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  • I stole a bunch of these little rubber ants from my teacher today. I don’t even know what I’m gonna do with them I just have them now?!
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    People tried that before with little plastic ducks and Kirby stickers. It counts as vandalism, and as cameras are everywhere, they were expelled. I don’t want that to happen to me. LOL!!
    Psycho Monkey
    Psycho Monkey
    No one appreciates a good prank anymore smh :(
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    Reactions: T.C.
    That’s school for you. People can’t even do senior pranks anymore. Or senior skip day, or basically everything you looked forward to.
    Aw man, tomorrow is the last day of summer until school starts. Sadness.
    I love changing my name for no reason and then wondering why my friends don’t call me the correct name.. I think I have problems-
    Last night I found Patapon on the PlayStation. Long story short, I uh, didn’t sleep last night. Too much Patapon work to be done. Pon pon pata pon.
    Holy shhhhhhhhiiii I just just realized I’ve almost been on here for six years. Yikes.
    Guys! Whatever you do, do not put a hermit crab in the pocket of your swim trunks! Trust me! The crab didn’t do anything but that eel was eyeing me up-
    This is the same Vulpix. I’m not going crazy, right? Did it seriously just change its coloration?


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    Odd, may need to talk to Home about that.
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    Reactions: T.C.
    I was going to, and as I was opening up Go to try another shiny, I noticed my Vulpix was still in there. So it sent over a regular Vulpix, but I kept the shiny one? Not like I’m complaining, though. LOL!
    Me: wanting to make a role play. Also me: sucks at making role plays-
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    Reactions: Willow Tree
    Charlotte Pryce
    Charlotte Pryce
    Go for it if you want. I was reluctant about making my role play, but I created a couple of drafts. After I thought about it long enough, I decided to give it a try. So far people seem to like it. Think about the type of role play you want. If no one is doing something like it yet, consider giving it a go.
    So I just started playing the gen four remakes the other day, and Google says that the Wurmple line is version exclusive. So why did I get both evolutions in Shining Pearl? And why can’t I get more than one Silicoon? I want to get a whole living dex and can’t do that with one Silicoon.
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    Reactions: Willow Tree
    You just have to get lucky with your Wurmples. It evolves based on its personality value which is random when you catch it, so just keep catching until you get one that evolves into Silcoon.
    I just noticed, I was eleven when I joined Pokécharms.. WHY WAS I SO WEIRD BACK THEN?!? MY STATUS MESSAGES WERE JUST… WHY?!?
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    Reactions: ~Rinko~
    i can relate lol, i think i was 11 or maybe 10 too when i joined charms
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    Reactions: T.C.
    The cringe is within us all, I guess.
    Welp, that lasted a long while. But now I have COVID-19, so sad… but, if I can’t show up, I can’t fail next weeks exams, cause the school rules! Praise sickness! Oh, wait, actually don’t-
    I have selected the best color for my nails. It has gotten two hot guys to flirt with me. Guess these nails are the best, huh?
    Haha, I love finding out that the man I’ve been dating for two months has been cheating on me because “the more the merrier”! ..does this give me the right to hit him with a sledgehammer?-
    Math class, the best time to steal people’s chairs and put them in the front of the room so the annoying student has to scream and run to the front of the room to grab the chair.
    PLSUYSCGJTHN is my Pokémon Home friend code, if anyone wants it. I have no idea what friends on Pokémon Home even do, though. LOL!
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    Reactions: Cmeriwether
    Friends help with friend trades. Like Mythicals and special events.
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    Reactions: T.C.
    Oh, I see!
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    Reactions: Cmeriwether
    And now a shiny Rookidee. Damn shiny Pokémon seem to be more common now.
    I kinda regret letting people on Discord pick my nail colors. Should’ve just stuck with white like I wanted, but now I have this ruby red. Okay, but it does kinda look good though-
    Okay, did Pokémon X make it easier to find shiny Pokémon or something? I keep finding shiny Pansage’s and it’s driving me mad!
    You know, I should really try and beat all of the old Pokémon games I have. I’ve only ever beaten Shield… Pokémon X, here I come!
    Pikmin Four. Hey they should make it that you play as for characters because it’s the forth game. Actually, that’d be too hectic.
    Old mold is cold. You can fold mold to make it bold. Told.
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    hold on, how old is the mold? Can it be rolled? Maybe mould it, or scold it.
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    Reactions: T.C.
    “Everyone gets money off of others suffering, that’s just how employment works!”
    Wait, according to the forums, Pokécharms has two hundred and sixty-two thousand, six hundred and ninety-nine (262,699) members. But yet, you only seem to see around twenty to thirty on at most. Weird, huh?
    StellarWind Elsydeon
    StellarWind Elsydeon
    To be fair, we've been around since before a sizable portion of our currently active users were even born (or in some cases, were even a flicker of an idea in their parents' heads). Over all these years the site existed, people joined and people left, some users actively only joined to save trainer cards to their profiles... Y'know, standard issue website shenanigans.
    StellarWind Elsydeon
    StellarWind Elsydeon
    Also, gods know if the forum's user count also accounts for users that were banned and waves of spambots that crashed on our digital shores and were hit by the spam cleaner function... Had quite a few of those over the years too!
    You know, that does actually make a lot of sense. I would’ve thought those would be permanent deleted from there, but guess not. ✨The more you know!✨
    Hey everyone, let’s play the guessing game on how many times could my boyfriend cheat on me in one week! If you guessed six times, you win!
    Day five of having a boyfriend and simping for him like crazy. Okay yeah maybe I got some issues-
    Well, that was short lived. But it’s the longest relationship I’ve ever had so progress!
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    Wait wait wait.. YOU CAN ADD IMAGES TO STATUS MESSAGES?! I assume that’s what attach files means. I wanna test it now!
    This is a test to see what happens when you attach files. Let’s see if it works by attaching this file.


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    Holy crap it does work. This concludes an idiot still finding new Pokécharms features. What will happen next episode?
    Finally, after a year a half, TPOT 2 comes out tomorrow! ..hope it was worth the wait.
    Awful. Absolutely awful. Why bring back Teardrop? And then why put her on a team all by herself while other teams have seven people? And then why make her kill like ten people with a gun that she got from who knows where?! Awful, zero out of ten.
    Holy shit! ONE 10 was the best episode in the entire series! I’ve been watching it for way too long.. four hours.
    “Do you just not care anymore?! You seriously want to live your life forgetting that some sociopath sent us all to an inescapable planet with living textboxes and shapeshifting triangle people from another world?!” damn Backpack, why you gotta be talking bad about Texty and Abstracty?
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