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Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)

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Go here to post character submissions, talk about the rp, and join!

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And so… we begin... once again~!

There was a sensation of strange silence in the air, as leaves swayed on each branch, and for a moment, it just looked like the world was standing still. As busses and cars rolled in, hugs were exchanged, and good eyes were yelled above the humdrum, it seemed in spite of everything, there was quiet. Karma High School. An upper academy known as the most prestigious in Southern California. The destination of newcomers, as they looked towards their classes. But today wasn’t that day yet- they’d have to get situated, and be prepared.

It was currently 3 in the afternoon. Dinner would begin at 5. 2 hours to make it to your dorms, possibly unpack, and meet… well… the other freshmen you’d be spending your next 3-4 years with. A strange thought for many, an exciting prospect to others.

Riley Deimi

"I love you too~! I promise I'll visit in a few weeks, but there's no reason to worry about me, I've got this~! Promise to call ya' tonight, bye byeee~!"

A rather enthusiastic girl with white hair raised both of her arms as she walked backwards from her car, after giving her family each a hug. It was her first time out on her own, so each of them certainly held their own reservations about Riley's success... and shenanigans. Her legs moved forward, one after the other, as she weaved between the crowd at a higher pace than made sense for her walking gait. She hummed a chipper tune, a toothy grin on her face as she hoisted up her carry on bag a bit more to her upper back, rather than it hanging down lower at just above her rump.

"So pretty~!"

She said wondrously- as the school in the lovely air of late summer was... beautiful, the sun reflecting on the large windows, the granite floor of the courtyard, and all the way to the three dorm buildings- one for each grade. She opened her trusty google maps... and found very little useful information. Turns out they didn't seem to have information on one of the largest high school campuses in the world... which was... confusing? But she supposed security was probably better that way. Regardless, the many staff and signs helped her a lot, allowing her to swiftly navigate towards the freshman dorm building... which was already getting swarmed!

"Guess I'll just have to wait to get in then, huh~?"

Riley sighed and placed a hand on her hip, looking impatiently at the stream of people finding their way into the dormitory building. She should have just sped through this all in the first place... what a shame. 'Sides, she didn't wanna use her breakthrough power to push through into the wrong bathroom because she didn't know the building layout- she perished the thought!

Nera Vasquez

The dusty brown hair of the brunette Nera swayed in the wind alongside the leaves, as she bid a sweet, but not very long farewell to her mom, her red eyes relaxed, alongside her whole body. Her figure, as always, was shrouded in a grey sweatshirt, one that would usually be surrounded by a small black vest- but it was too warm for that. Her sweatpants were a dark jet black with red streaks running down them, and her shoes were a rather muted color as well. She turned back to her mother...

"¡Ah, y no olvides llamarme! Estaré pensando en ti, Nera."

Spanish was their home language, even if they were both fluent in English. She sighed softly with a reserved smile, and made a single wave.

"Lo entiendo. Nos vemos."

She said simply. She had... well... told her mom "I get it" so many times these past few weeks. Even someone who was usually rather muted emotionally like her mom could get rather worked up when... well... her baby girl was off to a new place, just like her older brother! In a few ways, Nera felt bad leaving her behind, but she needed to start looking outwards... looking inwards only made her... spiral. She rubbed her arm cautiously as she wandered through the crowd, her own carry on a rather unimpressive duffel bag, with the rest of her things already awaiting her at her dorm. She let out a small exhale as she strolled along, a neutral expression of apathy on her face, as her fierce red eyes glimmered in the sunlight.

"...guess I'll go where everyone else is going..."

She stuffed her hands into her pockets.

Tsugikuni Ginhoshi

Tsugikuni sat upon a bench in the central plaza or courtyard, more near the main gate than away from it. He had his legs crossed, currently with his dark brown hair tied back, dressed in a short sleeve shirt depicting a J-Rock band he was into, alongside slender jeans, with his signature brown belt and its elaborate pen holster tying the outfit together. This was a more casual outfit, all things together, and his carry-on luggage sat beside him on the bench, as he yawned and looked above him, sitting in the shade of a massive maple tree...

"I wonder how long it took you to grow..."

He said softly, his bright yellow eyes focusing down each leaf he could see... hmmm... it was too far away, he couldn't paint a proper mental image of its leaves... and if he were to pluck one, it wouldn't be natural... he looked back forward, ignoring that small point. It was nice to just sit down and relax sometimes, after all. What point was there to training without a modicum of rest between? He wasn't a huge fan of destroying his body, but still... he had to be vigilant...

"...I should probably get going, I don't wanna miss dinner."

He thought aloud, grabbing his small suitcase and standing up, about to move with the rest of the crowd.

Maya Aofumi

Alongside the crowd of random students and people with odd features, one stood out quite visibly. The girl wore an elaborate blue dress, one reminiscent of a French gown, or French dancer's suit. Her long blue hair, almost aqua in color, cascaded down her back like a waterfall, and her face donned a masquerade mask, the concealment boldening the bright green eyes beneath the mask. Upon her hip was strapped an imposing rapier, and her rather flamboyant manner of walking, especially considering her rather extravagant heels clacked loudly against the concrete walkways, meant she had a bit of space in her stride...

Wordlessly, the girl and her confident smile, not at all swayed by any weird looks (and given the nature of the school, those were pretty limited. She stood out... enough, but not... completely. Some people have nuts powers, man), stepped towards one of the stands of trees that surrounded the dorms... the flamboyant form of Celine D'Aguessaeu stepped behind one of the trees... and the girl who came out the other side?

A rather normal, unremarkable girl with black hair and glasses, who moved back to the path upon noticing she'd abandoned it. This unremarkable girl was Maya Aofumi... herself, with no mask concealing her. She noted that... it didn't look like anyone had noticed her shift. That was always fun, not like she necessarily had to keep her masks a secret identity... it was just fun!

"Hmmm, into the dorms we go..."

She spoke calmly, slipping a hand into one of her skirt pockets.
Pamela Oswald...

Naughty bird's song is made....By pecking holes in trees...

She remembered back a couple of days ago, where her family had greeted her off at the airport. Her grandmother and sister and brother, all lined up in a crying, proud row.

Or at least her Grandmother was crying.
"Oh, I never imagined....You, going to Karma High....Oh, it's just the classiest school this side of the world!" Pamela had rolled her eyes at this. "Please, Grams...The entrance exam wasn't THAT hard...And it's just a school..." But Grams wasn't listening. She was just holding on to Pamela, her bony arms encasing her in an old, wrinkly cage. "I'll be fine."

"Oh, I know you will...I'm just s-so proud..." Grams replied, giving her an extra squeeze before letting her go.
Pamela appreciated her Grandmother and all, but she was rather worried about missing her plane and there were people everywhere, going from place to place- it made her nervous. "Please, Grams...I already said bye to you..." "Yeah- three weeks before you actually left!"

...Willows, cedars, sycamores and proud oaks all reduced to cheese...

I've got to get on my plane. I'll see y'all visiting day," she said hurriedly, hiking her bag further in her grip and turning away.

"OH, so the new High-School student is too good for us lower folks!" Her sister Tasha said. She and Tray, their brother, were sort of hanging in the back like siblings do.

"She's stressed," Tray piped up. "She'll be with those other strangers for a while."
"I'm not stressed. I'll be fine," Pamela replied. "I just want to get on my plane."
"Oh, I hope you'll be fine..." Grams replied. "Will you? Be careful?"
"I will."
"And at least study at some point in between hitting on girls," she said.
"Grams!" Pamela flushed and started to turn towards the plane entrance. Her Grams waved and said,
"Hey. Have fun. It's your first ride on a plane. It'll be great."
"Yeah, yeah, sure," she replied as she walked through the big tube right before the actual entrance. "If the plane falls and crashes in a fiery explosion at least my death will be quick."

"WHAT WAS THAT YOU SAID TO ME!?" Grams panicked. "Why would you say that!?"
Pamela was already gone, leaving behind her siblings and Grandmother for the beyond.

..woodland gods, all in a huff, have forever cursed your naughty beak...

Now Pamela was in the back of a taxi, humming a little tune to herself about a Woodpecker.

...what it pecks, it poisons now; your food, your nest, even your young; your friends now all fear you...

...But your tears ring clearly through the wood, even as they taint the dew, such a sad, sad, little birdy...

Pamela never remembered what came next. And it didn't matter anyway, because the car stopped. Pointing to a small device on the dash, the driver simply said "Cash." Pamela paid for the cab and got out, tripping on the pavement. She started to walk, carrying her bag between her hand and hip. It was rather large and heavy. Poor Pamela.

"Wow..." she said softly, looking up at the school from a distance.
This is where she would be receiving a good portion of her education. This is where she would meet her friends, her rivals, maybe coworkers...
No, no...Impossible. I couldn't imagine marrying anyone. A beau or a girl would be fine; nothing THAT serious...
She flapped her hand, almost as though to erase her thoughts and her blush, and started to walk.
New school, new me...Might as well start now. Pamela injected a bounce into her walk, morphing her neutral, calculation expression into one of easy, breezy joy. The face her classmates would come to know well.
The crowd is quite terrible...More than a few seem lost and confused. Sad, sad little birdies....
She ignored the fact that the crowd confused her too. She simply hung out at the back, awaiting an opening to exploit. That would be easier with the aura of energy she emitted; in fact, the people around her were already getting slightly restless. As if that was possible. The newbies were always a bit high strung.

Isolde Barley

"Stop resisting, silly girl!" Her father said in a dismissive tone. He was currently attempting to pry his daughter from the backseat of their fancy car, which she was clinging to for dear life.
"Isolde, please...We already agreed on this; you are going here whether you like it or not." Her mother said. She was a kind woman, but her vast patience was draining fast. Isolde was being a bit childish about all this.
"I don't want to..." she said meekly, contradicting her behavior. She was shaking and bucking with all her might, attempting to dislodge her father and increase her grip on the leather that formed their seats.
She was mostly scared of being away from her mother and her home, but was also somewhat happy about leaving her father.
"Edward, you aren't helping! Just let her go.."
"NONSENSE! She's a High-schooler now and it's high time she started acting like it! Now let...go...of...the...SEAT!" He gave one last great tug and his daughter was removed from the car, arms flying to support her body that was now sprawling towards the pavement.
He picked her up by the collar of her sweater, and jammed her suitcase into her chest. "Now get. You've held us up for a long enough time and now I'm late to a meeting. Get in the Highschool, young woman."
Looking akin to a kicked puppy, Isolde slumped away. Her mother called after her. "H-Have a good time! Safe travels....I love you!"

Isolde was now alone. All she had was a suitcase...
And the cat she had smuggled inside. She needed a companion. His name was Mittens. Mittens was fluffy and cute and he never yelled.

Alone in a crowd. Being jostled. Being pushed, like nothing mattered about her and she was just another soul in a sea of better potential.

She'd have a panic attack if it wasn't for the fact she was kept moving by the rushing crowd.
Kimiko "Kim" Takahashi

A long limo seemed to pull up to the front of the school with a golden emblem along the top of the hood. The majestic sparrow seemed to be the item coated in gold and the universal symbol of the Takahashi Clan, a proud line of Heroes that have defended the population for generations. Kim sat in the back of the limo as she seemed to view a message on her phone from her older sister Naomi who had wanted to accompany her on her first day least to drop her off but she was a new Pro Hero after all and duty calls.

"Just go out there and do your best, I know you have what it takes to shine here and don't be shy making friends. Getting a chance to socialize isn't the end of the world you know~" Naomi said on her end of the line as Kim rolled her eyes at her older sister but seemed to smile at the words.

"I'll see if I can pencil in bonding time between my studies. At the moment you should focus on that beast by the docks." Kim reminded Naomi who already seemed suited up on a rooftop as she stretched a bit smiling as she heard the words of her sister.

"Believe me I know, just want to know how proud I am of you. And I am sure they feel the same..." Naomi said, her tone shifted a bit to a more somber mood at the mention of "they" which extended to the rest of her family. Kim seemed to catch on that quickly and worked to not press the subject. "I know, love you sis and wish you the best."

Kim hung up at that as Marcus Stevens, the Takahashi caretaker, opened the back door for her as Kim moved out and she was presented her suitcase as she opted for a rolling one given the halls she'd need to travel with it as she thanked Mr. Stevens who nodded along as he wished her well before he drove off. Kim stood at the main entrance just ahead of the couryard and soaked in this school as it had earned a reputation for being among the elite at the west coast, and it seemed a fitting place for her to make her mark.

Kim would begin to walk towards the campus, as her initial goal was to find her dorm to drop her stuff before dinner while she tried to soak in the sights around her.


Previously Shadow_Pup
Amaryllis Cloverfield
Getting off the plane feeling refreshed, having slept pretty much the whole way, she took a deep breath and examined her surroundings, she quickly figured out where she was and clutching her suitcase she took off with a flutter of her wings straight up before flying towards Karma High.

She reached the school relatively quickly, she looked on in awe at the building, filled with excitement. As she became lost in her thoughts she neglected to focus on where she was going and when she refocused herself she found her pathing to be heading straight for a girl standing slightly away from the bustling crowd at the entrance. "oh god, watch out!" she cried out just barely managing to shift her positioning so that she missed the girl and landed in a nearby bush, "ow" she said quietly as she stood up and brushed herself off before quickly turning to the girl, "Oh my god I'm so sorry, i wasn't looking where I was going, I'm Amaryllis, Amaryllis Cloverfield, nice to meet you" she said with a sheepish smile, he ears a little red from embarrassment.
@Blotch'd (Pamela)

Jake West
Having flown in a few days before Jake had actually arrived on the premises early and had already dropped off his belongings in his dorm, he was now sat outside watching the mayhem with a smile on his face. From the shade of the tree he was sat under he spotted someone waiting for the crowd to die down and decided to go and say hi. He stood up and waltzed over to the girl, he cleared his throat gently as not to startle her "hey there, there certainly are a lot of people, aren't there" he stated casually "oh I'm Jake West by the way, nice to meet you" he said as he stood calmly.
@Cryronn the Mudkip (Riley)
Shieldson Siblings

Omar and Gina Shieldson had flown in from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, with the assistance of their mother, their brother Simeon, and his girlfriend, Mia. Omar had been in his ever so serious self, and doing most of the Heavy work.

"Maybe, you'll find a girlfriend, or even a boyfriend, who knows?"

"Gina!" Omar yelled.

Omar then sorted out the stuff, making sure Gina's stuff was given to her as her and Omar turned around.

"Please be careful," their mom said, standing at the entrance, with a young brown haired boy and a blue and green haired girl.

"We will, mom!" Both said in Unison, "We'll see you in a few weeks!"

Gina then continued, "Maybe Omar may have a Significant other by then."


"We'll see about that, Gina," their mom responded, "Goodbye now, and remember to call me and Simeon every once in a while!"

"We will, mom!"

Both went On their way, as Their mom waved, Mia kissed Simeon on the cheek, which left Simeon in a state of shock as the two walked onto the School grounds. Omar and Gina then split off towards the dorms, as Omar looked around the area and was immediately met with a strong sense of sudden wakefulness. He knew he needed to find the source of this, and find it fast. As he walked around, he saw a girl who seemed to be where the wakefulness was hitting the strongest. He then followed the crowd a bit, using Wall to make sure he took as little damage as possible. Someone punched him in the face, to which he did not flinch.

"I am so sorry,"

"Don't worry about it, I was using one of my powers for preventative measures."


Omar headed off, then saw the most average looking person here, a girl who was as tall as he was. He didn't expect that. Omar then started approaching the girl as best as he could.

"Hello, sorry," Omar asked, "Do you happen to know where the dorms are?"

@Cryronn the Mudkip (Maya)

Gina Shieldson

Gina had been seeing what sights were around and what the school had to offer. Various sights were to be taken as she looked around. As such, she worked their way towards the dorms. As she walked around, she suddenly started seeing Steam.

"Is this someone's Power, or are we having an Unknown Barbecue?"

Ryugetsu Asuna

A while before current time, Asuna and her Family, both sides, had met to say goodbye to Asuna. Her Father was there with her step-mother, and her step-sister, Nochizuma Shiori, was there with Tetsuya and his girlfriend Mizuno. Her mother, Janice Miller, and her husband, Asuna's step-father, alongside her step-brother Dean Rodriguez had all met up to say goodbye to Asuna before school.

"Minna-San, thank you for seeing me off today, I'll be heading in now, I'll call you guys after the first day of class, good bye," Asuna responded.

Asuna turned to her Father's side of the family, "Okoitsukete Okaeri Kudasai."

Her Father responded, "Thank you, Asuna, please don't be too wild here."

Asuna blushed Immensely, steam popping out of her head.

Current Time

Asuna had been walking with her stuff, she had a shorter skirted dress on, as she had been with her mother for the last few days. She was walking at an average pace, looking for the dorms, as she went down the path, steam was being released.

"Where's the dorms?" Asuna was thinking.

Asuna looked over her stuff, it was as dry as a desert. She then walked around further. Cries could be heard as people were suddenly blinded.

"Were we expecting Heavy fog today?"

"Is this someone's Power, or are we having an Unknown Barbecue?"

"Did something catch fire?"

"What is going on here!?"

Asuna then kept herself thinking as she pulled out a map.

Redtail Sisters

Fuyuko and Melanie had been driven by their brother with his Porsche Cayenne after their arrival at the airport. When they arrived, they told their brother their goodbyes and got their stuff out of the car as they walked. Fuyuko and Melanie were immediately hit with a wall of incoming fog like steam.

"We should split up, Melanie." Fuyuko, who was taller and more Voluptuous than her sister, responded to the shorter, slimmer Melanie.

"You have your stuff, one time our stuff was mixed up and you couldn't wear much of anything, I am much small than you are."

"I've got my stuff, I'll meet you at the dorms."

Fuyuko went down the coffee powered path, as Melanie went off on her own, and as she walked there, her sword had almost bumped into a girl almost as tall as her sister.

"S-sorry i-if I-i a-almost b-bumped y-you w-with m-my s-sword." Melanie tried to keep calm, but had to respond so no fights broke out on day one.

@Godjacob (Kimiko)
Kimiko "Kim" Takahashi

Kim glanced as she saw something nearly bump into her as it appeared to be a sword of all things as she turned and had immediately been greeted with an apologetic stutter of sorts as the girl seemed to try and balance regret with a struggle to keep her composure as Kim seemed to blink a bit before sighing.

"No need to make this a scene, you avoided bumping into me so all is well." Kim said speaking with the formal grace that seemed to almost be second nature to those within the Takahashi clan as she scanned the girl curious.

"I presume you are also a new face to this school?" Kim asked the girl, as it seemed a fair presumption and least might have aided in getting a useful tidbit from this girl.

@Cmeriwether (Melanie)


Previously SlicertheGallade890
When Marcel arrived he bid his father, William Cromwell, farewell. “Don’t worry father. I’ll be fine. Once time comes, the ceremony will be here for me.” Marcel smiled and waved farewell. That was when he noticed a familiar face. “Samael?”

Samael looked over and waved. “Hello comrade. How have you been?” Samael smiled as the two shook hands and looked at each other. Then they would walk together for a bit. “Samael, how about we go together to the dorms?” Samael nodded before walking with Marcel down a coffee powered path. The two held their bags and knew that their other things were waiting for them at their dorms.

The two walked and talked about their times in Vermont at Calypso. Marcel then noticed another person who was also on the path. Marcel had to double take when he noticed the person. “Woah.” Marcel decided to tap on her shoulder. “Um. Excuse me miss.” Marcel smiled and Samael watched from afar.

@Cmeriwether (Fuyuko)
Riley Deimi

Riley walked along between the rows of people as she finally was near entering the dorm building, and then flinched when she heard what seemed to be a voice addressing her. She turned her head, her bright purple eyes immediately standing out, as her shock turned into yet another goofy grin.

"Oh, uh, heya-hiya! I'm Riley, nice to meet you, Jake! I assume you're already done with what you needed to do, given that you don't have a bag on ya!" She placed a hand on her hip and gave a bit of a short exhale, shaking her head with a short laugh. "Man, I wish I could have been one of the lucky ones who got here early, but me and my parents totally got caught in traffic on the way here. Womp Womp and all that..."

Riley gave some small talk, before hoisting her bag up again. "I should probably drop my thangs off in my room though, so I think I'll head there now~! It's nice to meet you though, Jake!"

She casually sauntered over to one of the walls to the building's lower floor, and pushed her way through the wall, like it was made of some kind of honey or wax, waving playfully as she slipped the rest of the way through.


Nera Vasquez

Nera would passively... mind read as she walked along. Meeting the gaze of people, many of which were fervently moving through the crowd, was not too difficult, and thus she could easily read their surface thoughts. Mostly where to go, current thoughts, emotions, etc. It was all very very standard- when you've had the power to read minds for 16 years, you sort of become used to knowing that most humans simply have the here and now on their minds at all times.

A few nudges and shoves were bothersome, but it was nothing a quick glare couldn't fix- people tended to find her more intimidating than not with just a glare, given her blood red irises. She continued to walk along, until she caught a certain heterochromic gaze, and caught her surface thoughts... and was almost INSTANTLY flooded with... many feelings of panic. Jeez, she knew going to a new place was stressful, but this girl's inner monologue was on the verge of panicking. She...

"...eh whatever, it's not like I'm in a hurry anyways..."

She rationalized to herself, as she approached... her name was Isolde... and side gazed at her, as to make the effect of her red eyes blunted. She softly spoke-

"If you go towards the treeline, you can wait out the swarm and it should be a bit less overwhelming."

...and then she just kept walking.


Maya Aofumi

Maya perked up as a young man began speaking to her, just as she was about to pull out her phone. She had for a moment thought he would confront her about her "costume change"... but he looked like he just wanted directions. That was good. She casually adjusted her glasses and nodded, swiping aside her pitch black bangs and pointing towards the freshman dorm building.

"It's a bit hard to tell, but that's where the crowd is trying to converge. The one on the far left is the Freshman dorm building, it's the one with the blue flag. The ones right of there with the green and red flags respectively are the Junior and Senior buildings. I already dropped off my stuff, actually, so I'm kinda just waiting things out now."

She sat down on one of the benches, crossing her legs and giving a small peace sign to Omar.

"Name's Maya Aofumi by the way. We might actually end up in the same class- that'd be fun. What's your name, stranger?"

She said "stranger", but she had a rather casual smile on her face, meaning she probably meant it more in jest than anything.

Iori stretched her arms towards the sky, rolling her neck a few times. Everything’s going perfectly! She ran past the rear end of the masses pushing their way into the academy, though trying to force herself in early would prove futile. She blinked, endless interconnected webs of strings crisscrossing across her vision. Whoa, too many— that’s way too many! She shook her head, and they disappeared again. “Guess it would be a bad idea to use my power in a crowd, huh…” she muttered to herself.

She perked up. There were little clumps of people scattered in front of the dorm building, far enough away from the crowd to be separated from the entangled mess of the crowd’s strings. When she narrowed her eyes, she found that almost all of them shared bonds. Wow, talk about making friends quick! She skipped and hummed, drifting to the side to move closer to the groups. I can drop my things off later, and it’s not like I have that much, she reasoned.


Previously Deathstalker62
Ralyegh Innsmouth, the Accursed
Ah, another day, another wave of stench hitting Ralyegh's nostrils, no such thing as a nose to plug up for protection on his face. While the Sewers weren't exactly the number one place he would have liked to stay at, it wasn't like had much choice in the matter anyway. With his aura constantly making people avoid him and no living relatives left, all he had was just himself and his minions. And oh how glad he was to have them. Even if they did always bicker amongst themselves in that noggin of his..

..I knew we should have gotten some bed frames..
..there was no way we could have found fitting ones..
..are you implying that master is too fat..


Ah, good. Good morning to you too, guys.

More of the same. They rant, he wakes up, they all silence and everyone goes on about their day. Well, on the bright side, he never did need an alarm clock. Not that he could afford one anyway. All he had in this little room of his were just two mattresses, dirtied and worn-out as ever; a calender hanging for its life on a rusty, crooked nail lodged between the bricks, with the days marked and crossed with the very sludge that Ralyegh consisted of, which could be easily mistaken for rotting ink when used to write with. Certainly looked the part.

Getting up from the little cubby he's dug himself from what was only some rubble behind some loose brickwork, he disintegrated all of his skin and squeezed his slimy self through the small hole, making sure to place the one loose brick back in its place. While he could not lock the thing and would have just preferred to have a door, it was also the sole force keeping him hidden so he was appreciative all the same. Where else would he be without his trusted guard, Brick the.. Brick. Okay, maybe the naming part needs to be planned out a bit more.

Crawling through one of the pipes, Ral had emerged from the sink of his run-down, former home, where he had once stayed with his grandparents before they too followed the path of his other, former family members. They were nice and all.. well, until they could not handle his powers anymore and also went crazy from being near him. Then they just left him alone in the home and went on to be sent to a mental hospital. Ralyegh would have loved to keep living in the place and keep it clean, but the place sadly ended up in flames, burning the deed in the process.

Really, it was sad, but what can a man- er, eldritch abomination do, exactly? Sure, he could go around saying he owned the place, but with neither money to his name nor any proof of the matter, he couldn't just stay there like some kind of squatter. One few things that did remain standing though was the mailbox, which strangely seemed to have something new in it..

..no, wait. A letter? In this box, on this street, for this ruined housing, smack-dab in the middle of nowhere? Sure seemed so. Reaching into it, Ral quickly found an acceptance letter from.. Karma High? Ooh yeah, that place. He remembered trying out for the orientation program some time ago, he could not for the life of him remember when, but he did certainly have in mind that he did in fact do so. And he's actually gotten in? Cool. He'd definitely need to wash up before getting there, though. The stench of sewage and his maddening aura were not a pleasant combination.

Having quickly retreated to his little hide-out to retrieve what few items he could and storing them within a small box that he then stored within his blob-like self, Ralyegh had went on to clean himself - or rather, his clothes as his skin held no smell and his sludge-appearing self, well.. it had a certain unique smell that would never wash out. Or even be overpowered by another, for that matter. His grandparents always remarked he smelled like a harbor for some reason. Like the open seas.. while standing next to a pile of fish, freshly-caught mixed with beyond-rotten amplified with the sun's light roasting them to a not-so-nice, quite unpleasant degree. At least this stench didn't radiate as far as his aura - you had to really get close to even pick up a whiff of such.

After some unknowable amount of time was spent traversing through the streets of Terassk, he finally found himself in the place he now belonged to. Karma High. And.. by god, there were loads of strangers around. He really needed to hurry up now if he didn't want to start any trouble. Keeping a hand on his hood to stop it from potentially kicking back and revealing his messy locks that he calls his own hair, the tall, lanky student quickly jogged along, his other hand in his pockets, both following along the crowd and trying to keep his distance.

Shit.. shit, shit shit! Gotta hurry along, come on, let's get moving..!

His goal was not to linger around people for too long, but he barely knew the layout of the place to begin with. Sure, he'd get used to it overtime but was it stood right now, this was an absolute mess to stand in his way of trying to avoid people. What if his powers would end up causing a mass freakout? So many terrible scenarios ran through his head and not a single one of them did he like. Still.. what better option did he have? Ralyegh sighed and just accepted the fact he had to be near people, heading towards the building everyone was gathering at and just hoped nobody would pick up on his seaside stench.. nevermind his ominous aura, though that one was probably inevitable. Wait, not probably. Most definitely unavoidable.

Yeah, that sounds about right. This is going to be one hell of a day, isn't it..?
Melanie Redtail
Kimiko "Kim" Takahashi

Kim glanced as she saw something nearly bump into her as it appeared to be a sword of all things as she turned and had immediately been greeted with an apologetic stutter of sorts as the girl seemed to try and balance regret with a struggle to keep her composure as Kim seemed to blink a bit before sighing.

"No need to make this a scene, you avoided bumping into me so all is well." Kim said speaking with the formal grace that seemed to almost be second nature to those within the Takahashi clan as she scanned the girl curious.

"I presume you are also a new face to this school?" Kim asked the girl, as it seemed a fair presumption and least might have aided in getting a useful tidbit from this girl.

@Cmeriwether (Melanie)

Melanie calmed down a bit, especially since she was worried that it would end up like middle school and her bullies. The girl's formal tone set Melanie at ease, due to this tone being used by a favored teacher in middle school, especially after someone tried to escalate situations that Melanie was pretty much forced into.

"T-thank you," Melanie responded, a bit nervous, "I-I tend to m-make people escalate situations by accident."

Melanie took a deep breath, preparing to speak again, all of a sudden, a spectral outfit appeared over her own, that of fifteenth century French armor, "I am, my name is Melanie Redtail, I get possessed by historical figures."

Melanie held her sword, making sure the sword didn't move and actually bump into the girl.


Fuyuko Redtail
When Marcel arrived he bid his father, William Cromwell, farewell. “Don’t worry father. I’ll be fine. Once time comes, the ceremony will be here for me.” Marcel smiled and waved farewell. That was when he noticed a familiar face. “Samael?”

Samael looked over and waved. “Hello comrade. How have you been?” Samael smiled as the two shook hands and looked at each other. Then they would walk together for a bit. “Samael, how about we go together to the dorms?” Samael nodded before walking with Marcel down a coffee powered path. The two held their bags and knew that their other things were waiting for them at their dorms.

The two walked and talked about their times in Vermont at Calypso. Marcel then noticed another person who was also on the path. Marcel had to double take when he noticed the person. “Woah.” Marcel decided to tap on her shoulder. “Um. Excuse me miss.” Marcel smiled and Samael watched from afar.

@Cmeriwether (Fuyuko)

Fuyuko had been walking down the path, getting tossed around when she found a free spot, it was at that point, she saw a boy around her age, and blushed a bit, although it may have been barely visible due to her skin tone.

"He's so cute."

Fuyuko gave the boy a look that was trying not to reveal her thoughts. She then heard him speak.

"Hello," Fuyuko spoke, trying to keep the bundle of nerves down, but wasn't rude about it, "Did you need something, I'm currently trying to find the dorms."

Fuyuko was a bit confused, but was still blushing a bit over this boy. She knew she needed to pin down whatever this feeling is. She then showed the map to the boy in front of her.


Omar Shieldson
Riley Deimi

Riley walked along between the rows of people as she finally was near entering the dorm building, and then flinched when she heard what seemed to be a voice addressing her. She turned her head, her bright purple eyes immediately standing out, as her shock turned into yet another goofy grin.

"Oh, uh, heya-hiya! I'm Riley, nice to meet you, Jake! I assume you're already done with what you needed to do, given that you don't have a bag on ya!" She placed a hand on her hip and gave a bit of a short exhale, shaking her head with a short laugh. "Man, I wish I could have been one of the lucky ones who got here early, but me and my parents totally got caught in traffic on the way here. Womp Womp and all that..."

Riley gave some small talk, before hoisting her bag up again. "I should probably drop my thangs off in my room though, so I think I'll head there now~! It's nice to meet you though, Jake!"

She casually sauntered over to one of the walls to the building's lower floor, and pushed her way through the wall, like it was made of some kind of honey or wax, waving playfully as she slipped the rest of the way through.


Nera Vasquez

Nera would passively... mind read as she walked along. Meeting the gaze of people, many of which were fervently moving through the crowd, was not too difficult, and thus she could easily read their surface thoughts. Mostly where to go, current thoughts, emotions, etc. It was all very very standard- when you've had the power to read minds for 16 years, you sort of become used to knowing that most humans simply have the here and now on their minds at all times.

A few nudges and shoves were bothersome, but it was nothing a quick glare couldn't fix- people tended to find her more intimidating than not with just a glare, given her blood red irises. She continued to walk along, until she caught a certain heterochromic gaze, and caught her surface thoughts... and was almost INSTANTLY flooded with... many feelings of panic. Jeez, she knew going to a new place was stressful, but this girl's inner monologue was on the verge of panicking. She...

"...eh whatever, it's not like I'm in a hurry anyways..."

She rationalized to herself, as she approached... her name was Isolde... and side gazed at her, as to make the effect of her red eyes blunted. She softly spoke-

"If you go towards the treeline, you can wait out the swarm and it should be a bit less overwhelming."

...and then she just kept walking.


Maya Aofumi

Maya perked up as a young man began speaking to her, just as she was about to pull out her phone. She had for a moment thought he would confront her about her "costume change"... but he looked like he just wanted directions. That was good. She casually adjusted her glasses and nodded, swiping aside her pitch black bangs and pointing towards the freshman dorm building.

"It's a bit hard to tell, but that's where the crowd is trying to converge. The one on the far left is the Freshman dorm building, it's the one with the blue flag. The ones right of there with the green and red flags respectively are the Junior and Senior buildings. I already dropped off my stuff, actually, so I'm kinda just waiting things out now."

She sat down on one of the benches, crossing her legs and giving a small peace sign to Omar.

"Name's Maya Aofumi by the way. We might actually end up in the same class- that'd be fun. What's your name, stranger?"

She said "stranger", but she had a rather casual smile on her face, meaning she probably meant it more in jest than anything.


Omar had seen the girl, and she pointed out each of the Freshman, Junior, and Senior dorms, and focused on the freshman dorm with the blue flag.

"Thank you, my name is Omar Shieldson," Omar responded, "If you see a Gina Shieldson, let me know, I'm not sure what she's doing right now, she's my twin sister."

Omar fiddled with his pendant, whispering, Maya may be able to catch what he said.

"Dad, Kayla, this is my first day of high school, I wish you two were here to see this."

@Cryronn the Mudkip (Maya)
Pamela Oswald
Pamela nearly had a collision course with a student. She wasn't even moving; just watching the crowd for an opening! Apparently SOMEONE had been lost in their excitement and veered into a bush. Pamela cast an appraising eye over this person, and began to think.

The way this person talks, and the fact that she was walking without looking where she was going...I assume she is just a tad airheaded; and her accent...is it...Irish?

Irish and British accents. My specialty. Good thing it wasn't a Russian accent. I haven't practiced that in a while.

"No, no, you're good! Not a scratch on me, so it ain't like I'm injured or nothing. I ain't even mad!" Pamela smiled toothily at Amaryllis, putting her hands behind her back and imitating the distinct tones of Ireland. "A new friend is a happy accident, is what I always say! Yup!"
"Oh my god, I am LOVING that perfume! Is that...apples? No, cinnamon! BOTH!?" Pamela feigned excitement, attempting to connect with her new associate. "I always smell like a coffee shop, myself, but some people are into that sort of thing! Cinnamon always pairs well with coffee, I think." Pamela smiled again and introduced herself.

"I'm Pamela Oswald. Pleased 'ta meetcha, Amaryllis!"

Isolde Barley
Isolde shivered, looking up from her sleeves as she caught the eye of a rather intimidating girl. She cowered as she slightly approached, so that she barely heard what they said as they passed.
....Trees? Trees and lines...Treeline?


What did I do!? Did I anger her!? My stupid face must have triggered her...I'm probably just a pain to even look at...

Fearing that it would be incredibly stupid to refuse, Isolde slithered her way towards the right of the crowd. The trees were calm, and people were trying to stay off the grass. But not her. Isolde stood straight in the grass, waiting beneath a tree for the pummeling she thought was inevitable. Although as she scanned the crowd, she realized something.
This is a pretty nice place to wait out the crowd. If I have to suffer abuse, at least I don't have to suffer the crowd...
She also realized another thing.
If she wanted to fight, why didn't she abduct me? She probably just wants me to suffer...
Completely unaware that that strange, red eyed girl had already passed.
Some small part of Isolde wondered who the girl was.
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Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel nodded. “Yes, we are on our way to the dorms as well. Oh. Where are my manners. I’m Marcel. Marcel Cromwell. and this is Samael Petrikov.” Marcel introduced him and Samael. Samael nodded and spoke in his native tongue. “Здравствуйте.” Marcel then looked back to the girl and blushed a bit. “And um…who might you be?” Marcel spoke as he looked at Fuyuko. “She is so cute.” Marcel’s thoughts were different. He had a feeling, but he didn’t know what it was that was making him feel like this. But Samael knew all too well.

“Marcel. A quick word?” Samael spoke as the two walked to the side and Samael had a smug smile on his face as he looked at Marcel. The two would converse quietly. “Dude. You’re totally crushing on her aren’t you?” Samael spoke with a smile. “What? No. That….That’s ridiculous. We just met. How can I?” Marcel tried to defend himself before caving in. “Is that what this is?” Marcel asked him before Samael nodded. “Just get to know her first before making any advances. Alright?” Marcel nodded and then walked back over to Fuyuko. “Sorry about that. Samael wanted to talk to me about something. But back to you, what is your name?”

@Cmeriwether (Fuyuko)
A new day, and a fresh start for Rohan.

He had been in a rush to get to school. His nightmares... they haunted him once more. Hopefully being the last time this occurs, he awoke and had to prepare for his first day in a panic. Fortunately, breakfast was eaten, clothes were shoved on, and he was running to Karma High, his new school.

I'm gonna be late if I keep travelling like this. He turned, and saw water. But if I travel with Waterspout...

He jumped toward the water, and let the flow rush through him. Using his power, he travelled and made it to the institution.

I wonder if anyone saw that, he thought to himself.
Kimiko "Kim" Takahashi
@Cmeriwether (Melanie Redtail)​

Kim listened as the girl seemed to clarify her worry before she introduced herself in a rather unusual way; she had given her name, and also seemed to clarify her ability which seemed that she was possessed by famed figures of the past as her outfit seemed to transform before the Takahashi heir's eyes.

"Believe me you need not worry, I would never allow myself to lose it over something so trivial." Kim said once more that bit of formal background she grew up on leaked behind her tone as she figured that introductions and some displays had been in order.

"My name is Kimiko Takahashi, proudly the latest in line of the Takahashi family. Though I prefer to go by Kim." Kim said in return.

Far as her own abilities go, she lifted her right arm as it seemed to begin to fold over itself like paper as it took the shape of a blade one which she only affirmed with an air slash safely away from either before she returned her arm to normal.

"My abilities allow me to transform and alter my body into this flexible and durable paper-like material." Kim explained to Melanie with a touch of pride to her tone.

Adventurer's Log Entry #421

Terrask Terassk, Southern California ~ September 16th, 15:07PM

Now who the heck decided this place's spelling? Double s, really? Doesn't a double r make more sense? Say it back to yourself - Terassk - and you'll see exactly what I mean.

In case you're interested (which you must be, me being your amazing son and all that), I'm currently writing this entry atop some tree I vortexed up to. I got a nice view of the dorms from up here; they look pretty sleek and modern I'd say, as does the rest of campus. I guess they went and spruced up the place once they heard I was coming.

Though, I assumed a school supposedly this good would admit less people - I swear, I can see like 55,311 dudes (and dudettes, I'm woke like that) bundling outside the far left one like there's cash prizes for the first ten people to enter... wait, are there cash prizes?! Damn! Coulda used some new kicks after the incident which shall not be named.

Okay! Mom, Dad, it's getting kinda boring up here. If dinner ain't until five, no point in me sticking around the beaten path - you know you raised me better than that! I hope you're watching me from... wherever you guys are. Uncle Iggy's doing his best, but there's only so much...

Well, all this mushy stuff is making my vision blur! Must be the thick cloud of steam that just - wait, a cloud of steam? Is this a Cally thing or...? Hold on.

Crap, looks like some girl's power's what's causing the fog. Either that or she's trying to run a quantum computer on her calculator. Luckily, she's hot. In more ways than one! Ha, I like that - I think I'll keep that one. Still, somebody should go sort that out. I don't know if it's part of her power, but this steam is tearing my eyes up! And you know these purple peepers are, like, 70% of my rizz.

So, I think I'll leave things here for now. I'll let you know how everything goes. I love you.

With that, the young man, reclined as carefree as a sloth in the comfort of a solid oak tree overlooking the dorms, leapt down onto the grass below, before fixing his famed 'purple peepers' onto his target. He focused, before waving his hands dramatically, as if casting a spell.

"Up, up, and away, portal!" he exclaimed.

Instantly, a portal materialized before him, oval shaped and purple in complexion, and large enough to fit an averaged-sized person through. On the other side he could just about make out his quarry through the thick steam.

He cleared his throat. Even after having rehearsed this in his head ever since writing it down, the performance always made him anxious, though he'd never admit it.

"Looks like the weather isn't the only thing that's hot." he called out to the red-haired girl, lost in her map and blissfully unaware of the whole situation. "We should get a room or something - I don't think the others can take the way you're setting my world on fire."

He reached out a hand through the portal.

"Teasing aside - you really should get over here before whoever has the toxic fart power decides now's a good time to let one loose. Come on - I'm sure there are other ways we can blow off steam."

...Yes, freaking nailed it!
the teenager mused to himself.

@Cmeriwether (Asuna)
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Gold The Dragonite

Previously Dratingonair
Kendra Twins

After a more admittedly awkward goodbye to their mother, the twins were both dropped outside the gates of Karma High - a minor setback in morale, but Gwen was certain they'd rebound soon enough. It was the first day after all: so many fresh faces and new experiences waiting for them!

As the two carried their suitcases and seamlessly blended into the multitude of other students, they made sure to stay close and began emanating a drastically conflicting atmosphere from each other. Even in the way they walked: one vibrant and ready to bounce off the non-existent walls of the outdoors.

The other looked like he wanted to die.

"Isn't this great? There's bound to be so many interesting people here~" Gwen began to speak, her words trailing off as she gazed between the imposing institutes and dormitories that they'd call home for the next few years to the crowd of students. "And this isn't even everyone, we still have the whole day ahead of us! Surely, you're a lil' bit excited?" She turned her head to her brother with a bright smile.

"Mhm," One of his more enthusiastic replies as of recent. Andrew had also been scanning the crowd whilst walking, surveying the people he'd have to tolerate for the forseeable future.

His eyes, however, flickered with a modest spark of interest, towards a cloud of smoke up ahead, being the first power displayed by anyone so far. Gwen followed his line of vision before quipping quiet enough for only him to hear, "Hey, who dropped the fog machine?" He made sure her 'attempt' at humor fell flat, causing a heavy silence to fall on them both, recieving an eye roll in response. "I'd rather listen to that guy flirt again than your awful jokes," Make that a double eye roll.

Regardless, nothing was going to dampen her chipper mood; not her brother, not some comically bad flirting she could regretfully hear nearby, and definitely no first-day nerves! The two shuffled alongside the horde, becoming another indiscernable pair of heads in the sea of students.

Arielle Sterling

Hushed goodbyes and prolonged hugs were in the very recent past, as Arielle quietly hummed to herself, now alone and traversing the treeline as to steer away from the dreadfully large crowd. While she arrived decently early compared to others, that time was spent surverying the area the moment she walked through the gates, allowing her to find a much quieter route to the dorms obscured by the many buildings on campus.

A group of green particles still zipped around the campus, passing above the heads of the students and watching them head for the dorms, and a second group surrounding her head to prevent walking into any trees.

Hopefully if she kept her pace, Arielle could reach the dorms before everyone else and avoid any run-ins. Although, her plans came to a halt when she spotted a girl cowering behind a tree, visibly distressed. While she probably should just mind her business, inner turmoil lead her to stop and ask the big question.

"U-um..." Arielle began to speak up, unconciously readjusting her blindfold. "Why are you hiding behind a tree? The dorms are just that way," She pointed through the treeline, towards an opening next to one of the dormitories - granted, it was for upperclassmen, but the freshman dorms were next to them nonetheless. "I-i could take you there if you want me to..." Arielle's voice grew quieter and quieter as she heedlessly offered to be her guide.

Now it'd look bad and all awkward if I just stumbled off...

Arielle began to whine to herself, quiety shifting on her feet in place and awaiting a response. She continued to look around the campus, the green particles circling her now dispersing towards the dorms and into the entrance, watching the people slowly trickle in searching for their dorm, the other green swarm observing the swarm of students creeping closer and closer to their destination. On the bleak yet brighter side, that meant that she wasn't in a rush anymore.

@Blotch'd (Isolde)
Ryugetsu Asuna

Adventurer's Log Entry #421

Terrask Terassk, Southern California ~ September 16th, 15:07PM

Now who the heck decided this place's spelling? Double s, really? Doesn't a double r make more sense? Say it back to yourself - Terassk - and you'll see exactly what I mean.

My grammatical superiority aside, we're in Cally and I have yet to see a single gator. The grounds are too well kept for any to come wandering in, I guess. Looks like my showdown with Killer Croc's cousin'll have to wait.

In case you're interested (which you must be, me being your amazing son and all that), I'm currently writing this entry atop some tree I vortexed up to. I got a nice view of the dorms from up here; they look pretty sleek and modern I'd say, as does the rest of campus. I guess they went and spruced up the place once they heard I was coming.

Though, I assumed a school supposedly this good would admit less people - I swear, I can see like 55,311 dudes (and dudettes, I'm woke like that) bundling outside the far left one like there's cash prizes for the first ten people to enter... wait, are there cash prizes?! Damn! Coulda used some new kicks after the incident which shall not be named.

Okay! Mom, Dad, it's getting kinda boring up here. If dinner ain't until five, no point in me sticking around the beaten path - you know you raised me better than that! I hope you're watching me from... wherever you guys are. Uncle Iggy's doing his best, but there's only so much...

Well, all this mushy stuff is making my vision blur! Must be the thick cloud of steam that just - wait, a cloud of steam? Is this a Cally thing or...? Hold on.

Crap, looks like some girl's power's what's causing the fog. Either that or she's trying to run a quantum computer on her calculator. Luckily, she's hot. In more ways than one! Ha, I like that - I think I'll keep that one. Still, somebody should go sort that out. I don't know if it's part of her power, but this steam is tearing my eyes up! And you know these purple peepers are, like, 70% of my rizz.

So, I think I'll leave things here for now. I'll let you know how everything goes. I love you.

With that, the young man, reclined as carefree as a sloth in the comfort of a solid oak tree overlooking the dorms, leapt down onto the grass below, before fixing his famed 'purple peepers' onto his target. He focused, before waving his hands dramatically, as if casting a spell.

"Up, up, and away, portal!" he exclaimed.

Instantly, a portal materialized before him, oval shaped and purple in complexion, and large enough to fit an averaged-sized person through. On the other side he could just about make out his quarry through the thick steam.

He cleared his throat. Even after having rehearsed this in his head ever since writing it down, the performance always made him anxious, though he'd never admit it.

"Looks like the weather isn't the only thing that's hot." he called out to the red-haired girl, lost in her map and blissfully unaware of the whole situation. "We should get a room or something - I don't think the others can take the way you're setting my world on fire."

He reached out a hand through the portal.

"Teasing aside - you really should get over here before whoever has the toxic fart power decides now's a good time to let one loose. Come on - I'm sure there are other ways we can blow off steam."

...Yes, freaking nailed it!
the teenager mused to himself.

@Cmeriwether (Asuna)

Asuna had been reading a map when someone said something, as she heard what the person said, her face started heating up.

Looks like the weather isn't the only thing that's hot. We should get a room or something - I don't think the others can take the way you're setting my world on fire."

Asuna heard that loud and clear, as her face suddenly started to match her hair as the words caught her off guard. She hadn't been expecting someone at all to call her even cute, much less hot. Due to the nature of the comments, her mind was running, She saw who said that, a young man with dreads and her face's color caught up, now matching her hair.

"H-hi, S-sorry a-about t-that, I-I s-steam u-up w-when I-I w-worry," Asuna responded, still blushing immensely, "I-I'm h-hot? I-I've n-never h-heard t-that b-before. M-my n-name i-is A-Asuna R-Ryugetsu, I-I w-was t-trying t-to f-figure o-out w-where t-the d-dorms a-are w-when y-you s-showed u-up a-and c-called m-me h-hot, a-and t-the l-lines w-with s-steam."

Asuna then brought up the map, looking at it so that she could attempt to figure out a path to the dorms.

Melanie Redtail
Kimiko "Kim" Takahashi
@Cmeriwether (Melanie Redtail)​

Kim listened as the girl seemed to clarify her worry before she introduced herself in a rather unusual way; she had given her name, and also seemed to clarify her ability which seemed that she was possessed by famed figures of the past as her outfit seemed to transform before the Takahashi heir's eyes.

"Believe me you need not worry, I would never allow myself to lose it over something so trivial." Kim said once more that bit of formal background she grew up on leaked behind her tone as she figured that introductions and some displays had been in order.

"My name is Kimiko Takahashi, proudly the latest in line of the Takahashi family. Though I prefer to go by Kim." Kim said in return.

Far as her own abilities go, she lifted her right arm as it seemed to begin to fold over itself like paper as it took the shape of a blade one which she only affirmed with an air slash safely away from either before she returned her arm to normal.

"My abilities allow me to transform and alter my body into this flexible and durable paper-like material." Kim explained to Melanie with a touch of pride to her tone.

Melanie listened to what the now introduced Kim Takahashi had to say. She was surprised by the fact that the young woman had trivialized the matter with her sword, due to her history, which people wanted revenge after two of their friends were utterly embarrassed by the Emperor. She had hoped Francesca Ghostfist wasn't here, due to her history.

"The Takahashi pro hero family, I've heard of the name, but never would figure I'd encounter one," Melanine responded, "My Dad's an Archaeologist, and I never met my mom."

She then saw Kim Demonstrate her power, which had something to do with how she can alter her body to something like some sort of paper that her father uses to put an Academic Journal together. She then swung her arm as if her arm was a sword. Melanie was surprised, but had something to note.

"It seems your body can alter to something like paper. Interesting, I just hope you don't end up against my sister at some point." Melanie was amazed at the precision of that swing, "I have a few other historical figures that can possess me, one has a connection to my sword. I got the sword from British Government Officials last year."

That level of precision was something that she could get close to if she was possessed by The Draque. She then felt a bit calmer now that the worries were subsided.
Right before her eyes, Iori saw a boy pop into existence on the grass, a portal behind him. A portal user? Her eyes lit up. Oh, there’s so many people here, and so many of them have such cool powers! She narrowed her eyes, filtering in the strings to see the steam-covered girl and the portal boy with a tough red string connecting the two. “A match made in heaven!” she said to herself, smiling. “There’s a lot of other red strings, but I’ll sort those out later. To the dorms!” Finally, she stepped into the building, immediately making her way to her room. Dorm 19, Dorm 19… there! She grabbed at the handle, twisting it to reveal a cozy room lined with two sofas and a few scattered beanbag chairs.

She crashed onto a chair, taking out a crumpled sheet of paper from her backpack. “So, my roommates are going to be… these three, huh?” Her finger traced its way across the words until it came to three names: Asuna Ryugetsu, Gwen Kendra, and Pearl Arlene. “Well, nothing left to do but go find them.” Iori dropped the paper, stuffing it back into her backpack and dashing out the door, slinging her backpack back over her shoulder while she ran. I’m sure they’re really nice people!
First priority: dorms!

Apparently, Rohan was on his own. At least, for now! Dorm 5, that was his dorm, and that is where he was headed, heading through a pool of people. It's weird how people flow like water when you move in a crowd. But, he did make it, after a time, and unpacked like HELL. Then, he neatened up the place. Hopefully it works out!

He went outside to try and introduce himself to people. That was going to be a challenge. But, he had a plan. To a watery place!

He went to a place with water, sprinting there, and started to demonstrate his powers. Would anyone notice? Boy, he hoped so...


Previously Shadow_Pup
Amaryllis Cloverfield
Having dusted herself off to an adequate degree Amaryllis listened to the girl talk for a moment, the first thing she noticed was that the girl was imitating her accent, this didn't bother she just found it interesting, "your accents not bad, could be better though of course but it ain't bad" she heard the reference to perfume and smiled "I appreciate the compliment bit I don't wear perfume, I just kind of smell like that, all Fae have a distinct scent, we're just born with it" she stated bluntly. She listened to the girl for a little longer and the grin at her introduction, "Pleasure to meet you Pamela, this chat is nice but we should probably find our dorms" she said picking her bags up out of the bush she'd landed in and turning to the building, I'm in dorm 15 what about you" she said as she started to head into the dorm building.
@Blotch'd (Pamela)

| Korutesu |

Previously NotAPokemonRanger
A black car would arrive at the gates of Karma High School and a girl with brown hair would exit the car.

"Have fun on your first day, Pearl! We'll miss you!" Her mother, Amethyst, waved at Pearl with tears forming with her eyes.

"I'll be fine Mom! I won't forget to call and text every night, okay?" The newcomer to Karma High, Pearl Arlene would hug both her parents, as they had left for the car. Bags in hand, Pearl would walk through the hundreds of students who were also new arrivals in the school. Map in one hand, and bags in the other, she looked at the Map, making sure to head for the dorms first.

"Hey Miss! Looking mighty pretty today!" "You new here? Why don't you follow me and me and my pals'll help you out." These words spoke out throughout the crowd of new and old students, probably towards her.

"Not interested, 'kay? Hope I don't see you buffoons around." Pearl spoke in a fairly classy tone, but she was clearly disgusted by how those people spoke.

"Y'know what, Lady? Who do you think you are?" One of the boys spoke. Pearl only scoffed and went on her way. Honestly, she was tired of people acting like such douches, it was crazy. She'd been dealing with stuff like that for ages now, but she didn't really care about it anymore.

She would finally arrive to the dorms, the dorm number 19, and entered. Bags were already inside, which probably meant someone had been here before her, and most likely headed to the cafeteria. It was her next destination and was where she was heading to next anyway.
LO and behold, Isolde was scared half to death by one student who surprised her, green...things circling around her. Isolde made a noise akin to stifled screaming and pressed herself against the tree. Peering into the green pools of her newest adversary, she whimpered in unison with her.
It's that other girl's minion, probably....Sent to deal with me because I'm not important enough for her attention...

Isolde sighed and put her wrists together as in surrender. "O-Okay...I won't fight...Take me anywhere, leave the body in a ditch...I-I always knew it would end like this...I'm gonna haunt F-Father after I die..."

Although Isolde said this, she noted the attempt at a gentle tone and was vaguely reminded of her mother. Perhaps this calmed her down somewhat, for she lowered her hands and peered at the other girl in curiosity.

Maybe I can convince her not to beat me up...If I just be a good girl and go along...

Y...Your boss told me to stand here...Something about...c-crowds..."

"S-So...J-Just get it over w-with! T-Take m-me where you're gonna b-beat me up...!"
Somewhere (probably her bag) a cat meowed.
@Gold The Dragonite
Pamela grinned at her newly made 'friend', and said
"Well, well, well, whattdoyaknow? I'm ALSO in Dorm 15! Fancy that, yeah?" Pamela stood beside her latest connection and walked with her.
"We'll get to know each other well. Ya think there are any hot girls waiting for us in there? I sure hope so, would be a shame if there wasn't, that's half the reason I'm here. In fact-" Pamela continued to chatter Amaryllis's ear off as they walked into the building, her eyes wandering around and looking for anyone that seemed particularly interesting.
When the time comes where we'll show off our powers, then I'll know who to make connections with. But that 'fey' thing...Gotta ask about that.

"Isn't Fey, like, fairies or something? Those ones that live in Ireland in that one village? My Grandma has studied abroad with a few. She was really interested in what the extent of their powers work. She studies powers, y'know. Professionally. So, being a Fey, what can you do?"

Smooth, Pammy...Smooth.


Welcome, Cinaed!

"WOW! Lookit how bi-i-i-igg this campus is! Boy, any ol' fella would get lost here in a cinch!" whistled a young, dashing, boyish redhead who carried a rather large duffle bag slung across his shoulder. "Phew! Better get to my room before the Jet-lag catches up with me!"
Bouncing down the street where so many students resided, Cinaed whistled a chipper little tune and fell in line with the other folks trying to head into the rather large dorm building.
"Dinner at f-i-i-ive, dinner at F-I-I-I-IVE-E-! Boy, am I sure hung-er-y-y-y-y!"
"Whats for dinner-r-r? What's my wish? Burgers and chips and cheese and- F-

He sniffed the air. Oh. Darn, they must have gotten it fresh. It faintly smelled of a harbor! He'd get flashes of the smell in the crowd, and then it would disappear as soon as it cropped up.
Cinaed looked around. One figure towered above the rest, looking like he walked out of that one analog thing. The Mandela Catalog, except he didn't have a huge shadowy face. Canaed's interest was perked; he pushed his way through the crowd and deposited themself next to him. Cinaed openly stared at him with a interested yet unsettled expression.
That greenish tint. The light smell of fish. The elongated body. That explains the faint smell from earlier; the crowd must've been bumpin' them close enough to pick it up!
Curiosity was more powerful in him, and his intense gaze of mixed emotions looked his neighbor up and down as he asked a few simple questions;

"Did you drink a LOT of milk when you were young? Did you ever play basketball?"

"Could you bend over a bit so I can talk to your face instead of hips?"

"Do you think if I got on your shoulders people would mistake us for a demon giraffe? I kinda wanna try that later..."


Previously mallard
A teen, dressed in a plain black longsleeve, black slacks, and black sneakers slunk through the gates after the masses poured in. He had walked there, but was clearly in no rush, since the obligatory dinner service was still over an hour and a half away. Saul Rex had packed light- all he had carried with him was locked in a suitcase he carried in his left hand. A couple neatly-folded copies of his current outfit, a jacket, and a couple very specific soaps, along with other essentials, were tucked inside the case.

The kid cruised along the perimeter of the crowd, scanning those present with studious eyes. Most were unremarkable, but there were some freaks among the cast, specifically those with inhuman features, extraordinary psychic capabilities that Saul picked up, and, most notably, the horribly-proportioned thing that stood over ten feet tall. Nice.

Saul continued on his way, not giving most of these faces a second thought. He'd have years to learn about them, so for now, his priority was to secure living quarters. As he walked towards his dorm, away from the crowd, he found himself already over-planning his schedule and running scenarios through his head. This absorbed most of his focus, causing his usual alertness to dampen a smidge.
Fuyuko Redtail
Marcel nodded. “Yes, we are on our way to the dorms as well. Oh. Where are my manners. I’m Marcel. Marcel Cromwell. and this is Samael Petrikov.” Marcel introduced him and Samael. Samael nodded and spoke in his native tongue. “Здравствуйте.” Marcel then looked back to the girl and blushed a bit. “And um…who might you be?” Marcel spoke as he looked at Fuyuko. “She is so cute.” Marcel’s thoughts were different. He had a feeling, but he didn’t know what it was that was making him feel like this. But Samael knew all too well.

“Marcel. A quick word?” Samael spoke as the two walked to the side and Samael had a smug smile on his face as he looked at Marcel. The two would converse quietly. “Dude. You’re totally crushing on her aren’t you?” Samael spoke with a smile. “What? No. That….That’s ridiculous. We just met. How can I?” Marcel tried to defend himself before caving in. “Is that what this is?” Marcel asked him before Samael nodded. “Just get to know her first before making any advances. Alright?” Marcel nodded and then walked back over to Fuyuko. “Sorry about that. Samael wanted to talk to me about something. But back to you, what is your name?”

@Cmeriwether (Fuyuko)

"Fuyuko Redtail," Fuyuko responded, but it wasn't heard.

She was quite surprised that people would approach and talk to her, instead of jumping ship and running for the hills as soon as she turned around to look at them. She then looked confused when the one boy pulled the other aside. She couldn't tell what they were saying, but it. As they returned she was asked her name again due to the interruption.

"Fuyuko Redtail." She responded to Marcel and Samael, "You said you were heading to the dorms, may I join you?"

Fuyuko's midsection, hips, and face started seeping Dragon Spirit energy, due to the unexpected feelings that she had stirring in her.

"What is up with me?" Fuyuko asked herself, "I'll need to figure this out as soon as possible, so I don't accidentally have a Spirit Dragon Takeover."

However, the Spirit Energy formed into wings that allowed her to fly a little off the ground. As such, she stayed hovering, wondering if she should do something about this strange weather.
Orion's confident approach to Asuna was met with a blush that could rival a tomato. He withdrew his hand, squinting playfully at her once she focused back on her map, as if sizing her up. After a moment, a mischievous smile lit up his face.

"Lost soul in search of the mystical dorms, huh?" Orion teased, attempting to lower the awkward temperature. "I'm your GPS for the day. Follow this magical path around the corner," he began with exaggerated gestures as if revealing hidden treasure, "...or just tail these fine folks." He motioned to the passing students, adding a shrug.

As he did so, his eyes caught a particularly interesting looking pair - a profoundly chipper girl with light caramel, wavy hair, and next to her, a similar looking guy, likely her sibling, who was closer to Orion's height, though noticeably more somber.

While the teenager's purple peepers rested perhaps a tad too long on the energetic girl, for reasons which we won't delve into for the sake of professionalism, Orion felt a strong sense of foreboding when he looked upon the mellow boy, almost a sense of familiarity despite them (presumably) never having crossed paths before.

Making a mental note to keep an eye out for the two, Orion returned his attention back to Asuna.

Deciding to focus on helping her, he continued, "Look for a swarm of people in front of some buildings waving flags in different colors. Bingo! You've made it." With a mischievous glint in his eye, he waved and prepared to step back into his portal.

"Time to skedaddle! Plenty to see and do. Safe travels to the dorms, Asuna. Or should I say 'Sauna' for your next adventure?" He winked playfully before disappearing into the portal, reappearing in a heartbeat at his original spot.

He dusted off his Adventure Log, pretending nonchalance, but inwardly thrilled. "Man, I'm smooth," he mused, sneaking a peek at Asuna in the distance before conjuring another portal, duffle bag in hand, and stepping through, brimming with excitement for what Karma High had in store.

@Cmeriwether (Asuna)

Adventurer's Log Entry #422

Terassk, Southern California ~ September 16th, 15:28PM

This place is freaking pristine! I've scoured every nook and cranny, and I gotta say, it's flawlessly impeccable (Dare you to say that five times fast).

Whoever manages this place deserves a standing ovation! I'd even hire them to do chores at Uncle Iggy's— transportation included!

Anyway, my first step was deciding that foot traffic would be too inefficient to flow through. What if there's another shy guy or gal with a similar power to the last one (who I totally made fall in love with me, by the way), just one nervous breakdown away from turning this place into the set of a horror flick?

No thank you.

The tactical genius I am, I instead opted to leverage any 'vantage points' I could find:

- Rooftops (Especially if they're just outside my line of sight - makes the trip over more fun)

- Trees (I'm like, 75% sure the squirrels here are plotting some kind of revolution. Bribes at their fortresses might secure my safety)

- Balconies (Run if you spot anyone on the other side. Seen too much already, scarred for life)

- The occasional flagpoles (Seriously, widen these! It's like they don't want us climbing!)

Among others. Heck, I even spotted someone in the crowd from earlier that was like 15 feet tall! Of course, as a gentlemen, I figured standing on top of their hooded head without permission would be impolite.

That, and, y'know, dude could have the power to turn me into a can of baked beans or some crap. Remember what you used to say, Dad?

"80% of war is picking the right battles."

Now I'm in the central courtyard, atop a statue. Surprisingly, fewer weird looks than expected.

I spotted this guy under a maple tree; looked ordinary until he started whispering to a leaf! Thought he was about to smooch it! Hey, different strokes for different folks, right? Environmental conservation, I guess?

But enough about that. Mapped out the whole place in my head. Time to sketch it down here. Watch this space!

@Cryronn the Mudkip (Tsugikuni)
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Dean and Braedyn
Having just flew from Australia, Dean and Braedyn had help from their friends Hayden and Marcus, Dean's dad, Braedyn's older sister and, of course, Marcus's older brother Jack. As they waved goodbye, Dean and Braedyn almost forgot how much they both hated crowds.

A few minutes later...

"Oi, watch where you're going, fuckwits!" Braedyn screamed as he made his way towards the dorms. Dean didn't have such a reaction. He was more... quiet.

As soon as they got to their dorm, they started unpacking. As soon as Dean finished, he told Braedyn to meet in the hallway and left at the speed of sound. "Okay, Dean's probably gonna have a significant other by the time I come close to unpacking," Braedyn explained to himself, "Time to annoy him with images of Adolf Titler." And Dean sent another text reading: "don't titler spam me again this time btw". Braedyn dropped an F-bomb so big it reached just barely outside of the school.

"Alright, Braedyn's gonna meet me here when he finishes unpacking, time to actually socialise or some shit like that," Dean said, despite barely being able to socialise. He started to show off his powers, despite Hayden's warning to lay low. 'I'm more resilient than I look, why should I lay low?' he thought, running up the walls and around the room at insane speed, leaving afterimages and small amounts of electricity behind him. And then he crashed into something close to the cieling. "Shit!!" he shouted, accidentally breaking whatever he crashed into and sending himself flying into the crowd. He barely managed to break his fall. And even then he fell onto the floor in pain.

"I'm OK," he said, "I've had worse injuries." He stood up, somewhat bruised, but overall OK. He propped his glasses and gave a thumbs up.

All right. Time to go to the cafeteria.

"Finally, I'm fuckin' done," Braedyn said to himself, just as he heard Dean shouting. Braedyn sighed. He walked out to see Dean (bruised) give a thumbs up. Braedyn rolled his eyes. This was new.

And then Dean started walking to the cafeteria. Braedyn followed him.

Dean and Braedyn (again)
"I know you're there, mate," Dean said. Braedyn sighed. "Well, yeah, of course you fucking do," he nearly shouted, "You're basically psychic." Dean's reaction was as expected: "HAHAHA--no."

As they both walked to the cafeteria, Dean noticed people staring at him in surprise. "There's a 100% chance it's because of all that parkour I did in the hallway," he said under his breath. Braedyn sighed. "No shit," he replied.

Finally they made it to the cafeteria. They were separated by the crowd.

Braedyn had gotten into a fight already.

Dean rolled his eyes. Braedyn would win anyway. Then he noticed even more people staring at him in surprise. He waved nervously.

"So, uhhhh... this is about the parkour, right?" he asked.

No answer.

"Okay, can I... go now?"

No answer.

Dean slipped into the crowd, despite crowds being his old enemy. He tried his best not to bump into anyone. And to be honest, he was doing incredibly well.


Previously Deathstalker62
The rather tall, sickly-skinned figure was having a rather difficult time trying to navigate his way through the crowds. Most of these people around here were normal size, while he stuck out like a snowman in the sahara desert in more ways than one - his unusual appearance, his strange, black-coloured sweat beading from his forehead from the blazing sun striking his body and the unpleasant odor of the ocean's essence wafting from his body like a fish out of water in all senses but literal.

You know, between my aura, my looks and my stench, it's hard to believe not more people are taking a big path around me. Huh.. odd.

..we do not believe this to be as such..
..master should not talk like that, master smells pleasant..!
..you don't even have a nose, idiot..

Also, you guys literally smell the same as me. Ok, well, maybe worse because you don't have any skin to cover up with.

And just between the mental conversation between the voices in his head and the maneuvering around all these strangers, it seems someone was trying to strike up a physical conversation with him.. by firing off question after question. What, did he ever drink milk? Basketball? And what was that about a giraffe he just barely caught as he was trying to gather his thoughts again as his telepathic chat was interrupted?

What's with this eccentric.. lost child?

His eyes, despite being hidden behind giant sunglasses, landed on the rather small figure talking to him - another stranger. A boy. Hell, in his perspective, more of a toddler than anything, even though Ralyegh guessed that they were probably close to the same age, if not completely alike in terms of years lived. Still, he didn't quite catch whatever this kid was talking about so all he could do was just stammer out barely audible attempts at the english language.

" I-.. uh-.. wh-.. huh?? "

Wait, what was he doing? Sure, he could just take his time and try to get this person to clarify just what they're talking about, but he still had to find his dorm and put his stuff away! Hell, he hadn't even known where to go! With a hand now reaching into the pockets of his coat, Innsmouth stumbled his fingers through to find what he was looking for.

" Look, uh- I'd love to stay and chat but.. I-I gotta get to.. hold on, where is it.. "

His fingers wrapped around something thin and rectangular. Gotcha. With his hand reeling back to his face like a fisher reeling his catch in, he flipped open the piece of paper contained within the letter he had gotten that had the instructions written on them on where to go. Now, let's see here..

" I gotta get to Dorm 4. Now if you would excuse me, I really need to go..! "

With that, he wasted no time as his head turned to scout out any of the nearby buildings, finding his destination closeby. And without so much as a word or a wave, the gangly boy ran towards his dorms to get out of this social interaction as quick as he could. As nice as it was talking to people, he really wasn't sure how long he could stick around the boy before he too would get creeped out by his aura and leave, so Ralyegh just decided that taking the initiative first was the better option.

Arriving at his dormitory, he took the moment of solitude to look about, knowing that he seemed to be the first one in the building, fortunately for him. Heading straight into the area where he- okay, maybe not him but definitely his dormmates would sleep, Ralyegh took the opportunity of isolation to take his stuff straight out of his body, pulling up his shirt and moving his coat aside to pull out the metallic box he had put his stuff in before getting here.

And now, with his figure struggling to fit himself into a bean bag chair, just opened the small, rectangular box and decided to look at its contents, getting hit by a wave of nostalgia as he was entranced into a stare as a flood of better memories washed over him, getting lost in thoughts once more.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel and Samael were both surprised when Fuyuko started to have an energy flow out of her and make wings. Samael showed his bone wings and Marcel showed his crimson wings. “So. What is your power if you don’t mind me asking Fuyuko?” Marcel asked Fuyuko as he looked at her. His face turning a slight red. ‘She shouldn’t be this cute. But she is!’ Marcel thought to himself as he couldn’t speak due to his feelings.

Samael meanwhile watched the two with a small smile on his face. ‘Lovebirds Already. And they just met.’ Samael thought to himself as he looked at Fuyuko and Marcel

@Cmeriwether (Fuyuko)
Gina Shieldson

Gina had gone to the dorms, she unlike anyone else so far that she passed, had managed to actually find the dorms. She then went to where her dorm said to go, dorm 16. When she got there, she found where her stuff would go, she started her setup, which included her clothes, consoles, and other items in her luggage. After she set up her consoles, she went to freshen up. After her shower, Gina put on a red dress, which hugged to her frame, as she made sure everything was nice and set. She then left her dorm.

As Gina was heading towards the Cafeteria, a fight broke out. She saw a boy no taller than her brother, but nowhere near as muscular as him. She really wished her brother was here, all would have caged, and he would be watching from a mile away. She went to check the integrity of the nearby building to the fight. As she did that, she then saw the fight, and went in to prepare to try and break it up. Gina went in to try and break it up, and all of a sudden, the other fighter had a punch aimed for the boy going towards her, aimed at an area that had a fresh wound on an already scarred area.

"Now would have been a good time for Omar to appear, he can break up fights a lot better than anyone else we know," Gina whispered.

@D34N.U5R (Braedyn)

Fuyuko Redtail
Marcel and Samael were both surprised when Fuyuko started to have an energy flow out of her and make wings. Samael showed his bone wings and Marcel showed his crimson wings. “So. What is your power if you don’t mind me asking Fuyuko?” Marcel asked Fuyuko as he looked at her. His face turning a slight red. ‘She shouldn’t be this cute. But she is!’ Marcel thought to himself as he couldn’t speak due to his feelings.

Samael meanwhile watched the two with a small smile on his face. ‘Lovebirds Already. And they just met.’ Samael thought to himself as he looked at Fuyuko and Marcel

@Cmeriwether (Fuyuko)

Fuyuko looked over at The wings produced by each of them. Marcel's crimson wings, and Samael's bone wings.

"If I told you the spirit of a Dragon was taken residence in my soul, how would you react?" Fuyuko responded with all seriousness, "I have the abilities of a Gold Dragon, meaning things in human state, I can energize wings, claws and a Tail for aid in combat in my normal self, I have access to two breath Weapons, however the second is only accessible once my ultimate state, called Spirit Dragon Takeover, is triggered, the normal breath weapon is fire, but the other is a Weakness breath that reduces the strength of those in the breath Weapon radius. The Dragon's body forms with the spirit energy surrounding me, and goes up to actual size. This particular aspect of my power has sent multiple people to the hospital. You ready to go to the dorms?"

Fuyuko's nerves suddenly shot up, making her blush immensely, it was actually visible to the naked eye.
Nera Vasquez


Seeing that her gesture was viewed as one of conflict, and she seemed to be... uh... now altercated with a different student, Nera decided to just not. She... wondered who Isolde could be. Off of surface thoughts she didn't really get much besides death-fearing panic, but otherwise the blonde was an enigma...

Maybe they'd meet another time. Still, she dropped a hand onto her hip, and swept her dusty hair out of her face, just... deciding she had other things to deal with, even if the panicked voice of Isolde was still hanging at the back of her mind like a gnawing chipmunk... she cooly exhaled, and entered the dorm building after minimal shoving, as the crowd had died down. She flipped out the small black keychain card that was their room key, and traveled up the elevator to the second floor where all the actual rooms were- as this first floor was apparently just a lobby.

"Dorm... 16. All right then... let's hope the crowd doesn't make me viscerally angry."

She stepped into the room... currently empty... and found herself to the bedroom first, dropping her duffel bag on the bed where all her stuff was surrounding... and just faceplanted, taking the moment to feel out its comfort...

...not the worst, but just a bit firm. Mmf.


Riley Deimi

Riley looked around the lobby of the building, and sort of wandered around, her purple eyes scanning every inch, until her ears picked up a familiar sounding thing! Her dorm number! Some caramel-headed gal was talking to a green girl about it! Dorm 15, she just worried she hadn't mistaken it, as with her oversized bag in tow, she approached the two, giving a bit of an... exaggerated wave!

"Hi~! Hey~! I heard you guys talking about Dorm 15! I'm in Dorm 15! Isn't that awesome, we're gonna be roomies!!!"

Her energy immediately flooded the conversation like a full-sized beach wave, her eyes bright as she swayed in her sensible skirt, black tights, and short sleeve shirt with some kind of graffiti design!

"M'names Riley Deimi, what about you two?! I hope we can be besties, that sounds like it would be a lot of fun~! Just be warned, I'm a bit of a mess, so I hope you'll take good care of me so I don't drop myself in a ditch somewhere- n-not like I couldn't get out, I'm a speedy gal, but you know!!! I'm just mentioning it!"

Her goofball grin was like its own mini-sun, and she placed her hands square on her hips, while her bag slowly- as it had been this whole time- slid down further on her back due to its weight.

@Blotch'd @Void_Nugget

Tsugikuni Ginhoshi

Tsugikuni took notice of the young man- who appeared to have a near-permanent grin on his face- writing, having gazed at him for quite a few moments. He appeared to be on one of the benches, writing… but Tsugikuni was aware enough, watching as his writer’s hand turned into an artist’s hand before his eyes. Curious. He stood and approached the boy, and looked over his shoulder, neglecting to mention he’d caught the boy… eyeing him.

“…so, are you drawing something? Do you mind if I take a look? I’m a very big fan of art.”

A… little eccentric of an introduction, as he quickly cleared his throat and made a short bow.

“Ah, forgive my unpleasant introduction- my name is Tsugikuni Ginhoshi, it’s nice to meet you. I just happened to spy your “artist’s hand” moving, and wanted to see what it was you were making!”


Maya Aofumi

Maya paused as she barely overheard what Omar had said, her expression slightly conforming to concern for just a moment, before it calmed down back to a neutral.

“Well, I’m glad to be of help- and I’ll look out for your sister if I see her. I assume she looks like you, so I’ll keep an eye out, okay?”

She then turned her head back to the dorm building, scanning it…

“I should probably go back to my dorm though- I wanna see who I’m roomed with~”


Gold The Dragonite

Previously Dratingonair
Kendra Twins

As the rush hour finally start to dissipate, the two reach the long awaited and in high-demand dorms. The two would be seperated for the first time since arriving, neither of them really minding. "See ya later, Andy~" Gwen teased, well-versed in pushing his buttons, and no snide remarks with her hurried pace neglecting whatever he mumbled! Could the day get any better?


It turns out it could; a shove of the door to Dorm 19 revealed another person that just arrived! "Well, howdy roomie! Don't tell me, you're..." She fished the acceptance letter out of her pocket, eyeing the names of who she'd share living space with.

"Don't look like an Asuna, nope..."

Gwen tried to go through the routine that she definitely didn't practise a hundred times over, having her eyes flicker between the paper and the person in question - yet, she found her gaze lingering on her roommate's occassionally. She shooked her head and pushed through the distraction, determined to finish her performance.

"Ah, that's gotta be it! You're giving me Pearl vibes with those sparkly eyes of yours~"

Mission accomplished. After the best introduction she could improvise, Gwen took herself and her luggage to one of the corners of the room, before sinking into one of the nearby bean bags, looking over to the brunette. "So, headed to the cafeteria in a bit? Mind if I tag along?" She requested with a tilted head and a face you just couldn't say no to. Well, maybe besides her brother.

@| Korutesu |


Speaking of whom, he nagivated his way to Dorm 4 with ease, once he'd overcome the initial exasperation of the use of that nickname. The door creaked softly as he slipped inside. The place was quiet, good. He must've been the first one there. At least, so he thought.

That idea dissolved quickly after noticing a lanky figure sat fixated at a box. The surprise nearly made him jump, not expecting someone else there, let alone someone that looked so... unique. Daunting as he was at first, it'd just be something he'd have to be accustomed with, seeing as they would share the dorm. With two other people...


No need to be flat out rude, anyways. Andrew decided to just leave the guy to his own devices, silently taking the parallel corner of the room and unpacking the little he brought. Did he forget to wash his clothes or something? What's with the smell?


Arielle flinched and nearly lost her balance, mirroring the apprehensive girl as she retreated further toward the tree.

"Ah! I-i'm so sorry!" Her panic was evident, and Arielle quickly reabsorbed the green particles into her eye, partially lifting her blindfold off one side to show her genuine remorse. Although this seemed to unsettle the girl even more, as she began speaking more frantically with less sense, clearly in some sort of trance and not responding to reason. What was she thinking?

The blindfold went back to covering her (lack of) eyes, green specks leaking out of underneath and back to surrounding her. "Boss? I don't know what you're talking about..." Sensing the girl's escalating distress, Arielle did the only thing she could think of: she gently took the girl's slightly cold hand, silently mouthing an apology, and started guiding her towards the dorms.

The walk was thankfully short, the two nearing the now less crowded entrance to the dormitories. Arielle directed them towards her own dorm, but then turned to address her 'hostage'. "Um, which dorm is yours...?" She spoke up, aiming to ease the girl's concerns. Arielle faced her, not expecting direct eye contact as the ground was clearly more interesting, now noticing the heterochromia once it wasn't obscured by the girl's verge of tears.



Previously SlicertheGallade890
“Yes of course.” Marcel smiled as he looked at Fuyuko. Then Samael chimed in. “Sounds similar to Zalthereon, right Marcel?” Marcel froze and looked at Samael. “Dude. I was gonna keep that a surprise.” Marcel shook his head. And then looked to Fuyuko. “Demonic abilities are my specialty. I can use an energy called Sulfurous Brimsoul to make swords around my hands or use as energy bolts or something. Just whatever I need. I can also manipulate ashes, whether that be mine or someone else’s to blind, bind, or offensively. The main thing though is that your draconic takeover sounds like an ability I call Zalthereon’s prowl. Where I change into more of a demonic state. It isn’t perfected yet. It’ll take time for me to truly perfect it.” Marcel spoke as the then looked to Samael.

Samael cleared his throat and took his obsidian scythes from his back. “My abilities lie in my scythes. I can use scythe arts to make them more offensive or defensive if need be. One of my favorites with these are…” samael paused and focused, the scythes glowed orange before shattering, revealing magma underneath. “My magma scythes.” Samael then closed his eyes and a purple outline formed in the magma before sealing it into his obsidian scythes. “Next is my Anima Sola Chains.” Samael held a palm out and some chains came out. “I can use these to bind or inflict more damage if needed.” Samael spoke as he closed his hand and the chains faded into ash.

“Just like Marcel I have a form that is different from me. I call it, Reaperium Ultima. But I’ll show that later on down the line.” Samael spoke as he looked at Fuyuko and Marvel. “So. Can we get a move on now?” Samael looked at them, and Marcel nodded. “Right. Come along Fuyuko.” Marcel spoke as he began to walk and Samael joined his side.

@Cmeriwether (Fuyuko)
Iori skipped down to the cafeteria, settling herself at an empty table. There’s less people here, so the strings should be clearer… She stared at the few people in the room besides her, but she didn’t find any interesting developments. “How can none of them have any links with one another?” she muttered.

She sighed. Fate dictated initial connection, it was true, but people worked for the bonds that they would form. “I guess sitting here and waiting wouldn’t be such a good idea, especially since I don’t know anyone here,” she admitted to herself, pushing off of the table and walking back to her dorm.

She opened the door, seeing two girls standing in there. “So, you two must be my roommates?” she asked, trying her best not to sound overly enthusiastic. “It’s nice to meet you both! I’m Iori Akiyama.”

@Gold The Dragonite @| Korutesu | (sorry I forgot to earlier)
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Previously Shadow_Pup
Amaryllis Cloverfield
As she walked she turned to Pamela in response to her questions and comments about the Fey. "Well we fey have various different powers although we can all change our size and fly, I personally have the ability to control plants and go invisible but not all fey can do that" she said with a grin as they continued walking. She turned her head as a very enthusiastic girl popped up seemingly from nowhere, although that was more due to Amaryllis not paying enough attention, when the girl mentioned dorm 15 she beamed "cool, my name is Amaryllis Cloverfield, nice to meet you Riley" she said her wings doing a happy little flutter before she noticed they had reached their dorm "oh here we are dorm 15" she stated before heading into the room.
She'd sent a bunch of plants in advance so they could be put in the room without her having to carry them and as she entered the dorm she headed into the room with her name on it and found the plants, she grinned and immediately set to growing and manoeuvring the plants around her part of the room covering the walls, the bed and all the rest of the furniture giving a serene, natural feel, she sighed happily "that's much better" she then proceeded to begin unpacking her belongings.
@Blotch'd (Pamela) @Cryronn the Mudkip (Riley)

Jake West
Deciding to return to his dorm to see if any of his roommates had arrived yet, Jake made no delay in reaching his dorm, he entered a little disappointed to find that he was still the only one to have moved in, he shrugged and made his way to the communal space in the dorm and quickly moved over to the couch, he then chose to lay upon the couch rather than sit upon it deeming he might as well be comfy while he waited to meet his roomies.


Previously Deathstalker62
As he was lost in the wonderful flashbacks of past memories, his mental image was set ablaze and burnt like a photo, giving way to the present view of the room, where a new presence has just entered. Ralyegh took a couple moments to look around with subtle movements, just very slightly tilting and moving his head, as if it were a doll whose hinges were not quite what they used to be. Then, with his long arm, he lifted the first thing out of his metallic box with strange markings, putting it on the table beside him, marking his corner of the room, which strangely seems to be lacking a bed. Not that he had a problem with it. Guess the staff here just knew about his inability to rest and decided to just cut out the middle man altogether.

First placed upon the table, dead-set in the center, he positioned a memoir of his parents. It was quite the old photo with an ornate frame, taken before even he was born. Before their differences broke them apart, their minds allegedly whittled away, their identities becoming a mere shred of what they once were. It reminded Ralyeth of better times and it was one of the few things he still had left to remember his parents by, so it was only natural that it was something he would take with him everywhere he went.

Right behind this photo there was another picture, now depicting him and his parents, apparent to be a painting like those drawn in older times, made to appear as if made from oil-based colors. Innsmouth had quietly and quickly used an opening on his finger to line the backside of the frame with his sludge, allowing it to stick to the wall without the requirement of a hammer and nail.. or even a string or tape for that matter.

All of their expressions were depicted as near-deadpan and yet, signs of his power were already creeping into the picture, if the uncanny, shaky stares of his parents and the diseased-appearing, green-hued skin of the younger Ral had anything to say about it. Though his actual face appeared to be hidden behind a stuffed bear, both of his parents seemed to have subtly moved their hands and even arms to not even so much as graze their boy, bizarrely so.

To the left of the family photo, there was one ornately-carved wooden box, etched with little figures and what seemed to be fossils, rocks, caverns and mountains, the etchings painted with green gradients while the box itself was cherry-red. This was, of course, where he kept a personal note of his mother's alongside other small trinkets she once kept, keeping safe with a bronze key lock securing the box so he could open it at any time and take a look by using the matching key he kept on his person at all times.

To the right of the family photo, there was yet another wooden box similiar to his mother's, this one being that of his father's. It, too, was engraved with markings of an aquatic setting such as sea stars and bubbles, but also a few ruins and strange symbols and structures appeared to be etched into it, all marked with a turqouise-toned blue while the box itself was as deep-blue as the ocean itself. It too held a lock matching the silver key used to open it and, just like the other, held trinkets and gadgets once belonging to his father, most notably a silver watch containing a smaller-scale family photo of the same nature as the oil panting.

And placed between the boxes and the photos, a fair distance away from the painting and the other items so none would potentially be set aflame and burn, there were unlit candles on metallic trays. Most seemed to be already partially melted and some were brand-new, yet all were of different lengths and widths. These were mainly there in the same nature one would put a candle to a grave - a memorial, or a tribute of sorts. Of course, some among them were also scented candles. You know, just in case his natural odor would become too overwhelming to the others at some point. This did end up giving the whole thing an occult-ish vibe as Innsmouth had noticed.. not that it really mattered to him.

Building up his tributal shrine in absolute silence, the shifting giant proceeded to sit back down in the beanbag chair, yet not before moving it to face what he had placed upon the once barren table and carefully examining each and every one of the items. He wouldn't let himself drift away this time for he knew that, eventually, lunchtime would ring near.. but, hey. He could surely still spend some time here, right? Ralyegh had to be absolutely sure that none of his things were out of order, damaged or even the slightest bit dusty. He wished he could have just kept everything inside the metal box but,.. well, that would be disrespectful, wouldn't it? To keep these memoirs locked away instead of re-building his shrine for them as to respect the passing of his closest?
Kimiko "Kim" Takahashi
@Cmeriwether (Melanie Redtail)​

Well it was less trivialization and more perhaps Kim seemed more focus on retuning the greeting and showing off her ability than anything else, as really an enchanted sword that could allow spirits of the past to possess one was something unusual even in this world where just about anything had seemed possible.

"I see. It is expected our family go to premier schools like this before we set out to become pros. Fine tune our skills as well as learn all we need to learn and such..." Kim mused, before she was given a warning from Melanine which the Takahashi seemed unconcerned with.

"The warning is appreciated, but my abilities are more than merely folding myself over. Even if your sister possesses a favorable matchup, I do not aim to be outshined by anyone here." Kim said as she showed a natural confidence in her abilities though whether it had been assured or was just a bit of cockiness had remained to be seen.

Kim listened to more details of the swords and how Melanine seemed to acquire it. "I see, seems like quite an item to get a hand on. How do you, I should say, "negotiate" with these spirits as it were?" Kim asked a bit curious. Though admittedly perhaps this convo could be saved another time as she still needed to find her dorm room and prepare for dinner.
Fuyuko Redtail
“Yes of course.” Marcel smiled as he looked at Fuyuko. Then Samael chimed in. “Sounds similar to Zalthereon, right Marcel?” Marcel froze and looked at Samael. “Dude. I was gonna keep that a surprise.” Marcel shook his head. And then looked to Fuyuko. “Demonic abilities are my specialty. I can use an energy called Sulfurous Brimsoul to make swords around my hands or use as energy bolts or something. Just whatever I need. I can also manipulate ashes, whether that be mine or someone else’s to blind, bind, or offensively. The main thing though is that your draconic takeover sounds like an ability I call Zalthereon’s prowl. Where I change into more of a demonic state. It isn’t perfected yet. It’ll take time for me to truly perfect it.” Marcel spoke as the then looked to Samael.

Samael cleared his throat and took his obsidian scythes from his back. “My abilities lie in my scythes. I can use scythe arts to make them more offensive or defensive if need be. One of my favorites with these are…” samael paused and focused, the scythes glowed orange before shattering, revealing magma underneath. “My magma scythes.” Samael then closed his eyes and a purple outline formed in the magma before sealing it into his obsidian scythes. “Next is my Anima Sola Chains.” Samael held a palm out and some chains came out. “I can use these to bind or inflict more damage if needed.” Samael spoke as he closed his hand and the chains faded into ash.

“Just like Marcel I have a form that is different from me. I call it, Reaperium Ultima. But I’ll show that later on down the line.” Samael spoke as he looked at Fuyuko and Marvel. “So. Can we get a move on now?” Samael looked at them, and Marcel nodded. “Right. Come along Fuyuko.” Marcel spoke as he began to walk and Samael joined his side.

@Cmeriwether (Fuyuko)

Fuyuko nodded as Marcel asked her to join them on the trip to the dorms.

"These are impressive, I don't think I've ever seen these kinds of powers." Fuyuko responded, "My Spirit Dragon Takeover's overall abilities level with the size of the Dragon form, Mine's nowhere near full size."

As Fuyuko looked up, she saw the flags for the dorms, which surprised her, she wondered who her roommates were.

"Look, Marcel, Samael, the dorms are that way!" Fuyuko responded, "We should get going!"

Fuyuko then started walking down the path, looking at her Acceptance letter. She looked at her Dorm number which was eighteen, and saw the list which had one indeterminate, and a Maya Aofumi, alongside her sister, Melanie Redtail.

"Holy crap!" Fuyuko responded, "I was reading my letter and found out one of my roommates is my sister!"

Omar Shieldson
Maya Aofumi

Maya paused as she barely overheard what Omar had said, her expression slightly conforming to concern for just a moment, before it calmed down back to a neutral.

“Well, I’m glad to be of help- and I’ll look out for your sister if I see her. I assume she looks like you, so I’ll keep an eye out, okay?”

She then turned her head back to the dorm building, scanning it…

“I should probably go back to my dorm though- I wanna see who I’m roomed with~”


"Thank you, also my sister only has a streak of gray hair, where my whole head is grey, that's the main difference." Omar responded to Maya, "I'm going to the dorms, see you later."

Omar then walked away from Maya and started working his way to the dorms, there was a crowd of students, however, Omar could get through the crowd pretty well, using Wall and Analytics to make sure Wall takes as little damage from pushes, shoves, someone unintentionally punching him in the face. As he worked his way there, some students were dispersed after a puff of steam popped up. He then went into the dorm building, but not with out taking two elbows, a rock, a peck from a duck, a hawk trying to steal his stuff, to which he caged the duck and hawk so the person who summoned them could collect them.

"Sorry about my duck and hawk, I'm here to collect them."

Omar broke the cages so the person could collect their animals. He looked through his letter, finding his Dorm to be number four, and his roommates to be Rayleigh Innsmouth, Andrew Kendra, and Samael Petrikov. Omar then found the dorm, and steeled himself to open the door. He found that two of the rooms were taken, one by someone who seemed to be more than double his own height, and the other by a more somber looking dude, he then took the upper right corner. He then started his unpacking.

@DevVoid @Gold The Dragonite (Andew)

Asuna Ryugetsu
Orion's confident approach to Asuna was met with a blush that could rival a tomato. He withdrew his hand, squinting playfully at her once she focused back on her map, as if sizing her up. After a moment, a mischievous smile lit up his face.

"Lost soul in search of the mystical dorms, huh?" Orion teased, attempting to lower the awkward temperature. "I'm your GPS for the day. Follow this magical path around the corner," he began with exaggerated gestures as if revealing hidden treasure, "...or just tail these fine folks." He motioned to the passing students, adding a shrug.

As he did so, his eyes caught a particularly interesting looking pair - a profoundly chipper girl with light caramel, wavy hair, and next to her, a similar looking guy, likely her sibling, who was closer to Orion's height, though noticeably more somber.

While the teenager's purple peepers rested perhaps a tad too long on the energetic girl, for reasons which we won't delve into for the sake of professionalism, Orion felt a strong sense of foreboding when he looked upon the mellow boy, almost a sense of familiarity despite them (presumably) never having crossed paths before.

Making a mental note to keep an eye out for the two, Orion returned his attention back to Asuna.

Deciding to focus on helping her, he continued, "Look for a swarm of people in front of some buildings waving flags in different colors. Bingo! You've made it." With a mischievous glint in his eye, he waved and prepared to step back into his portal.

"Time to skedaddle! Plenty to see and do. Safe travels to the dorms, Asuna. Or should I say 'Sauna' for your next adventure?" He winked playfully before disappearing into the portal, reappearing in a heartbeat at his original spot.

He dusted off his Adventure Log, pretending nonchalance, but inwardly thrilled. "Man, I'm smooth," he mused, sneaking a peek at Asuna in the distance before conjuring another portal, duffle bag in hand, and stepping through, brimming with excitement for what Karma High had in store.

@Cmeriwether (Asuna)

Asuna's steam calmed down a bit as Orion said that the dorms had a bunch of different flags of different colors. She then looked up to see the flags, and was about to Thank him. She turned to do so, and he was gone. Like, straight up gone!? What power did he have? This question, alongside the fact the guy called her hot, ran through her mind.

"What kind of power can do that, definitely not one that would be in my house." Asuna whispered and went towards the dorm.

She then pulled out her letter, and read where she would go. Dorm 19, and her roommates were Gwen Kendra, Pearl Arlene, and Iori Akiyama. As such she headed to the dorms, and finally got there as some of the students dispersed due to Asuna using her steam to make the temperature a bit uncomfortable for most. She then got inside, shutting off the steam as she went to dorm 19, finding the door open.

"Hello, is this Dorm Nineteen, I am Ryugetsu Asuna."

Asuna had her stuff on hand in case this wasn't the right dorm.

@Gold The Dragonite (Gwen) @| Korutesu | @EvasiveEevee

Melanie Redtail
Kimiko "Kim" Takahashi
@Cmeriwether (Melanie Redtail)​

Well it was less trivialization and more perhaps Kim seemed more focus on retuning the greeting and showing off her ability than anything else, as really an enchanted sword that could allow spirits of the past to possess one was something unusual even in this world where just about anything had seemed possible.

"I see. It is expected our family go to premier schools like this before we set out to become pros. Fine tune our skills as well as learn all we need to learn and such..." Kim mused, before she was given a warning from Melanine which the Takahashi seemed unconcerned with.

"The warning is appreciated, but my abilities are more than merely folding myself over. Even if your sister possesses a favorable matchup, I do not aim to be outshined by anyone here." Kim said as she showed a natural confidence in her abilities though whether it had been assured or was just a bit of cockiness had remained to be seen.

Kim listened to more details of the swords and how Melanine seemed to acquire it. "I see, seems like quite an item to get a hand on. How do you, I should say, "negotiate" with these spirits as it were?" Kim asked a bit curious. Though admittedly perhaps this convo could be saved another time as she still needed to find her dorm room and prepare for dinner.

"The spirits are inside me, not my sword, the sword what is called an Artifact, these Artifacts, such as my sword, are connected to one of my spirits, this sword is connected to The Draque, as I have dubbed this particular spirit. Negotiations with the spirits are dependent on the spirit, The Lover is the hardest one to negotiate with, followed by the Actor. It is quite an item to get my hands on, especially since it is a very famous sword from the mid to late fifteen hundreds. Shouldn't we get to the dorms?"

Melanie then pulled out her letter to see where she was going and who she was dorming with when she found out her sister, Fuyuko, was dorming with her.

"What's your dorm number, Kim? I am in dorm eighteen, and apparently I already know someone in my dorm."

Melanie was bouncing up and down after finding out her sister was dorming with her.
Pamela Oswald
Pamela was struck by a wall of energy while her new connection listed her powers. Before her was the image of a shorter young girl with a flash of white hair. She energetically introduced herself as Riley.

Okay. How to match this? Casting an appraising eye, Pamela noted Riley's general posture and demeanor.
Pamela came to the conclusion that the only way to interact with them was to match their energy. Jumping forward almost immediately, Pamela plastered a huge smile on her face and took Riley's hand, shaking it with vigor and strength. "YUP! That's us, Dorm 15! Howdy, Riley! I'm Pamela Oswald, and it's nice to meetcha!" Pamela let go of Riley's hand and turned towards Amaryllis, saying in a rather carrying on-purpose stage whisper "Just like I told you! Cute girls in our dorm!"

"Let me get that bag for ya, Riley! I'm plenny strong, and you seem to be having a bit of trouble keepin' it on those birdlike shoulders of yours! Haha!"
"Boy, we three are gonna have the time of our life! I bet our last dorm member is gonna be just as crazy as we are~!"

Pamela could not have known it, but that was going to be one of the most off base, unfounded, completely wrong, terribly stupid things she was going to have said all day.

@Cryronn the Mudkip @Void_Nugget
Isolde Barley
Isolde was certainly not expecting to hold a girl's hand on day one, and she certainly did not expect to be doing it before marriage.

Isolde flushed a nice, violent shade of scarlet. Don't get her wrong; this was simply because she was not at all used to physical touch. But there was something about the other girl's grip that made her not want to pull away. A sort of something- If Isolde had had a sister, she would have attributed it to that.
There certainly was something homely about her jailer's appearance; A sort of modesty not common among those of her age that Isolde knew.
Isolde was semi-sure now. Her jailer COULD be convinced to spare her life. Isolde just had to keep playing along and being the good little prisoner.
"U-Um...." Isolde thought for a minute. What Dorm was she in again?
"....S-Sixteen...? Or maybe....Fifteen...N-No- Sixteen!" Isolde flapped her free hand in embarrassment, trying to cool her red face.
"Y-You probably want to know w-where to find me if you need a...p-punching bag..." She sighed. "I h-hope my dorm mates are q-quiet..."
@Gold The Dragonite

Cinead looked at the other man, curiously watching him as he left. He cupped his hands together and yelled after him;
"BYEEEE! SEE YOU LATER, ALLIGATOR!" laughing to himself, he put a finger to his chin and wondered.
Something was off about that guy...He was REALLY tall. Why is he so tall?
He continued trucking on to his dorm, Dorm 7. He carefreely let the crowd carrying him, not in any particular hurry. He'd get there when he got there.

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