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  • I apparently don't read the Creative Corner rules like I should've because lo and behold, can't post images of characters made on creators.
    Guess I have to go commission my friend to draw Collax for me because lord knows I can't do it myself
    Red Gallade
    Red Gallade
    I might have to find an artist who'd take on the request on making my OC as well. :p

    Problem is I never commissioned before.
    If that's the case, I know a guy
    Finally here in the new house, and it went surprisingly smoothly! Who'd have guessed, right? I even got a new Razer keyboard yesterday.
    What would happen if a Hypno and a Beheeyem tried to hypnotize each other at the same time?
    We've got our first offers on the house, oh boy oh god it's happening soon
    Summer should get a speeding ticket
    What summer

    Did we have summer
    First showings of the house today. No open houses are allowed because of the pandemic, so private showings are the only way to go.
    Living in the garage isn't as bad as I thought it would be.
    You have a flat roof?
    I don't, but maybe Zixal does.

    Or windows that stick out, where part of the roof is flat on top of them.
    We don't have any part of our roof that sticks out. It's mostly the dirt, the tents, the bugs, the temperature, etc. I spent some time in the boy scouts, and from that experience, I can assure you that I learned things about myself, one of them being that I hate camping.
    Packing up all the garbage in my house means letting go of some of if I've been hoarding for a decade. Didn't realize I had so many rocks.
    Red Gallade
    Red Gallade
    I really need to get that game.
    It’s a one-of-a-kind game. Surprisingly relaxing, beautiful, cathartic, and if you want it to be, action-packed. Certainly not expected, but the pirate genre is my favorite, so I’m all in for it. I spent three hours on one stupid isle getting chests over and over again and went from zero money to 12k flat, and sailing is oddly fun.
    Definitely designed for co-op, though. Get some friends for it, it’s significantly more fun when you have the experience to share with others.
    Planning on moving out of California within the next few months or less. Thank goodness, too. Price of living here is nuts.
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    Indeed. It's a pretty nice neighborhood. Actually visited it a couple more times, and it's growing on me. I'd love to have a quiet place around there, heck, my own little "zen" garden. And, anything to get out of California.
    You and Seattle both.

    Idaho may not be as quiet by the time you get there...
    Still better off than this place, the price of living is annoying.
    Theater class over Zoom is not theater class, it's a lie and fraud.
    That's the definition of theater.
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    Reactions: Zixal
    You don't call a magician a liar for their illusions, and you don't call an actor a fraud for their performance. But I still agree with you and I find that hard to handle.
    Your About is so relatable. Just letting you know you're not alone.
    I guess I should hop on the bandwagon for the new generation of Pokemon. Of course I have a few favorites, being Falinks and Centiskorch.
    Hoh boy college is a rush. And I just remembered this site existed again. It’s kinda fun going over my old roleplays from ages ago.
    Well okay. First day of the new college semester. Oh joy. I wonder what all my friends have been up to.
    Crud. I apparently didn't read the global rules well enough, because I didn't know color tags weren't to be used unless absolutely necessary
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    Which isn't good for me, because I have a habit of coloring my character's lines in order to make them easier to read. I don't know how long it's gonna take me to clear them all up.
    I do wonder if I'll survive if I leave New Beginnings alone. It's been dead for a pretty long time.
    Oh, yeah. This site exists. Hm. Maybe I should look around for any new RPs I can be a part of, again.
    Le Marsouin
    Le Marsouin
    *a baby Lapras slowly nudges you and nods, while it could be seen reading a book titled: White Flag: No Troubles for all, Lil' Pkmn Edition, Vol II*
    You sure like Pokémon island RPs, don't you?
    Dost thine withhold scrutiny at my decisions-eth? Excuse me for saying that I did indeed like the Alola region.
    Not just Alola, New Beginnings and Star-Based Islands too. All Pokémon island RPs.
    Tropical climate is my favorite kind of climate. My favorite kind of environment is beaches, surrounding ocean, and lush green tropical jungles and forests. That's sort of why I'm so attracted to Alola and island-related regions.
    Well, this is great. Finally get my mother out of surgery, and now the cancer's back and she needs to go through chemo. Perfect.
    Well, at least so far she's not feeling too bad. Aches and pains, and she needs to stay with someone so I'm taking care of her for the time being. Bless her heart, she's trying to make it seem like it isn't a big deal.
    Good thing she's got dinners coming in from friends and family, because my cooking is limited to omelettes, instant ramen noodles, spaghetti, and sardines. She would not survive on that the same way I do.
    I hope she's better soon.
    I just woke from what was almost a month-long coma. Actually, I just forgot about the website and got caught up in school work.
    Same difference.
    Hey, are you back up and RPing now? If so, were you planning on returning to the New Beginnings RP? We were gonna return to it as soon as you came back to the website.
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    I'm good, I had no idea New Beginnings was going again. I got no notifications on activity from the pages. If I did, I'd have responded almost a month ago.
    Tonight, my mother goes into breast cancer surgery. Here's my prayer to God that she's watched over with care.
    And so the school year begins all over again, whoopy doo. At least I still have time to post here.
    Why is it all the roleplay forums I take part in have a tendency to stop at the same time as each other?
    Vacationing in Idaho Falls. Gorgeous place. The Japanese garden there is absolutely fantastic. Also Hampton has some damn fine breakfasts.
    Considering making a new Pokemon for roleplay, but I'd have no roleplay to roleplay it with. So I'll just worry about it later.
    I would join. As long as there is more southern accents.
    Bōko was more a test run than a solid character. But I'd gladly use him again.
    Le Marsouin
    Le Marsouin
    *Aspamino floats over to you while catching a frisbee with his blocks* A- Aspa Aspa, M- Mi Mino? (Did someone say, new Pokémon?)
    Due to limited space in the signature, I decided it was in everyone's best interest if I moved all my characters to a written work.
    I just realized that Clawitzer is not only a viable Pokémon for combat, it's also got a laughably strong Heal Pulse thanks to its ability.
    For those who think I'm not capable of writing something dark, I'd like you take a look at the character I created in my signature: Tulo.
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