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Search results

  1. Toru

    Race to 100

    BAM 100
  2. Toru

    Three Word Story

    brandishing a sword
  3. Toru

    What's your heritage?

    Oh dear god xD My know heritage is very, VERY widespread and complex due to adoption, so I'll just tell you it bluntly: I'm part English, American, Greek, Welsh. Greek being the smallest part of my heritage pie.
  4. Toru

    Race to 100

  5. Toru

    The Person Above Me

    Is adorable, moe, fluffy, awesome at spriting and cooking and art, has good music taste, and hnnnngggrgrvjefoplafdozlvjefipd ARGHHH
  6. Toru

    The Out of Context Thread!

    <Tun> I put cream allllll over my bit then stuck strawberries out of it and it looked like a monster :'D
  7. Toru

    Word Association

  8. Toru

    Three Word Story

    Suddenly, a Geokinetic
  9. Toru


    ...This was a triumph. I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction. Aperture Science. We do what me must because we can. For the good of all of us... Except the ones who are DEAD. *shot* Okay, enough of the lyricspam. The Summer holidays gives me and...
  10. Toru

    The Chatlog Topic!

    =-= Belle is now known as RedRanger Shiny ... RedRanger okay =-= Tailon is now known as Zordon RedRanger who the fuck registered this name Zordon goddammit =-= Zordon is now known as Tailon Shiny wow XDDD =-= RedRanger is now known as Red_Ranger =-= Indie is now known as PinkRanger...
  11. Toru

    Pictures, please ~

    Summer school this year way fun :D "Well personally I think you should shut up and leave me to sit here with my hands in very awkward positions that I am currently unaware of." Of course, I had to be the first and only one to notice the camera. I DON'T THINK YOU UNDERSTAND I FUCKING...