Twin-Barrel or Time Wizard."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Hehehe...no guarantees. Could he hostile could be not. That’s the fun of it. If it is however, you have bigger concerns than your attack power in some card game.”

Putting the watch in his pocket, Goule lead the way first, going past Bob and heading on his way. He was quick to find Bob’s room, opening it up in a jiffy. Clutter seemed to be the least of his concerns as he pushed whatever was in his way out of it. He pulled out a white powder sack from his vest, beginning to carefully sprinkle the powder on the ground in a formation.

“You see, Ukehi is normally for those who seek to communicate with a spirit or deity that still is tied with this mortal plain. In your case, you will be reached out to this laughing mystery being. Normally, we would have a volunteer to have their body possessed by the being so they can communicate with us...but I fear now the biology is starkly different. Do you have anything with a similar shape to this being to use as a medium?”
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Zomboy." Bob let out a sigh and shook his head, still unsure as to why he decided to go with the spiritual side first instead of the scientific side. He watched Goule sprinkle some kind of powder on the floor, causing the boy to frown. "This stuff doesn't stain, right? I don't exactly want to wake up to that every morning." After listening to Goule's information, he cupped his chin. "A similar shape you say? If it is indeed Blowback Dragon like its laugh indicates, which still just does not sound plausible at all to me, this just might work. It is not nearly as big as the monster itself, but it sure looks like one." Walking over to his desk, Bob grabbed Backie and gave it to Goule. "I got that plushie today from a crane game, which just seems a bit too lucky right now." He informed the dusty child, or atleast he hoped that it was dust. Listen to me, I'm beginning to sound like this kid. This better be over soon.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
Goule ignored the pleas of staining, as he had finished his powered circle. Then he went on to inscribe intricate Kanji into for directions of the circle with a black paintbrush. The Kanji for Heart, Mind, Body, and Spirit respectfully. Placing the paintbrush aside, he looked behind to to see Backie, the plushie he had chosen for the medium. Goule raised his smile.

“This will be a very interesting ritual indeed. Hehehe...”

Placing the plushie in the middle of the circle, he took out a bamboo slip from his pocket. Inscribing Kanji identical to the ritual onto it as well, he handed it to Bob.

“Here. As long as you hold this, he shall hopefully remain anchored to this world. Now...shall we prepared to meet our guest?”

Taking another vial from his vest pocket, to which seemed to have an endless supply of materials, he put a drop of an odd black fluid. Chanting something quietly in the palm of his hand, he thrust it forth. Suddenly, the white powder shifted to a blue color, the room growing colder.

“Now speak the name of your spirit. Clear and concisely. Then our medium should find them.”
"That is not terrifying at all, sheesh." Bob commented as he accepted the bamboo slip from Goule. "Are your pockets infinite or something? They are stacked, yet they don't seem to be filled." Although the boy talked to calm his nerves, the sudden color change of the powder and the temperature drop did nothing to help him. Alright, we're actually doing this then. Let's just hope this flimsy bamboo works. "Blowback Dragon." The Ra Yellow said the name of his favorite monster out loud, hoping that none of his fear was seeping through and somehow influence whatever was going on here. Come on Zomboy, please tell me that you've done this before. Bob really did not want to find out what would happen if Goule was doing this for the first time, Blowback Dragon could totally kill both of them.
Lance leaned back against the wall of the cavern.
"To be honest, I am not completely certain. As far as I know, no one else has found this place while I have been at Duel Academy. But I do have a theory." Lance took off his glasses, inspecting them and noting that one of the lens was cracked. Wonderful.
"It appeared that quite a few of the raiders used to be students that went to this academy, and were ones that were either kicked out or dropped out. From what Eatos has told me, this meteorite has been here for a while. And if I, as well as the previous student that caused me to investigate this, were able to find it, then so would other students." Lance explained calmly. "Or perhaps one of the kicked out students remembered the student that claimed he encountered aliens and new cards, and relayed that information to whoever is behind these raids. It would explain why they haven't yet found this place."


"This is my first year. I have to say, it hasn't been what I was expecting. But I suppose that's a good thing." Dahlia said. "It's been a bit more hectic, but it's certainly made the year more interesting so far."
The Obelisk Blue girl picked up three more expensive Trap Card based packs before making her way over to the register and purchasing them.
"I suppose you saw the duel finals for the cosplay competition? I'm sorry you had to see... well, whatever was going on with the duel system." Dahlia said. She looked back to Bella again. She was a new student... perhaps she would actually be able to listen to reason, and see Weasel for who he actually was...


Jira scratched his cheek, letting out a nervous laugh.
"It was here at Duel Academy, actually. Uh... I don't know if you remember, but back on the first day of classes I had to duel in front of the class. And I got First Turn Killed by Noah. In front of the entire class. Not exactly a good time." Jira said. "So I was a little upset. Later that day, I came across Tobias watching you and Noah duel. We.... uh.... got to talking, then we dueled. And it was a really fun duel. And then we became friends. Pretty simple." Jira explained. He decidedly left out the part where he had asked Tobias if the Ra Yellow had observed any weaknesses in Noah's deck. Willow didn't need to know that.

The pair of Slifers made their way to the Ra Yellow dorm, and Jira paused outside it.
"You said you didn't want to go into the Ra Yellow dorms, right?" Jira asked.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
The Kanji in the circle began to glow a sheen of blue similar to the circle itself, and in turn the writing on the bamboo slip did as well. Goule closed his eyes and gave a deep breath.

“Am I speaking to...Blowback Dragon?”

He talked to the plushie, seeing if the spirit they had called for had in fact entered their midst.


“Is that so...”

looking to the meteorite, Exxod, and then finally back to Lance, Tobias appeared to have come to a consensus. Crossing his arms he grunted.

“Hmph. While I am unsure if the benefits of having this meteorite around, and I question its impacts to the health of the school as a whole, I cannot let our foes abuse such a power haphazardly. So I will protect it for now, but we shall discuss a solution about this dilemma.”

A hazard was even more a hazard in the hands of a foe. But if people were truly interacting with these spirits that could do harm to them on accident or even on purpose it was certainly too dangerous to keep around.
Bob listened carefully for anything out of the ordinary, silently hoping that nothing would appear. The alternative was a potentially bloodthirsty spirit inhabiting the plushie. Silence filled the room as Goule asked the plushie the question, silence that was almost too much to bear. Right as he began to relax, a voice rang out from the plushie like a gunshot.

"What about it, Dust Boy? Whaddaya need from me?"

It was a rough voice, as if the voice had yelled right before speaking. In his surprise, Bob jumped up and almost slammed into the wall. "It can talk!" He exclaimed in surprise, not quite sure what to expect of the situation.

"Of course I can talk, ya scaredy-cat! What do you think I am, a hunka metal? You got guts kid, be careful that I don't get to see it!"

This was....not what he expected. Sure, Blowback Dragon had to be somewhat unhinged given it used coin flips, but this was not what he had in mind. Turning to Goule, the Ra Yellow spoke up again. "What's the next step of the ritual?"


"Right, I remember that. Dumb of me to forget it." Willow smacked her forehead as if to jumpstart her memory. When Jira stopped in front of the dorm and asked her if she wanted to enter, the Slifer Red merely waved her hand dismissively. "I'm totally fine with going in, I just won't try to wake him up. I might be a decent duelist, but I have four cards in total that can destroy spell and trap cards and I really don't want to duel everyone in there. Come on, let's go find Tobias." The girl smiled at Jira and tilted her head to the door. "After you."

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Next? Your not satisfied already?”

Goule wheezed a laugh from himself, his white coughs slightly greener from the fluid he had consumed earlier. Looking to the plushy, he flicked his wrist.

“You wanted to see if you were crazy. Congratulations, you aren’t. Now you can also ask away and maybe our guest will answer you burning questions and desires...”

Judging at the behavior of the plushy, the chances of that were minimal, though he was cautiously optimistic.
"I don't know if there were any other steps that had to be taken." Bob confessed before looking at Blowback Dragon. "Ummm, who or what are you?"

"Oh, so we are not gonna have manners? That's fine by me, takes way too much time. Straight to the point, I like it. I am Blowback Dragon, a Duel Spirit. You should know me, tough guy, you have two cards in my likeness and a plushie for crying out loud. I'd say you're a bit of a fanboy, if not a bit slow."

Bob resisted the urge to sigh, this was going to be how the conversations were going to go? "Alright, different question. Why did you keep laughing at me?"

"Ohohohoh, you heard that? What was I supposed to do, not laugh at you? It's fun seeing you fumble throughout your day, though I didn't expect that you could hear me. I honestly thought you lost your last marbles when you were yelling at that card." Blowback Dragon laughed, filling the air with the oh-so-familiar sound of clattering cans.

"Yeah yeah, I've heard that sound too much today."

"Oooh, baby is getting mad? I expected better from you, aren't the folks who wear yellow respectable around here?"

"Ra Yellow's are indeed generally respected. However, we are not immune to human emotions. Now, what made you hang around me in particular? Why not Weasel?"

"Simple, bucko. It is in fact so simple that I am more and more convinced that you are slow up there. You are using Machine monsters. Hell, you use two copies of me! You use machines, you manage to get yourself in situations that are very funny to watch and you haven't been approached by a spirit before. Honestly kid, you expect me to not hang around you? Because I can leave if you want."

Bob digested Blowback Dragon's words, he did not expect the rude machine to be capable of complimenting him in its own twisted way. "N-no, you can stay. You said you were a Duel Spirit, what are they? I've never heard from them before."

Blowback Dragon let out a groan. "Urgh, you really are dumb. Do I have to tell you everything? You even participated in that festival, though it is sooner than usual. Duel Spirits are spirits that can be summoned by duelists like yourself, what else is new? Those fancy cards of yours? They're based on Duel Spirits, I just happen to be your favorite. Can't blame you though, I do happen to be quite the monster. You try and name a monster that can destroy any card every turn by itself, Twin-Barrel Dragon does not count. I am superior to that monster, though that is obvious."

Bob took the information in before looking at Goule. "Did you know any of this?"
"Well hey a little excitement couldn't hurt anyone, just so long as that excitement is within reason of course." Bella said with a light chuckle as thankfully this girl so far seemed nice enough though when asked if that was the first duel she had seen and the apology that came she seemed to wave her hand dismissively at the concern.

"Yeah but it's okay, not the fault of the players. They are the ones I feel sorry for. A big duel on this special day ruined due to technical issues, they really deserved better." Bella said as she expressed regret for them, but on this topic she figured it would be as good as time as any to ask another about the "prank" rumors about. Can't hurt to do a little private investigating no?

"Though I think a fellow Obelisk Blue of mine informed me of something interesting, something about pranks on campus?" Bella asked casually curious what Dahlia knew or had been willing to share on that topic.
Lance let out a breath of relief, slowing getting back to his feet and brushing off some cavern dust.
"I am... very grateful." Lance said, regaining his composure. The duelist checked his watch before picking up his backpack. "I need to head back soon. I assume you would be able to find your way back on your own."

Opening his backpack, Lance retrieved out of it what appeared to be a few small cameras. The Obelisk Blue began to head towards the cavern's entrance, setting them up in the tunnel.
"It might not be much in terms of defense, but these should send us pictures whenever they detect movement in the tunnel here. This should alert us if there's any breach while we're not here." Lance explained to Tobias. "If you would like, I can have them send the pictures to your phone as well."


Jira nodded.
"Alright. Let's go." Jira said. The pair entered the Ra Yellow dorm. As they walked through, they received a few strange looks from a few Ra Yellow students. But overall, there was no animosity. At least, not yet. Walking past one room containing a muffled conversation, Jira made it a few more doors down before knocking on Tobias' room.
"Tobias? Hello? You in there?" Jira asked, knocking on the door of his friend's room.


Dahlia walked out of the card shop, then paused when Bella brought up the question of their being a few pranks being done on campus. Bella was a new student. So perhaps she would believe her... Dahlia crossed her arms and leaned against the wall.
"Yeah. There has been." Dahlia said. "One time, someone put a bunch of laxitives in the lunch food. Another time, someone stole a bunch of student's clothes from the changing rooms while the students were at the Hot Springs. Stuff like that."

The Obelisk Blue girl couldn't stop the irritation from creeping into her voice. She had came here to calm down before visiting Tracy, and now she was getting all worked up again. Lovely.
"The worst part is, I know who's behind it. But no one believes me, and I don't have any solid evidence!" Dahlia said angrily.

Shen: King of Digimon

Previously Shen: King of the Mist
“Hmph. That’ll be satisfactory.” Tobias replied. “But tomorrow I aim to move my living quarters here. If I am to protect something, then protect it I shall. No half job will be enough.”

Turning his back To Eatos and Lance, he looked toward the exist, and consequently, Exodd.

“You will find anything under my protection more than safe from harm.”

With that, Tobias began to walk out, Exodd giving a lingering stare at the room before fading into a small yellow sprite. The implications of this were massive, but the implications of the enemy having it were even larger. So while it could be dangerous, he had to make sure first hand not to let it escalate that far.


Goule chuckled at the question, tracing a finger through his powder stained hair.

Heh heh... I did tell you I was working on proving a Thesis. Behold my thesis!”

This had proven to Goule that the duel monster were in fact real. It did put a lot of things into perspective. Now he had a firm answer to deliver to Raven as well. Goule, having heard their discussion amongst themselves had decided to interject his own question.

“Now throw me a metaphorical bone here, where are all the other duel spirits naturally residing? Do they have a realm where they exist? Are they always around us lurking? I have an itch that just must be scraaaatched.