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My phone was on 5% right as I was signing in on my new laptop because I have 2fa to annoy the not-so-good hackers (aka the guys who steal your details & shit) and I forgot to charge my phone before I went to my dad's
Agh! I'm trying to pick my dream team for a fan-fiction project. So far, I've narrowed it down to eight Pokémon: Raichu, Vulpix, Aggron, Persian, Mimikyu, Alakazam, and Absol. Why did the Pokémon company have to design so many monsters? XD
Doing a Shinylocke for the DLC decided I'ma find two from each Biome then start. I'm not sure how hard the dlc will be so idk if two from each biome will be enough. I'ma take it in strides if I need to do another round of the biomes for shinies. I'm okay with that if need be. New territory so just taking it in stride. Here's who I have so far...
I know I haven't posted since May this year resulted in a ton of mental and physical issues. I recently failed my first attempt at a Generational Nuzlocke Gen 1 was a complete sweep no issues.Gen 2 though we wiped at Karen. We did our best. I knew going in the Johto Elite Four we had nothing to counter Karen's team and we got unlucky and she crit us three times! This knocked out somebody each time. Cont.
I had hoped Maria would have defrosted slower considering all the lawsuits she's getting but apparently not. Maybe all the heat in the courtrooms helped her melt sooner.
My brain works better with negative emotions. When I'm sad, angry, anxious or anything, my brain becomes more creative. Weird. Might be autism, or just me lol
@D34N.U5R I am waiting for a Braedyn Post for Gina. Oh shit yeah my bad I'll post as soon as I can (or should XD) Edit: not only did Braedyn respond- (if you know you know)
In my time zone it was posted 9:11am (I know some people here might be offended but I found it funny tbh)
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