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Ask to Join Karma High Reboot: Superpower High School Roleplay (Main Thread)


Previously SlicertheGallade890
“Oh? You’ve heard of him as well?” Samael turned and noticed the arrival of Dean. “Yeah. That assassin, didn’t last long from what I heard. Got about 20 or 30 kills before being exposed and taken care of.” Samael tried to cover his tracks but knew it was in vain as he could tell…Dean knew who he was. “Some kid exposed me in the previous academy I went to. This kid’s name was Jack Frostweaver. He was always full of himself and was essentially a kid who was never told no as a child. He…physically abused one of my friends Alexis. They were in a relationship, but…Jack was the controlling one. So it didn’t surprise me when he exposed me.” Samael explained before turning back to Andrew and then to Dean, slipping the headline back into his cloak.

“To answer your question, Andrew, The headmaster of the academy I used to go to, Headmaster Whitmore…was not pleased with the news. He’s had it out for me since…well, Marcel and I as a band played that one song…Here Comes Revenge on stage for the school’s talent show. But the twist was…Marcel brought a symphony with him to play the song with us. We were disqualified from winning the show for, obvious reasons. But…when Headmaster Whitmore found out I was the burning skull. He was livid, he had actually thought about kicking me out of the academy. He actually called my father. Now…to be honest, My father. Is one of the top heroes in Russia. Blaze Maelstrom was his name, and my father…bless him for saying that he approved. He said that’s how he started as a hero. Was an assassin targeting underground syndicates, and mobsters. Like me.” Samael explained to the two of them. “But keep this between us, I’ve given up my Assassin dreams, but that doesn’t mean I’ve slacked off.” Samael smiled a bit, his last comment obviously being a joke.
(@D34N.U5R @Gold The Dragonite )

It’s Showtime, Marcel
Marcel, Meanwhile, knew it was time to show his favorite performance ever. “The next one was a live one, from my previous academy’s talent show. So…we played our song and…we were actually disqualified from winning for a specific reason. The reason, of which you’ll see, may surprise you at first.” Marcel explained before beginning the video, which actually didn’t start with the song. It began with a bit of banter, as Marcel asked where their drummer Sampson was. On the stage as a curtain was actually covering Sampson’s drums, he peaked his head out of the curtain. Marcel told him to give them a 4 count on the drums and as Sampson did that, the lights dimmed and the curtains opened revealing Sampson but more surprisingly a symphony behind them. The lighting was moody as well to represent the theme of the song, the cinematography was also crisp and high definition. But something was overlayed with the live song…what was it?
(@Cmeriwether )
Our (Chaotic Good) Brainiac
Samael had just revealed his kill count; 20-30 kills. Told you Dean didn't have photographic memory. Disappointing... but still really good.

He sighed. "Yeah, my memory is not perfect," he said, "Anyway, where do I know the name 'Jack Frostweaver' from?" He paused to think. He remembered hacking into the Karma High servers and seeing other people with the surname Frostweaver. No Jack Frostweaver. Then he remembered hacking into the Vermont government servers. That's where he'd seen the name before. Vermont Citizen Database.

"Right, I... hacked into government servers in Vermont and took a little peak at the Citizen Database," he said to himself, highly unaware that everyone in a 20-centimetre radius could hear him. Then he sighed once more.

"So, your dad's one of the top heroes in Russia?" he said, "They're way more creative than the heroes back in Australia, where the top heroes are just ripoffs of cartoon characters like Blinky Bill, but they're still really good." Then he thought of a pretty decent question.

"This is probably a random-ass question, especially coming from me, but who was the first person we noticed that we didn't know before coming to this place?" he asked, "I'll go first - when I was just carrying my luggage to my dorm, I didn't really notice anyone, but when I was looking back at my friend Braedyn to check on him, I think I saw a really, really pretty girl, but I don't remember seeing her face anywhere and I've checked the Karma High databases hundreds of times in the past month since I got accepted." Little did he know that he just exposed himself in front of two people he just met.

@MarcelGalliard790 @Gold The Dragonite
Isaac and Ilya Ashton

"Well..." Isaac scratched the back of his head before raising his hand, palm up and materialized a small pebble of ice about the diameter of an American half-dollar coin. "I control ice. I can either freeze others or materialize ice into different shapes. Long story short, fire and ice don't mix."
Dropping the small ice ball into his bowl, Isaac then clarified. "My sister is actually a werewolf, and very protective of her food. Her pack mates, even more so."
Isaac then lead Pax to his sister's table, noticing someone else sitting there as well. "Nice to see you made a new friend, Sis. This is Pax." @=Nightshade=
"About time you got over here. What took you so long?" Turning around, Ilya then noticed Pax. "Oh, hello. I'm Ilya and this is Angus. Angus, this is my twin brother Isaac. Has my brother been bothering you?" @-[ Just Vibin ]-
Angus Bowie
Location: Cafeteria
Interaction: IIya / Isaac / Pax (?)

" Uh yeah, Lyn used the terms 'Volukinesis' or 'Insectikinesis' or some other terms like that. But I can control insects. Though I don't like the term mind control, their usually doing there own thing when their off duty. "

He explained, it wasn't a hard topic to explain but, there was to many terms for the skill. Picking up a fry from his tray he took a bite of it. Glancing at the approaching kids. Or well IIya's brother and a stranger he hasn't meet yet. Angus looked at them when he was introduced and waved awkwardly.

" Hi...? "

Angus said rubbing the back of his neck. Before looking around again.

" If I'm intruding I can leave. I don't wanna be a bother to you guys. "
Combining the two posts, this weekend was horrible so I didn't get to respond. )
Melanie Redtail (Interactions: Cinead (@Inkage )

Melanie was surprised at the questions the young man gave to her. She then started answering one at a time.

"Hi, Cinead, you were close with my Name, Melanie, I have to, British Government Officials gave me this sword after it reacted to one of my spirits for my power." Melanie responded, "I'm doing well. My last name comes from the sprout of red, rat tail styled hair that was used to track my father's side of the family back in the day."

Melanie then processed what was said. She then blushed a bit, not expecting to have heard that today, and The Revolutionary's possession dropped. She then spoke again, as her usual, true self.

"T-thank y-you, C-Cinead," Melanie responded, her face visibly red, tears forming, "T-that w-was t-the f-first t-time a-anyone c-called m-me p-pretty."

Melanie was not used to the compliments, due to people calling her hurtful things in her middle school days, to the point that she barely made it through middle school. Hence the happy tears. She was trying to sift out her thoughts.

"Cute!" Melanie thought, "Wait, what? What is with me?"


"Miles, huh?" the teenager echoed as the duo made their way through the medical wing, Orion handing Miles a pack of tissues to catch the bleeding with.

"...Can't shake the feeling I've heard that somewhere before...maybe it's just me. Speaking of me, call me Orion - eccentric explorer, gallant gentleman, triumphant trailblazer, ...you know the drill. Nice to meetcha, dude."

The atmosphere soon shifted from the bustling energy of the main campus to a subdued calmness. The scent of antiseptic hung in the air, mingling with the faint aroma of freshly brewed coffee from the nearby staff lounge, creating an oddly comforting ambiance.

The walls were adorned with posters advocating healthy living and reminders to wash hands thoroughly, their vibrant colors providing a stark contrast to the sterile silver tiles underfoot. Every now and then, they passed a door marked with the universal symbol of a red cross, behind which medical professionals bustled about attending to various ailments, both mundane and extraordinary.

As they arrived at the waiting area, Orion couldn't help but notice the eclectic mix of students occupying the space. There was a boy with a bandaged arm chatting animatedly with his friends, a girl nervously tapping her foot as she leafed through a magazine, and even a student wearing sunglasses indoors, presumably to shield their eyes from the harsh fluorescent lights, or perhaps as a requirement of whatever power they possessed.

Once they'd reached the reception area, Orion pushed forward and attempted to explain the current situation.

"Hi," He greeted. "This guy's bleeding from his skull."

"Nice," The young woman manning the reception replied, her eyes remaining glued to the monitor in front of her. "That all?"

Orion blinked, caught off guard by her lack of reaction.

"Uh, probably," he muttered uncertainly.


Breezily, she pointed a finger at Miles, and the wound on his head quickly began to close up, until there was nary even a wound left to speak of!

"Uhh...?" Orion stammered, his jaw dropping in disbelief. "A-Are you a fairy?! I knew it! They all called me crazy, but - "

"Sure, buddy," She dismissed, waving off his speculation with a casual flick of her hand. Then, she shifted her cerulean eyes to Miles. "Uh, make sure you get something to eat - I had to dig into whatever available nutrients you had on deck. Do take care now."

Orion's eyes widened even further, if that was even possible, as he processed her words. He turned to Miles and then back to the receptionist.

His shock quickly turned to bewilderment as he realized the absurdity of the situation. His hand raised weakly, and before long, another oval gateway back to the cafeteria appeared by their side.

"...S-Shall we, uh, Mitch - Miles! Miles," He stammered, his words tripping over each other in his haste to leave the flabbergasting scene behind.

Interactions: Miles (@D34N.U5R)
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Marx looked surprise by the showcasing of Milliara's power, seemingly gaining another power out of no where. He bought his hands together and started clapping in awe as he looked at her display of power, before stopping to think for a moment about how her powers worked.

"Now that I think about it, you gotta be pretty strong with a ability like that. Being able to copy anyone's power and use it like that, compared to just turning into honey, you got a lot stuff you can do with that ya know? Makes me wish I had something like that."

He explained to Milliara, placing his chin on the table, closing his eyes as he finished his sentence. Still wondering about how many other interesting powers people have that he was unaware of.
It’s Showtime, Marcel
Marcel, Meanwhile, knew it was time to show his favorite performance ever. “The next one was a live one, from my previous academy’s talent show. So…we played our song and…we were actually disqualified from winning for a specific reason. The reason, of which you’ll see, may surprise you at first.” Marcel explained before beginning the video, which actually didn’t start with the song. It began with a bit of banter, as Marcel asked where their drummer Sampson was. On the stage as a curtain was actually covering Sampson’s drums, he peaked his head out of the curtain. Marcel told him to give them a 4 count on the drums and as Sampson did that, the lights dimmed and the curtains opened revealing Sampson but more surprisingly a symphony behind them. The lighting was moody as well to represent the theme of the song, the cinematography was also crisp and high definition. But something was overlayed with the live song…what was it?
(@Cmeriwether )
Fuyuko Redtail

Fuyuko was a bit confused about what Marcel said about Disqualification. She then started watching the video, surprised by the fact that their drummer, named Sampson, brought an entire symphony with him. How did he call upon a Symphony for this talent show, Sampson, that is? That was one question she had on her mind, and if her Memory served her correctly, this song actually called for the symphony in certain occasions. She was surprised, yet impressed. Then she saw the overlay, which was interesting, what was meant by this overlay?

"M-Marcel, Q-question, w-what w-was t-the o-overlay a-about?" Fuyuko asked, wondering about the context of why this song was picked.

Fuyuko was impressed with Marcel, and slightly blushing. She never felt this happy and well before, the other times in her past were close.

Marx looked surprise by the showcasing of Milliara's power, seemingly gaining another power out of no where. He bought his hands together and started clapping in awe as he looked at her display of power, before stopping to think for a moment about how her powers worked.

"Now that I think about it, you gotta be pretty strong with a ability like that. Being able to copy anyone's power and use it like that, compared to just turning into honey, you got a lot stuff you can do with that ya know? Makes me wish I had something like that."

He explained to Milliara, placing his chin on the table, closing his eyes as he finished his sentence. Still wondering about how many other interesting powers people have that he was unaware of.
Milliara Rakoto

"I typically don't use this for Combat, however, I help people with insecurities with their powers. I copy their problem power for a couple of days, and can usually figure out what their insecurities are, then work through them, giving them a plan to help with the insecurities."

Milliara was surprised at Marx's surprise. It was not everyday that one was surprised at their power. At their old academy, they were revered for their ability to understand people's insecurities. They hoped that they can help others here with people's insecurities.

"Marx, honey has its uses as well," Milliara responded, "It just might need a little thought put into it to find more uses. I had to do so when I helped people with their insecurities."


Previously SlicertheGallade890
The Truth of the Prince
“Well…to start. Sampson didn’t call the symphony in for that one. That was me. The overlay was just the music video of the original song.” Marcel paused and took his phone, going through his photo gallery until landing on a picture of him in his royal attire. Now letting the truth out to Fuyuko about his royalty status as a prince. “I am…a prince. I don’t like talking about it because I know everyone is quick to try and bow and show respect or whatever. But…I just want to be treated like any other boy.” Marcel smiled, he genuinely meant that he wanted to be treated like any normal person.

“And as for why we picked Here Comes Revenge for the song. Well, me and Samael had a friend at our old academy. This was our way of dedicating how strong she was for what she went through. Her name was Alexis, and she…was in a very toxic relationship with a guy by the name of Jack Frostweaver. He would get physical, put her down, guilt trip her, gaslight her, just…awful stuff. Samael gave him a warning about it. He didn’t listen and we tried to get her away from him…but it ended up in a fight between Me and Samael vs Jack and his group. He had cronies with him, each with their own specialty. One could use create a virus to distort the vision of a person, another one could hop between reflections, and the other could use light as a weapon. It ended in all of us going to the Headmaster’s office. Me and Samael didn’t get in trouble as it was self defense…and I guess because I won the schools tournament and Samael got second. The headmaster…oddly favored me in a lot of ways. I don't know why.” Marcel shook his head at his last comment before looking at Fuyuko.

“Sorry, it’s a lot to unpack. But, what about you? Anything that happened to you?” Marcel tilted his head as he looked at Fuyuko.
(@Cmeriwether )
Fuyuko Redtail: The School Queen's Worst Nightmare
The Truth of the Prince
“Well…to start. Sampson didn’t call the symphony in for that one. That was me. The overlay was just the music video of the original song.” Marcel paused and took his phone, going through his photo gallery until landing on a picture of him in his royal attire. Now letting the truth out to Fuyuko about his royalty status as a prince. “I am…a prince. I don’t like talking about it because I know everyone is quick to try and bow and show respect or whatever. But…I just want to be treated like any other boy.” Marcel smiled, he genuinely meant that he wanted to be treated like any normal person.

“And as for why we picked Here Comes Revenge for the song. Well, me and Samael had a friend at our old academy. This was our way of dedicating how strong she was for what she went through. Her name was Alexis, and she…was in a very toxic relationship with a guy by the name of Jack Frostweaver. He would get physical, put her down, guilt trip her, gaslight her, just…awful stuff. Samael gave him a warning about it. He didn’t listen and we tried to get her away from him…but it ended up in a fight between Me and Samael vs Jack and his group. He had cronies with him, each with their own specialty. One could use create a virus to distort the vision of a person, another one could hop between reflections, and the other could use light as a weapon. It ended in all of us going to the Headmaster’s office. Me and Samael didn’t get in trouble as it was self defense…and I guess because I won the schools tournament and Samael got second. The headmaster…oddly favored me in a lot of ways. I don't know why.” Marcel shook his head at his last comment before looking at Fuyuko.

“Sorry, it’s a lot to unpack. But, what about you? Anything that happened to you?” Marcel tilted his head as he looked at Fuyuko.
(@Cmeriwether )

Fuyuko took in everything that Marcel said, this was surprising that someone went through all that at their age. Fuyuko blushed, then nodded, taking serious note on the fact that he wanted to be treated as a normal individual, not as a prince. That was scary for the friend, to Fuyuko. Her sister, however, went through something like that as well, even turning the tables of two of them.

"My twin half-sister, Melanie was the target of a girl who proclaimed herself the Queen of the School at the beginning of our first year of middle School. Melanie tried to befriend her, but she was seen as powerless, useless, and words I won't get into. Melanie turned the tables against two of her friends, however, Francesca Found out, and proceeded to pummel her into the ground. The two she turned the tables on transferred out of embarrassment, and eventually led to an event that the Principal would call 'The Self-proclaimed Queen's Worst Nightmare.'"

A year ago, at a school in New York City, Melanie Redtail had been in the field, taking hit after hit from the Self-proclaimed Queen and her two friends. Melanie had a ton of bruises, bleeding in places as The Conductor possessed her, getting her out of what was holding her from fighting back. Eventually she started running, only to fall down from her injuries. When the Self-proclaimed Queen and her two friends caught up. That's when a brown haired girl with gold streaks in her hair stood between them, glaring at all three.

"What business do you have with Melanie, nobody!?"

"Your business with Melanie is my business," The girl warned.

"Fuyuko," Melanie spoke weakly.

"You're funny protecting this girl from my wrath." The Queen snarled, "What is she to you, huh?"

"You messed with my sister," The girl responded, gold energy seeping out of her.

"Uhh, Francesca, we have a major problem," one of the two with Francesca responded.

"What do you mean!?"

"That's Fuyuko Redtail, The one they call 'The Dragon', alongside 'The Nightmare' and for good reason." The other continued, "No one before our two friends messed with Melanie, no one ever considered it, because of her. Her power's ultimate state, called Spirit Dragon Takeover, is not one most of us can fight, not even close."

Fuyuko's eyes suddenly had serpentine pupils as she floated up, the Energy starting to form a shape. A shape that, when the formation was done, formed a large reptilian shape with whiskers on its mouth, wings that are longer than they were wide and reached the base of the form's tail.

"What the hell!?"

"How the f@%# are we going to fight that!?"

"So I don't care who you are, but your sister made an Enemy of me." Francesca spat.

Fuyuko landed near the three, and white smoke started pouring out of the Form's nose. The three were suddenly losing strength from this white smoke that was covering them.

"The Weakness breath." Melanie whispered as two people got to helping her.

"You two, stop them, I'll handle this one."

The other two went after the two helping Melanie when one spawned a clone of herself. As the clones held off the other two, the one, a black haired, silver eyed girl had been channeling energy to heal Melanie's injuries.

"Who are you?" Melanie asked.

"Ariana Silver, Celestial-touched." The black haired girl responded, "And she is Veronica Hemlock, Cloner."

"Thanks," Melanie responded.

Francesca and her two friends then tried to make their moves, however, with their weakened state from her breath weapon, they were a bit sluggish as they were barely holding their own bodies up. The form that Fuyuko was using proceeded to have a physical beat down on Francesca. Two Claw attacks, a Wing Attack, launching her back, as she brought down the tail to making the finishing blow to leave Francesca knocked out.

"Francesca promptly stopped messing with Melanie after that." Fuyuko admitted.

Fuyuko had explained her past defending her sister after Francesca bullied her for two years, she hadn't picked up on it until sometime late in their second year. Fuyuko still worried a little for Melanie to this day.

"Marcel is cute," Fuyuko admitted to her thoughts, "That's for certain."

Cinead recoiled upon seeing the formation of tears in his new friend's eyes.

"Woah, woah, WOAH! Nobody has called you pretty? EVER? I think it's something everyone deserves to hear! You're quite different from the other women in Ireland. Most of 'em have red hair! Or that might've just been my house. We're all redheads!" He flipped his overlarge rattail, showcasing the full, rust colored locks.

"Mine is kind of orange, though, rather than red. So seeing all these different hair colors is really cool! I assume you like brown hair, right? 'Cuz a' your hair? Why don't 'cha sit down? If ya' don't got nobody else to sit with! I could even get some more friends if 'ya like. As I always say, everyone in a crowd is a friend 'ya haven't met yet! I actually don't say that all the time. But I say it now!"

Cinead grabbed her hand and sat her down across from him. "You have the daintiest hands! I wonder if you can bulk up hands? If I had bigger hands would I make bigger fires? What if it was ugly though? You wouldn't be able to fit them into gloves...Or maybe sports gloves are gloves for buff handed people! I'll search it up later. Anyway! Tell me about ya' self! What's your favorite color? I bet it's green. Green is a good color- I love the color green- but I prefer red. Red, like fire! Fire is warm. Warm is good. So, anyway, back to the point! What's your favorite color?"

He didn't let go. Cinead just liked physical contact between friends. His hand was incredibly hot, like he was running a fever.

(Don't feel like you have to respond to everything he says, he just chatters a lot.)
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Isaac and Ilya Ashton

"Don't worry about it man." Isaac set his fruit salad down before sitting next to his twin sister. He then turned to Pax. "Pax, this is Ilya, my twin sister. Ilya, this is Pax."
Seeing the new girl, Ilya's bushy tail started wagging in excitement. "Nice to meet you Pax! As my brother said, I'm Ilya. And this is Angus. Good to meet you!"

@-[ Just Vibin ] @=Nightshade=

Riley appeared to boil silently in her chair as her sexual status was rather thoroughly outlined by Pomelo, who proceeded to also f-flirt with her, even if only teasing a possible relationship, causing her to essentially broil to a sear like a shrimp cookout. When she finally opened her mouth, it was to let out a cloud of steam she'd built up due to her insides having been in rush hour for the previous minute, the cloud joining Asuna's steam as with that release of pressure, Riley finally decided she was stable enough to rejoin the conversation.

"...b-both of you have really awesome powers too! And I'd kill to have a party tricks power! Imagine how funny I could be with that, and I'm already hilarious, as you've all seen~! Life of the party, self-described, of course. As all the best comedians are...~!"

Well she certainly bounced back like a kickball. A quick scan of the vibes at the table from her told her she'd... probably enjoy her time here. Of course her radar was a solid golden yellow on Pamela for a reason she didn't quite understand. No crimson readings yet...

Yes, she was cross referencing her own internal "vibes compass" mentally. How is that even a question at this point. Regardless, the bright-haired girl ate half a crepe in one bite to finish it, appearing to almost squeal at the impressive flavor-!

"This place doesn't slack off~!!! Goshhh I'm gonna miss this food when... I graduate in 4 years-!" The absurdity of her statement seemed to dawn on her as she finished the statement, breaking into a giggle on realization. She shook her head. What a dork. In a good way though, hopefully..? She wasn't quite sure how to gauge her own internal desires, thoughts, and feelings to the world around her. It was no lie that she was genuinely this energetic, but... seeing others smile was always something she strived for. Even laughing at her was preferable to no laughing... because she was at least making someone happy.

That being said... she'd always rather laugh with those around her. Because her smile was important too. As she... mentally ruminated on this while speaking, her grin became as sharp as a lightning bolt, her self-confidence only soaring higher after such a mudslide-delving dip previously.

@Inkage @Cmeriwether @Gold The Dragonite

The Gentleman's Fantasy (Act 1: Perhaps, Perhaps Not)

"You put it mildly, Kimiko."

Tsugikuni responded with a hint of dry wit as she mentioned her current opinions on Orion. He looked up at the ceiling for a few moments, before adjusting himself in his seat and finding a ground to begin speaking upon. "Well, yes, he is interesting, but in a much more... well... fascinating way. I... can't explain it, but in spite of everything I've learned about him, it only increases my desire to learn more and be his... well... friend. I... well, to put it frankly, want some more excitement in my life...!"

Oh poor poor Tsugikuni, you'll be getting a lot more excitement than Orion this year...

"Meeting with a Takahashi was certainly not something I expected when arriving at the school gates, to be frank... though that's not to say a chance meeting is at all undesired by me. Forgive my lack of... proper speak... but I honestly prefer it this way rather than some stuffy meetup over tea in my father's office. Getting to know people in their honest form... it's not something that those in our kinds of families... frequently get to do." He was, of course, generalizing, but his point was rather true regardless. Though he spoke rather eloquently, Tsugikuni reveled in this school's environment, not needing to hold his tongue nearly as much as he did in the past, especially when at home.

"...I'm surprised Orion hasn't finished reprimanding the person who flew in and ruined his carefully orchestrated matchmaker plan. Wonder what he's up to..?" He seemed to say it more in jest than seriousness, though he did have the inkling that things had gotten more... uh... complicated on his side of the now nonexistent gateway. Just... Orion's antics being Orion's antics.


Practically Foolproof, I Promise (her source is that she made it the fuck up)

"...listen, it's got its problems. Like, quite a few. But... listen, I have... NO other ideas, and if I keep trying to think of one, I'll probably discover the secret to fusion energy or something. So I say... let's give our nuts a tug and just do it." Hah, ironic. "...all right, I just need to look into your eyes really fast..." as Nera did just that, Arielle's surface thoughts washed over her mind like a wave at high tide. She exhaled and closed her own eyes... opening them to reveal-

"...ta-da?" One of her irises had turned from its normal dark red to the same verdant green as Arielle's own. She exhaled and began to get a general feel for the odd swarm power, toying with it and using said surface thoughts from Arielle to gauge how she instinctively controlled the power in the moment- it was a useful trick she'd picked up for gaining proficiency in powers... relatively easier. She toyed with the... oddly esoteric motions of the individual components, moving them at first individually and then as larger structures, tracing them across the table, first looking at them, and later closing her eye so she couldn't see their motion and yet still control it.

"...so I trade an eye... or eyes... for a swarm ability. Gotcha... I... guess it's time..." Nera attempted to coordinate both her own and Arielle's swarms, though Arielle needed to uh... troubleshoot when Nera ran into trouble using the power that was very new to her. She moved her own particle storm to begin... gently nudging everyone around Isolde. Moving into the creases of their shoes and gently gliding them a few inches to the left or right, nothing too major... though she had to be mindful of the crowd... thank god she wasn't alone in this one. She made sure to either... clear a subtle path for Isolde to get to a quiet table, or clear a way for her to get her food- whichever she needed.

"...so far so good? I... feel so silly, h-haha."

@Gold The Dragonite @Inkage


Maya laughed and rubbed her cheek, a bit embarrassed by the praise for her power. She didn't realize it was that cool! Regardless, as she listened to Gina, it was clear she had already met this girl's brother. Omar, she remembered him from before she'd even entered the dorms. Seems they both held a neutral to high opinion of that guy.

"I actually have met him already, before I got to my dorm. He was pretty chill, so I think we could get along nicely. Hard to say at the moment though, because he might be friendly with me, but my other... uh... masks might have differences in opinion!" They didn't always see eye to eye, though they generally had the same... desires and motives, so hopefully things would be fine! Its not like they really communicated outside of weird... uh... neural stuff. The science behind her power escaped her.

Probably because there was none, to be honest. Magic.

"...uh... still... what do you think about the school so far?"

Isaac and Ilya Ashton

"Don't worry about it man." Isaac set his fruit salad down before sitting next to his twin sister. He then turned to Pax. "Pax, this is Ilya, my twin sister. Ilya, this is Pax."
Seeing the new girl, Ilya's bushy tail started wagging in excitement. "Nice to meet you Pax! As my brother said, I'm Ilya. And this is Angus. Good to meet you!"

@-[ Just Vibin ] @=Nightshade=
Angus Bowie
Location: Cafeteria
Interaction: IIya / Isaac / Pax

" Alright.. "

He sigh in relief at her answer, the anxwity still slightly ringing in his ears. Angus picked up a few more fries and ate them, distracting him from the situation. His beetles buzzed under his cardigan then settled with his anxiety spikes.

[ Got enraged by the blank space ]

Elizabeth Donne
Location: Cafeteria
Intration: None rn

" Thank you for the directions sir ! "

A young girl called out as she flew her way into the Cafeteria leaving behind whoever she called to. Looking around she hummed happily noticing the shortening lunch lines and full tables. Keeping her hum going she flew a good few feet above the other teachers, and Cafeteria monitors if there WHEREEE any. Stopping infront of the menu bored she crossed her arms in though. Reading the menu silently.

" Hey! Your blocking the board- " A random student called out breaking her thought.

" Oops! My bad I apologize!"
She responded with a smile are she flew higher just above the board so it was readable again. She giggled at the situation as the other student scoffed blending into the lines. Elizabeth lowered herself to the ground and bounced her way to a line. Grabbing a bowl of fruit salad and a few grilled chicken cobobs. Paying she left the lines she looked around for a seat. Walking around tables, looking for a empty or possible filled table to sit at.
...Pamela Oswald...
Pamela's smile dropped almost imperceptibly. Not...As useful as she was hoping, but fair enough. Not every 'friend' could be as useful as Pamela hoped. She smiled at the bubbles and made no comment, feigning a respectful silence.
She seemed a bit more interested in Asuna's power, for she raised her eyebrows and waved her hands to dissipate the steam around her. She coughed.

"N-No! Steam and Caffeinated don't- don't mix!" She started to cough until the steam dissipated. "S-Sorry, I should have warned you...M-My power is called Caffeinated. I exude a caffeine-like substance from my pores...You could see w-why that wouldn't mix well. It stings..." She rubbed her eyes a bit and sighed. "I have a second power but it isn't even worth mentioning. I can't do anything with it...Comparatively, all of y'all's powers are waaay better."

She sat in a dour silence for just a moment, and then she jumped back to life, laughing at Riley's comment.

"It's good, I guess. I don't eat much, so...Yeah. As long as it's edible!" Pamela laughed.

"Gwen, and...Asuna? I'm sorry, I can not pronounce that first name. It isn't as bad as me and Riley's dormmate though. Her last name is Tacohashbrowns. TACOHASHBROWNS! What in the world!" She laughed, thinking about how much of a contrast Kim was with her name.

She rested her eyes on Gwen for a minute. A shame. She's pretty, but that power...How would it be applicable to hero business?

@Cryronn the Mudkip @Cmeriwether @Gold The Dragonite

Isolde was bumping and crashing into a lot of people, but not in a mad push for food anymore. Isolde wanted to get out of there! She couldn't even cry anymore; all the tears had poured out of her already. A break in the crowd presented itself, but it didn't seem natural. People were sliding away from her, until she was at the fork of two paths.

There was a relative quiet on one path. On the other, an open food line. Isolde sat like a deer in headlights.

What in the world was happening? Had whatever god in the sky pitied her? Was all the church stuff she was taken to now confirmed as real?

This was the assumption Isolde took.
She would have thanked whatever deity had deigned to give her mercy, but the was hungry. She ran down the path to food (oddly enough, they kept kibble. Must've been for the animal power kids) and grabbed whatever random edibles she could find. Once her plate was more food than plate, she hefted it and ran her little legs off to safety. To the quiet reserve of the other side. Once sat down, Isolde looked around. She felt like she was being watched. But oh well! The gods must be watching her, sighing in relief at her rescue. She mouthed a silent prayer to every deity she could think of and began to eat.

She was a tad skeptical, but how else would people slide away from her like that? A highschool miracle, she was forced to think.

Or the effects of a power. Isolde stopped, pondering this. Was a teacher looking out for her? How efficient of the staff, to see that a plain old girl like her was in need. Isolde would have to remember to think about mustering the courage to find and thank her mysterious staff benefactor..

But, for now, food. And then, back to her cat and bed.


(@Cryronn the Mudkip @Gold The Dragonite )
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Fuyuko Redtail

Fuyuko was a bit confused about what Marcel said about Disqualification. She then started watching the video, surprised by the fact that their drummer, named Sampson, brought an entire symphony with him. How did he call upon a Symphony for this talent show, Sampson, that is? That was one question she had on her mind, and if her Memory served her correctly, this song actually called for the symphony in certain occasions. She was surprised, yet impressed. Then she saw the overlay, which was interesting, what was meant by this overlay?

"M-Marcel, Q-question, w-what w-was t-the o-overlay a-about?" Fuyuko asked, wondering about the context of why this song was picked.

Fuyuko was impressed with Marcel, and slightly blushing. She never felt this happy and well before, the other times in her past were close.

Milliara Rakoto

"I typically don't use this for Combat, however, I help people with insecurities with their powers. I copy their problem power for a couple of days, and can usually figure out what their insecurities are, then work through them, giving them a plan to help with the insecurities."

Milliara was surprised at Marx's surprise. It was not everyday that one was surprised at their power. At their old academy, they were revered for their ability to understand people's insecurities. They hoped that they can help others here with people's insecurities.

"Marx, honey has its uses as well," Milliara responded, "It just might need a little thought put into it to find more uses. I had to do so when I helped people with their insecurities."
Marx rose his head up from the table and looked at her for a moment before chuckling softly, placing a hand on his cheek as he smiled at her feeling good about what she said..

"Ya know, I'm glad your the first person I've met so far. You're pretty nice and ya got some neat powers to, plus you seem pretty caring. I hope we can become good friends you and I."


Previously Night's Shadow
Tiny Dino
Interactions: Isaac, Ilya, @Draco Nightshade; Angus, @-[ Just Vibin ]-
Pax blinked and glanced rapidly between the three. New people, new people— too many, too fast. But though both of the new people’s presence made Pax anxious, she felt an odd sort of kinship already with the tailed girl. As though they could understand each other. Maybe it was the feral look of her that made Pax think maybe this girl knows a thing or two.

The other, Angus, made her more antsy. Alone he didn’t seem like much of a threat, but Pax could still sense danger. More accurately, a small amount of danger over a large number condensed into a small area, like a bunch of tiny… nah, that was ridiculous. She should just try and make more friends.

Pax cleared her throat awkwardly. “Hello,” she began blankly. That was the normal greeting, she was pretty sure. “I am Pax. Good to meet you.” Those phrases were getting easier and easier. Practice made better… or so she thought the saying goes.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel was surprised, but was impressed at the same time. He looked at Fuyuko with adoring eyes, and eventually he rested a soft hand on her shoulder.

“Fuyuko. You impress me. You and I have the same values of protecting others. I’m proud of what you did to protect your sister. It does sound a lot like what me and Samael had to do with Jack and his gang.”

4 Months ago, Woodstock Vermont
Time: 11:54
Temperature: 43 degrees

“Now listen to me you disappointment. You will listen to what I have to say.” Jack Frostweaver spoke aggressively into Alexis Vespertine’s ear. “Jack! Enough. Let me go!” Alexis struggled under the grasp of Jack.

Samael and Marcel arrived a few moments later. Their eyes bright with protection as Samael pulled Alexis away from Jack. “I thought I told you Jack, Respect the lady.” Samael told him and all Jack did was roll his eyes. “Like I care what you think. You’re nothing compared to me.”

Marcel lunged at Jack but was held by his right hand man, and virus user, Drevan Hallowheart. “I wouldn’t if I were you. Don’t want to be toxic now.” Drevan hissed into Marcel’s ear. But he didn’t care, as with a swift elbow, Marcel was able to break free, a red fire coming over him, showing his true demon form. Samael joined him by dragging his magma scythe against his hand, igniting the fire within and turning into his fiery Reaperium form.

Jack smiled, cold mist forming over his hands. “Bring it on freaks!” Jack shouted as he began to create ice everywhere. Marcel was quick to fly through with his true demon form and Samael cut through any ice that blocked Marcel’s path. Marcel then would grab Jack by his neck and slam him into the ground.

“You have yet to experience the-“ Jack was cut off as Marcel left his true demon form and just began to punch at Jack over and over. But then, a rope of green energy formed over Marcel’s, Jack’s, Drevan’s, Samael’s, and Alexis’ hands.

“Enough! You four! My office! Now!” It was the headmaster Perseus Whitmore. He was not playing around anymore. He had received several reports about these events transporting, and he had enough.

“So yeah. But…I mean. It was worth it. Alexis dumped Jack, Samael and I got off Scott free, and Jack and his little group got suspended.” Marcel looked at Fuyuko for a moment, his thoughts turning to actual words. “Cute.”
(@Cmeriwether )

Cinead recoiled upon seeing the formation of tears in his new friend's eyes.

"Woah, woah, WOAH! Nobody has called you pretty? EVER? I think it's something everyone deserves to hear! You're quite different from the other women in Ireland. Most of 'em have red hair! Or that might've just been my house. We're all redheads!" He flipped his overlarge rattail, showcasing the full, rust colored locks.

"Mine is kind of orange, though, rather than red. So seeing all these different hair colors is really cool! I assume you like brown hair, right? 'Cuz a' your hair? Why don't 'cha sit down? If ya' don't got nobody else to sit with! I could even get some more friends if 'ya like. As I always say, everyone in a crowd is a friend 'ya haven't met yet! I actually don't say that all the time. But I say it now!"

Cinead grabbed her hand and sat her down across from him. "You have the daintiest hands! I wonder if you can bulk up hands? If I had bigger hands would I make bigger fires? What if it was ugly though? You wouldn't be able to fit them into gloves...Or maybe sports gloves are gloves for buff handed people! I'll search it up later. Anyway! Tell me about ya' self! What's your favorite color? I bet it's green. Green is a good color- I love the color green- but I prefer red. Red, like fire! Fire is warm. Warm is good. So, anyway, back to the point! What's your favorite color?"

He didn't let go. Cinead just liked physical contact between friends. His hand was incredibly hot, like he was running a fever.

(Don't feel like you have to respond to everything he says, he just chatters a lot.)
Melanie Redtail

Melanie blushed, looking at Cinead incredibly. Her tears were held at the moment. She then prepared to explain more as to why his response was true.

"I was bullied in middle school, and bullied worse when I embarrassed the two friends of the bully." Melanie responded with some nervousness, "I tried to explain, but she was not having it, which eventually led to a fight that I could not win, I only got out from a Conductor Possession, my sister got wind of it, it wasn't pretty."

She had seen him pull out a rattail, which had some orange on it. He then said there were a lot of redheads in Ireland. Melanie giggled a bit, having met Irish tourists when she was in London to talk to The Government officials. One of them explained that it was the second most common hair color in Ireland. Melanie then felt his hand as she sat in a chair. It was extremely hot, similar to Fuyuko's, but most likely for a different reason. Her blush was now visible.

Ryugetsu Asuna

Riley appeared to boil silently in her chair as her sexual status was rather thoroughly outlined by Pomelo, who proceeded to also f-flirt with her, even if only teasing a possible relationship, causing her to essentially broil to a sear like a shrimp cookout. When she finally opened her mouth, it was to let out a cloud of steam she'd built up due to her insides having been in rush hour for the previous minute, the cloud joining Asuna's steam as with that release of pressure, Riley finally decided she was stable enough to rejoin the conversation.

"...b-both of you have really awesome powers too! And I'd kill to have a party tricks power! Imagine how funny I could be with that, and I'm already hilarious, as you've all seen~! Life of the party, self-described, of course. As all the best comedians are...~!"

Well she certainly bounced back like a kickball. A quick scan of the vibes at the table from her told her she'd... probably enjoy her time here. Of course her radar was a solid golden yellow on Pamela for a reason she didn't quite understand. No crimson readings yet...

Yes, she was cross referencing her own internal "vibes compass" mentally. How is that even a question at this point. Regardless, the bright-haired girl ate half a crepe in one bite to finish it, appearing to almost squeal at the impressive flavor-!

"This place doesn't slack off~!!! Goshhh I'm gonna miss this food when... I graduate in 4 years-!" The absurdity of her statement seemed to dawn on her as she finished the statement, breaking into a giggle on realization. She shook her head. What a dork. In a good way though, hopefully..? She wasn't quite sure how to gauge her own internal desires, thoughts, and feelings to the world around her. It was no lie that she was genuinely this energetic, but... seeing others smile was always something she strived for. Even laughing at her was preferable to no laughing... because she was at least making someone happy.

That being said... she'd always rather laugh with those around her. Because her smile was important too. As she... mentally ruminated on this while speaking, her grin became as sharp as a lightning bolt, her self-confidence only soaring higher after such a mudslide-delving dip previously.

@Inkage @Cmeriwether @Gold The Dragonite

...Pamela Oswald...
Pamela's smile dropped almost imperceptibly. Not...As useful as she was hoping, but fair enough. Not every 'friend' could be as useful as Pamela hoped. She smiled at the bubbles and made no comment, feigning a respectful silence.
She seemed a bit more interested in Asuna's power, for she raised her eyebrows and waved her hands to dissipate the steam around her. She coughed.

"N-No! Steam and Caffeinated don't- don't mix!" She started to cough until the steam dissipated. "S-Sorry, I should have warned you...M-My power is called Caffeinated. I exude a caffeine-like substance from my pores...You could see w-why that wouldn't mix well. It stings..." She rubbed her eyes a bit and sighed. "I have a second power but it isn't even worth mentioning. I can't do anything with it...Comparatively, all of y'all's powers are waaay better."

She sat in a dour silence for just a moment, and then she jumped back to life, laughing at Riley's comment.

"It's good, I guess. I don't eat much, so...Yeah. As long as it's edible!" Pamela laughed.

"Gwen, and...Asuna? I'm sorry, I can not pronounce that first name. It isn't as bad as me and Riley's dormmate though. Her last name is Tacohashbrowns. TACOHASHBROWNS! What in the world!" She laughed, thinking about how much of a contrast Kim was with her name.

She rested her eyes on Gwen for a minute. A shame. She's pretty, but that power...How would it be applicable to hero business?

@Cryronn the Mudkip @Cmeriwether @Gold The Dragonite

She first saw Riley send a cloud of steam, joining the massive steam coverage that had died down. Asuna then rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. She was not expecting a bad power mix as she gave a bit of a cough herself from the Caffeinated effect. This also explained why she felt like she had so much energy.

"Does Riley have a steam power, or was that a side effect? Either way, S-Sorry about t-that, I-I'm n-not used t-to power reactions," Asuna explained, "That's okay, most of my friends in my most of the year home in Texas had difficulties with the pronunciation at first, you will get there. Tacohashbrowns? That sounds interesting. It would be interesting to meet the person with this last name."

Asuna then sat down, remembering she was still standing. She then looked around the group and started eating.

Gina Shieldson

Maya laughed and rubbed her cheek, a bit embarrassed by the praise for her power. She didn't realize it was that cool! Regardless, as she listened to Gina, it was clear she had already met this girl's brother. Omar, she remembered him from before she'd even entered the dorms. Seems they both held a neutral to high opinion of that guy.

"I actually have met him already, before I got to my dorm. He was pretty chill, so I think we could get along nicely. Hard to say at the moment though, because he might be friendly with me, but my other... uh... masks might have differences in opinion!" They didn't always see eye to eye, though they generally had the same... desires and motives, so hopefully things would be fine! Its not like they really communicated outside of weird... uh... neural stuff. The science behind her power escaped her.

Probably because there was none, to be honest. Magic.

"...uh... still... what do you think about the school so far?"


"That's good to hear, however, he would definitely be interested in learning about them," Gina responded to Maya, "As such, he's the best one to break up most fights due to his powers. I've seen two guys punch him in the face at the same time, and he did not even flinch."

Gina looked at her food, then back at Maya, then at her brother, who seems to be looking at a particular table, with two girls who may seem cute. Omar looked up, seeing his sister, talking with the girl that gave him directions. He then started looking back at the table, then back at the girls at the different table.

"I wonder what's up with him." Gina whispered under her breath.

Omar Shieldson had been trying to eat and see what was around when he saw the girl again. He immediately looked back at his food, trying to eat again.

"What is with me?" Omar thought, blushing slightly, "She is Cute."

Omar continued eating.

Marcel was surprised, but was impressed at the same time. He looked at Fuyuko with adoring eyes, and eventually he rested a soft hand on her shoulder.

“Fuyuko. You impress me. You and I have the same values of protecting others. I’m proud of what you did to protect your sister. It does sound a lot like what me and Samael had to do with Jack and his gang.”

4 Months ago, Woodstock Vermont
Time: 11:54
Temperature: 43 degrees

“Now listen to me you disappointment. You will listen to what I have to say.” Jack Frostweaver spoke aggressively into Alexis Vespertine’s ear. “Jack! Enough. Let me go!” Alexis struggled under the grasp of Jack.

Samael and Marcel arrived a few moments later. Their eyes bright with protection as Samael pulled Alexis away from Jack. “I thought I told you Jack, Respect the lady.” Samael told him and all Jack did was roll his eyes. “Like I care what you think. You’re nothing compared to me.”

Marcel lunged at Jack but was held by his right hand man, and virus user, Drevan Hallowheart. “I wouldn’t if I were you. Don’t want to be toxic now.” Drevan hissed into Marcel’s ear. But he didn’t care, as with a swift elbow, Marcel was able to break free, a red fire coming over him, showing his true demon form. Samael joined him by dragging his magma scythe against his hand, igniting the fire within and turning into his fiery Reaperium form.

Jack smiled, cold mist forming over his hands. “Bring it on freaks!” Jack shouted as he began to create ice everywhere. Marcel was quick to fly through with his true demon form and Samael cut through any ice that blocked Marcel’s path. Marcel then would grab Jack by his neck and slam him into the ground.

“You have yet to experience the-“ Jack was cut off as Marcel left his true demon form and just began to punch at Jack over and over. But then, a rope of green energy formed over Marcel’s, Jack’s, Drevan’s, Samael’s, and Alexis’ hands.

“Enough! You four! My office! Now!” It was the headmaster Perseus Whitmore. He was not playing around anymore. He had received several reports about these events transporting, and he had enough.

“So yeah. But…I mean. It was worth it. Alexis dumped Jack, Samael and I got off Scott free, and Jack and his little group got suspended.” Marcel looked at Fuyuko for a moment, his thoughts turning to actual words. “Cute.”
(@Cmeriwether )
Fuyuko Redtail

Fuyuko blushed immensely, so much so that it was visible. She then heard Marcel speak.

"I-It's s-something I d-do, m-most p-people didn't b-bother me at s-school a-after th-that final c-confrontation, uh," Fuyuko admitted, "A-all M-melanie w-wanted t-to d-do was t-try t-to h-help h-her when s-she f-first T-transferred."

Fuyuko then listened to Marcel’s fight, which didn't go very long. She then nodded, but was worried for the girl in the fight. She then flushed crimson after his thoughts became words.

"Um, uh, I-I-I," Fuyuko's face was surprisingly blushing, and it was intense, "T-thank y-you, M-Marcel."

"Cute, Marcel," Fuyuko thought, "Just be yourself."

Milliara Rakoto
Marx rose his head up from the table and looked at her for a moment before chuckling softly, placing a hand on his cheek as he smiled at her feeling good about what she said..

"Ya know, I'm glad your the first person I've met so far. You're pretty nice and ya got some neat powers to, plus you seem pretty caring. I hope we can become good friends you and I."

"Thanks, Marx," Milliara was surprised, "I hope so as well, and maybe, a new use for your power could come up."

Milliara had looked around the room again, copying another power to see if she could figure something out about it. All of a sudden, the power activated, and she was luckily looking up as she hiccuped and may have spewed some fire over Marx's head.

"I don't know what power or aspect I copied, however, I can suddenly breathe fire right now."
Elizabeth Donne
Location: Cafeteria
Interactions: The table ( to lazy to write them all this morning )

Elizabeth took flight again as she looked for a table. Careful not to spill her food she spotted one, a table of about four girls. Giggling she flew over the table a feather from her wings feel on the table by accident. letting out a small gasp at her given away position. With a huff she leaned forward her head popping into view of the girls. Elizabeth was practically hanging upside down above the table, somehow...

" Hello !! Do you guys mind if I sit with you, or if you'd like I can sit above you ! "

She smiled, like child given candy as she stayed above the girls. Waiting for whatever response they give her. Even though they wouldn't get rid of her now.


sorry its short rushed a bit due to school work )
@Cryronn the Mudkip ,@Inkage ,@Cmeriwether ,@Gold The Dragonite
Kimiko "Kim" Takahashi
Interactions: @Cryronn the Mudkip (Tsugikuni)​

Kim raised an eyebrow at the young man who seemed to get defensive at her critique, wasn't as if she raised her voice or anything but his rebuttal only seemed to highlight her point least within her mind as it had been. Before she had a chance to answer back the web guy seemed to be dragged into a portal by this little match maker as Kim seemed to just sigh and take a sip of her water.

People at this school can be too much...

Course Kim's attention soon turned back over to the relevant conversation, as Tsugikuni seemed to explain that in spite of Orion's quirks he couldn't have helped but find him fascinating and wanted to be his friend. Kim's eyebrow raised slightly at this, but she supposed it was not an unfounded rational even if she had found him a bit...strong, as a personality.

"Suppose I can understand wanting a bit of thrills, when you life is a routine something to shake it up can be...welcomed time to time." Kim admitted back as she had taken a sip of her water.

His more general point of this meeting being a nice change of pace compared to how strict a more arranged circumstance by their families would've been did cut a bit close to heart; Kim had lived much of her life with guidelines on what to do and not do. She had been told how to dress, who and who she'd be allowed to associate with, what had been part of her daily routine etc. Everything had to be done to the "Takahashi standards" as she had been drilled into her head as she nodded a bit to his words.

"Can understand that. I am sure if this meeting was conducted outside of this school, my family would've arranged a date in advanced and made sure everything up to the minute was scripted out to ensure it went as well as possible. My family believes in structure above all else so, this new experience without them overseeing all aspects is new but also....interesting." Kim admitted towards Tsugikuni, though the topic of Orion seemed to have him roll her eyes a bit.

"Given how he acts, he might be hatching a scheme of sorts with that guy given the spur of inspiration that he had to bring us together. I say just keep a guard up in case." Kim advised a bit, taking a bite of her sandwich as she seemed to suspect there was something going on with Orion and that spider guy but one had only the capacity to speculate. "Least you seem to have a good head on your shoulders." Kim said after she had downed her food with a sip of water.
Technically Spider-Man II
Miles kind of felt drained after he was healed. Turns out the fairy/medic/whatever had to use his energy to heal him. "So, my name's... kinda familiar, huh?" he asked Orion, "I'm used to it."

"So... the two of us both have a different way of getting around; you have portals (makes sense) and I'm basically Spider-Man," he noted, "So that means there are two different ways we could get back to the cafeteria, but the both of us probably like doing out own thing. Key word: probably."

Miles proceeded to web zip to the door of the MQ, giving a friendly gesture to Orion in the process. "Alright, Orion, I'll see you around," Miles said happily, "I hope."

Then he swung back to the cafeteria. After going the wrong way and being chased by assholes. "This is normal!" Miles assured everyone that could hear, most likely including Orion.


Maya Tsukumo (The Other Maya)
Shit was happening.

She had been there, in kitsune form, for 3 whole hours and nobody noticed. Nobody. She wasn't even trying to be stealthy. She had seen so much funny shit she almost reverted to human form a minimum of 5 times. She wasn't keeping track. Finally, she willingly reverted back to human form, holding her breath for some reason. Crap, why was she doing that? Anyway, the cafeteria was pretty chill so far. No more firework traps since, what, 3 o'clock? Doesn't matter. It was fun while it lasted.

"I mean, we could always - "

By the time the teenager had regained enough presence of mind to reply, Miles was already in transit down the halls of the quiet Medical Quarter, careening through the air on some kind of string-like substance. While Orion had deliberately avoided bringing up the obvious parallel to another famed Web-Slinger, it seemed Miles was well aware of the similarity, which took some weight off of the portal shifter's shoulders.

With a friendly farewell, the wall-crawler swung around the corner and out of sight, in the direction of the cafeteria.

...Well, glad that's over. I wonder what Tsugi and -

It seemed Orion and Miles were kindred spirits, as not even five whole seconds had passed since the latter's departure when Orion spotted Miles again, zooming past, seemingly being pursued by an angry mob.

What exactly Miles could have done to earn the scorn of so many in the short span of a few seconds was beyond Orion's comprehension, though in a somewhat roundabout way, he looked on at the scene with a sense of awe.

After all, Orion usually needed at least 40 seconds to get someone confrontational, let alone prepared to chase him.

On second thought, there was that one run-in with the alley raccoon, He reminisced, shaking his head. Can't believe that trash can lid shield didn't work. I still have nightmares about that chase...wonder what that monster's up to right now.


The young lady at the reception desk was eyeing him as though he was a three-headed alien attempting to order coffee at a tea party.

"Are you...okay?"

Snatched away from his recollections, the boy jumped in surprise.

"Y-Yeah? Yeah! I'm good! I'm great!"

W-Why was he...?! Oh God. He needed to leave right that instant.

"I'm just gonna - " He jammed a thumb backwards into the space behind him, which subsequently became occupied by a freshly-spawned portal, and turned abruptly towards it.

Through the other side, the scene of the bustling cafeteria had changed somewhat, with your run-of-the-mill everyday occurences such as a girl (seemingly accidentally) spewing fire over her conversation partner, and another girl with these majestic wings sidling up to Asuna's table!

Now that he took a proper look at it, that table in particular was packed to the brim with absolute hotties. If those girls would end up being their cohort's obligated 'popular girl' clique, then he'd have to infiltrate!

..Infiltrate? No - he'd do something even better! He'll raise his own 'popular boy' clique! The smoothest, suavest, freshest fellas his year group has to offer!

Of course, he'd be their founder, director, and supreme leader. But who else would be worthy of entering this sacred organisation?

He stroked his chin.

Tsugi could definitely work. He's already pretty good-looking, and has a killer sense of style. He'll be my second-in-command. Jake's a pretty boy too, so he could get a spot. Marcel... probably? Andrew...yeah, maybe not his scene. I'll just have to convince him...somehow!

It wasn't until he felt something tug at his foot that Orion realized he had been walking the entire time. When he looked back up, he was well on the other side of the portal now, the clamour of the dining space encircling his senses.

To his absolute horror, however, his desired destination - the table which held Orion's future right-hand-man and that same right-hand-man's future wife - lay far in the distance, held out of his reach as though he were a casual observer. The reality of what had happened began to dawn on him.

He set the portal's destination incorrectly. He was too flustered when he summoned it.

And as a result, he found himself in a dark, isolated corner of the cafeteria nobody would ever enter.

Or so he thought, because he was definitely hearing some hushed, etheral voices whispering unintelligable words next to him. A strong odour, like rotten flesh, began to assault his nostrils. Gulping, he turned his head slowly.

"Yo!" Orion greeted as casually as he could manage, trying to suppress the strange sense of terror that was rising up in his chest. Whatever was underneath this dark-brown leather coat, he sincerely hoped it wasn't angry.

"D-Didn't know this corner was taken already, haha. Cafeteria real estate, am I right? I- I am talking to somebody underneath all that, right?"

Interactions: Ralyegh (@DevVoid )
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Isaac and Ilya Ashton

Sensing Pax's nerves, Ilya gave a toothless smile before detecting a subtle but interesting scent coming from the newcomer. It was a scent similar to the outdoors, but somehow off. The wolf girl was so tempted to get up close and personal with Pax just to get a better read on this new smell, she was actually almost out of her seat before feeling her brother's cold grip on her arm.
"Down, Ilya." Isaac sternly commanded his sister. He hated treating her like a dog, but it was the only way to get her to listen sometimes. At the moment though, he was doing it more for Pax's sake. The girl seemed pretty timid and he did not want his sister to overwhelm her with her more canine habits.
Ilya reluctantly sat back down, a quiet whimper escaping her throat as she apologized. "Sorry."
By now, Isaac had released her arm and started rubbing the top of her head. "Me too, Sis. Me too."
Looking at Pax then Angus, Isaac apologized as well as explained. "Sorry you two had to see that. Ilya has a tendency to fall back on her more canine habits around new people and smells."
@=Nightshade= (Pax)
@-[ Just Vibin ]- (Angus)


Previously Deathstalker62
'..Yeah, so I said; 'Why are you three going that way? There's nothing down there!' Then they ran away.. and I saw it was some rats..'

Roaring, gurgling laughter came from Ralyegh and his gang of goo-ns as the group laughed at each other's jokes, it almost seemed like a real, functional friend group.. except deep down, Innsmouth realised just how sad it really is to basically create a bunch of disfigured replicas of yourself to have a talk with. Geez, talk about loneliness, eh? But hey, it was better talking to them while they still had bodies than it would be if he just talked to them in his head. He's already some crazy-looking eldritch horror, no need to add signs of schizophrenia ontop of his already large list of problems!

Strangely enough, it seems like someone actually ended up going near him for once? Though clearly on sheer accident, as the guy literally just popped up out of nowhere - okay, maybe not that literally as he DID just come walking straight out of a portal like some kind of alien.. or a time traveler. Or an.. otherworlder? Whatever wacko theory he could come up, it probably wasn't it. Guy probably just had some weird freaky-dinky powers.. far from his own, seemingly, but definitely something up that alley, for sure.

Ralyegh took a few moments to really take this new individual in before responding. He certainly was an interesting one.. and hell, from the way Innsmouth was sitting, he was almost the guy's height, too! Just.. maybe just one or two feet taller.. But hey, who kept track of all that height nonsense, anyway? Taking his time to formulate his words to come off as casual, but not as nonchalant enough to sound like some kind of cold-hearted serial killer or psychotic criminal, Innsmouth just.. half-attemptedly raised his hand and flashed a peace sign.


Sick intro, Ralyegh. You really nailed that one with your profound, mystical ways, didn't you?

As his crew of sludge-formed creatures walked towards Innsmouth and just fused back into his main body, letting themselves be absorbed and re-formed into his mass again through tears and holes opening and closing again along his skin, he had placed a hand to his chin and thought. Now, the guy was probably hearing and seeing things just from being near him.. so what was the best way to describe what could only be detailed as an eldritch horror actively creating nighmarish hallucinations..?

"..Uh.. No, you are not going crazy. You're just.. seeing and hearing things.. yeah.."

Wow, you did it again, Master Innsmouth. With your knowledge over the english language, it's a wonder you ever manage to talk to begin with..

"That is just.. a part of my powers- ..well, more of a curse, really. I'm Ralyegh Innsmouth of the.. well, Innsmouth family. If you're a buff on ancient history or paranormal stuff, you might've heard of them. They.. both sides go way back into history and both kind of have.. some pretty, erm.. unique twists and turns in their lives, let's say."

Last edited:
The Extravagant Explorer

Orion's head was starting to hurt, and not in the cute way.

Things began to go awry once he noticed the very shadows themselves moving and conglomerating within the mysterious figure - though perhaps they were never 'shadows' to begin with, the boy suspected. Whilst mostly covered by garments, all it took was the slightest opening for our starboy's eyes to catch the faintest glimpse of what lay underneath, and by golly, it was -

"...Absolutely terrifying." Orion whispered, grinning from ear to ear once the enigma had introduced themselves. "You're absolutely freaking horrifying, you know that? What, did you intern with the Boogeyman or something? No wonder he's...considering retirement..."

Struggling to get the last words of his masterful banter out, he dropped softly to one knee and began to pant heavily. After a somewhat awkward introduction, it introduced itself as Ralyegh, and definitely wasn't kidding about the 'seeing and hearing things'.
The air around him seemed to thicken, and the edges of his vision blurred, as if shrouded in an otherworldly mist. Faint whispers echoed in his ears, indistinct but hauntingly familiar, like echoes from a forgotten past.


The name reverberated in his mind, stirring up memories that Orion had long buried. Recollections of a warm campfire - his mother and father exchanging hushed, concealed whispers while their son pretended to be asleep.

"̶̻̠͉̱̹͎̭̟̦̥̺̬͊̓͆̊̓T̵̘̲͈̘͙̝̝̹̏̈h̷̻̗͉̮̦̫̼̫̭͗̓̾̽͝͝e̷͎̹̲̮͚̬͓̻̼̹͊̋̓̋͘ ̴̨̨̘̭͖̪̥̼̘̯̥̝̿̌͜͝Ǐ̴̪͚́̄̆͑̿͋̐̓͗̑̕͝ṉ̸̍͛n̴͎̟͋̃̆͊̀̄́͋͝͝s̵̫̪̘͆́͗̈́̉̉̕m̶͕̻̤̳̙̞͓̪̣̊̂͐̈́͐̓͜ồ̵̡̱͖͇͓̘͖̻̖̓̾̈́̌̾̚͘ṷ̷̓͜t̷̡̬̱͖̳͚̹͆̃̐̀̏͝͠ḧ̴̨̛̗͓̦̠̰͔̞͔̪̳́́̈́͒̒̀̂͜s̴̼̠̝͉̼̥̤͓̰͓̄̓͐̉͑̊̂̋͊̓̀.̴̨̛̥̲̹̈͆̐͛́̃͐̏̐͘.̸̢̡̱͉̭̟̭̺͚̭̹̎́͛̓͐̉͊͆.̵͓̯̖͍̘̝͖̭̳̰̱͓̎̐̌̐͋̚͠ͅ"̸̢̘̭̦̹͙͙͔̈́̌
̵̗͈̯̟́͆͛"̸̛̥̱͓͎͉̲͖͚͊̓̀̈́͛̽̋̎̈́̅.̶̥̞̎.̵̡̛͔͎̝̝̥̣̤̯̥̪̌̃̾̔́̽͊͆͂͘̚͝.̷̢̰̙͙̩̄m̸̯̥̠̈́̆̐̋̍̅͐̚̚̚͝a̴̹͆͑̒͜ͅj̶͉̥̕o̵̧̨̻͎̞͇͉͊̀͑͆̽͐r̶̮̻̱͍͉͕̖̘͇͐̃̿̔͆̉̆̌ ̸̧̡̮̜̞̹̫͎͎̝̪̥͒̈̎̇̌̉͝ͅd̴̛̛͍̟̣̽̅̈̂̈̈͂͑͘̕͝ī̸͉́̈́͐̈ŝ̴̮͚͚̊̂̈́͠c̷̰̳̭̻͖̿̈́́̿̈́̍́o̴̭̮̗̼̙͔͙̺͍͗̍̐̓͝v̴̫̠̠͒͛̌́̚͘ě̴̛̛̼̆̄̈̿͒̀̋͝͝͝r̷̫͔̥̰͍̺̗͕̦͔̆͌̓͛̀͌̈́͌͛͊̕͝ͅy̸̡̨̠̬͈̜̒̎ͅ.̵̭̻̼͎̜͍̳͎̄̂̎͊̀̏́̂͂ͅ.̵̧̛̪̱͍̮͉̯͕̮͎̌̇̾̓͆̾̈́͗͊̀͠ͅ.̶̡̻̯̱̳̣̖̟̃"̵̘́̃̋́̓͝
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Crap. Among the increasingly violent mumerings of his current (head)space invaders, Orion tried to focus, tried to grip onto the memories that were being roused by the mere mention of that name. But like a misguided teenager blowing their entire allowance on a crane game at an arcade, the words kept slipping through the claw of his mind.

Despite the overwhelming sensation of unease creeping over him, Orion's curiosity burned brighter than ever. He was determined to endure whatever mental torment awaited him, if only to uncover the mysteries hidden within the ethereal figure before him.

"Listen, we're gonna have to get a tin foil hat for this, or something..." He groaned, exasperated, as he settled down on the floor. "I'm starting to feel like a character in a conspiracy theorist's nightmare. Next thing you know, I'll be seeing crop circles in the cafeteria mashed potatoes and decoding secret messages in the lunch menu. Better to stick to the boring, mundane hallucinations, like pink elephants or dancing unicorns. At least those would be entertaining."

Now sitting cross-legged, he took a deep breath, before aiming his gaze right at the eldritch boy, a hint of resignation in his eyes.

"Hey, Ralyegh," he began, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper."...I've got an offer for you that you simply can't refuse. You, my friend, have been chosen for an exclusive opportunity!" Orion declared, his voice ringing with melodramatic flair.

"I'm assembling a group, a cadre of the coolest, most influential individuals in Karma High. And I want you to be a part of it."

The truth behind the Innsmouth name, and how his own story was interweaved, was a puzzle Orion found himself willing to risk everything to solve.

Even his chances at being the school's resident hearthrob.

Interactions: Ralyegh (@DevVoid)
Melanie Redtail

Melanie blushed, looking at Cinead incredibly. Her tears were held at the moment. She then prepared to explain more as to why his response was true.

"I was bullied in middle school, and bullied worse when I embarrassed the two friends of the bully." Melanie responded with some nervousness, "I tried to explain, but she was not having it, which eventually led to a fight that I could not win, I only got out from a Conductor Possession, my sister got wind of it, it wasn't pretty."

She had seen him pull out a rattail, which had some orange on it. He then said there were a lot of redheads in Ireland. Melanie giggled a bit, having met Irish tourists when she was in London to talk to The Government officials. One of them explained that it was the second most common hair color in Ireland. Melanie then felt his hand as she sat in a chair. It was extremely hot, similar to Fuyuko's, but most likely for a different reason. Her blush was now visible.

Ryugetsu Asuna

She first saw Riley send a cloud of steam, joining the massive steam coverage that had died down. Asuna then rubbed the back of her head sheepishly. She was not expecting a bad power mix as she gave a bit of a cough herself from the Caffeinated effect. This also explained why she felt like she had so much energy.

"Does Riley have a steam power, or was that a side effect? Either way, S-Sorry about t-that, I-I'm n-not used t-to power reactions," Asuna explained, "That's okay, most of my friends in my most of the year home in Texas had difficulties with the pronunciation at first, you will get there. Tacohashbrowns? That sounds interesting. It would be interesting to meet the person with this last name."

Asuna then sat down, remembering she was still standing. She then looked around the group and started eating.

Gina Shieldson

"That's good to hear, however, he would definitely be interested in learning about them," Gina responded to Maya, "As such, he's the best one to break up most fights due to his powers. I've seen two guys punch him in the face at the same time, and he did not even flinch."

Gina looked at her food, then back at Maya, then at her brother, who seems to be looking at a particular table, with two girls who may seem cute. Omar looked up, seeing his sister, talking with the girl that gave him directions. He then started looking back at the table, then back at the girls at the different table.

"I wonder what's up with him." Gina whispered under her breath.

Omar Shieldson had been trying to eat and see what was around when he saw the girl again. He immediately looked back at his food, trying to eat again.

"What is with me?" Omar thought, blushing slightly, "She is Cute."

Omar continued eating.

Fuyuko Redtail

Fuyuko blushed immensely, so much so that it was visible. She then heard Marcel speak.

"I-It's s-something I d-do, m-most p-people didn't b-bother me at s-school a-after th-that final c-confrontation, uh," Fuyuko admitted, "A-all M-melanie w-wanted t-to d-do was t-try t-to h-help h-her when s-she f-first T-transferred."

Fuyuko then listened to Marcel’s fight, which didn't go very long. She then nodded, but was worried for the girl in the fight. She then flushed crimson after his thoughts became words.

"Um, uh, I-I-I," Fuyuko's face was surprisingly blushing, and it was intense, "T-thank y-you, M-Marcel."

"Cute, Marcel," Fuyuko thought, "Just be yourself."

Milliara Rakoto

"Thanks, Marx," Milliara was surprised, "I hope so as well, and maybe, a new use for your power could come up."

Milliara had looked around the room again, copying another power to see if she could figure something out about it. All of a sudden, the power activated, and she was luckily looking up as she hiccuped and may have spewed some fire over Marx's head.

"I don't know what power or aspect I copied, however, I can suddenly breathe fire right now."
Marx stared at Milliara as she spewed fire from her mouth, he stayed silent for a few minutes before slightly laughing at what he witnessed, grinning ear to ear.

"Hahaha, I wasn't expecting that in the slightest! I gotta admit, that was hilarious!

He grew silent for a moment before going ahead and asking something that he seemed a bit embarrassed about. Say... how about we hang out later after lunch is over with or you know you could just show me around the for a bit, if that's cool with you."

He said slightly tilting his head down, but making sure he didn't break eye contact with her.


Previously Deathstalker62
Heh, seems like this new guy is starting to really experience the eldritch horror that was his maddening aura. Okay, maybe not directly maddening considering it wasn't that easy to go insane from it.. not to say it would never happen, that Ral knew, but.. well, he'd be lying if he didn't think it was at least a little bit funny. Here, the guy was trying to play off what he likely perceived as some inaudible whispers and moving shadows, among other hallucinations and visions, with just a figurative smile and wave. It was kind of amusing, in the way of the Schadenfreude, at least.

Even despite being called horrifying and that boogeyman comment, Ralyegh could not help but internally chuckle at just how much this mans was barely capable of even standing at this point, nevermind speak. It was funny, in the dark kind of way. A bit sad to see maybe, but hey, if Ral just took everything at face-value and could never laugh any accidents off he caused, he'd be down in the dumps for all eternity, and that's pretty long damn time to be sad for!

"So I've been told. Sadly, I doubt any illusions you'll be seeing from being near me are going to be anything remotely funny.. or alien. Mine typically just tend to be creepy whispers, flashes from beyond, that whole shebang. Usual otherworldy stuff, you know the ones."

Innsmouth had still been trying his damndest to suppress a snort from seeing just how much this fellow student was struggling with his little aura of lovecraftian visions. Then, that offer came along.. chosen? An opportunity? Assembly? Karma High? What, did Innsmouth just encounter this world's version of a younger Nick Fury? What was this Avengers-level Group this man was babbling on about? Well, whatever the case.. being told of an offer he 'can't refuse', Ralyegh only had one thing to say..


A few awkward moments of silence had been spent.. before the accursed student snorted and broke into a gargled, bubbling laughter on quite the literal definition, a deep, hearty laughter accompanied by the sounds of his liquid sludge bubbling with joy like some kind of pool of rotten lava. Now, this did not mean he actually wanted to refuse the offer. Granted, hanging around others wasn't exactly his forté, but hey, he was willing to give anything a shot.. but that certainly didn't mean he'd waste the opportunity to make a joke about it first.

"Kidding, kidding.. sure, I'll join whatever squad you've got in mind. I've no idea how you're even going to get other members aboard when they realise they have to share company with a guy like me, but hey, I'm game. Though, would probably be nice if I got to know your name first."

And so, Innsmouth stuck out one hell of a long arm out, lined and covered in pale, fair skin, tinted green in a sickly tinge. Though his palm was open, he had quickly closed all but one finger, the index of the hand which he held out. With both how big his hand was and especially the weird claws he had on as opposed to actual nails, maybe just holding out one of those things was enough for a handshake. That was the common courtesy thing to do, right? To shake on a deal? Well, he'd sure hoped so, otherwise this might get a bit awkward.


Gold The Dragonite

Previously Dratingonair
Interactions: Asuna ( @Cmeriwether ), Riley ( @Cryronn the Mudkip ), Pamela ( @Inkage ), Elizabeth ( @-[ Just Vibin ]- )

Gwen's grin at Asuna returning back to her element - without any boys on her mind - had quickly faltered, as the unexpected stinging causing her eyes to instinctively shut and wafe the mixture of gases away from her. The pain only reminded her of when she was more careless with her soap as a child, and those were not memories she liked to reflect on. It was the incessant coughing that followed after that irritated her more, now slightly regretting the enthusiasm she had for her friend to display her abilities. Gwen refrained from acknowledging the event, trying to forget it even happened.

The brief silence that followed the incident was cut by Riley marvelling over the school's cuisine, Gwen nodding away at both her praising of their powers and her elation. "So true! It's not like you can get bored with it anytime soon with how much options are on display, as well." And with food on still on topic, Pamela brought up one of her dormmates with an unfortunate last name, to say the least. She gave a single chuckle in response, thinking how much exaggeration lied within her words. Gwen lacked a verbal response, her lack of focus on her plate and the lone bubble that resided next to it. Sure, her excitement had felt less forced ever since she sat down, assuming it was just the general effects of Caffeinated, yet something still felt amiss to her.

Gwen looked up, now noticing a similiar silence entering the group again. She found Pamela's gaze lingering on her, returning it and peering back. She was correct about the description of the blue shade her irises were blessed with, reminding Gwen of her brother's, but there was something deeper within the pools she couldn't quite discern and only fueling her newfound inquisitiveness.

Before she could begin speaking, a lone feather dropped onto their table, causing her to naturally look up, seemingly invigorated once again with a affable smile. "You sure that second power of yours isn't that good, Pamela? 'Cause being able to get girls flocking towards you doesn't sound too bad to me~" She joked as the entourage at the table seemed to only grow in size (and in cuteness, might she add.) Her eyes diverted back up to the source of the feather. "Feel free to join us non-angels on the ground! Or you can stay up there if you prefer, makes you quite the headturner~! Don't be shy and tell us your name, messenger from the heavens! I'm Gwen," She concluded, welcoming the winged newcomer with open arms to the group.

Interactions: Samael ( @MarcelGalliard790 ), Dean ( @D34N.U5R )

As Andrew's inital shock to the headline faded, it appeared his previous thoughts had physically manifested, in the form of a guy walking up to the two and inferring on the Burning Skull's resume. "I was joking, but okay," He silently mused at the mention of a hundred or so lives claimed by the assassin, but who was counting? Clearly, it was Samael with how he responded and corrected him, abandoning his feigned ignorance near-instantly.

He listened as Samael recounted the pettiness of his previous headmaster, mentioning someone named Marcel who Andrew assumed was a friend of his, and how he was following in his father's footsteps. "Y'know, maybe try calling yourself a 'vigilante' next time you infodump all this to somebody here, might save you some weird looks." Andrew suggested, half-joking. His attention was shifted back to the new guy, informing them of a little tiny feat of his - just hacking into the government, nothing major. Good to know he was surrounded by harmless people. Then came a question from the newcomer, and a pretty pointless one at that except for flexing his hacking skills once again. Yet, Andrew still found himself answering.

"Yeah, that's.. pretty random, I guess," He sighed, surveying the cafeteria. "It was.. that girl. Over there," He pointed to where his sister was sat, specifically to the redhead next to her. "Had a weird sense of deja-vu seeing her earlier. Dunno why," He shrugged, letting the conversation drift as he focused back on his meal, kinda hoping this'd be the extent he'd have to converse for the rest of the day.

Interactions: Nera ( @Cryronn the Mudkip )

Arielle nodded, watching Nera copy her power and test it out. "You're a natural," She softly smiled, her mind slowly unravelling the web of anxiety surrounding it. However, she would find that its bind strengthened once again once the plan was set into motion. She re-adjusted her blindfold, two swarms emerging from behind it to become Isolde's savior. Or at least do half of the job saving, as she had Nera also ready to assist.

The identical groups followed each other to their dormmate's peril. "Try to seperate the particles all around the people to close to Isolde and make them sway away," Arielle gave general advice during the operation as to how to control her ability. "There's a lot of people surrounding her, so it'd be more effecient to protect her instead of trying to push everyone away."

A verdant green ring was created around the escort, anyone who got too close getting bounced aside slightly. It was enough for them to back off, and Nera's influence had solified their plan of defending her. Seeing as Isolde took the opportunity, the construct followed her to the food line as possible collisions were avoided. Once she made it out of the storm and found herself a seat, the construct dispersed and flew back to Arielle.

"That went.. surprisingly well,
" She exhaled, her tension now alleviated by their good deed. "I guess I was overreacting over all this.. Sorry," She apolgised, thinking she needlessly added to the stress of the situation. "But Isolde's okay now, and that's what matters. Great job!" Arielle congratulated Nera for her assistance, her usual timidness replaced with a sense of pride and satisfaction that was reflected in her coy smile.


Previously Night's Shadow
Pax to the Future
Interactions: Isaac, Ilya, @Draco Nightshade; Angus, @-[ Just Vibin ]-

Pax blinked at the siblings’ strange dynamic as she gingerly took a seat— not close enough to really be considered “beside them” but close enough that they were still the nearest people in the vicinity— and set down her soup. She eyed the wolf girl uneasily for a moment, then glanced down, uncomprehending, at the chopsticks she had mindlessly taken to eat the noodles with. While using utensils had taken some getting used to, Pax had just about mastered the art of fork and spoon— but chopsticks were still an infinitely befuddling concept, especially when they seemed to be stuck together by some strange force so that they didn’t come apart when released from their paper prison.

Still, when Pax looked around, it seemed most people who used them were not nearly as confounded as she. Somehow they had separated the sticks without snapping them in half, as Pax would have thought, and were wielding them with precision and delicacy. Well, some with more delicacy than others, but at least they had passed the initial obstacle of separating the unnaturally straight and barkless twigs.

The mentally ancient girl blinked herself out of her reverie, realizing she had been staring at those damned chopsticks for far longer than would generally be considered socially acceptable. At least, she thought; she still wasn’t sure how long looking at something or someone was socially acceptable. If you don’t want someone to notice you, look away quickly. If you do want someone to notice you, look away quickly. Hold eye contact, but not too long or you’re creepy. Staring intently at something normal is strange but staring intently at something strange is normal. Pax had long since given up on navigating the nuances of it all.

All these thoughts took about twenty seconds on their way through Pax’s head, before finally she smiled awkwardly, half-forgetting the initial subject of conversation. Someone had said ‘I’m sorry’, right? The correct response to that was… er…

“It is okay,” Pax pronounced, not quite making eye contact with Isaac, but looking in his direction. No matter what social norm dictated, eye contact was asking to get your ass handed to you on a silver platter. Or so the saying went. “No worries.” That wasn’t a very good conversation continuer, Pax. Ask a question, idiot. “Er… have any of you… made other friends?” she tried uncertainly.
The Charming (Ex-) Chicken Farmer

Okay, Orion exhaled. This is the part where he thanks me for my generosity, right? I swoop in, extend a helping hand, rescue him from the pits of social obscurity, and in return, he becomes my loyal, quirky sidekick for the rest of our high school lives. That way I can figure out why his last name sounded so familiar. I think the first thing I'll have him do is -

The teenager's plans were interrupted by another illusion. If what Kruger Jr. said was to be believed, it seemed there would be no happy visions, like unicorns on the dance floor, to be had after all. Not without the addition of some other substances anyhow, but that would be another matter for another time.

So, Orion asked himself, why did it seem as though Rayleigh was...laughing? What could he even be finding-


He's laughing at me, damnit! The boy discerned. What, does the freak enjoy putting people through this?! Why, I oughta...no, no let's calm down. So long as he says yes to the proposal, which he obviously will, I can do whatever I want with him. Okay, I think he's about to reply now, let me hear that yes, baby!



WHAT THE F-" Orion began in exclamation, a few awkward moments of silence having passed due to the sheer surprise of Rayleigh's rejection. Luckily, or perhaps unluckily depending on your perspective, the impending tirade was cut short by the sound of his laughter, which resembled a dolphin trying to rap underwater!

He really sees me as some kind of joke, eh? I'LL SHOW YOU SOMETHING FUNNY YOU -

Again, Rayleigh was two steps ahead, his declinal called out as a joke. A joke. Whatever. At his questioning of how Orion planned to recruit other members while there was an award-winning sleep paralysis demon present, the latter tried his best to hide his encroaching smirk.

"You tell me," He didn't say.

Instead, he simply shrugged and gave an easy smile, as if to say, "We'll figure it out."

Soon enough, Rayleigh revealed a single eerily long arm that, from a distance, might have appeared completely normal and definitely not pulsing with some unearthly green matter. But from where Orion was standing...

"Ah, right. The name's Orion." He muttered, gripping his first member's uncannily large index finger with extreme caution. Those claw-nail thingymabobs looked sharp, alright. "Windchasing Windfarer, Excellent...yeah, just call me Orion."

Aaaand there it was - the classic hallucination encore. Orion had seen more shadowy dancers than a ghost's talent show in just the last few minutes. Time to hit the lights.

"Okay!" He clapped, rocketing up to his feet. His limbs were starting to feel heavy, eyes droopy. "I'll, uh...let you know when we're having out first strategy meeting. When the time comes, I'll find you."

He turned away from Rayleigh.

"...We're gonna take over this whole place, dude. You just wait and see."

With a salute and a spring in his step, he then began to walk.

Alright! Bizarre alien encounters aside, this has been a pretty solid first day, I'd say - ha, rhyme.

The boy took a deep breath and scanned the cafeteria once more, his vision shifting from left to right, drinking in the various happenings in and around the space. Tsugi and the girl he'd never actually learned the name of were still sat at their table, though considering they were still a few meters apart and not yet making out like ravenous seals fighting over a grape, they likely needed some more alone time.

No problemo!

After all, Orion had spotted a good socializing opportunity himself - a short, blonde and diffident-looking girl sitting by herself at a table nearby. Now having zoned in, he crept forwards ever so slightly to get a better look at her, and boy, was it a good view! Or so he thought to himself, at any rate.

Two easy targets in a row? Orion asked the Universe. Come on, throw a challenge my way why dont'cha?

Still, our explorer was never one to look gift horses in the mouth - or do anything else horse-related for that matter. Not since the lawsuit anyway. Looks like it was time to have some fun!

Clicking his fingers, a portal snapped open on the other side of the girl's vacant table, and he sauntered through it, making sure to look as dreamy eyed as possible, both arms up, hands playing with his dreadlocks. Just like that swimwear commercial had taught him.

"Hey," He crooned. "Are you made of copper and tellurium? Because you're Cu-Te, and I feel like we have some chemistry."

After having allowed a few moments to pass so that her head didn't explode from sheer charisma overload, he smiled.

"Is this seat taken, or can I just awkwardly stumble into your life?" He asked playfully, before faking a trip into one of the seats, winking.

"Oh wait - looks like I just did."

...Damn, I'm good.

Interactions: Ralyegh (@DevVoid ), Isolde (@Inkage)
Pamela Oswald
Our favorite coffeemaker continued to stare at the girl across from her, and was surprised to catch her eye. When Pamela stared, people usually looked at her funny. Or like that one time in middleschool where a boy tried to kiss her when they made eye contact accidentally at lunch. Awkward.
Pamela didn't ever feel even a bit shamed whenever anyone caught her staring. But Pamela's cheeks grew slightly red with embarrassment. Gwen's stare was equally shameless. It was almost disquieting.

Luckily, eye contact was broken when a lone white feather came down upon the table. Looking upwards with a curious expression, Pamela's eyes were greeted by an innocent, shining face that was beautiful in a simple way. The figure talked rather energetically.

Will there ever be an end to the amount of people that just walked up to tables and joined them? Was this simply something Pamela would never understand? Pamela wondered why people kept joining her and Riley. Was Pamela really that approachable?

Certainly an advantage. But crowds were not Pamela's thing. Why put together a large group? A smaller group of 3 or so people was easier to keep an eye on.

All the same, Pamela smiled and said, "Feel free, friendo!"

And then Pamela heard Gwen put in her two cents. Pamela flushed at the comment, but not in the way the red-haired lass besides Gwen was apparently famous for. Her cheeks and ears turned a soft shade of pink, and Pamela would not have blushed at all had she been prepared to be lightly flirted with. "That- That's not what my power does," she replied. A rather weak one, but at least she did not remain silent.

Pamela resolved to remain more alert in future, fanning her face to drain the pink away as she scooted over to let the newcomer in. "Wow...those wings are so pretty! Is that what your power does, or can you do anything more with them? I'm sure it's a fine talking point at parties!"
Pamela raised an eyebrow. She thought she heard a shrill yell somewhere, but it must have been her imagination.

@Cryronn the Mudkip @Gold The Dragonite @Cmeriwether (I'd tag just vibing but that name is a pain in the arse to type on my old device)

Isolde: accidentally kicking people down a peg since 2015-ish
Isolde was having an okay, peaceful time when all of the sudden space ripped open before her and some demon or other came out of the distortion, caressing their red-tipped hair and looking at her with what, to her, looked like the gaze of someone who was about to cry.

It Began to speak, but Isolde did not listen She fled to the farthest corner of her seat and began to scream; a loud, earsplitting noise that could break glass if it was employed more musically. Regardless of this less than warm welcome, it continued to speak and as Isolde had to breath eventually, she started hyperventilating just quietly enough to hear his second, even worse punchline (and it was probably a blessing in disguise that she did not hear the first one). She watched him trip over the seat in confusion, and arrived at the conclusion that it was one of the lesser demons. She wasn't even important enough to be visited by Satan himself...

She spoke with a shaky voice, her tone scared but also slightly indignant.

"W-what do you w-want? I-I've been reading my Bible! And p-praying...most of the time..."

"Are y-you the reaper, m-maybe? I-i know I asked to die b-before I got here but I didn't really mean it! Don't take my soul...please?"

She sat up and hugged her legs, looking up at him from her curtain of hair.


Oops, maybe I came on too strong. She's backing up. I better let her get a word in edgewise before I -

Orion's confident smile slowly faded into a look of horror as the girl's scream pierced the air like a banshee's wail. He sincerely hoped Rayleigh didn't suffer from the age-old weakness of sensitivity to high-pitched sounds, otherwise this really might have been the start of some kind of conspiracy film. And not the pretty kind.

With eyes widened, he took a hasty step back, his hands raised in a gesture of surrender.

"Whoa! Easy there, tiger!" he stammered, his voice an octave higher than usual. "No need to summon the cavalry, I- I just...! "

As her panic escalated, Orion's own anxiety began to skyrocket. His head began to snap around the space, drinking in the equally surprised and surreptitious glances their way. At this rate, Asuna's table would catch wind of this! Not to mention it might detract attention away from Tsugikuni, who our adventurer had gambled all his hopes and dreams on! Something needed to be done to appease the situation, and quickly!

Without warning, another portal appeared to his side, his entire right arm frantically diving in and fumbling around the unseen space. As a sense of haste began to overcome his movements, he pulled out a medley of oddities.

First was a rubber chicken, then a whoopee cushion, and by the time the girl had opened her mouth to speak without endangering the lives of the cafeteria windows, Orion had yanked out his last item.

He dropped the particularly cozy-looking cat bed on the table, alongside the rather impressive pile of knickknacks and doodads he'd managed to procure from his collection.

The exterior of the bed in question boasted a plush, velvety fabric that promised a soft touch against delicate fur. Its circular shape provided a secure and snug space for any lucky feline to curl up and relax, while the raised edges offered a sense of security and warmth.

But it's the interior that truly set this bed apart: a sumptuously soft cushion, filled with premium padding. The cushion is removable, making it easy to clean and maintain, ensuring that your cat's bed remains fresh and inviting day after day.

At least, that's what the clerk at the pet store had told Orion when they gave it to him, before he got banned for trying to negotiate a bulk discount by convincing them he was starting a cat kingdom and needed to furnish his palace. Believe it or not, they'd actually heard that one before. Go figure.

"R-Reaper?" He echoed in confusion, though was relieved that she had calmed down some. "What? No, I'm..."

And then it started, as most calamities do, with Orion having an idea.

"...I'm the Reaper's assistant! I'm interning for the autumn with him, still, uh, learning the ropes, as you can see." He began, fixing his body language to appear more professional. And Reaper-ry.

"Ahem, and um, yes, your request did go through at the office today cough (did...did she really ask for that before she got here?!) ahem, excuse me... and they sent me over to take care of it. Though, it seems you've had second thoughts, yes? ...Still, I'm afraid once the request has been logged onto the system, it has to be fulfilled..."

Orion smiled.

"...However!" He exclaimed. "If we were to, I don't know, play some sort of game with your soul as a wager, then that's totally legal! Like in the stories! Heck - and no pun intended - between you and me, taking that soul of yours comes with a looot of paperwork. They really don't tell you these things when you sign up. But anyway!"

He leaned forward with a conspiratorial whisper.

"If you can beat me at, let's say, Two Truths and a Lie, by guessing the lie correctly, you can keep your soul! I'll even let you take your pick out of these random items I pulled from...um...Walmart! I'll handle the legal stuff, don't you worry!"

Though his demeanour was confident as ever, Orion was inwardly kicking himself for letting his intrusive thoughts win. Again. The best case scenario was her saying no and running away. He could live with that. But what if she actually said yes...?! And what if she guessed wrong after that? What does 'taking someone's soul' even look like?!

...Man, if only she had some kind of power that'd let her sense malicious intent! Then maybe she'd be able to see through my lie!

Interactions: Isolde (@Inkage)
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OH boy. OH lord. What a woman would do for her cat.

Isolde watched the demon before her pull faces and look around. He made some sort of strange portal and started dumping his junk all over the table, and on Isolde's food! What in the world was he thinking!? Even against demons, she had to draw a line somewhere. Isolde was about to hand to him the most distressed bawling out he had ever received, complete with yelling and maybe a dash of passing out from lack of oxygen, when he pulled out the last thing Isolde had expected to see. A plush bed that had been Isolde's bane of existence for a year and a half when she was 12. She had wanted it so bad for Mittens, but could never find it, as very few, if any, were ever shipped to the Beverly Hills area where she lived.

To provide a bit of context for Isolde's reaction to the sight of this bed, one must understand three simple principals:
One, Isolde would starve herself to keep Mittens alive.
Two, Isolde would sleep on the floor to ensure his comfort
Three, her father had told her no, and even called the bed 'excessive' as he drained an entire goblet of red wine from his ruby-bejeweled cup. Isolde was still mad about it and probably will die being mad about it.

In fact, Isolde vividly remembered that resolute 'no' and seethed as she stared at the luxurious bed designed for the most greatest of all cats (although Isolde was not willing to admit that Mittens was just a tad too big to completely fit in it without body spilling over the sides). It was lying on the table, sitting next to the worthless objects around it. Right there! Isolde unfolded her legs and stared at the demon across the table from her.

He had her entire attention now.

The moment he opened his mouth, however, an entire stream of big, fat lies came pouring from his mouth like he was a two year old caught with a baseball bat next to a broken vase.

So he most certainly was not a demon, and was certainly not the reaper's intern for the fall. Isolde sighed, her face indignant.

But then. OH, the magical words that came from his mouth like manna. Isolde wasn't scared of him a lick anymore; big fat liars did not deserve fear! Although, yes she was still terrified of the fact he was a person, and people often judged her. She just, for once, didn't see any imminent threat that he could cause to her.

Some small part of her thought that was comforting, but the rest of her simply wanted the bed.

Two truths, and a lie? Isolde was stunned, visibly. It must be her first lucky day ever! He didn't even seem to understand the sheer value of the cat bed, if he was foolishly gambling with it like this. Isolde, after all, could see through lies like they were clear.

Isolde looked at the bed, considered her options, and then sat up, straight as a board, and said,

"Y-you jerk! You think my fear is f-funny? Well I'll show you! All I have to do is guess the l-lie...and I get the bed-uh! whatever I want?"

Isolde leaned in, and, in a tone quite opposite to her usual one, with no trembling or reservation, said, "I'll play your game, demon. And when I win, I'll take my prize. Whatever I want at the table, right? You've got yourself a deal, intern."

This was locked-in Isolde. This was war-ready Isolde.

And it was how her father did things.



Cinead frowned and said,
"That's not smart. If your sister is so powerful, then those dumb bullies shouldn't have targeted you! That's what meanies get!" He stuck his tongue out and laughed.
"I'm plenny strong too," he said, conjuring up some flames with his free hand and lighting it on fire. The flames danced across his skin without consuming it, and he blew it away dramatically, the fire scattering in a theatrical display of his power. He put his now fire free hand back on the table.
"If you ever need protection, I can meet up with your sister and plan a really stern talking to! I always protect my friends! Have you made any yet? I did! He was, like, 200 feet tall and made me hear voices! But then he ran away. Maybe it was just a giraffe. He looked like a giraffe, but he was, like, greener. I hope we're in the same homeroom. But not sitting in front of me. Then I wouldn't be able to see the board!"

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Angus Bowie
Location: Cafeteria
Interaction: IIya / Isaac
@Draco Nightshade / Pax @=Nightshade=

Angus watched the events unfold, the over excited wolf girl. The new person. Grumbling under his breath he moved aside putting a bit more space between them all. Nervously playing with his cardigan he finished his fries. Mentally cursing himself for the lack of distractions. Forcing him to actually pay attention to the people next to him.

“ Don't worry about it Isaac, IIya it happens, you should've seen my cousin when he got his powers.. He went full what was it again… ‘ Mongoose mode ‘. ”

He responds still a bit anxious but trying to break his mini anxiety fest in his head from Pax's reaction to him.

Angus noticed the unease pointed at him. Was it his reaction, did he sound uninterested or something. It couldn't be that he hasn't really said anything, could it be the bugs? It could be his bugs, a good few people saw them earlier. Or was it her powers- Something in the detection range of them? Let's hope it's that….

With a deep breath and closing his eyes for a second he finally calmed himself down. These days I had enough anxiety, Man up angus man up. He then noticed her internal struggle over chopsticks ?

“ Uh… I may not use chopsticks very much but do you need help learning ..? I know a decent trick to help you out ! ”

He decided to ask before answering her initial question.

“ You guys are the first people I meet. I was late and missed my dorm mates, so i didn't get to meet them “


( Sorry its late kind of feel into a nonmotivated slump )
The game is on!

Orion had to double take once he'd realized that the girl was not only standing her ground, but actively encouraged the gamble of her 'soul'. Her demeanour now was a complete 180 from the rather sheltered, unassertive body langauge she was exhibiting just a few moments ago.

As a result of her unwavering eye contact, he noticed for the first time her vibrant heterochromia - her right eye shining a piercing yellow, her left an omniscient blue. It had to be related to her power! Perhaps something related to her perception of her environment? If that was the case, then...then what was she able to see that the rest of them - that Orion - couldn't?

Amidst the storm of unanswered questions that encircled the space between them, our explorer was certain of one single thing.

There was much, much more to this girl than he'd expected, and he was loving every moment of it.

"You're on!" He called, an uncontrollable teeth-revealing smile seizing control of his expression. "Let's put that confidence to the test!"

With that, he met her eyes, and despite the rather wacky manner in which their interaction began, the atmosphere had grown playfully tense. For once, the external world and its hustle and bustle were completely lost to his senses. All his converging rays of attention were centred on his new rival, and he had a susipicion that this 'game' of theirs would only be the first of many.

He leaned forward and held up a finger.

"The first! I've attempted to eat ice cream with chopsticks."

Another finger rose to join the first.

"The second! I've once started a flash mob in the middle of a crowded street."

Three fingers.

"The last! If you tell me you're an equestrian, or generally have animals of the horse family under your care, I'd be legally obligated to inform you I'm a registered TNHWS - Threat to National Horse Wellbeing and Safety."

He leaned back, grinning impishly.

"One and only one of these three statements is a lie, my gambling friend - and it's up to you to figure out which one. If you guess correctly, any number of items here from my personal stash are yours for the taking. If you guess incorrectly..."

Orion looked down to find his hands caressing a doll that had fallen away from the central pile. It was weathered and worn, its once vibrant colors faded to soft pastels. Its porcelain face bore tiny cracks, a testament to the years of play and love it had endured.

Despite its age and wear, the doll still held a certain charm, with its delicate features and hand-sewn clothing reminiscent of a bygone era.

Ah, the memories it carried within its fabric and stuffing!

Memories of carefree days spent in the sun, of laughter echoing through the neighborhood, and of dreams shared under the shade of a backyard tree. It was a symbol of friendship, of innocence lost, and of the bittersweet ache of nostalgia.

And though the years had passed and that girl next door was now just a distant memory, the doll remained a cherished keepsake, a silent guardian of their childhood bond.

He took a deep breath, and looked once more to his opponent.

"If...If you guess incorrectly, I hope you've got your affairs in order! Because there are no takesies-backsies in this business, baby!"

Interactions: Isolde (@Inkage)
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Isolde Barley
Isolde raised her eyebrows at the three statements.

Trying to eat Ice-cream with chopsticks- not weird. Also not a lie. But Isolde could have told that without her powers. The boy seemed the type.
It was the most normal statement from the three.

Two; He had started a flash mob. Isolde rolled her eyes. Her yellow eye seemed to shine in the light as she listened, making the bright color more piercing than usual, as if she could see Orion's very soul...

Three, and last; He was...A threat to Horses!? What?

Isolde got a tiny bit scared again; what had he done to be deemed a threat to ALL horses, everywhere? It was a ludicrous statement, and had she not had her power, that would have been the option she chose, but her divining eye told her it was true. What a world. Isolde didn't even know you could be legally deemed a threat to equestrians.

Isolde appraised her opponent. He was looking tenderly at a doll, his expression soft and then confident as he continued to speak. He was handsome, that was undeniable. But...His attitude was questionable. It made him off putting. Isolde flushed slightly. What was she doing? She refocused her thoughts on the task at hand; Two truths and a Lie. Isolde's least favorite game, because it involved lying.

Liar...What I I chose the wrong option just to see you squirm?

No....What am I thinking? Why would I do that...?

Isolde opened her mouth and said, "Flash mob. You haven't started a flash mob. F...F-Final answer." Isolde didn't even take the time to think about it, apparently. She answered swiftly.

So confident she was in her answer that she slid the luxurious cat bed off the table and set it in her lap. Lifting her chin in a haughty manner (As most rich people do, even unconsciously) Isolde said,

"I am Isolde Barley. A member of the Barley family. Perhaps you've heard of us; my Mother used to be a model. Zelda Barley."
"Point aside, don't mess with us. We always come out on top."

She smiled, but then immediately flushed. Ooooh, why did I say that? That was so rude...Wherever did I learn THAT?

"S-S-so....S-So sorry! T-That's such a weird thing to say..." She clapped her hands to her cheeks.

"E-Excuse me...I'm just....G-Going to curl up o-on the seat and d-die now..." She groaned with embarrassment.


".....I d-did win....Right?"

Marx stared at Milliara as she spewed fire from her mouth, he stayed silent for a few minutes before slightly laughing at what he witnessed, grinning ear to ear.

"Hahaha, I wasn't expecting that in the slightest! I gotta admit, that was hilarious!

He grew silent for a moment before going ahead and asking something that he seemed a bit embarrassed about. Say... how about we hang out later after lunch is over with or you know you could just show me around the for a bit, if that's cool with you."

He said slightly tilting his head down, but making sure he didn't break eye contact with her.
Milliara Rakoto

Milliara was surprised at Marx's laugh from her unexpected fire breath. She then looked back at Marx, with a slight giggle.

"Me neither!"

Milliara looked at Marx as he prepared what he said next. Needless to say, they were not expecting that. They then nodded, surprised.

"I don't mind, as a matter of fact, this kind of thing is exactly why I came up a week early." Milliara Rakoto responded, "I'm a resident assistant for the freshman dorms, and I had to get a lay of the land."

Melanie Redtail
OH boy. OH lord. What a woman would do for her cat.

Isolde watched the demon before her pull faces and look around. He made some sort of strange portal and started dumping his junk all over the table, and on Isolde's food! What in the world was he thinking!? Even against demons, she had to draw a line somewhere. Isolde was about to hand to him the most distressed bawling out he had ever received, complete with yelling and maybe a dash of passing out from lack of oxygen, when he pulled out the last thing Isolde had expected to see. A plush bed that had been Isolde's bane of existence for a year and a half when she was 12. She had wanted it so bad for Mittens, but could never find it, as very few, if any, were ever shipped to the Beverly Hills area where she lived.

To provide a bit of context for Isolde's reaction to the sight of this bed, one must understand three simple principals:
One, Isolde would starve herself to keep Mittens alive.
Two, Isolde would sleep on the floor to ensure his comfort
Three, her father had told her no, and even called the bed 'excessive' as he drained an entire goblet of red wine from his ruby-bejeweled cup. Isolde was still mad about it and probably will die being mad about it.

In fact, Isolde vividly remembered that resolute 'no' and seethed as she stared at the luxurious bed designed for the most greatest of all cats (although Isolde was not willing to admit that Mittens was just a tad too big to completely fit in it without body spilling over the sides). It was lying on the table, sitting next to the worthless objects around it. Right there! Isolde unfolded her legs and stared at the demon across the table from her.

He had her entire attention now.

The moment he opened his mouth, however, an entire stream of big, fat lies came pouring from his mouth like he was a two year old caught with a baseball bat next to a broken vase.

So he most certainly was not a demon, and was certainly not the reaper's intern for the fall. Isolde sighed, her face indignant.

But then. OH, the magical words that came from his mouth like manna. Isolde wasn't scared of him a lick anymore; big fat liars did not deserve fear! Although, yes she was still terrified of the fact he was a person, and people often judged her. She just, for once, didn't see any imminent threat that he could cause to her.

Some small part of her thought that was comforting, but the rest of her simply wanted the bed.

Two truths, and a lie? Isolde was stunned, visibly. It must be her first lucky day ever! He didn't even seem to understand the sheer value of the cat bed, if he was foolishly gambling with it like this. Isolde, after all, could see through lies like they were clear.

Isolde looked at the bed, considered her options, and then sat up, straight as a board, and said,

"Y-you jerk! You think my fear is f-funny? Well I'll show you! All I have to do is guess the l-lie...and I get the bed-uh! whatever I want?"

Isolde leaned in, and, in a tone quite opposite to her usual one, with no trembling or reservation, said, "I'll play your game, demon. And when I win, I'll take my prize. Whatever I want at the table, right? You've got yourself a deal, intern."

This was locked-in Isolde. This was war-ready Isolde.

And it was how her father did things.



Cinead frowned and said,
"That's not smart. If your sister is so powerful, then those dumb bullies shouldn't have targeted you! That's what meanies get!" He stuck his tongue out and laughed.
"I'm plenny strong too," he said, conjuring up some flames with his free hand and lighting it on fire. The flames danced across his skin without consuming it, and he blew it away dramatically, the fire scattering in a theatrical display of his power. He put his now fire free hand back on the table.
"If you ever need protection, I can meet up with your sister and plan a really stern talking to! I always protect my friends! Have you made any yet? I did! He was, like, 200 feet tall and made me hear voices! But then he ran away. Maybe it was just a giraffe. He looked like a giraffe, but he was, like, greener. I hope we're in the same homeroom. But not sitting in front of me. Then I wouldn't be able to see the board!"


As Melanie listened to Cinead, she was quite surprised at the response, she was blushing. Melanie gave a small smile as she heard what he said about what would happen if someone messed with her again. She knew that Fuyuko wouldn't take that again, however, with Cinead's help, maybe no one would try. This thought was relieving to Melanie, alongside the fire that he put up and then blew out. Reminded her of Fuyuko's fire Breath ability. Her smile was a little wider once the flames came around.

"Th-thank you, C-cinead," Melanie was trying to fight her shyness, "I c-came a-across o-one p-person a-after I-I g-got h-here, a-a y-young w-woman i-in o-our g-grade. S-she w-was r-rather f-formal, o-other t-than m-my s-sister, a-and o-one R-roommate.T-two h-hundred f-feet t-tall? T-that h-had t-to b-be q-quite a-a s-surprise. Y-you s-said t-the p-person m-made y-you h-hear v-voices? T-that's w-worrying."

Melanie was worried a little about the voices part, but other than that, she was happy that he made a friend before herself.


Previously SlicertheGallade890
Marcel smiled before softly moving his hand. “No problem, Fuyuko.” Marcel was mere inches away from holding Fuyuko’s hand. But decided against it, rather, he began to continue his tale. “Then we get to the headmaster’s office and Jack is suddenly playing the victim act.”

4 Months ago, Woodstock Vermont
Time: 12:06
Temperature: 43 degrees
Calypso Power Academg

Marcel, Samael, Alexis, Jack and His Gang were all inside the Headmaster’s office. Headmaster Whitmore was furious at the display that took place in the hall. “Now. Can one of you explain, what happened inside that hallway!”

The cross talking and arguing ensued between Jack, Marcel, Samael, and Jack’s friends. That was when a a fed up Alexis cut everyone off. “Enough! Enough. Okay….I’m tired of hiding everything away.”

Marcel and Samael were caught off guard. Jack gritted his teeth, he was half tempted to cut her off from speaking. But, before he could, Alexis dumped everything out. “Marcel and Samael were merely defending me Headmaster Whitmore. They…they kept me safe from Jack and his terror. He…he hurt me, mentally and physically. I hid my pains under hoodies and sunglasses so no one could see.”

Alexis took off her hoodie, her short sleeve showed some…marks. Bruises and even some ice burns on her arms, she took her sunglasses off and showed some bruises on her eyes. This was enough to seal the deal.

Jack was furious, he almost got up and charged Alexis before Samael held him back with his Anima Sola chains. Whitmore knew what to do.

“Alexis…I am…very sorry this happened to you. Marcel and Samael, you two are free to go. Alexis, we will provide all the resources for you to heal from Jack. Okay.”

As soon as Marcel, Samael, and Alexis left his office. Alexis hugged Marcel and Broke down in his arms, Marcel gently reassured her that Samael and him would be ready at any moment. Their sentiments were cut short as they heard Whitmore explode on Jack. Ultimately suspending him.

“It took a lot of time for Alexis to overcome what she went through. But, we were there to support her.” Marcel smiled softly before looking at Fuyuko. His eyes filled with unspoken protection. “I wanted to tell you this…incase if we got close, I could always be there for you.”
The lore, it’s real)

For a few moments, all the registered horse offender could do was stand in stunned silence, his eyes wide and mouth agape in disbelief. At one point or another, he'd found the presence to initiate a slow clap, though his features remained unchanged.

"That...was..BADASS!" He eventually cheered. "Yeah, you won! H-How did you even - y'know what, I don't care! That cat bed is all yours, model's-daughter-cereal-grain-surname-lady! Heck, you can have my whole dorm room -"


"...IS WHAT I WOULD SAY IF I WAS A STUDENT HERE! HA. HA. HA." He added in a distinctly non-robotic tone with remarkably fluid intonation. "But yes, your soul, and the cat bed, are yours to keep, Ms. Barley. Oh indeed, that cat bed is top-notch. Your feline friend will surely enjoy their new life in luxury! Unless it's actually for you, in which case, this exchange will haunt me forever."

He cleared his throat, and his eyes darted around the cafeteria once more. Somehow, she'd guessed correctly, and Orion wasn't going to let this positive twist of fate pass him by. He needed to skiddadle before he got exposed like a magician's rabbit at a PETA conference!

All the other hot girls were in groups, and approaching a group of teenage girls in this day and age was the fastest way to acquire existential doubts and every insecurity on the database, so no good. The only possible exits out of this were back to Tsugikuni, or back to...

Orion glanced at the dingy corner he'd emerged from a few minutes earlier, and though he couldn't directly see Rayleigh, he felt as though the eldritch monstrosity was glancing back. He felt a shiver at the back of his neck.

Despite the wackiness of his exchange with Isolde, the gravity of the Innsmouth name was still weighing upon his chest like an anvil. Orion already knew his bed wouldn't be seeing him tonight.

"W-Well, now that that's all sorted, I'd, um, best get back to work! You know how Mr. Reaper gets these days, with life expectancies going up and medicine advancing and all that," Orion stammered, trying to inject a bit of levity into the situation. "Last time I left him waiting, he threatened to put me on permanent graveyard shift duty! And trust me, that's not just a figure of speech."

He let out a nervous laugh, hoping his attempt at humor would lighten the mood, and buy him time to think. But just as he was about to make his great escape, out of the corner of his eye he witnessed a limited edition action figurine topple onto the floor. It was as he bent down to pick it up that he remembered the priceless collection of artefacts he'd left lying on their cafeteria table.

"...Crap, I guess I'd better return all these before the Publicity team catches up with me. You wouldn't believe how much negative rep we get! Hah, hah...ha..."

With that, Orion snapped open another small portal to his left and, with his eyes fixed straight down, began tossing object after object back in. Uncle Iggy would definitely have a word with him about the mess later, but it woudn't be the first time. He needed to escape, and quickly - Colorado was a long ways away, and keeping this thing open, as small as it was, ate away at what was left of his mental fortitude.

You can handle this. He reassured himself desperately. So long as we don't get another one of those pompous rich kid outbursts (which, okay, I admit was kinda cute), she'll just leave me be, right? Right!

...Then we never meet again and I tell the story of 'That one time I tricked someone into thinking I was a demon yada yada yada' on my college application as a display of unparalleled creativity and improvisational skills. It'll be great.

Interactions: Isolde (@Inkage)

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