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Ask to Join Karma High: High School Superpower Romance Roleplay (Main Thread)

Isolde Barley
Isolde nodded, and then covered her lower face with her sleeves. She just didn't really want Nera looking at her expression right now.

This is my first friend in ages...I forgot what it feels like...
Of course, Isolde had people approach her before. But none ever succeeded mostly because they were almost all guys and almost all of them had ulterior motives. Although Isolde didn't sense that much from Nera. "W-Whispering is...much easier than t-talking..."

"......I-It's almost the end of l-lunch....E-Erm...W-We probably have d-different periods, so...I g-guess I'll see you...later...."

Isolde said it in a way that really didn't feel like a conversation closer; more like a statement of fact.

....If only everyone was like Nera....Then Isolde would have tons of friends.
@Cryronn the Mudkip
Damon Felix/Freydis Hagen/Reggie Ironfist/Samira Abdul

As Damon looked over away from where The Pegasus House Third Years as he heard a Familiar voice call out that she won the last two Sports Festivals in a Row. To be fair, Damon was her final Opponent both times, and Spirit Dragon Takeover usually went fifty-fifty with Hilda. Freydis noticed her House Head get kicked in the Hip by The Chimera House Head. Freydis facepalmed, knowing this was going to be a very long year.

"I just hope Stefan is okay. Getting kicked by Hilda hurts much less than getting hit by Booming Blade."

Freydis then cringed behind her facepalm. Damon looked at her reassuringly, keeping an eye on the group.

"Last time the Sports Festival came around, I came across Hilda Round One, even as a Teleporter, I still lost horribly, she is cute, I'm not going to lie, however, she can be incredibly scary when she has to be."

Samira spoke up, with Reggie Ironfist watching the First years. The man was energized, and ready to talk to the First Years.

"Alright Karma High! Listen Up, This is House Siren Head Reggie Ironfist, and I will be announcing the Heads of Each House!" Reggie called out.

Damon Felix groaned, Freydis had her head in her hands, Samira was confused, and Reggie's Girlfriend was giggling at what Reggie was doing.

"Alright, House Siren Raise your Hands!" Reggie Called out, "I am your Head of House! If you have any questions, Please Ask Me or Assistant to The Siren House Head Naomi Felix!"

Damon looked at Reggie incredulously, not expecting that name. Freydis perked her head when she heard Naomi's name. Samira looked at both expectantly.

"My twin Sister," Damon responded, quite surprised, "Is Mùyáng here then? Those two are practically married."

Samira cooed, "Awww!"

He then called out for the next House.

"House Chimera, Raise Your Hands! Hilda Edmire is your Head of House! If you Have Any Questions, please speak to Her or Her Assistant, Damon Felix!"

Damon was floored, he had no idea he'd landed Assistant to the Head of Chimera House, much less his twin Sister landing Assistant to The Head of Siren House.

He then looked out for the next House.

"House Gryphon, Raise Your Hands! Stefan Xnempa is your Head of House! If you have any questions, please speak to Him or His Assistant, Freydis Hagen!"

He then looked to Samira, then looked back at the Crowd.

"House Pegasus, Raise Your Hands! Samira Abdul is your Head of House! If you have any questions, please speak to Her or The Third Year Running around preventing Cafeteria accidents, who is the Assistant to the Head of Pegasus House!"

@Cryronn the Mudkip @Godjacob @Abra Kadabra Alakazam! @Blotch'd (Isolde, Pamela had actually encountered The Head of Siren House earlier, she may not have known) @RhythmThief @D34N.U5R @MarcelGalliard790 @DevVoid

(@=Nightshade= @Banan-chan this might be a good thing to have your characters walk into)

Fuyuko Redtail/Melanie Redtail

As Fuyuko calmed down, she let go of Marcel's hand. She then looked at the group.

"That's what happened, I was making sure Melanie wasn't hurt, people have done that before. Thanks Marcel, I'm going to get some food, I'll be right back."

Fuyuko headed off to get herself some sort of exotic meat for lunch when someone started making Announcements. She had just gotten her food when Announcements were made. She heard for House Chimera to raise their hands. And she did, balancing the Tray in her other hand.

Asuna Ryugetsu

Asuna had been watching the interactions near her, still with that look of Disapproval on her face when some third Year started announcing stuff. She was looking around to make sure Orion was okay, remembering something he told her last night. She got up and walked up to him, actually getting a closer view of the situation. Someone who seemed to be a third year had approached. However she was more worried about the Third Year announcing stuff scaring Orion.

"Orion, you okay?" Asuna was a little worried.

She then heard something about House Chimera and Raising Hands. She raised her hand.

@RhythmThief (Orion)

Omar Shieldson

Omar had been walking from class, trying not to think about Petra. However, other issues such as runaway second years trying things got him tied up in their plans to prank some first-years, stopping them dead in their tracks and missing 18 of his bar Tattoos to stop the three. One may or may not have broken his own hand off of Omar's body after Wall was activated. As he walked to the Cafeteria, he passed Pamela on the way there. Pamela? This wasn't good.

"Pamela? You okay?" Omar asked.

@Blotch'd (Pamela)
Kim watched as Maria did seem to hear her request this time, good, if she had to repeat it once more she'd begin to worry her voice lacked the tone if needed to convey her request. Her eyes widened as she morphed into a pigeon before her eyes and even performed an impressive flip as this seemed to be just what she wanted to say.

"T-that is cool..." Kim admitted a bit, though when asked to land on her head the girl seemed apprehensive, but then an idea formed as she raised her arm. Said arm began to shift, fold and expand out with her paper-qualities on display as soon enough she produced what seemed to be this elegant branch network as she glanced over to the aerial bird girl.

"Use this, gives us both a chance to practice." Kim had said back with a rare smile.

Attention then shifted to what Kim presumed were the reps of the various Houses who addressed the First Year students, and for her sake her focus lay on the House Chimera announcement, and upon being asked to raise her hand Kim had done so to distinguish that she was a member of that House. She then learned Hilda Edmire was the head of the house and if she had any immediate questions she'd turn to its assistant, Damon Felix who had been present in the cafeteria.

This would prove useful, Kim made sure to take mental note of this as she had a question or two on hand but would least wait for the proper opening before she had gone over to him.

@Abra Kadabra Alakazam! @Cmeriwether
Orion Cross

"I'm alright you guys," he lied. "They're just letting us know our heads and stuff are, that's all."

For both Tsugikuni and Asuna to approach him, Orion wondered if his internal turbulence was really that clear to see. He glanced at Tsugi, who had all but manifested behind the boy, his yellow eyes peeking softly into Orion's soul.

He couldn't tell Asuna- what would she even think? Yes, it'd only been a single day, but knowing that hadn't made Orion's feelings for her any less intense. Was...was what she said here yesterday even true? Or was it just a compliment that caught him off guard?

Despite all that conjecture, a portion of his heart warmed at their concern. Perhaps the three of them would grow to be closer friends than expected.

He took a breath before continuing.

"Heck, each house even has a meeting after school, right? I'm sure they 'll just want us to mingle, get to know each other, ask questions, all that junk." he assured, though he kept his hand down when asked to raise it.

Still. the announcement had caught the boy off guard. He was on his way back from having returned his tray. his eyes scrutinizing the group at the front of the cafeteria, yet catching no sight of his target.

Maya must be the Assistant Head of Pegasus dude's talking about... he pondered. Will I get to see her again this afternoon?

Standing next to Asuna and Tsugi like this, seeing them genuinely worried about him yet his own mind somewhere else entirely, began to drag up immense feelings of guilt within him. He needed an escape- so he checked his watch.

"Oof, 12:10?! Better get ready for the next period in 10 minutes. Let's hustle!" he rushed, patting both of them on their shoulders and leading them back to the table.

Over at their previous table, he observed his friends still talking jovially. Maria was now a pigeon, and Kim had turned an arm into a paper branch-like construct. Interesting- was that her power? It was definitely a more artistic ability than he'd expected from the girl.

"Tsugi..." he began, his distractedness not catching the use of his nickname.

"How the heck did you teleport behind me like that?! That's supposed to be my thing, you well-dressed thief!" he exclaimed, trying to break away from his all-consuming thoughts.

@Cmeriwether (Asuna)

@Cryronn the Mudkip (Tsugikuni)

Maya Brooks

"Well, if it isn't the latest Assistant Head of Pegasus." Amelia sang. "To what do I owe the pleasure? ~"

"Ugh, don't tell me you heard all that?" Maya groaned, materializing a few seconds later on the desk nearest to the teacher's own. "I swear, Reggie, Samira, and the rest of them keep signing me up for shit I have no idea about until last minute. Honestly? It's such a freakin' nuisance! I bet I could-"

"Maya," Amelia interrupted softly. "What did you come here for?"

Maya cleared her throat nervously, an uneasiness taking over her body language.

"I, um. I saw him at the Cafeteria."

Amelia nodded, and a brief silence followed, the atmosphere thick with unsaid words hanging in the air. Maya was the first to break it.

"Is...is he really...?"

"He is," chimed Amelia, her tone carrying more gravity than usual. "In the flesh. You saw the resemblance, didn't you?"

"How could I not? Maya replied, playing with an ethereal-looking blue thread. "I wonder, does he know? About us, I mean?"

Amelia didn't respond until her eyes had stopped glowing.

"No, I doubt they've told the boy, judging from how shocked he was earlier. It may not be our place to, either- for now, just keep watching over him. Make sure he continues to grow and serve others in any way he can. After all..."

Amelia looked dead into Maya's eyes, an uncharacteristic intensity radiating from them.

"This has become much, much bigger than just him."
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"Everything's OK. Nobody's hurt."

That was the first time he said it without a smile, but this time with a blank face. Braedyn knew something was off. And then they heard the House Reps telling everyone in House Chimera to raise their hand, as they did. They walked over to the appropriate area.

"Are you sure you're alright?" Braedyn asked, "You're not worried about him, are you?"

"About Samael?" Dean assumed, "Not him that I'm worried about."

"That isn't what I meant," Braedyn explained, "Not Sam, not Marcel, not anyone; I'm talking about Dai."

Dean looked down. "Don't wanna talk about it," he said.

In fact, he was worried that the accident would catch up with him and he would die an early death. Then he remembered that's not how karma worked. 'Dai can't be alive,' he thought, 'I'm the one that killed him by accident.' And then... something came into his head. Something he couldn't bear to think about, yet he still did. His face showed his trauma.

"What the hell was--" he said, before realising what was going on. Dai had survived the incident and was out for revenge.

Braedyn's face showed concern. Was Dai really here? No, he had died 3 years ago. Or had he?

Dean panicked so much he fainted. Braedyn tried to do CPR until he remembered he didn't know what CPR was, which was pretty quickly. "What the fuck happened?!" Braedyn shouted. Dean woke up a few seconds later. He stood up, scanning the room with a scared expression. "Where the hell is he?" he asked himself.

"Where's who?!" Braedyn said quietly. Dean sighed. "Never mind," he said as he focused on what he had been doing earlier.

(OOC: Damn autocorrect set Dai to Daily and I didn't notice for nearly 2 weeks. HOLY SHIT)
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“Oh wow! Alright then.” Maria flitted about as she witnessed Kim’s arm morph and fold like paper, into an exquisite branch-like limb. It was mesmerizing to watch, as she slowly dropped before flapping back up.

Huh, seems like either her limbs are made of paper, or she can just morph her body at will… What an interesting power indeed…

She flew over and perched on Kim’s new branch, preening herself as she listened to the announcements. The houses were being announced, and she wasn’t sure what house she even was.

I’ll just ask one of the house leaders or their assistants about my house later, besides it’s not essential yet, right?

@Godjacob (Kim)
@Gold The Dragonite (Gwen)
@Cmeriwether (Asuna)
@RhythmThief (Orion)


Now holding a riot shield, Edric began to attempt to walk back to Maria’s table and hop back into the conversation, but he was interrupted by the house announcements.

He recognized the man leading the announcements, now known to him as Reggie Ironfist, from when he was playing the accordion. Edric remembered that he had spoken with that person prior to class starting.

It was just before I dipped out, how quaint. Is that still a word people use, quaint?

He raised his hand at the mention of House Siren, since he was a member, though he had no idea what being part of the house entailed. Maybe it was like Hogwarts, or it’s just cosmetic. Either way, maybe he’d get to know his house mates soon.
Pamela Oswald
Pamela wheeled in the hall, glaring at the taller man as if she didn't recognize him and thought him an inconvenience. "Why wouldn't I be fine?" She said sharply. Then Pamela internally did double-take.
Dammit. Caught off guard.

Pamela did a 180, relaxing her shoulders and morphing her expression into her familiar foolish grin. "Sorry bout that! I was yankin' your chain a minute there! Of course I'm good, O-man! Just headin' to class early!" Pamela defended herself, speaking quickly to cover her moment of weakness.

"But what about you? Surely a big guy like you needs to eat. Didn't see you in the lunch room, and there's only, like, 5 or so minutes left!"
Pamela laughed, and continued.

"Maybe you found a girl, huh? Taking the time to see if she's a good kisser instead of eating, hmm?"
"Eh, ain't my business what you're doing instead of eating. I'm gonna go to class and see if I can't suck up to the teacher for a minute or so. Bye!"

Pamela bounced away, with a sort of false serenity that made it look like her feet didn't even touch the ground.
The Auditorium

Donna hadn't heard Erik Satie's 'Je te veux' in a while. The aforementioned French pianist's pieces were often tinged with melancholy, ruefulness a subtle overtone swimming within the gentle strokes of the keys.

This piece, however, was oddly playful and jubilant, the kind of piece that made you feel warm inside, the mind projecting images of a warm spring morning of walking past a boulangerie, the sweet smell of the freshest bread wafting in the atmosphere, titillating the senses.

"As classy as ever, I see." the wonderfully winged woman spoke into the massive space, the acoustics dutifully carrying her voice across the expanse.

As if on cue, a flash of gold and white came plummeting down from the ceiling, before bursting out to reveal their brilliant form, their own majestic set of white wings spread gracefully.

"Bien sur, mon amie." the man spoke, brushing aside a stray lock of his golden hair, wings flapping gently.

"Won't you join me up here? How long has it been since last we flew together, eh?"

"Another time," the Principal replied, smirking. "I believe you have a class to teach. I assume everything is in place?"

"Ah, where is your faith in me, Donna?" the man spoke after landing beside her, gesturing widely to the arrays of tables painstakingly laid out before the grand stage at the front of the space. "Nous sommes prêts. Monsieur Leery was a great help, comme d'habitude."

"Oh, I can imagine." she replied, a knowing smile present on her suddenly rather youthful visage.

"Well, I'll leave things in your capable hands. Remember what we discussed, hm?" she continued, looking directly at him.

There was a pause. The young man's features became noticeably more grave before softening ever so slightly.

"When have I ever let you down?" he joked, arms wide.

"Oh, shush." she laughed, thinking that was the first time she'd genuinely done so in a long, long time.

The Cafeteria

"Okay, guys!" Orion announced once he'd reached the lunch table, Tsugi and Asuna flanking him either side. "Let's scramble. I believe next we have..."

He unfolded a paper out of his breast pocket quizzically before concluding.

"Power Control! Sounds pretty straightforward." he commented, gathering his things together. "Hopefully it remains that way. It's in... The Auditorium? Hey, isn't that where some upperclassmen were staring at Kim?"

He'd remembered the incident so vividly- the entourage was on their way to Language of Powers. As they passed the Auditorium entrance, some bored-looking upperclassmen were hanging by their lockers, ogling the Asian-American. One of them even went so far as to wolf whistle. A fatal mistake.

Whilst Orion had expected Kim herself to set these hooligans straight (which she absolutely looked poised to do at first contact), a literal dragon puppet had beat her to the punch.

"'Ey!" it spoke, its gruff and tough demeanor betraying its cutesy, googly-eyed appearance. "Watch those eyes of yours, young'un, else I'll make you wish Mommy and Daddy took out a Fire Insurance claim on you!"

It appeared the creature was not one of empty threats, as this immediately whipped the group into shape, promptly slamming their lockers shut and merging into the hallway's traffic flow seamlessly.

Orion sighed with relief, offering the puppet a nod of gratitude. Any longer, and the deviants may have been sent to the Nurse with a lot of papercuts.

Evaluating the table now, things were in an interesting state indeed. Accordion dude had obtained a whole riot shield from somewhere, Maria and Kim were doing their best Disney Princess cosplay, and Pamela was completely gone. For some reason, it felt as though a portion of the table's energy had left with her.

Strange, considering how social and upbeat she'd been. Perhaps she'd gotten bored?

Gwen was still with the giant a few tables across, too, but Orion didn't want to interrupt. They seemed to be enjoying each other's company. Really enjoying each other's company, if he may, but far be it from this teenager to pry into other people's relationships.

He was staring into space when a shout from another table snapped him back to reality, The same direction lightning had come from earlier, which led him to meeting-

"Cool! I'll uh, meet you guys there!" he rushed, beginning to feel the tingles flow up within him again, practically scuttering out of the cafeteria.

Now in the hallways, which were becoming increasingly busier as lunch drew to a close, Orion saw Pamela up ahead, chatting to a dude who was a tad on the shorter side, though nevertheless built like a brick wall, his long grey hair tied back like Geralt of Rivia.

All in all, he looked pretty cool.

While Orion didn't plan to intervene in their conversation, perhaps electing to offer a friendly wave of recognition as he passed instead, Pamela had scurried off, leaving the guy alone. Was she the type to bounce from conversation to conversation, Orion thought? Was she in some kind of trouble?

He concluded that he was, once more, doing what he did best - overthinking.

As he passed Pamela's (probable) friend, he offered him a smile and a shrug.

"Women, am I right?" he joked, before giving a friendly nod in Geralt's direction and continuing his own trek to The Auditorium. According to Section 3, Article 9 of the Bro Code, that meant they were now best friends.

Once there, the door was already open, left ajar. Inside, white feathers were dancing in the air, ebbing and flowing like the wind, providing a spectacle for the few students who were already scattered across the tables. What's more, the soft, jovial sound of classical music was emanating from the space, filling up the area.

Without warning, a numbered sheet of paper gracefully fell from above, swaying gracefully into Orion's path. His bewildered eyes darted around the ceiling but found nothing to attribute this act to, eventually looking down at the page.

"One?" he asked nobody. "As in, I'm number one? Aww, you're gonna make me- oh."

Now correlating the dozens of tables in the space with the number on the sheet, he looked around until he saw the appropriately branded table, situated close to the front and far to the left. Looks like he was the first- there were 4 chairs laid very neatly around the surface, currently empty.

He began occupying one himself, leaning back in his chair, his attention captivated by the music, by the elegant warping and wefting of the feathers above.

Mentions: @Godjacob (Kim), @Abra Kadabra Alakazam! (Maria, Edric), @D34N.U5R (Braedyn), @Gold The Dragonite (Gwen), @DevVoid (Vince), @Cmeriwether (Asuna, Omar), @Cryronn the Mudkip (Tsugikuni), @Blotch'd (Pamela)
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As Dean and Braedyn made their ways to the Auditorium for Power Control, Dean pondered who he should tell about his plans for a hi-tech suit. Hi-tech how, you may ask? Ask Iron Man. Anyway, he wondered who could keep a secret so he could surprise someone in case of an attack on the school. Gotta be prepared for anything.

He knew he could tell Braedyn, 'cause Braedyn's always kept his secrets safe. But what about everyone else? Sure, he could tell Samael and Omar, but he thought they wouldn't believe him. He could tell Fuyuko and Melanie, but he didn't think they'd believe him either. He could tell anyone, but he thought only Braedyn would believe him, so he kept quiet. Besides, Braedyn already knew about his idea.

Dean and Braedyn were finally in the Auditorium, a little behind Orion. Dean sat down normally and laid out the blueprint for his suit on his desk, making sure to keep it in his area. Braedyn quite literally jumped into his seat head-first. And fell onto the floor. "OW, MY D*CK!" Braedyn screamed, even though it was only his face and back that were affected. Dean burst into laughter. "Braedyn, we've been here for ten seconds," he said, "Calm the fuck down." Dean's laugh carried on for about 30 seconds.

She watched as Maria landed on her paper branch arm of sorts as this visual really did feel like something out of a fairy tale which on this occasion she had not been unwelcomed. Seemed they both had these morphing abilities and at the moment they complimented each other well as she could not help but smile.

Course then the announcements had come and Kim knew it was time for her next class, Power Control, something Orion seemed to remind the group though more annoyingly she had also been reminded of those upper classmen who ogled at her.

"Try not to remind me, I simply hope they get the message that I am not into such cat calling." Kim mused a bit, as she motioned for Maria to gently move off her arm and returned it to normal though before she had a chance to exercise this point as the group began their venture to the auditorium as this...dragon, puppet? Kim needed a moment to process that, but this dragon puppet stepped in to shoo them away which while unnessary had been appreciated.

"Thanks, though in the future I would prefer to handle it on my own. I think they won't get the message unless it comes from the source. But I appreciate the gesture." Kim complimented as she made her way to the auditorium and found a seat inside for the next class eager to put peeping upper classman behind her. That was, still someone fell face first and seemed to cry out he landed on a certain...sensitive spot which made her blink a bit and sighed. Of course...

@Abra Kadabra Alakazam! @RhythmThief @D34N.U5R
As Dean stopped laughing, he noticed someone... a girl... who believably wasn't really happy with Braedyn's joke. Dean sighed. Braedyn fell into his chair. "Damn," Braedyn finally said, breaking any silence. Dean continued to work on the blueprint. Then something hit him... well, not physically, but he was hit with a horrible memory.

4 years ago

"Who the hell...?"

Dean had been through a traumatic experience. Someone had killed nearly everyone he cared about. He, his father, his little brother and his closest friends are the only ones that lived. Dean walked up to the jet that had flown into his house, albeit very slowly and with a limp. "Who... did this...?" he said.

No answer.

His brother got up and healed all their wounds. "I don't get it," Liam (Dean's brother) said, exhausted, "Why would someone... take anything from you?"

Dean just stared, at the jet, traumatised. He somewhat knew who did this; one of the world's most dangerous villains. But how truly dangerous was this one?

This is what led him, his family and his friends' families to move from Australia to South Carolina.


Dean opened his eyes. The blueprint was still there. He had fainted. He panicked. He packed up the blueprint and stood up, falling over instantly. He stumbled back up, grabbing on to the wall. Braedyn stared, confused because he didn't remember shit from when he was 11. "Dean, you all right?" he said.

Dean immediately stumbled back into his seat. "I'm fine," he lied, "Just... bad memory, that's all."

Braedyn walked over to Orion. "I don't know what's going on with him," he said, "He has a lot of bad memories he never talks about and I don't remember so he might be... a little traumatised, that's all."

@Godjacob @RhythmThief
"Simply...charming," the winged man muttered to himself from the shadows, now redirecting his efforts into maintaining the elegant feather display across the space. "Perhaps I misunderstood Donna when she said zis class was special."

Down below, Orion had thought the same thing when he witnessed the antics of two boys he'd swore he kept seeing around. Seemed like even bigger jokesters than him, and even Gwen'll tell you that's an accomplishment.

Luckily, Kim had arrived by this time too, at a table nearby, her classic expression of exasperation causing Orion to snicker. He was leaning over, about to engage her in conversation when one of the aforementioned jesters appeared beside him.

"Ah- I, uh, yeah." the teenager stumbled, somewhat unsure of how to reply. Could that be the explanation for their loud, almost obnoxious behavior? A guise for some kind of stress or anxiety bubbling under the surface?

His shoulders relaxed.

"I'm sure he'll come to you when the time is right." Orion offered, glancing over at Dean a few tables away. "Til' then, play it cool. And try not to dive into any more chairs while you're at it- I happen to know a googly-eyed dude who'd never let you hear the end of it."

Chuckling softly, the boy took a glance around the area. People were beginning to filter in and fill out the tables, though aside from Kim, no familiar faces yet.

Aren't they taking their sweet time?

"Well, looks like there's still a few minutes before class starts. Wanna chat for a bit? The name's Orion. Like the constellation!"

He loved saying that.

Namesakes aside, Orion suspected this would be a great opportunity to learn more about his classmates- and while he'd never admit it, he surmised that these two would prove to be quite the handful indeed.

Interactions : @D34N.U5R (Braedyn)
Mentions: @Godjacob (Kim), @D34N.U5R (Dean)
Kim seemed to notice that one of the two more "energetic" ones in the auditorium seemed to be upset she had not rolled over at his sense of humor, she was prepared to not dwell on that though as she had his companion seemed to suddenly collapse as he fainted which seemed to raise an alarm. "You so certain it is just a memory?" Kim asked Dean as she least wanted to make sure a peer had not keeled over on her.

His friend seemed to walk over to Braedyn as he seemed to chat with Orion as the latter introduced himself, Kim figured she may as well get involved with this. After all they seemed to be early for class and no other familiar faces had arrived so what had been the harm to kill some time?

"Takahashi. Kim Takahashi." Kim said as she provided her own formal introduction to the new pair while she entered the conversation. course she also secured a seat and already had gotten her notebook and supplies out as she always desired to be prepared when it came to her studies.

@D34N.U5R @RhythmThief